Healing of nerves, blood vessel, muscles, tendon, cartilage and bone Peripheral nerves History Galen 200AD - not possible Guy deChauliac (1300s) - repaired ends with restoration Muller/Schwann 1842 - regeneration confirmed Waller - distal parts degerated Tinel (1918) - tingling = nerve regeneration vs pain = nerve irritation Seddon/Woodhall - bridge/cable grafts/primary/secondary repair Sidney Sunderland(1978) - anatomy of nerves Anatomy Cell bodies motor nerves - anterior horn of the spinal cord sensory nerve - dorsal root ganglia Motor nerves terminate at motor end plates in muscle and sensory nerves terminate in sensory receptors in skin. When neuronal cell body is injured the entire cell dies Axonal injury do not result in cell death rather the damaged neurons respond by regenerating new distal axonal segments Axonal coverings: +/-myelin sheath Schwann cells. Endoneurium. Resists longitudinal forces perineurium = nerve fascicles. Ala blood brain barrier. Removal leads to cessation of nerve function. epineurium surround groups of perineural bound bundles. The vessels run in the epineurium. The epineurium is rich in fibroblasts. Thicker around joints An inner epineurium surrounds one or more fascicular bundles within larger peripheral nerves with the outer epineurium surrounding the entire peripheral nerve Proteins and other substances required for maintenance of cellular homeostasis and for signal transmission are synthesized primarily within the cell body. These substances are then transmitted down the axon through a micro tubular system to the site where they are required Blood supply • Vasa nervorum enter the nerve segmentally. • Longitudinal vessels run both superficially in the outer epineurium and deep between the fascicles. Physiology Action Potentials • Localised potentials: Occur over short distances, decrease over distance, important at sensory nerve endings and inter-cellular junctions. • Action potentials: Conducted impulses that do not diminish over time. • Action potentials in unmyelinated fibres progress at a rate directly proportional to the size of the fibre. • In myelinated fibres, AP’s jump from one node of Ranvier the next, a process called saltatory conduction, that speeds up conduction tremendously. Axoplasmic flow • Bidirectional: Antegrade may be either fast or slow. • Fast antegrade flow plays a functional role for transport of neurotransmitter vesicles and plasma membrane constituents. • Slow antegrade flow is important for structural elements of the cytoskeleton: micro tubules and filaments and neuro-filaments. • Retrograde flow is for evacuation of waste products, recycling of cell products and the relay of information to the cell body. Nerve injury 4 PHASES OF REGENERATION Degeneration: The phase of delay: About 1 month Axon penetration of nerve interface: Crossing the gap Distal axon regeneration down the endoneurial tube: ~1mm/d Functional recovery Degeneration Distal Wallerian degeneration - process of fragmentation of the axon distal to the injury as well as its myelin sheet Injury causes release of ca2+ ions which mediate activation of proteases that results in the formation of free radicals which both contribute to tissue breakdown As tissue degenerates the Schwann cells proliferate and become phagocytic They phagocytize degenerating axonal elements and myelin -> clearing of distal axonal segments and contribute to the phagocytic process End result = hollow endoneural sheath with adjacent Schwann cells which then collapses. By the end of 2-6 weeks, no histological trace of the distal axon can be found. Proximal limited degeneration occurs in a similar fashion (called axonal degeneration). Distance of proximal degeneration depends on the severity of the injury and degrades to the next node of Ranvier Schwann cells secrete cytokines nerve growth factor(promotes axonal extension) Macrophages contribute 1. NGF 2. nsulin like GF (IGF promotes axonal elongation) 3. PDGF apolipoprotein E (axonal elongation and myelination) Changes in cell body after injury Microscopy Nucleus swells and cell becomes rounder Ribosomes increase in number RER breaks up and moves to the periphery Marginated ER fragments (Nissle bodies) These changes are termed Chromatolysis As changes occur there is a decreased synthesis of neuro transmitter and increased synth of lipids and protein which are transported to site of injury At site of injury axons sprout from proximal nerve segment within 24 hrs They derive from both the cut axonal end and from nodes of Ranvier Initially unmyelinated and individual axons may produce more than one sprout A region of axo-plasmic enlargement known as the growth cone develop at the tip of the sprouts. The growth cone includes many intracellular structures including endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, microfilaments, large mitochondria and lysosomes They include Schwann cells at their periphery Actin rich filopodia extend out and then contract from the most distal part of the growth cones in ameboid fashion and out in different directions until they come into contact with a favourable physical substrate. Substrates include Schwann cells Attachment factors such as fibronectin and laminin Substances found within endoneural sheaths Neurotrophic factors released by the denervated structures contribute to the growth of the axon towards it and applies to both motor and sensory nerves NGF is one of the factors which contributes to the accelerated and directed growth of axons IGF may also have similar role FGF and IL -1 stimulate Schwann cells proliferation and may be involved along with ciliary neurotrophic factors The ultimate amount of axons reaching the end organ is generally less than the pre injury number and central compensation and re-education must occur to maximize the final result. Cell body and proximal nerve hypertrophy Following injury, the cell body and the proximal axon hypertrophy d/t the accumulation of gel like amorphous substance containing mucopolysaccaride. RNA and protein content in the cell body increases Axoplasmic flow continues for a short while. Schwannoma formation Schwann cells and fibroblasts proliferate to form a Schwannoma- a mass of scar tissue. Axonal sprouting After a delay of 24 hours to 4 days, the proximal axon forms a growth cone from which several axons (filopodia) start to sprout. This quiescent phase is a period of protein synthesis by the cell bodies. Sprouting occurs both from the growth cone and proximally from several nodes of Ranvier proximal to the injury. The aim of sprouting is for axons to bridge the gap. The regenerating unit is guided distally by a combination of forces. o Contact guidance o neurotropism are both operative o chemical and electrical mediators facilitate the filopodia’s search for a distal remnant. Schwann-cell-insulin-like GF may play a role. A large gap or the presence of abundant scarring or FB, will diminish the number of axons that successfully bridge the gap and enter distal endoneurial tubules. Smaller fibres (eg, pain and temperature) seem to be more successful in penetrating endoneurial tubules. When one axonal sprout makes contact with the distal neural elements, it attaches by fusion of cell membrane. Some degree of contraction occurs pulling the proximal and distal ends together. The new axons are rapidly enveloped by Schwann cells from the proximal nerve end. Myelination is determined by the proximal parent nerve. Regeneration down the distal endoneurial tube Distal axon regeneration down the neural tube occurs at a variable rate dependent on a number of factors: Site: Regeneration is faster proximally than distally. 8 mm/d in the upper arm; 1 mm/d in the hand. Scar tissue: Retards the rate of progress to about 0.25 mm per day. Grafts: In non vascularised nerve grafts, 3-4 mm/day. Trophic factors: Steroids slow the rate of regeneration; T3 and nerve growth factor increase it. When the axon encounters the target organ, other sprouts are triggered to degenerate. Tinel sign is most useful to determine the rate of axonal regeneration. Usually there is a delay period of about a month before the Tinel becomes positive. As axons advance, myelination proceeds in a centrifugal manner. By 3 weeks after injury, axon regeneration is the predominant feature. If these axons become trapped in proliferating fibroblastic tissue, neuroma results. Changes in the motor end plates and muscle After about 3 months, the motor end plates start to become increasingly distorted due to connective tissue in-growth. Muscle fibres start to undergo progressive shrinkage. Reinnervation, however, is possible for up to 3 years following injury. Atrophy and degeneration of end plates and muscle can be retarded by external stimulation. Sensory recovery is dependent on the re-innervation of existing sensory corpuscles rather than on the development of new ones. There is a variable return of function after end organ re-innervation. Re-education and rehabilitation improve the degree of functional recovery. Injury Classification Severity of injury to the axon can vary and affect the healing response. Two classifications by seddon(1948) and sunderland(1968) Seddon: neuropraxia - conduction block with no actual structural damage to cell, and axonal regeneration is not required after this injury which is usually a transient compression of the nerve axonotmesis - involves damage to internal nerve structures whereas outer most epineurium remains intact (Sunderland classifies this group according to the nerve structure that is actually damaged) neurotmesis - involves all peripheral structures such as laceration of the nerve and is the most common type leading to surgical intervention Testing Sensory Slow adapting fibers (pulse thruout duration) static 2PD Semmes-Weinstein monofilament Quick adapting fibers (on-off) vibration moving 2PD Threshold test (a single nerve fibre to a group of receptors) - Semmes-Weinstein monofilament and vibration - best test for nerve compressions Innervation density test (density of innervation to an area) - static and moving 2pd - best test for acute nerve trauma but not gradual compression Nerve conduction velocities and latencies Repair Number of factors influence the results of nerve repair: Local factors 1) Injury at Multiple levels: and more severe injuries create defects with significant scarring between ends esp true in severe ischaemic insult. The regenerating axons have limited ability to generate the proteases required for scar penetration and thus branch inresponse to this. GROWTH THRU NERVE GRAFT IS 2-3 MM/D WHEREAS GROWTH through scar is 0.25mm/d> as severity of injury increases the chance of injured nerve not finding distal sheath increases. 2) Injury to proximal Nerve - injuries more proximal to involved muscles and sensory end organs achieve much better results than when structures must regenerate over long distances. This is partly due to target organ degeneration and increased homogeneity of distal nerves which lead to less cross innervation .More proximal muscles tends to require less precise function than distal muscle. 3) Devascularization 4) Poor wound bed - massive crush injury, scarring, hematoma, infection Patient factors 1) Delayed Repair - if long time passes between injury and repair the sheath diminishes in size limiting myelin thickness, axonal size and functional result. Esp true in motor nerves as the motor end plates atrophy and become less functional with time 2) Increased age - age significant variable affecting results with individuals over 40 achieving much poorer results than those under 40. May involve cortical plasticity rather than axonal regeneration Surgical factors 1) surgical skill (alignment, gap, handling), rehabilitation. Basic principle of repair 1) Careful handling of tissue 2) Limited devascularization of proximal and distal nerve 3) Tension free closure 4) Careful coaptation of nerve ends Primary vs Secondary Repairs (>1 week) Primary repair shown to be superior in animals and human studies Indications for secondary repair 1. crush injury 2. contaminated bed 3. other injuries Techniques 1. Epineural 2. Group fascicular 3. Individual fascicular Fascicular repair has not shown to give better results than epineural repair probably as there is increases scarring generated by intraneural repair. Fascicular matching - mainly to separate sensory from motor nerves 1. Intraop nerve stimulation awake patient proximal stump - map sensory distal stump - map motor (only work first 1-3 days) 2. Histochemical analysis Anticholinesterase - myelinated motor and small unmyelinated axons but not myelinated sensory nerves Carbonic anhydrase - myelin and axons of myelinated sensory nerves Proximal end - indefinite period, Distal end - first 9 days Need to resect nerve ends to histochemistry, 1-2 hrs processing time. ? more useful in late reconstruction Aftercare Immobilise for 3 weeks Splinting positions Sensory reeducation Blood vessels Anatomy Anatomy varies depending on size of vessel Blood vessels are composed of following layers or tunics 1) Tunica Intima - consists of a layer of endothelial cells lining the inner surface that rest on basal lamina and have turnover of 1%/ day beneath endothelium is the subendothelium consisting of loose areolar tissue that may contain occasional smooth muscle cells that are both arranged longitudinally 2) Tunica Media - consists chiefly of concentric layers of helically arranged smooth muscle cells interposed with variable amounts of elastic and reticular fibres In ateries the intima and media are separated by the internal elastic lamina composed of elastin and is fenestrated to allow diffusion to nourish vessel wall A thinner external elastic lamina is often found separating the media from the outer adventitia 3) Tunica Adventitia -consists principally of longitudinally orientated collagen fibres collage in the adventitia is type I and in the media is mainly type III Vaso Vasorum (vessels of Vessels in larger vessels)branch in the adventitia and the outer part of the media; and provide metabolites to the adventitia and media and the inner layers are diffused from the lumen Vessel Injury Injuries limited to the endothelium can be produced by minor trauma eg 1) surgical dissection of blood vessels 2) Desiccation of the vessel 3) Prolonged spasm 4) The application of a microvascular clamp can cause endothelial loss When endothelial loss occurs, the endoth is reconstituted by the endothelial cells that migrate from the edges of the denuded area. A 1cm to 1.5 cm area is generally completely covered in 7- 10 days Healing at anastomosis requires healing of all tissue layers In the anastomotic portion of artery the endoth and internal elastic lamina is lost exposing the connective tissue elements of the deeper layers. Endothelial damage can occur over a wider area Platelets aggregate where subendothelial collagen is exposed. Subendoth micro fibrils and basement membrane stimulate platelet aggregation as do sutures. However only a thin layer of platelets may aggregates in the region of a well formed anastomosis The carpet of platelets starts to form immediately as the blood starts to flow at the anastomosis and aggregation peaks several hours after blood flow is to the anastomotic site. Although some fibrin and red cells are included in the platelet thrombus significant fibrin is not produced unless there is significant constriction of the blood vessel or extensive expose of the media. The layers of platelets in the thrombus is greater in veins than in arteries. The thickness of platelet carpet increases for the first 4 hours post op and then gradually decreases in size. The platelets slowly disappear over 3-7 days as endothelial proliferation increases Neutrophils are seen at the anastomotic site within hours of a vascular repair and begin to replace the RBC that is initially seen. Macrophages are seen in large numbers approx 3 days after the vasc repair and these phagocytic cells contribute to the reduction in size of the thrombus over the first week. At 5 days sutures are covered by pseudointima consisting of thrombus fibrin and leukocytes. Endothelial cell migration across anastomotic site begins several days after and by 14 days after the sutures are completely covered by endothelium however the endothelial surface is irregular and take 8 weeks to flatten and smooth The endothelial repair is modulated by the matrix on which the cells grow and by cytokines that stimulate endothelial cell activities. Endothelial cell migration involves the following a. Regulated attachment and detachment of cells b. Contraction of cytoplasmic filaments c. Changes in the plasticity of the cytoskeleton d. Regulation of cell to cell communication Several cytokines influence endothelial cell activity including FGF Epidermal growth factor TGF alpha IGF I PDGF VEGF Cytokines such as IL1 and TNF alpha may help smooth muscle and collagenases involved in the damaged matrix. Endothelial cells synthesize some of these cytokines including BFGF, PDGF,TGF , IGF-Ialthough other cytokines contribute to the repair process Healing of deeper vessel layers continue for months at an anastomotic site. Some medial necrosis is produced by the sutures. Smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts migrate from adjacent areas and produce collagen and other connective tissue elements which seal the deeper vessel layers. Excessive collagen production can lead to intimal thickening and hyperplasia. Myointimal thickening may occur as early as 10 days after an anastamosis and at three months the wall thickness in arteries may be doubled. process is much more active in arteries than in veins. gradually remodel and decrease in thickness over years When vein grafts are used in arteries the endothelium initially sloughs from a large portion of the vessel At anastomotic site all endothelium is lost but further from anast only partial endoth loss may occur. Areas of loss covered by thrombus and then endothelium regenerates over 14 d The normal media and intima are replaced by a fibromuscular neointima with long smooth muscle cells , fibroblasts and collagen. The smooth muscle cells have fewer contractile elements and more synthetic elements than usually seen and these cells contribute to the synthesis of matrix components. The cellular elements most likely originate from the native vessels and migrate into the grafts, Myointimal thickening is most apparent at 14 days and gradually improves with scar remodelling At 6 mnth macrophages contain lipid in the walls of a vein graft and the number diminish by 12 months. Vein grafts in the venous side don’t undergo as many changes as they are not subject to increased forces Muscle In response to injury muscle will regenerate or form scar tissue Skeletal muscle more often responds to injury by regeneration where as smooth muscle more often through scar production Regeneration of cardiac muscle will occur when individual fibres have been damaged with preservation of endomysium, For regeneration occur the muscle components must remain in close approximation Thus if damage is extreme as in severe ischaemia or infarction then more likely to heal with scar formation Anatomy Skeletal muscle consist of multiple elongated cells packed into fibre bundles. The cells have multiple nuclei and a large amount of cytoplasm containing myofibrils. Each cell is circumscribed by its sarcolemma which includes the cellular membrane and an endomysium consisting of connective tissue elements. Bundles of muscle fibres known is fascicles are circumscribed by a perimysium. The muscle as a whole is surrounded by a epimysium The vascular and neural supply courses within the sarcolemma. With any injury local muscle degeneration results from damage to these small nerve fibres even if the primary nerve supply to muscle remains intact Muscle Injury When muscle is lacerated the cellular elements retract leaving the sarcolemma empty for a short distance. Three distinct areas have been identified in the zone of injury 1) uninjured zone prox to injury 2) central area of wound including clot 3) Intermediate surviving zone including sarcolemmal membranes The dense clot at the retracted ends of the muscle fibres appear as a cap over the injured muscle which includes fibrin and fibronectin released from he cellular elements of the plasma. The matrix facilitates the migration of inflammatory cells and then fibroblasts into the injured area During the first 2 days the injured monocytes seal with the formation of new membrane and neutrophils migrate into the injured muscle. Day 3 - the basal laminae of empty sarcolemmal sheaths are lined by macrophages which are actively phagocytizing degenerating cellular elements and debris. During this period revascularization of the injured area is also occurring under the influence of bFGF and TGF b Day 5 the inflammatory cells start to diminish and by day 10 are rarely seen and fibroblastic proliferation is extensive. Collagen is initially type III but within days more type I develops. The collagen is located in the granulation tissue and clot at the injury site and in the endomysium Regeneration process The source of regenerating muscular elements are small cells that adhere tho the basal lamina of the of the sarcolemma and lie next to the larger cells. Unlike the elongated multinucleated cells which have a prominent cytoplasm containing myofibrils these satellite cells have large nuclei and scant cytoplasm o Satellite cells found only in skeletal muscle and thus explains their regenerating capacity and theses cells are the only cells in the muscle that are capable of mitosis o Provide 5 % of the nuclei found in muscle o After injury satellite cells become myoblasts and through repeated mitosis repopulate the injured area with muscular elements o This process is stimulated by FGF,IGF and TGFB. o After many cells are produced they fuse and form multinucleated cells which then produce contractile proteins Phases of regeneration Myoblastic stage o Myoblasts are predom dividing o Peaks at 48 - 72 hrs after injury o By day 4-6 sarcolemma tubes are lined by myo blast Myotubular stage o Occurs when fibronectin concentrations diminish and myoblasts fuse and become synthetic o The intracellular myofibrils become longer and longer as the as more actin and myosin o Muscle cells start to extend from the sarcolemmal tube and is evident for 4-7 days after the injury o By day 7 cross striations appear o By day 14 they after started to bridge the gap created by the injury but at this stage the muscle fibres are still attenuated and disorganized o Day 21 -myofibrils are deeply staining with abundant cross striations and clear sarcolemma is formed Maturational stage o Final architecture is restored o Cross striations become more prominent in the myofibrils and myofibrils gradually increase in thickness o Tension is required for myofibrillary orientation to occur o Reinnervation Takes place in the final stage of healing IN severe injury ischaemia results and the satellite cells required for the regenerative process do not survive thus scar results Complete muscle regeneration is also not possible if wide separation between ends exist Management and mobilization o increased neovascularization and allows for more rapid regeneration of normal architecture and function in muscle o Mobilization can also resulting further muscle disruption resulting in increased granulation tissue formation and fibrosis o In a rat model after 5 days of immobilization sufficient tensile strength was regained to prevent subsequent re-rupture when mobilization was commenced o Mobilization allow better regeneration of muscle and resorption of connective tissue synthesized in the injured area after the injury o Prolonged immobilization results in increased amounts of collagen and less organized muscle regeneration