LEAA-GMAA 2016- POST After Jan 1

Lodge of Excellence Achievement Award (LEAA)
for the 2016 Masonic Year
This Masonic year, the Lodge of Excellence Achievement Award (LEAA) will continue to encourage
our Lodges to strive to become better ritualists, better officers and better community members. There
are three levels of the award which will allow Lodges to grow over time to achieve the Gold Award.
The three levels of LEAA are:
Bronze LEAA
Silver LEAA
(Complete the first seven (7) requirements)
(Complete the first ten (10) requirements)
(Complete all (13) requirements)
In 2016, there will be seven mandatory requirements for the Bronze Award, three additional
requirements for Silver, and three additional requirements for Gold. The Grand Master wants to
encourage more Lodge interest in the LEAA and better Lodge performance. The more your Lodge
participates, the better it will function.
Bronze LEAA – the seven mandatory requirements are shown below:
1. Grand Lodge Annual Communication - At least two (2) of the principal elected Officers, those being
either the Worshipful Master and one (1) Warden OR both Wardens must attend the Annual Grand
Lodge Communications.
2. Blue Lodge Training -The Lodge must send a group of at least five (5) members to a Blue Lodge
Training, or similar workshop, conducted by the Grand Lodge in 2016. Two (2) of this group of five (5)
must be either the Worshipful Master and one (1) Warden or both Wardens:
The Lodge must host or attend a Basic School of Instruction during the year 2016. At least five (5)
members of the Lodge must attend the Basic School of Instruction and two (2) of this group of five (5)
must be either the Worshipful Master and one (1) Warden or both Wardens.
The Lodge may complete the requirements for at least the "Basic" level of the "Blue Lodge Proficiency
Award Program".
3. Proficiency Card - Of the three (3) principal elected Officers, at least two (2) must hold a current
Basic Proficiency Card and at least one (1) must hold an Intermediate Proficiency Card. Also, at least
two (2) additional Lodge members must hold a Basic Proficiency Card and at least one (1) additional
Lodge member must hold an Intermediate Proficiency Card. The deadline to meet this requirement will
be December 27, 2016.
4. Public Education - The Lodge must host or participate in one (1) Public Education event such as, but
not limited to:
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner
Student Scholarship Award Ceremony
Bikes for Books Award Ceremony
At least three Brothers participate in the SMART program at a local school
5. Friendship or Youth Recognition Event - The Lodge must hold at least one (1) of the following
Friendship event
Masonic Information Open House
Youth Recognition event
6. Torchlight - Wardens must complete the Torchlight course by St. John’s Day (December 27th) of the
Masonic year.
7. Military/Veterans Program – Each Lodge shall establish and participate in at least one (1)
Military/Veterans Recognition Program to honor those who have, and continue, to serve in our Armed
Forces. This program can include:
Recognition dinner
Guest Speaker
Service awards event
Marching in a Veterans Day Parade (as Masons)
other special recognition.
Silver LEAA – Mandatory Requirements of Bronze plus three additional requirements below:
8. Visitation - The Lodge, as a group of five (5), of which at least two (2) of the five (5) must be either
the Worshipful Master and one (1) Warden OR both Wardens, must visit at least five (5) other Lodges,
two (2) of which must be out of their respective district. In the event only one of the three principal
officers is able to attend then the requirements will be met if one (1) of the three principal officers and
two other Lodge officers are among the five (5). The visitation need not be a Stated Communication.
The Lodge may substitute the two (2) out of district Lodge visits by doing two (2)
visitations to Youth Group, Concordant, or Appendant Body meetings. The guidelines for
the group of five (5) remains the same.
9. Organize a Widow’s program.
10. Complete one of the following optional events for the Silver Award:
Complete another Public Education Event.
Wardens must complete the Fellows of the Craft course by Saint John’s Day, (December 27th)
of the Masonic year.
Hold a Public School Charity Event.
Establish an outreach program to develop contacts with the members of the Lodge and other
Masonic Organizations.
Have at least three Brothers participate in the SMART program at a local school
Host a Public Service Speaker at least once a year
Gold LEAA - Mandatory Requirements of Silver plus three additional requirements below:
11. Saints John’s Day Observance -The Lodge must either host or attend a Saint John’s Day
12. Exemplification of Degrees -The Lodge must confer or exemplify each of the three (3)
degrees at least one (1) time during the year and must include the lecture of the degree.
13. Complete one of the following optional events for the Gold Award:
The Lodge must host a Public Service individual as a speaker at least once during the year.
Establish or continue an up-to-date Lodge Website.
Complete another Public Education Event.
Hold a Friendship or Youth Recognition Event. (See 5 above)
Organize an active Brother-to-Brother Program.
Organize a fundraising program for the Home Endowment Fund and/or OutReach.
Establish an Armed Forces or Public Safety Services recognition and support program.
How to report:
The immediate Past Master of a Lodge must notify the Grand Secretary in writing by
February 1, 2017, that the proper number of qualifications for the specific level of Gold, Silver or
Bronze has been achieved, as required. The Lodge of Excellence Award for Lodges during the 2016
calendar year will be presented at the Annual Grand Lodge Communications in June, 2017.
Questions regarding this program for Lodges during the year 2016 should be directed to the
Grand Master.