1 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Trader Notice MH 11/2013 To: All Food Business Operators approved to export Meat to the Russian Federation Customs Union Subject: Sampling and Testing of Meat, Offal, Meat preparations and Meat products destined for trade with the Russian Federation/Customs Union (RF/CU) Background The Customs Union (CU) between Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia came into existence on January 1, 2010. All meat and meat products destined for the Russian Federation/Customs Union (RF/CU) must comply with Customs Union Decision No. 299 which outlines the technical requirements to be met by meat intended for export to this market. Scope This Trader Notice describes the sampling requirements that are necessary to provide part of the basis for certification for all meat destined for RF/CU markets. CU Decision No. 299 The basis of all sampling and testing of CU destined meat and meat products is contained in CU Decision 299: CU Decision 299 This is a large complex document containing test parameters for a wide range of foods of animal and vegetable origin. However the main meat parameters are contained in Table 1 (pages 14-41), subdivided as follows: 1.1 Meat in sides, quarters, and cuts – fresh and frozen 1.2 Offal – fresh and frozen 1.3 Raw fat, salted fat 1.4 Sausages and Ready Meals 1.5 Meat products including blood sausages (black puddings) 1.6 Canned Meats 1.7 Canned Offal 1.8 Thermally dried meats 1.9 Poultry Meat 1.10 Poultry Offal 1.11 Sausages made from poultry 1.12 Meat products of poultry offal, e.g. liver pâté 1.13 Canned Poultry 1.14 Thermally Dried Poultry 2 It is imperative that FBOs make themselves familiar with the sections of CU Decision 299 that are relevant to the meat or meat products they intend to export to the RF/CU Role of the Food Business Operator To provide a basis for certification for all meat in relation to the parameters set out in CU Decision 299 (as amended) the following additional procedures must be put in place by plant management. The FBO’s RF/CU SOP must include a Sampling Programme which covers the microbiological criteria. antibiotic residue criteria. pesticide, dioxin and heavy metal criteria The radio nucleotide contaminant criteria will be covered by the sampling and testing carried out by the RPII until further notice. Slaughter plants producing meat and offal in the same premises must have separate sampling programmes for each product type. Please be aware that sampling is not consignment related. A summary sampling frequency table - attached as Annex 1- provides a list of the main parameters and the frequency of sampling for each parameter. It is important to note that the parameters and the maximum permissible levels vary for meats from different species, different types (meat/offal) and different processes (meat preps/meat products). The FBO must inform themselves of the requirements for the meat or offal that they are testing. Examples of variations include: 1. Different TVC and Coliform levels for different meat cuts. 2. Different tests for poultry products. 3. No requirement for TVCs or coliform tests on offals. 4. Different heavy metal permitted levels for offals. 5. Additional heavy metals nitrate and nitrosamine tests for canned products. There is no requirement to detain sampled carcases/meat pending results. The RF/CU Micro Sampling Plan must be separate and clearly distinguishable from the FBO’s general micro testing programme. From 2014 onwards, the antibiotic, pesticides and dioxin residues sampling will be added on to the FBO’s Self Monitoring Plan and must be included for approval by Veterinary Medicines Section (VMS)** by March of every year. Direction re self monitoring will be sent out in November. **Reporting Residues to Veterinary Medicines Section (VMS) 1. In 2013 FBOs are obliged to report residue findings in excess of EU MRLs or Action Limits to VMS at: The Veterinary Medicines Section, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Food Safety Building Backweston Campus 3 Young’s Cross, Celbridge. Co Kildare Further action to be taken will depend on the residue as per table above. 2. In 2014 and subsequent years, FBOs will be required to submit their RF/CU Residue Sampling Plans for antibiotic, pesticides, dioxins to VMS for inclusion in their Self Monitoring Plans. Action to be taken in the event of residue levels exceeding EU MRLs or action limits will be included in the Self Monitoring Direction issued by VMS in November of every year. Sampling Methodology CU Decision 299 does not give the precise methodology required for each test. However the following can be deduced from this document: 1. Micro samples are to be taken by a destructive/excision method. 2. The number of micro samples per test appears to be a minimum of 1 3. The number of heavy metal samples per test appears to be a minimum of 1. 4. The number of antibiotic samples per test appears to be a minimum of 1. 5. The number of pesticide samples per test appears to be a minimum of 1. 6. The number of dioxin samples per test appears to be a minimum of 1. Sampling and Testing Requirements Samples and tests to be carried out will depend on the plant type. While approved slaughter plants must have a sampling and testing programme for all the required parameters at the required frequency before carcase meat can be certified to another plant, other types of premises are required to sample for fewer parameters, as indicated in the table under. Plant Type RF/CU Approved Slaughter Plants Stand Alone Boning Halls Mince Meat/Meat Preparation Establishments Meat Products Samples/Tests to be carried out Relevant Micro Tests Antibiotic Tests Heavy Metals Pesticides Dioxins Relevant Micro Tests Relevant Micro Tests Relevant Micro Tests Specific Tin, Chromium and Nitrosamine tests for canned foods In the case of RF/CU eligible carcases a traceability link must be maintained to demonstrate that the samples came from such eligible carcases. Samples from other plants must also retain a link to RF/CU eligible meat. Reporting of Results Once testing has commenced for the listed parameters, the relevant results must be provided to the VI as they become available e.g. heavy metals results must be within 6 months of certification and micro results must be within 10 to 15 days, as appropriate, for certification . 4 The results form must clearly identify the laboratory and its status for the specific test it undertakes. The units reported must be the same as those used in CU Decision 299. Where possible, the FBO must use an accredited laboratory that uses a test validated to detect to the levels (in the units) specified in CU Decision 299 (as amended). Where the sample laboratory is not accredited for the specific test (required by RF/CU) the laboratory must confirm that it will undertake to have the test accredited in a timely manner. In the event that test results are non-compliant the FBO must carry out all corrective actions indicated by the VI-in-charge. __________________________________________ 5 Annex 1 Sample Frequency Table for Required Tests Organism Responsibility Frequency Mesophilic and facultative aerobic and Anaerobic FBO Every 10-15 days micro-organisms1 (TVC) – where applicable* Coliforms – where applicable* FBO Every 10-15 days Salmonella FBO Every 10-15 days Listeria monocytogenes FBO Every 10-15 days *Note 1: o TVC and Coliform tests are not required for Raw Offal of all species. o Coliform tests are not required for Raw Poultry meat and meat products Note 2: Sterilized canned foods must meet the requirements of industrial sterility for canned food as described in Annex 1 of Decision 299 (page 327) Substance Toxic Elements Amount of Tested sample by Frequency Heavy Metals* Lead Arsenic Cadmium Mercury As required by laboratory As required by laboratory As required by laboratory As required by laboratory FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months *Note: Additional tests for canned foods include: a) Tin (St) and Chromium (Cr) b) Nitrosamines c) Nitrates (offal) Permitted Levels are contained in Sections 1.6, 1.7 and 1.13 of CU Decision 299. Antibiotics: Laevomycetin (chloramphenicol) Tetracycline group Bacitracin 1 As required by laboratory As required by laboratory As required by laboratory FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months This count is annotated as “QMAFAnM” which means “Quantity of Mesophilic Aerobic and facultative Anaerobic Microorganisms”. This is not a routine EU test but VPHIS is advised that a standard Aerobic Colony Count (TVC) will also pick up all facultative anaerobes (not obligate anaerobes) which prefer growing aerobically. 6 Pesticides HCCH (α,β,γ – isomers) DDT and its metabolites As required by laboratory As required by laboratory FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months FBO Every 6 months Dioxins Beef/lamb fat Pork fat Radionucleotides Cesium 137 Strontium90 As required by laboratory As required by laboratory On the basis of Sampling and Testing carried out by the RPII