Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Overview Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 2. 30 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Handouts Nurse Practice Act Discussion 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts 120 minutes Representative from the multidisciplinary team Lecture Discussion Handouts Optional Survivor Panel with moderated discussion 3. Historical Perspective of Forensic Nursing 1. 2. 3. Multidiscipline Team Concept Statistics, Myths and Barriers to Reporting 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rape Trauma Syndrome 1. 2. 3. Define Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) Review literature regarding the pre and post development of SANE programs. Review the educational guidelines established by the Maryland Board of Nursing. Define forensic nursing. Identify types of forensic nursing practice; correctional, death investigation, and sexual assault nurse examiners, etc. Discuss the development of forensic nursing with the International Association of Forensic Nurses (I.A.F.N.) Present the historical development of SANE program across the country. Discuss the historical development of FNE programs in MD. Define the multidiscipline team concept. Identify members of the multidisciplinary team (FNEs, law enforcement, rape crisis staff, judicial staff, and crime lab) Roles, goals and boundaries of the core members of the team. Review current national and local statistics related to sexual assault. Discuss misconceptions associated with sexual assault. Identify barriers for individuals reporting sexual assault and discuss how the barriers have been decreased due to SANE/FNE programs. Discuss difference in how males and females are socialized to accept sexual assault. Discuss Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the stages of rape related trauma Describe acute and chronic symptoms experienced by survivors. Explain common physical and psychological reactions of sexual assault patients and the appropriate response to them. Advocate/Hospital Companion Role 1. Define the role of the advocate/hospital companion 2. Review responsibilities of the advocate within the medical setting 3. Discuss services offered by the rape recovery center post-assault 60 minutes Advocate Lecture Handouts Discussion The Role and Responsibility of Forensic Nurse Examiners 1. 2. 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts Define the role of the forensic nurse examiner. Discuss each component of care of the forensic nurse examiner. a. Physical and psychosocial assessment b. The evidentiary examination (medical/forensic interview, evidentiary Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 1 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Course Content 3. 4. 5. Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods collection of specimens and chain of custody) c. Testimony in the court system d. Referrals to patients for follow up care e. Prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy Discuss the components for performing the forensic examination step by step: components include history, head to toe examination for trauma identification, detailed genital examination for trauma identification and collection of evidence Identify forensic nurse examiner role with Maryland criminal code of sexual assault. a. Discuss Maryland criminal code defining penetration. Review mandatory reporting statutes. Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 2 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Medical Forensic History Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 120 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Role Play 120 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussions Handouts Sexual Assault Textbooks 120 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Handouts Discussion Interactive/Participat ory Activity 2. 3. Head to Toe Assessment and Forensic Documentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review of Genital Anatomy 1. 2. 3. Demonstrate history taking skills by: a. Evaluating mental status, environment and non-verbal cues b. Behavioral observations and interpretation of verbal and non-verbal communication of the patient c. Reactions that the examiner may encounter from individuals that have been sexually assaulted Demonstrate how to obtain and document the patient’s history in a nonleading manner. Identify questions that need exploration during the history taking process; (decline vs. refuses, subjective vs. objective and body language) Review primary assessment- airway, breathing, circulation/triage Review secondary assessment- detailed head to toe assessment including injury identification a. Past/recent medical history b. Head to toe examination for trauma identification, includes oral examination for injury assessment to the lip, frenulum, inner aspects of the lip, tongue and pallate and collection of forensic evidence c. Detailed genital examination for trauma identification and collection of forensic evidence Discuss forensic injury documentation Discuss the need for physician consultation as indicated Define types of injuries most commonly seen in victims of sexual assault a. Physical injuries b. Genital injuries Discuss the genital anatomy and developmental stages through the lifespan. Review the physical anatomy of both male and female: a. Tanner stages b. Mons Pubis c. Labia Majora d. Labia Minora e. Clitoris f. Hymen g. Penis h. Scrotum i. Anus Identify advanced genital examination techniques: a. Inspection Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 3 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Course Content 4. 5. 6. 7. Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods b. Separation c. Traction d. Knee chest e. Foley Catheter Balloon Technique f. Toluidine Dye g. Speculum h. Colposcope/Medscope/Camera Identify techniques for the anal examination of the sexual assault client a. Positioning patient for the examination -side lying position -knee-chest position -lithotomy position b. Visualization of the anal area c. Anal dilatation techniques -gluteal separation Discuss types of common anal injuries seen. Review controversy of the Human Sexual Response Return demonstrate knowledge of genital anatomy Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 4 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Adult Genital Variations Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Handout Sexual Assault Textbooks 120 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Handouts Photographs/Slides Case studies Discussion Sexual Assault Textbooks 30 minutes DHMH or Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts 2. Discuss normal variations found in adult male and female patients. a. Surgical b. Age-related changes c. Dermatological variations Discuss abnormal genital variations found in adult male and female patients. a. Diseases b. Non-sexually related trauma Congenital Female Genital Mutilation Genital Ornamentation Circumcised male vs. uncircumcised male Review types of trauma seen in patients of sexual assault. a. Blunt b. Sharp c. Penetrating Discuss mechanisms of injuries. Describe techniques utilized by the nurse examiner for assessing, identifying and documenting trauma in patients of sexual violence. a. Gross visualization b. Clock Orientation documentation c. Toluidine dye application d. Colposcope/medscope, zoom digital e. Use of alternate light sources (i.e. infrared, wood’s lamp) f. Photographic documentation Discuss patterns of injuries a. Various stages of healing Patterned injuries (e.g. ligature marks, foot prints, belt marks) Review process for reimbursement of forensic exams a. Review DHMH forms b. Review reimbursement regulations Discuss fiscal concerns of programs 1. 2. 3. 4. Review Victim and Suspect Sexual Assault Evidence Collection kits Discuss contents and paperwork in the kit. Informed Consent Discuss kit expiration. 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Small group demonstration Sample Kits 2. Trauma Identification 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Payment of Exams and Funding Needs Introduction to the Sexual Assault Crime Lab Kit 5. 1. Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 5 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Evidence Collection and Preservation Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 140 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Video 2. 3. 4. 5. Crime Lab Trace Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Demonstrate step-by-step technique for evidence collection of the sexual assault client (video). Review types of specimens collected based on gender and orifice penetrated. Discuss ultraviolet light source in evidence collection. Demonstrate proper packaging and preparation of specimens. a. Physical findings b. Clothing c. Hair d. Bite mark/Licking e. Fingernail scrapings f. Fluoresced exudates g. Foreign material h. Blood spatter i. Swabs, smears (oral, vaginal, penile, rectal and other dried body fluids) j. Whole blood specimen in Lavender top tube with EDTA preservative 1) Transfer to FTA blood card (if applicable) 2) Check expiration date on blood tube k. Saliva specimens l. Toxicology blood/urine screen Explain purpose of laboratory tests performed and the impact they have on sexual assault cases. a. Serum pregnancy b. Serum alcohol c. Urine toxicology/serum toxicology d. Sexually transmitted infections e. HIV Discuss role of the Crime Lab Identify types of evidence specific to sexual assault cases. Describe techniques and procedures for trace analysis. Discuss challenges related to the evidence gathering process, including the evidence integrity and chain of custody. a. Evidence gathering process b. Evidence labeling process c. Documentation d. Cross contamination Review the use of CODIS in sexual assault cases. Review current DNA Legislation. Role play Small groups Discussion Sexual Assault Textbooks 90 minutes Crime Lab representative Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 Lecture Handouts Discussion 6 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Police Roles and Responsibilities Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. Differentiate the role of the uniform officer versus the detective when responding to sexual assault cases. Discuss the elements of a sexual assault crime. 75 minutes Law Enforcement Representative 1. Discuss types of sexual assaults and impact on victim: a. Stranger 1. Define the four phases of a sexual crime: Antecedent/Fantasy Victim selection Commission of the crime Post offense behavior of the perpetrator 2. Discuss approaches commonly used by perpetrators (con, blitz, surprise) b. Non-stranger 1. Discuss common characteristics of non-stranger perpetrators 2. Discuss approaches commonly used by perpetrators c. Marital/ Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) d. Incest e. Internet/computer crimes f. Gang 2 Review rapist typologies of sex offenders a. Power reassurance b. Power assertive c. Anger retaliatory d. Anger sadistic 1. Identify special populations of sexual assault and their special needs based on: a. Race and Culture Review oppression and power dynamics b. Mental and Physical challenges/impairments c. Religion d. Age (Elderly, children, adolescents) e. Gender (male, lesbian, bi, gay, transgendered) f. Prostitution and substance abuse g. Human trafficking 90 minutes Law Enforcement Representative or Qualified Educator Police Best Practices Lecture Discussion Handouts Lecture Handouts Discussion Case Review 2. Profiling of Sex Offenders Special Populations Law Enforcement Textbooks 90 minutes Advocate or Qualified FNE/ Educator Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 Lecture Handouts Discussion Interactive activities 7 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 2. 3. Define domestic violence. Describe the dynamics of abusive relationships. Identify physiological and behavioral signs and symptoms of domestic violence. Identify barriers that prevent victims from leaving abusive relationships. 120 minutes Advocate or Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts Discuss STIs exposure and other patient concerns. Describe current CDC treatment recommendations for STIs: a. Chlamydia b. Gonococcal infections c. Syphilis d. Bacterial Vaginosis e. Hepatitis f. HIV/AIDS g. Other Reportable diseases to Health Department Discuss pregnancy risk and emergency contraception. 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Handouts Discussion 60 minutes Toxicologist, Law Enforcement Officer or other Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Hand-outs Discussion 2. Discuss the incidence of voluntary and involuntary use of substance and relationship to sexual assault. a. Types of substances abused. -Alcohol -Ecstasy -Prescription Drugs -Other illegal drugs b. Types of “date rape” drugs. -Alcohol -GHB -Rohypnol -Benzodiazepines -Opiates -Ketamine Review current drug testing options 1. 2. 3. Discuss new evidence based research Discuss new laws impacting practice Discuss changing practices across the country 30 minutes Qualified FNE/Educator Lecture Discussion Handouts 4. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Pregnancy 1. 2. 3. 4. Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Current Research and National Trends 1. Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 8 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Continuum of Care, Referrals and Discharge Instructions Documentation and its Impact on Testimony Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. 60 minutes Qualified FNE/Educator or Advocate Lectures Handouts Discussion 100 minutes Qualified FNE/Educator Lecture Handouts Discussion 60 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Lecture Discussion Handout Role Play/Modeling 2. 1. 2. Courtroom Testimony, Application of the Medical Forensic History, and Personal Presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discuss information FNEs should offer to prepare the patient for discharge a. Follow typical hospital procedure for discharge -Review discharge instructions b. Anticipatory teaching on what to expect in terms of emotional response (if not already done by the advocate) c. Referrals -Health Department for HIV testing and follow up care -Private physician for follow up and ongoing medical care -Rape recovery center for counseling services -Emergency contraception information -Prophylaxes given Review sample discharge and referral paperwork. Maintaining congruency between evidence collection, documentation, and medical forensic history. a. Forensic history b. Body Maps/ Diagrams c. Injury documentation d. Medical/forensic photography e. Exam findings Detailed documentation process including: a. Objective vs. subjective b. Avoiding pejorative documentation c. Detailed vs. minimal narrative Discuss preparation for court a. Review of the medical/forensic documentation. Discuss courtroom structure and etiquette. Review process of being qualified as an expert witness Review process of being qualified as a fact witness Review exceptions to hearsay Demonstrate testimony skills of genital knowledge articulated at jury level (Vaginal vs. vulva vs. genital and anus vs. rectum) Review us of visual aids and medical terminology translation into lay language. Discuss the rules of testifying as an expert witness. Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 9 Maryland Board of Nursing Forensic Nurse Examiner Training Program- Adult/Adolescent Curriculum Lecture Topic Establishing Credibility as a Witness The Judicial system and Laws Mock Courtroom Testimony Clinical Requirements Course Content Time Frame Presenter Teaching Methods 1. Define for the court the expertise of the FNE 2. Review how to prepare you CV a. MD Board of Nursing approved FNE Curriculum, including didactic and clinical requirements b. Clinical experiences c. Other training and continuing education d. Additional certifications (National SANE-A) 1. Discuss Maryland laws pertaining to rape and sexual offenses 2. Review the criminal justice system process 3. Review levels of proof in legal proceedings a. Criminal Court b. Civil Court 4. Review rape shield doctrine according to Maryland Law. 1. Review a simulation of actual court proceedings that include all parties involved. 2. Witness an expert being cross-examined 1. Review clinical requirements 2. Review FNE Certification application 3. Review SAFE Program resource list 45 minutes Qualified FNE / Educator Handouts Discussion Lecture 135 minutes Attorney Lecture Maryland Laws 120 minutes Attorney 45 minutes Qualified FNE/ Educator Mock Trial Role play Discussion Handouts Approved by the Maryland FNE Standards and Practice Committee May 6, 2005 with recommended revisions Revised May 18, 2005 10