Dr Ashish Suri (M.Ch., D.N.B.) Designation Associate Professor, Neurosurgery Telephone 91-11-26593538 Email surineuro@hotmail.com Primary areas of interest Skull base surgery– cavernous sinus and petro-clival Micro-neurovascular surgery- complex aneurysms and arterial bypass Endoscopic neurosurgery Spine - craniovertebral junction, complex spinal instrumentation & image guided spine surgery Neuro-oncology Training hands-on techniques to neurosurgical trainees in Experimental Laboratory Brief Profile: Dr. Ashish Suri has special interest in skull base surgery, micro-neurovascular surgery, endoscopic neurosurgery, complex spinal instrumentation and image guided surgery. He has delivered a number of lectures and presented several papers/posters in national and internationals conferences. He is the chief investigator / coinvestigator of several research projects including international multi-centric trials on recurrent high grade gliomas and hydrocephalus. He has supervised / co-supervised thesis work of several post-graduate students. He has published 55 research papers and written 6 chapters in books. (See Research Highlights and Publications) Specialist Training Short term training in Neuroendoscopy with Prof M Gaab, Germany. Short term training in Cavernous Sinus & Skull Base Surgery, with Prof. Vinko V. Dolenc, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Short term training in Vascular Neurosurgery with Prof. Christopher Wallace, Toronto, Canada. Short term training in Spinal Instrumentation Surgery Prof. Paul Cooper, NYUMC, New York, U.S.A Executive Member N.E.S.- Neuro-otological and Equilibriometric Society of India (2001/2002) S.B.S.S.I. - Skull Base Surgery Society of India (2006/2007) (See Academic Memberships) Awards Gold Medalist Final M.B.B.S., University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Best Paper/Poster Awards Outstanding Paper Award 2003 ISPN Scholarship OPD Schedule Four awards at various national neurosurgery conferences 2002, North American Spine Society and The Spine Journal Outstanding Paper Award 2003 International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery Scholarship, Sept. 2003, Monaco Neurosurgery Unit II Tuesday 9 AM to 12 AM, Saturday 9 AM to 12 AM Inpatients NS2 ward, NSICUB, Pvt. wards (CNTower,New Pvt. Wards) Operation Theatre NSOT First Floor CN Centre Unit Neurosurgery Unit II Number of Beds 47 + Private Wards Research Highlights: Extramural Research Projects S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Title A multi-national, multi-center, open-label, active-controlled, randomized parallelgroup dose-finding study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of AP 12009 in adult patients with recurrent high-grade glioma, administered intratumorally as continuous high-flow microperfusion over a 7-day period every other week. A multi-national, multi-center, open-label, active-controlled, randomized parallelgroup dose-finding study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of AP 12009 in adult patients with recurrent high-grade glioma, administered intratumorally as continuous high-flow microperfusion over a 7-day period every other week with extended patient follow up (Amendment 3). Open label, dose confirmation study of Interstial I131-ch TNTA/B MAb(COTARAR ) for the treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) at first relapse. Investigator Principal Investigator (with Prof. AK Mahapatra) Funding Agency ANTISENSE PHARMA Gmb Josef-EngertStraBe9D-93053 Regensburg Germany Principal Investigator (with Prof. AK Mahapatra) ANTISENSE PHARMA Gmb Josef-EngertStraBe9D-93053 Regensburg Germany Principal CoInvestigator (with Prof. AK Mahapatra) The International Infant Hydrocephalus Study (IIHS) is an international multicenter, prospective, controlled, randomized study of the treatment of newly diagnosed obstructive hydrocephalus in infants below 2 years of age. Data will be centrally collected prospectively and contemporaneously over the course of at least 5 years of follow-up. CRASH-2 (Project NI-774) Clinical Randomization of Antifibrinolytic (Tranaexemic acid) in trauma pts with or at risk of Significant Hemorrhage (death / tranfusion requirement) Study of the role of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells in peripheral nerve repair of adult rats. Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt Registry Principal Investigator (with Prof. AK Mahapatra) Peregrine Pharmaceuticals,Inc.14 272 Franklin Avenue Suite100, Tustin , CA 92780-7017, 714-5086000. International Society of Pediatric Neuro-surgery (ISPN) International Study Group on Neuroendoscopy (ISGNE) Co-Investigator London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. Co-Investigator Indian Council Medical Research Co-Investigator Codman (J & J) Investigator Principal CoInvestigator (with Prof. BS Sharma) Funding Agency Dept. of Science and Technology : FIST of Extramural Infrastructure Projects S. No. 1. Title FIST sponsored AIIMS Neurosurgery Experimental Laboratory Cadaver Dissection Facility Publications: Indexed Papers 1. Suri A, Chabbra RPS, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S, Pandey RM. Effect of Intramedullary Signal Changes on the Surgical Outcome of Patients of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. The Spine Journal 2003;3(1): 33-45. 2. Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Bithal P. Seizures following posterior fossa surgery. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 1998 Feb; 12(1): 41-4. 3. Suri A, Ahmad FU, Mahapatra AK. Extradural transcavernous approach to cavernous sinus hemangiomas: series of seven cases and a review. Neurosurgery (In Press) 4. Suri A, Narang SK, Sharma BS, Mahapatra AK. Visual outcome after surgery in patients of suprasellar tumors with pre-operative blindness. Journal of Neurosurgery (In Press) 5. Suri A, Mehta VS, Sarkar C. Microneural anastomosis with fibrin glue: an experimental study. Neurology India. 2002 Mar; 50(1): 23-6. 6. Mahapatra AK, Suri A. Anterior encephaloceles: a study of 92 cases. Pediatric Neurosurgery.2002 Mar; 36(3): 113-8. 7. Aggarwal D., Suri A., Mahapatra A.K. Primary excision of pediatric posterior fossa abscess towards zero mortality: a series of nine cases and review. Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2003;38(2): 63-67. 8. Sharma BS, Sinha S, Mehta VS, Suri A, Gupta A, Mahapatra AK. Pediatric intracranial aneurysms-clinical characteristics and outcome of surgical treatment. Childs Nerv Syst. 2006 Nov 21 9. Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Sharma BS, Mehta VS. Intracranial hemangioblastomas: an institutional experience. Neurol India. 2006 Sep;54(3):276-8. 10. Sharma BS, Sinha S, Suri A. Treatment of giant pituitary adenomas. Neurosurgery Quarterly (In Press) 11. Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Giant mucoceles of the frontal sinus: a series and review. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience.2004 Feb; 11(2): 214-8. 12. Aggarwal D., Suri A., Mahapatra A.K. Orbital tuberculosis with abscess. Journal of Neuroopthalmology. 2002; 22(3): 208-10. 13. Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Kapil A. Acinetobacter infection in neurosurgical intensive care patients. National Medical Journal of India. 2000 Nov-Dec; 13(6): 296-300. 14. Kamal R, Jindal A, Suri A, Mahapatra AK. Effect of craniopharyngioma fluid on femoral vessels of rat. Neurological Research 1999 Dec; 21(8): 796-8. 15. Sharma MC, Aggarwal M, Ralte AM, Vaishya V, Suri A, Gupta V, Sarkar C. Clinicopathological study of spinal teratomas. A series of 10 case.J Neurosurg Sci. 2003 Jun;47(2):95-100; discussion 100. 16. Suri A, Mahapatra AK. Growing Fractures of the Orbital Roof. a report of two cases and a review. Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2002 Feb; 36(2): 96-100. 17. Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Singh VP. Posterior fossa tension pneumocephalus. Child’s Nervous System 2000 Apr; 16(4): 196-9. 18. Aggarwal D, Suri A, Mahapatra A K . Intramedullary neurenteric cyst presenting as infantile paraplegia: A case and review. Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2002; 37(2): 93-6. 19. Sharma MC, Agarwal M, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Mukhopadhyay P, Sarkar C. Lipomedulloblastoma in a child: a controversial entity. Human Pathology. 2002 May; 33(5) :564-9 20. Sharma MC, Agarwal M, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Mukhopadhyay P, Sarkar C. A melanotic desmoplastic medulloblastoma: report of a rare case and review of literature. Brain Tumor Pathology. 2002; 19(2):93-6. 21. Suri A, Pandey P, Mehta VS. Subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hematoma following lumboperitoneal shunt for pseudotumor cerebri: a rare complication. Neurology India. 2002; 50(4): 508-10. 22. Suri A, Mehta VS. Giant vertebrobasilar junction aneurysms - unusual cases. Neurology India. 2003 (March);51 (1): 84-86. 23. Suri A, Singh VP, Kale SS, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S. Multifocal intracranial primary malignant rhabdoid tumor. Neurology India. 2003 Jun; 51(2): 297-8. 24. Pandey P, Suri A, Mahapatra AK. Brain abscess- an unusual complication of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2003 Oct. ;70(10): 833-4. 25. Ahmad FA, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Ralte A, Sarkar C, Garg A. Giant calvarial ewing’s sarcoma. Pediatric Neurosurgery 2004 Jan-Feb; 40(1): 44-6. 26. Garg A, Gupta V, Gaikwad S, Deol P, Mishra NK, Suri A, Kale SS. Isolated central canal rupture of spinal dermoid: report of two cases. Australasian Radiology. 2003 Jun; 47(2): 194-7. 27. Gaikwad SB, Suri A, Garg A, Kanodia A, Gupta V, Mishra NK. Positional occlusion/stasis of vertebral arteries in a case of cervical rheumatoid arthritis presenting with multiple posterior circulation infarcts: a case report with angiographic demonstration. Spine. 2004 Aug 1;29(15):E321-5. 28. Ralte AM, Rao S, Sharma MC, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Myxopapillary ependymoma of the temporal lobe--report of a rare case of temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin Neuropathol. 2004 Mar-Apr; 23(2): 53-8. 29. Garg A, Suri A, Gupta V. Cyst with a mural nodule: Unusual case of brain metastasis. Neurol India. 2004 Mar; 52(1): 136. 30. Suri A, Ahmad FU, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Sharma MC, Gupta V. Mediastinal extension of an intradural teratoma in a patient with split cord malformation: case report and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2006 Apr;22(4):444-9. 31. Sharma MS, Suri A, Shah T, Ralte A, Sarkar C, Gupta V, Mehta VS. Intraventricular glioneuronal hamartoma: histopathological correlation with magnetic resonance spectroscopy.J Neurooncol. 2005 Sep;74(3):325-8. 32. Ahmad FU, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Garg A, Sharma MC, Sridhar E. Intraventricular rhabdoid tumor. Indian J Pediatr. 2005 Aug;72(8):693-6. 33. Gupta DK, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Sarkar C, Kumar L. When an unusual lesion occurs in an odd place. Spine J. 2005 Jul-Aug;5(4):471-2. 34. Ahmad FU, Suri A, Mahapatra AK. Fatal penetrating brainstem injury caused by bicycle brake handle. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2005 Jul-Aug;41(4):226-8. 35. Sharma S, Sarkar C, Gaikwad S, Suri A, Sharma MC. Primary neurocytoma of the spinal cord: a case report and review of literature. J Neurooncol. 2005 Aug;74(1):47-52. 36. Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Endoscopic assisted excision of a retroclival arachnoid cyst presenting as hysterical breathlessness. Childs Nerv Syst. 2006 Apr;22(4):424-7. 37. Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Garg A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS. Adult complex spinal dysraphism with situs inversus totalis: a rare association and review. Spine. 2005 Apr 15;30(8):E225-8. 38. Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Sharma MC. Intramedullary ectopic choroid plexus: report of a rare case. Neurosurgery. 2005 Apr;56(4):E869; discussion E869. 39. Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Mahapatra AK. Spontaneous subdural empyema in falciparum malaria: a case study. J Vector Borne Dis. 2004 Sep-Dec;41(3-4):80-2. 40. Atri S, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Garg A, Suri A. Papillary glioneuronal tumour: a report of a rare case and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2006 Oct 13 41. Rath GP, Mukta, Prabhakar H, Dash HH, Suri A. Haemodynamic changes after intracisternal papaverine instillation during intracranial aneurysmal surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2006 Dec;97(6):848-50. 42. Ahmad FU, Mahajan H, Mahapatra AK, Suri A. Mycotic aneurysm. an unusual cause of pyrexia of unknown origin in an immunodeficient infant. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2006;42(4):237-9. 43. Gupta DK, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Garg A, Sarkar C, Ahmad FU. Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease in a child mimicking bilateral giant petroclival meningiomas: a case report and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2006 Sep;22(9):1194-200. 44. Sharma A, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Sharma MC, Gupta V, Suri A. Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the sphenoid bone with unusual imaging features: a case report. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2005 Oct;107(6):528-31. 45. Prabhakar H, Rath GP, Bithal PK, Suri A, Dash HH. Variations in cerebral haemodynamics during irrigation phase in neuroendoscopic procedures. Anesthesia and Intensive Care (In Press) Indexed Abstracts 46. Suri A. , A.K. Mahapatra , P. Bithal ; Early and Late Seizures following posterior fossa surgery; Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery ; 1997 (July); 99 (Suppl.1); P – 5 – 692 47. A.Suri , V.S. Mehta , C. Sarkar ; Microsurgical anastomosis of peripheral nerves: A comparison between microsurgical sutures and fibrin glue: Neurology India ; 1998 (Dec.) ; 46(Suppl. 1): 32. 48. A.Suri , V.S. Mehta; factors affecting outcome after severe head injury: Neurology India; 1999 (Dec.) ; 47(Supple.1): 82. 49. Suri A, Chabbra RPS, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S, Pandey RM. Effect of Intramedullary Signal Changes on the Surgical Outcome of Patients of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. The Spine Journal. 2002; (2) 5S: 69S. 50. Suri A, S.S.Kale, P.S.Chandra, Chabbra RPS, A.K.Mahapatra, Mehta VS. Developmental osseous craniovertebral junction anomalies: controversies and dilemmas. Neurosurgery. 2002; 51(2): 543. 51. A.K.Mahapatra, A.Suri; Anterior encephaloceles- a surgical correlation of 103 cases; Child’s Nervous System 2002 (Oct.); 18(9-10): 554. 52. A.Suri, P.S.Chandra, A.K.Mahapatra, V.S.Mehta; Neuroendoscopic treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus: dilemmas and controversies; Child’s Nervous System 2003 (Sept.); 19(9): 687. 53. P.S.Chandra, A.Suri, V.S.Mehta; Endoscopic excision of colloid cysts; Child’s Nervous System 2003 (Sept.); 19(9): 691. 54. A.Suri, A.Tandon, A.K.Mahapatra, V.S.Mehta; Pediatric orbital tumors; Child’s Nervous System 2003 (Aug.); 19(7-8): 625. 55. A.Suri, P.S.Chandra, A.K.Mahapatra, V.S.Mehta; Endoscopic treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus; Child’s Nervous System 2003 (Aug.); 19(7-8): 617. Chapters 56. Suri A., A.K. Mahapatra; Changing pattern of organisms in postoperative neurosurgical infections; Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1996; 11: 365-369. 57. Suri A., V.S. Mehta , V.P.Singh, N.K.Mishra, H.H.Dash: Posterior Circulation Aneurysms : In : Progress in Clinical Neurosciences , 1999; 14: 127-150. 58. V.S. Mehta, A.Suri; Posterior Circulation Aneurysms: In: Textbook of Operative Neurosurgery III Ed; B. Ramamurthy, P.N.Tandon 2002 59. Mehta V.S., Sharma B.S., Suri A, Gupta A., Misra N.K.: “Management of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms” : Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 2004: 168-180 ed. By. B.S. Sharma,U.K. Mishra(eds) New Delhi 2004. 60. A. Suri, A.K. Garg, P.S. Chandra, R. Kumar, B.S. Sharma, A.K. Mahapatra, Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Infantile Hydrocephalus. Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 2006. 61. A Garg, A Suri, S Gulati. CNS Tumors. Current Trends in Pediatrics Vol.2; GP Mathur, S Mathur (Eds) Academia Publishers. 2006; 382-403. Academic Memberships M.N.A.M.S. - Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences I.M.A. - Indian Medical Association D.M.A. - Delhi Medical Association N.S.I. - Neurological Society of India D.N.A. - Delhi Neurological Association N.E.S. - Neuro-otological and Equilibriometric Society of India S.B.S.I. - Skull Base Surgery Society of India I.S.P.N. - Indian Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery N.T.S.I. – Neurotrauma Society of India A.C.N.S. - Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons C.N.S. – Congress of Neurological Surgeons (U.S.A.) N.A.S.S. – North American Spine Society AO Spine