PPG 03-05-029 DSS Policy and Procedure Guide Division 03: Child Welfare Chapter 05: Placement Item 029: Group Home Placements Suggested changes send to: DSS PSOA Mailbox Issued: December 30, 2013 References: All County Letter (ACL) 13-86, ACL 13-87, PPG 03-05-028 Revisions in Red Replaces Issue: November 19, 2008 Preamble Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and staff expectations. It is understood that specific case scenarios may not always align themselves with the stated practices and that at all times what is of paramount importance is the Safety and Well-being of the children we are charged to protect. Policy It is the policy of the Department of Social Services (DSS) that all children and youth requiring placement in out of home care will be evaluated for the least restrictive level of care necessary to meet their needs. Prior to placement of any child/youth in a group home setting, all other placement options must be exhausted. In addition, within 30 days of placement a case plan shall be developed that identifies the needs of the child/youth, the services that will be provided to meet the needs of the child/youth, and a plan, including timeframes, to step the child down to a lower level of care. For group home placements regarding Non-Minor Dependents, please refer to PPG 03-05-028, Placement of Non-Minor Dependents. Purpose To provide guidance to Child Welfare staff in regards to the steps and procedures required prior to and during a child’s/youth’s placement in a group home setting. Procedure Prior to placement of a child/youth in a group home setting, an initial Teaming Meeting with all concerned parties shall be initiated to: Ensure all other placement options have been exhausted [parents, relatives, non-related extended family members (NREFM), county and FFA resource parents]. Discuss what level of group home is required to meet the needs of the child/youth. Discuss what services are needed to stabilize the child/youth and prepare them for a stepdown to a lower level of care. When it is not possible to arrange a Teaming Meeting prior to placement of the child/youth in a group home setting, the meeting must occur within 3 business days of placement. Page 1 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 If it is determined there are no other placement options, the assigned Social Worker (SW) shall complete a Foster Placement Request form (6252) and attach the most current Health and Education Passport (HEP) and any other relevant documents. The 6252 and attachments must be reviewed and signed, either in person or electronically, by a Social Work Supervisor (SWS) and/or a Program Manager (PM). Once these signatures are obtained, the 6252 with attachments is submitted to Foster Parent Resources (FPR) to begin the search for an appropriate group home placement. If the assigned SW is unable to obtain a PM’s signature, a copy of the 6252 can be submitted to FPR; however, within 24 hours of submittal, the original 6252 with a PM’s signature must be submitted to FPR. The 6252 form may be e-mailed to CWS FPR. For children twelve years old or younger, the 6252 must also be reviewed and signed in person or electronically by the Child Welfare Deputy Director (CWDD). If the CWDD is not available, the DSS Director shall be contacted for approval. Children/Youth Placed in Group Homes after Hours Approval by the on-call PM is required prior to group home placement for youth ages 13 and older. Approval by the CWDD is also required for children ages 0-12. If the CWDD is not available after hours, the on-call PM may approve the placement; however, approval from the CWDD or DSS Director must be obtained the next business day. Initial placement in a group home after normal working hours and on the weekends will require the assigned SWS to complete a case review within 24 business hours to ensure that the placement of the child/youth in a group home is appropriate and all other placement options have been exhausted (parents, relatives, NREFM, county and FFA resource parents). If a relative and/or NREFM comes forward and requests placement, the referral form will be submitted to Home Approval Unit for assessment. If after the case review and in consultation with the assigned SW it is determined that the behaviors exhibited by the child/youth does not warrant group home placement, and relative and/or NREFM placement is not available, a new 6252 will be submitted to FPR within 3 working days to locate a resource home that can meet the needs of the child/youth. Case Plan Within the first 30 days of placement, the child/youth, the assigned SW, group home staff and other parties identified by the child/youth, SW or group home staff will participate in a Teaming Meeting to develop the case plan. The case plan must include the following: A review of the placement options that have been explored with the youth, including identified family, NREFM, and/or resource family placements that have been identified and/or assessed. All services that will be provided to the youth (e.g., visitation, medical and dental care, education, mental health therapy, etc). Page 2 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 The plan agreed upon by the assigned SW, Group Home, and child/youth, including time frames, for stepping the child/youth down to a lower level of care. A Teaming Meeting shall then be held at 3, 6, 9 and 12 month intervals, or sooner if necessary, to review the case plan and ensure the following: Services provided are meeting the needs of the child/youth; and, The child/youth is on track to be stepped down to a lower level of care; and, The case plan is updated as necessary to meet the needs of the child/youth. For children 0-12 years old the case plan must also be approved by the CWDD or DSS Director and must indicate the following: The group home placement is for the purposes of providing short-term, specialized and intensive treatment to the child; and, The need for, nature of, and anticipated duration of treatment. In addition, group home placements shall not exceed 120 days for children 0-5 years old, or six months for children 6-12 years old unless approved by the CWDD or DSS Director and the case plan indicates the following: DSS has made progress toward or is actively working toward implementation of the case plan that identifies the services and supports necessary to transition the child to a family setting; and, Circumstances beyond the control of the DSS have prevented DSS from obtaining those services or supports within the timeline documented in the case plan and additional time is needed. NOTE: Each group home placement extended beyond the initial 120 days (0-5) or six months (6-12) is subject to the above requirements and must be re-approved by the CWDD or DSS Director no less frequently than every 60 days. Cases Transferred with Youth Placed in a Group Home No child/youth will be transferred to a new task area prior to completion of the initial Group Home Placement Teaming Meeting and the development of a case plan that identifies the needs of the child/youth, planned services, and a plan for stepping the child/youth down to a lower level of care. When a child is placed in a group home while in the ER task area, the child’s Placement Teaming Meeting will be combined with the Detention/Imminent Risk Team Decision-Making meeting, with no additional meetings required prior to transferring the case. The case will be reviewed by the receiving SWS to ensure that the placement Teaming Meeting was conducted and it was determined that placement of the child/youth in a group home was appropriate Page 3 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 and all other placement options have been exhausted (parents, relatives, NREFM, county and FFA resource parents). The case plan will be reviewed by the receiving SWS to ensure it identifies the needs of the child/youth, all planned services, and a plan for stepping the child/youth down to a lower level of care. If the receiving SWS determines a Teaming Meeting has not occurred and/or the case plan has not been completed or is incomplete, the receiving SWS will consult with the sending SWS to determine a date by which the required action(s) will take place, which shall not exceed 3 business days for the Teaming Meeting to occur or 30 calendar days for completion of the case plan. Children/Youth in Group Home Care for Over One Year Semi-annually the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) will provide a list of children/youth that have been placed in one or more group homes for the past year. Each child/youth on the list shall be reassessed to determine whether or not their placement in group home care remains suitable and appropriate based upon their identified needs and strengths. The assigned SW is encouraged to utilize existing assessment tools (e.g., SDM, CAPP, SOP, etc.) to identify the child’s/youth’s current service needs and strengths. If the reassessment determines that the child/youth no longer requires a group home placement, the assigned SW shall develop a plan of transition to a lower level of care that is best suited to meet the needs of the child/youth. NOTE: Existing statute specifies the placement priorities as placement with relatives, non-relative extended family members, tribal members, foster family home, licensed community care facility, group home and residential treatment [W&IC section 361.2, 16501.1(c)(1)]. As outlined in CDSS ACL 13-86, the assigned SW shall document the reassessment in the Contact Notebook in CWS/CMS as follows: Enter the appropriate start date and end date for the contact. Contact method should be “in-person”. (Note: This activity can take place during the monthly caseworker visit.) For the Contact Purpose select “conduct client evaluation” from the drop down menu, For “On Behalf of Child” select the child/youth identified on this list. Contact Party Type – select Staff Person/Child In the Narrative dialog box document the following: o Begin the narrative with the phrase - “Reassessment of a child/youth in group care”. Page 4 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 o For those youth whom it is determined that group care continues to be suitable and appropriate, include information supporting the continued placement needs of the child/youth. This would include information as to why continuation in a group home placement is the best alternative available to meet the special needs of the child and what strategies are being considered to transition the child to a less restrictive level of care. o For those youth whose reassessment has determined that group care is no longer suitable or appropriate, include information regarding the plan for transition being sure to include information about when it is expected that the child/youth will transition and where the child/youth will transition to (relative, parent or Foster Family Agency with In Home Behavioral Services, Therapeutic Foster Care services). If a transitional plan is developed or changed, the case plan should be updated as necessary to reflect any changes in services and case plan goals. NOTE: Below are CWS/CMS screen shots to assist with recording the necessary information on the reassessment of each youth as described above. Completion of these fields will allow CDSS to compile necessary information about these children/youth for legislative reporting. Page 5 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (1) Click the “+” button to create a new contact from the “Select On Behalf Of Child” Box. Select the child/youth identified on this list. Click the “OK” button. (2) Enter the appropriate Start Date and End Date. Page 6 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (3) Contact Method should be “in-Person”. (Note this activity can take place during the monthly caseworker visit.) Page 7 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (4) For the Contact Purpose select “Conduct Client Evaluation”. Page 8 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (5) Click the “+” button on the “Contact Party Type” grid, select “Staff Person/Child”. Click the “OK” button. Page 9 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (6) In the Narrative dialog box, document the following: Begin the narrative with the phrase, “Reassessment of a child/youth in group care”. For those youth for whom it is determined that group care continues to be suitable and appropriate, include information supporting the continued placement needs of the Child/Youth and, if appropriate, the plan to transition youth to a family-like setting. For those youth whose reassessment has determined that group care is no longer suitable or appropriate, include information regarding the plan for transition being sure to include information about when it is expected that the child/youth will transition and where the child/youth will transition to (relative, parent, Foster Family Agency with In Home Behavioral Services or Therapeutic Foster Care services). Page 10 of 11 PPG 03-05-029 (7) If a transitional plan is developed or changed, then the Case Plan should be updated as necessary. Click the “Existing Case Plan” button to open and update the Case Plan. Page 11 of 11