THE COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINATION FOR OLDER PEOPLE: A STUDY IN FIVE WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Ament A1, Baltussen R1,2, Duru G3, Rigaud-Bully C3, de Graeve D4, Orqtvist A5, Jönsson B6, Verhaegen J7, Gaillat J8, Christie P9, Salazar Cifre A10, Vivas D11, Loiseau C12, Fedson DS12 1 Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands 2 3 Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany Laboratoire d'Analyse des Systèmes de Santé, Villeurbanne Cedex, France 4 University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium 5 6 Danderyd Hospital, Danderyd, Sweden Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden 7 University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 8 9 Hospital Center, Annecy, France Scottish Center for Infection and Environmental Health, Glasgow, Scotland 10 Center for Public Health, Valencia, Spain 11 University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain 12 Pasteur Mérieux MSD, Lyon, France Correspondence and reprint requests to: André Ament, Ph.D. Department of Health, Organization, Policy and Economics Maastricht University PO Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands Phone: ++ 31 43 3881723 Fax: ++31 43 3670960 E-mail: 1 ABSTRACT Several studies have shown that pneumococcal vaccination of older persons would be cost-effective in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia, but evidence of clinical protection for this condition has been uncertain. Given much better evidence of vaccination effectiveness against invasive disease, studies showing that vaccination is cost-effective in preventing invasive disease alone could provide strong support for public policies to vaccinate older persons. Using a cohort model approach, we examined the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in five western European countries: Belgium, France, Scotland, Spain, and Sweden. For each country, we determined the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination of persons 65 years in age in preventing hospital admission for both invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia. The analyses used clinical and economic variables unique to each country in 1995 and considered the cost savings from simultaneous administration of pneumococcal and influenza vaccines. In the base case analyses, the cost-effectiveness ratios for pneumococcal vaccination in preventing invasive disease varied between ~ ecu 11,000 to ~ ecu 33,000 per quality adjusted life year (QALY) among the five countries. Using more plausible epidemiological assumptions on the incidence (50 cases per 100,000) and mortality (20% to 40%) of invasive disease, the cost-effectiveness ratios were ~ ecu 12,000 or less per QALY in all five countries. If vaccination is also clinically effective in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia, vaccinating all elderly persons would be highly cost-effective to cost saving. Because of the similarity of the results in all five countries, pneumococcal vaccination should be acceptably cost-effective in other western European countries. On the basis of our findings, we believe public health authorities should consider policies for encouraging pneumococcal vaccination for all persons 65 years in age. 2 INTRODUCTION Pneumococcal infections are common in western European countries, accounting for a large number of hospitalisations and deaths each year, especially among persons 65 years in age (1). Retrospective studies in the United States have shown that pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is 5080% effective in preventing hospitalization for invasive pneumococcal disease in older persons (2-6). Earlier prospective studies determined that vaccination also prevents pneumococcal pneumonia in healthy young adults (7,8), but clinical trials in older adults have been inconclusive (9-14). Pneumococcal vaccine has not been widely used since it was first introduced 20 years ago. Most of the vaccine has been used in the United States, but even so only ~ 45% of elderly Americans have ever been immunized (15). Until recently, few people in western European countries had ever received pneumococcal vaccine (16). The evidence that pneumococcal vaccination is clinically effective is becoming more widely accepted in western Europe. This is reflected in recent changes in vaccination policies in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany (16,17). Moreover, increases in vaccine use have also been observed in most of these countries. More rapid change in vaccination policies and increases in vaccine uptake might occur if additional evidence were to become available on its cost-effectiveness. Several studies in western Europe have shown that pneumococcal vaccination of older persons would be cost-effective in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia (18-20). Given limited evidence that vaccination is clinically effective in preventing all cases of pneumococcal pneumonia, nonbacteremic as well as bacteremic (21,22), and better evidence that it is effective in preventing invasive disease, information on the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in preventing invasive disease could provide strong support for public policies to vaccinate older persons. In the U.S., pneumococcal vaccination of older persons has been shown to be highly cost-effective in preventing hospitalization for pneumococcal bacteremia, and in most instances it is cost saving (23). Because of differences between the U.S. and countries in western Europe regarding the organisation and costs of health care, these findings may not be persuasive to vaccination policy makers in western Europe. They may be more likely to accept costeffectiveness studies if the studies reflect European experience, are multinational in scope, and consider 3 the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in preventing invasive disease. In this study we examined the costeffectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in preventing invasive pneumococcal disease because there is convincing evidence of its clinical effectiveness for this outcome. However, in order to compare our results with these of other studies, we also estimated the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia. Our study is one of few multinational cost-effectiveness studies of health care interventions (24). METHODS Model. In performing our economic evaluation we followed the principles of 'reference case analysis' (25). We developed a cohort model and applied it to each of five countries: Belgium, France, Scotland, Spain, and Sweden. Two hypothetical cohorts of individuals 65 years in age were considered: one that received pneumococcal vaccine and one that did not. Both cohorts were followed during the rest of their life spans. The life span of the cohort without vaccination was calculated on the basis of age-specific mortality rates (Eurostat data). Vaccination would influence the age-specific mortality rates during the period of vaccine efficacy. The model allowed us to calculate the consequences of vaccination for single years of each age group above 65 year. The difference in life years between the two cohorts with and without vaccination was calculated for each age group for each year of life. The life years gained due to vaccination were then corrected for quality of life and discounted, leading to the number of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. The differences in hospitalization costs for invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia were calculated for the two cohorts. These costs were calculated for each age group and for each year of life as a function of admission rate, average length of stay, cost of one hospital day, and vaccine efficacy. Finally the cost per QALY gained as a result of vaccination was determined. All results were expressed as costeffectiveness ratios (CERs); i.e., the costs of achieving one additional quality-adjusted life-year in the vaccinated cohort. We carried out our analyses using a societal point of view. To reflect the time preference of society, we discounted all future costs and QALYs at 3% in the base case analyses (25). Because other studies have demonstrated that the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination varies considerably with age (20,23), we performed separate analyses for persons 65-74 years, 75-84 years and 4 85 years of age and older, as well for all persons 65 years in age. The base case analyses used the specific epidemiologic and economic values for each variable in each country. We also performed sensitivity analyses for persons 65 years in age and varied the values of uncertain variables over their reasonable ranges. A full description of the model is available at request. Health effects. To calculate QALYs, we incorporated data on the incidence and mortality of invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia, data on the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination, and data on age-specific mortality rates and age-specific differences in quality of life. Data on the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination were drawn from a case-control study of invasive disease that provides the only available information on vaccination-effectiveness by age group and on declining protection over time(3); for example, the effectiveness for persons 65 years ranges from 75% in the first year to 33% in the sixth year after vaccination. These data were used in the U.S. study on the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in preventing pneumococcal bacteremia (23). We assumed the same effectiveness of vaccination in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia as in preventing invasive disease, an assumption supported by the results of earlier clinical trials in South Africa (17). We further assumed that the vaccine covers 88% of capsular polysaccharide types causing invasive disease and pneumococcal pneumonia (23,26). We did not include adverse events following vaccination in our analyses, as the incidence of 5 cases of anaphylaxis per million doses of vaccine administered, used in the earlier U.S. study, had very little effect on the results (23). We adjusted life-years gained for quality of life to reflect less-than-perfect health during surviving years, using weights obtained by the U.S. National Health Interview Survey (27) because similar data for western European countries are unavailable. The weights were .76, .74, .70, .63, and .51, for persons 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, and 85 years and older, respectively. Epidemiologic variables. Pneumococcal pneumonia. A hospital discharge diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia (ICD 9 CM 481) is not a reliable indicator of pneumococcal pneumonia, but a discharge diagnosis of pneumonia due to any cause (ICD 9 CM 480-486; first-listed diagnosis) is a very reliable indicator for pneumonia (17,28). Numerous clinical studies have shown that definite pneumococcal pneumonia (i.e., blood-culture positive) and probable pneumococcal pneumonia (variously defined, but usually including purulent sputum with a gram stain and/or sputum culture 5 positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae) account for approximately 30-50% of all adult cases of community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalisation (17). We used 40% as an estimate of incidence in our base case analyses. For each country, we obtained information on the number of hospital discharges for pneumonia (ICD 9 CM 480-486; first-listed diagnosis), average length of stay (ALOS) and mortality rates for each age group (Table 1). For Belgium, Spain, and Sweden the hospital data were obtained for 1995 from national registrations maintained by the Ministries of Health (see Appendix; B1, Sp1, Sw1). For France, hospital data were obtained from 35 hospitals in the Rhône-Alpes region for 1995 (F1). For Scotland, hospital data were obtained from all non-obstetric, non-psychiatric National Health Service hospital discharge records in Scotland for 1995 (Sc1). Because the Scottish ALOS and mortality data included data from long-stay medical facilities and geriatric units, we truncated the ALOS and mortality data sets to exclude those cases with more than twice the median ALOS. Invasive pneumococcal disease. All laboratory isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae obtained from normally sterile extra-pulmonary sites (e.g., blood, cerebrospinal fluid, joint space, etc.) were considered as invasive isolates. When multiple isolates were obtained from the same patient during the same hospital stay, they were counted as a single case. Reports of invasive isolates also included data on ALOS and the outcome of hospital care (survived or died) (Table 1). In all countries, data on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease were obtained for one year from the clinical microbiology laboratories of hospitals that serve a population of a region (or a country) of at least 3 million persons. For smaller regions, a longer period was chosen in order to obtain a similar number of person-years of observation. Where complete reports from all clinical microbiology laboratories in a region were not available, reports were accepted as representative if they came from a subset of hospitals that accounted for > 90% of all discharges of patients 65 years in age in the region. In Belgium, data on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease were obtained from 10 hospital laboratories in Flemish Brabant (1,100,000 inhabitants) for the period 1995-1997 (B2). Data on mortality and ALOS for pneumonia were applied as a proxy for mortality and ALOS for invasive pneumococcal disease because data on these latter were not available (B1). For France, data on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease were obtained from the National Network for Public Health 6 for 1996. Mortality and ALOS data were based on a sample of five different hospitals in several regions for 1995-1997 (F2). For Scotland (5,100,000 inhabitants), data on the incidence of invasive disease (blood and CSF isolates) were obtained from all National Health Service hospital bacteriology laboratories for 1995 (Sc2). ALOS and mortality data for pneumonia were applied as a proxy for ALOS and mortality data for invasive disease because data on these latter were not available (Sc1). For Spain, data on the incidence and ALOS of invasive disease were based on all hospital laboratory reports in the Valencian Autonomous Community (3,500,000 inhabitants) for 1995 (Sp2). Mortality data on pneumonia were applied as a proxy for mortality data for invasive disease as the latter were not available (Sp1). For Sweden, data on the incidence of invasive disease, mortality, and ALOS were obtained from a prospective study of community-acquired pneumococcal bacteremia treated in all hospitals in Stockholm county (1,600,000 inhabitants) for the two-year period from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1995 (Sw2). Economic variables. Given differences in health care systems in the five countries, the approach to estimate costs varied from country to country. Wherever data were available, estimates were based on real costs; i.e., on resources consumed rather than on charges (29). Medical costs included the costs for purchasing and administering the vaccine and the hospital costs for the treatment of invasive pneumococcal disease or pneumococcal pneumonia (Table 2). Costs were estimated in each national currency and are presented in the 1995 European currency unit, the ecu (Table 2). (The ecu was replaced by the Euro in January 1998, and at that time had nearly the same value as the 1995 ecu). For Belgium, France, Scotland, and Spain, all costs were standardised for 1995 by considering each country's medical price index, defined as the annual increase in medical prices during the period 19851995 (B3;F3;Sc3;Sp3). These data were not available for Sweden, so the general price increase was applied (Sw3). The prices for pneumococcal vaccine in each country were retail prices (Pasteur Mérieux MSD, unpublished data). Although the study was based on 1995 epidemiologic and economic data, vaccine prices for 1998 were used. Two approaches were used to estimate the costs of administering pneumococcal vaccination. The base case analyses considered the cost savings from simultaneous pneumococcal and influenza vaccination. Four of the study countries recommend annual influenza 7 vaccination for all elderly persons: France ( 70 years), Spain and Sweden ( 65 years) and Belgium ( 60 years). In Scotland, influenza vaccination was recommended only for persons with high-risk medical conditions in 1995, but routine vaccination for persons 75 years in age was introduced in 1998. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines can be administered concurrently at separate sites without adverse effects and without compromising their immunogenicity (16,30), and most doses of pneumococcal vaccine are administered during the influenza vaccination season each year (DS Fedson, unpublished observation). In Spain and the Netherlands, adding pneumococcal vaccination to an influenza vaccination program incurs extra administrative costs of ecu 2.59 and 4.02, respectively (M Postma, unpublished observation). In our base case analyses, we used ecu 3.00 for all five countries. The sensitivity analyses considered the costs of administering pneumococcal vaccine by itself. Estimates of these costs varied between countries (Table 2). In Belgium, France, Scotland, and Sweden, the vaccine is administered by general practitioners (GPs). In Belgium and France, these costs were estimated by the fees that GPs receive for each consultation for vaccination (B4;F4). For Scotland and Sweden, they were based on real cost estimates for GP consultations, and in the case of Sweden were corrected for the number of vaccinations that can be carried out during one consultation (Sc4;Sw4). In Spain, GP costs were estimated by dividing the total national GP costs by the total national number of GP consultations for 1995 (Sp4). The costs of treating invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia were limited to costs associated with hospitalisation. Because reimbursement systems differ among the five countries, it was not possible to develop a uniform approach to estimate costs for each hospital stay. In countries where hospital care is financed according to diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), DRG reimbursements were considered to be the best basis for estimating the costs of hospital care. To reflect age-specific hospital care costs, these costs were divided by the ALOS for each specific age-group to arrive at daily hospital care costs. This approach was used for Spain (DRGs 079, 080, 089, 090, 091, and 489), and Sweden (DRGs 089, 090) for 1995 (Sp5;Sw5). The approach was also applied for France (DRG 129), although DRGs are not used for hospital financing in this country (F5). In Belgium and Scotland, where hospital care is financed through global budgets, the costs of each episode were estimated by multiplying the ALOS by the average cost per day. For Belgium, these estimates were based on an evaluation of 410 8 detailed invoices for the care of pneumonia patients in 46 general and 4 university hospitals in 1995 (B5). For Scotland, the daily hospital costs were estimated by dividing total national hospital costs by the total national number of hospital days for 1995 (Sc5). Estimates of hospital care costs included only costs related to acute care: costs of long-term care and psychiatric care were excluded. Medication costs, specialist salaries and hospital overhead and investment costs were included in the costs of hospital care. All costs of outpatient care were excluded. RESULTS Base case analyses. To prevent invasive pneumococcal disease in persons 65 years in age, the cost-effectiveness ratios (CERs) varied from ~ ecu 11,000 for Spain to ~ ecu 33,000 per QALY for Sweden (Table 3). If vaccination is also clinically effective in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia, vaccination was highly cost-effective to cost saving in all five countries (Table 3). The age-specific results showed no clear pattern of increasing or decreasing cost effectiveness. Increases in incidence rates, mortality rates, and hospital resource use in older age groups appeared to cancel out declining vaccination effectiveness observed with increasing age. Sensitivity analyses. We conducted univariate sensitivity analyses for all persons 65 years in age for invasive pneumococcal disease (Table 4). When pneumococcal vaccine was administered by itself and not with influenza vaccine, the CERs increased in some countries as much as two-fold. When alternative values for the incidence of disease were assumed (e.g., 50 cases of invasive pneumococcal disease per 100,000 elderly persons), the CERs decreased in four countries ( ~ ecu 8,000 per QALY for France and Scotland and ~ ecu 16,000 for Belgium and Sweden), but not in Spain (~ ecu 13,000 per QALY). When mortality from invasive disease for all persons 65 years was assumed to be 40%, the CERs decreased considerably and varied between ~ ecu 4,000 per QALY for Spain and ~ ecu 12,000 per QALY for Scotland. Alternative assumptions on vaccine prices, vaccination effectiveness, not applying the quality-of-life adjustment, and the discount rate had relatively large impacts on the results. For example, when cost and benefits were not discounted the CERs varied between ecu 7,000 (for Spain) and 24,000 (for Sweden). 9 Because the epidemiologic data on the incidence and mortality of invasive disease differed substantially among the five countries (Table 3), we also conducted a two-way sensitivity analysis for each country. We assumed a common incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease of 50 cases per 100,000 persons 65 years in age and varied mortality rates from 20% to 40%; all other variables were those used in the base case analyses. In all countries, the CERs were less than ~ ecu 12,000, ~ ecu 9,000, and ~ ecu 6,000 for mortality rates of 20%, 30% and 40% respectively (Table 5). DISCUSSION The cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination varied considerably across the five countries. When vaccination against invasive disease alone was considered, the CERs in the base case analyses ranged from ~ ecu 11,000 to ~ ecu 33,000 per QALY. Policy makers generally consider interventions with cost-effectiveness ratios below $20,000 (about Euro 20,000 on December 1999) per QALY as acceptably cost-effective, while those between $20,000 and $100,000 per QALY are considered moderately cost-effective (32). Thus our findings, based on country-specific data indicate that pneumococcal vaccination to prevent invasive pneumococcal disease alone can be considered an acceptably to moderately cost-effective intervention in all five countries. In our analyses, pneumococcal vaccination to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia in older persons was highly cost-effective to cost saving in all countries. Although pneumococcal vaccination clearly prevents bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia in older persons, whether it prevents all cases of pneumococcal pneumonia (nonbacteremic as well as bacteremic) has been a topic of considerable dispute (6,11,13,14,17,21,22,33,34). A recent report indicates that pneumococcal vaccination reduces rates of hospitalization for pneumonia and all-cause mortality in persons with chronic lung disease (35). Nonetheless, we believe that our results on the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia should be interpreted with caution. The results of our analyses were sensitive to alternative assumptions. The base case analyses assumed that pneumococcal and influenza vaccines would be given concomitantly, and that the preventive effect of pneumococcal vaccination would be in addition to that of influenza vaccination. When the analyses considered that pneumococcal vaccine would be given by itself, the cost- 10 effectiveness ratios increased, but they could still be regarded as moderately cost-effective in all five countries. The results were sensitive to assumptions on the incidence of invasive disease. The large differences in reported incidence rates among different countries (table 1) seem not be related to real variations in the magnitude of disease occurrence but rather to differences in surveillance systems and case ascertainment (DS Fedson, et al, unpublished observations). The large differences in invasive disease incidence that have been found between different regions within individual countries in single years strengthens this argument. Thus, the comparatively high incidence rate for invasive disease in Spain (Table 3) may be a more realistic estimate of its true incidence in all five countries than the lower rates reported from the other four countries. The sensitivity analyses showed that the economic attractiveness of pneumococcal vaccination increases considerably when higher incidence rates are applied to each country. The cost-effectiveness of vaccination to prevent invasive disease was also sensitive to assumptions on mortality rates. For Belgium, Scotland and Spain, mortality data on pneumonia were applied as proxies for mortality data for invasive disease because the latter were not available. Because invasive disease is the most severe manifestation of pneumococcal pneumonia, its mortality was most likely underestimated in Belgium and Spain (see Table 1). Population-based studies and case series from several other countries indicate that mortality rates for invasive disease in persons 65 years in age are usually 20 to 40% (17). The sensitivity analyses showed that for most countries, vaccination becomes economically more attractive when these mortality rates are applied. The mutual application of presumed common incidence rates (50 cases per 100,000) and mortality rates (20% to 40%) for invasive disease in the two-way sensitivity analyses showed that the costeffectiveness ratios for pneumococcal vaccination would be ~ ecu 12,000 or less per QALY in all five countries. We believe these findings provide a useful corrective for the otherwise disparate results obtained when the actual epidemiologic data reported for each country were used in the base case analyses. The results of our cost-effectiveness analyses for invasive disease in the five European countries were different from the U.S. results which showed that vaccinating all elderly persons was cost saving 11 under most assumptions (23). Almost all of the epidemiologic and economic variables used in the U.S. study were more favourable towards vaccination than those applied in our base case analyses. The U.S. analysis assumed a higher incidence of bacteremic disease, a higher mortality rate (29%), lower vaccine purchase and administration costs (together ecu 9.3), and higher hospitalisation costs (ecu 6,971 per episode of hospitalization). In addition, the U.S. study did not assume simultaneous administration of pneumococcal and influenza vaccines. However, the differences in cost-effectiveness estimates between the U.S. and western European analyses cannot be ascribed wholly to the use of different values for these variables. When we applied the epidemiologic and economic data used in the U.S. study to our model, we obtained a CER of ~ ecu 1,500 per QALY. Part of this difference might be ascribed to the use of different values for other variables and/or the use of a different model. We used a cohort model in contrast to the Markov model used in the U.S. study. Nonetheless, like the investigators who conducted the U.S. study, we believe that our cost-effectiveness estimates are conservative; both analyses covered only hospitalization for invasive disease and disregarded health improvements or cost savings stemming from vaccination that might reduce the need for outpatient care. Including these costs or the costs of hospitalization for non-bacteremic pmeumococcal pneumonia would make pneumococcal vaccination more economically attractive. Several constraints on the availability of data from the different countries may have affected our results. As in the U.S. study (23), we did not include the time lost for persons who were vaccinated. This should be captured by measuring the reduction in quality of life (36), which, because of the few hours involved, would be negligible. In addition, we applied the same age-dependent quality-of-life weights for persons in all five European countries as were used in the U.S. study (23). There is little reason to assume, however, that quality-of-life weights should differ appreciably between European countries and the U.S., so the impact of this assumption on our results is likely to have been small. Finally, as in the U.S. study, our base case analyses excluded costs in life-years gained because of vaccination. Whether to include these costs is a topic of considerable debate (25); their inclusion has a large negative effect on the cost-effectiveness of any life saving health care intervention. In summary, we have shown that pneumococcal vaccination to prevent invasive pneumococcal disease is acceptably to moderately cost-effective in five western European countries. Moreover, when 12 plausible assumptions on the incidence and mortality of invasive disease are applied to all five countries, the cost-effectiveness ratios for pneumococcal vaccination are ~ ecu 12,000 or less per QALY. If vaccination is also clinically effective in preventing pneumococcal pneumonia, it is always highly costeffective and usually cost saving. Because of the similarity of the results in all five countries, pneumococcal vaccination is likely to be acceptably cost-effective in other western European countries as well. 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Arch Intern Med 1999;159:2437-42 36. Johannesson M. Avoid double-counting in pharmaeconomic studies. Pharmacoeconomics 1997; 11:385-88. 16 APPENDIX. Sources of country-specific data: For all countries: age specific population and age specific mortality rates: Eurostat Belgium. B1: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken, Volksgezondheid en Leefmilieu, Bestuur voor gezondheidszorg 1996; B2: Unpublished data, J Verhaegen; B3: Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1996; B4: Official tariff, Ministry of Health 1997; B5: Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte en InvaliditeitsVerzekering. France. F1, F2: Unpublished data, J Gaillat; F3, F4 Eco Santé France 1998; F5: Cram Rhone-Alpes, Eco Santé France, 1998. Scotland. Sc1: Information & Statistics Division, Common Services Agency, Scotland; Sc2: Scottish Centre for Infection & Environmental Health; Sc3: Hospital & Community Health Services Pay & Prices Index, NHS Management Executive, Leeds, 1996; Sc4: Netten A, Dennett J. Unit costs of health and social care, 1997; Sc5: Information & Statistics Division, Common Services Agency, Scotland, 1995. Spain. Sp1, Sp2: Valencian Health Service 1995. Minimum Data Set; Sp3: Spanish National Institute of Statistics 1996; Sp4 Valencian regional health authority 1995; Sp5: Centre for Economics and Health Management Research (CIEGS). Calculo del coste por proceso en los hospitales del Servicio Valenciano de Salud, 1997. Sweden. Sw1: Swedish National Board of Health; Sw2: Unpublished data, Kalin M, Ortqvist A, et al; Sw3: National Accounts, Statistics Sweden. Sw4: Landstingsforbundst. Kostnader per intagen patient, varddag, lakerbsok mm 1993, Stockholm, 1994; Sw5: SPRI, Halso - och sjukvardens utvecklingsinstitut. 17 Table 1. Epidemiologic variables for invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia Variable Age groups (yrs) Pneumonia† Invasive pneumococcal disease* Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden 65-74 28.3 20.5 21.8 40.0 22.7 409.3 235.1 460.3 390.5 640 75-84 41.2 28.6 33.8 83.1 34.1 943.5 615.3 1,068.7 752.9 1,440 85 65.4 67.7 62.9 74.5 49.2 1,947.1 1,051.2 2,510.3 1,168.1 2,630 65 35.6 29.3 29.5 57.2 34.1 725.0 451.0 850.0 575.0 1,167 65-74 12.8§ 18.9 24.5 § 8.0§ 6.3 12.8 6.7 24.5 8.0 5.0 75-84 19.9§ 20.6 40.0§ 22.7§ 12.9 19.9 8.7 40.0 22.7 9.6 85 26.3§ 42.4 52.1§ 26.8§ 20.7 26.3 13.5 52.1 26.8 13.0 65 19.3§ 25.8 37.9§ 17.6§ 11.7 19.3 9.5 37.9 17.6 9.2 65-74 16.5§ 14.4 5.4§ 11.6 11.0 16.5 10.9 5.4 12.2 6.7 75-84 19.1§ 12.4 7.6§ 12.1 9.9 19.1 11.6 7.6 11.9 7.3 85 20.7§ 11.8 9.4§ 9.8 10.7 20.7 11.8 9.4 8.8 7.6 65 18.7§ 13.1 7.8§ 11.5 10.5 18.7 12.0 7.8 11.2 7.2 Incidence (per 100,000) Mortality (%) ALOS¶ (days) * Hospital admissions for invasive disease. † Hospital discharges for pneumonia (ICD-9 CM 480-486; first-listed diagnosis). Pneumococcal pneumonia was assumed to account for 40% of all pneumonias requiring hospital admission. § In the absence of specific data for invasive pneumococcal disease, data for pneumonia were used. ¶ Average length-of-stay. 18 Table 2. Economic variables*† Costs Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden Hospital care (per day) 267.6 330.4 304.6 206.0 332.4 Vaccine purchase 19.0 13.8 14.3 11.5 10.2 Base case‡ 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Sensitivity analysis§ 15.2 17.0 12.2 13.4 11.4 Medical price index (%) 3.0 6.5 4.0 6.0 3¶ Vaccine administration * Cost data are shown in European currency units (ecu) for 1995. See Appendix for details on sources for the data. † December 1995 exchange rates of national currencies to 1 ecu: Belgium: 38.14; France: 6.46; Scotland: 0.82; Spain: 161.46; Sweden: 9.27; U.S.:1.19. ‡ The base case analyses assumed that pneumococcal vaccine would be adminstered during the same visit as influenza vaccine. § The sensitivity analyses assumed that pneumococcal vaccine would be adminstered by itself, not at the same time as influenza vaccine. ¶ General price index (Appendix:Sw3). 19 Table 3. Results of the base case analyses Age group Invasive pneumococcal disease Pneumococcal pneumonia (yrs) Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden 65-74 21,685† 15,552 13,253 11001 28,812 cost saving 2,067 429 cost saving cost saving 75-84 30,979 28,294 15,769 7,871 32,999 cost saving 1,094 11 cost saving cost saving 85 68,339 27,864 27,464 40,657 68,744 cost saving 6,450 44 394 cost saving 65 25,907 19,182 14,892 10,511 32,675 cost saving 2,126 242 cost saving cost saving † Cost-effectiveness ratio in ecu (1995) per QALY gained. See text for details. 20 Table 4. Results of the sensitivity analyses for invasive pneumococcal disease for persons 65 years in age* Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden Base case† 25,907‡ 19,182 14,892 10,511 32,675 Without influenza vaccination 43,106 37,886 23,422 20,013 57,314 Incidence of disease (cases per 100,000 65 years) 30 / 100,000 29,593 15,217 13,645 23,774 31,123 40 / 100,000 21,003 10,633 9,975 17,101 21,821 50 / 100,000 15,849 7,883 7,773 13,097 16,240 20 19,796 19,904 23,135 7,342 15,024 30 13,197 13,269 15,423 4,895 10,016 40 9,898 9,951 11,566 3,671 7,512 current price – 3.00 ecus 21,678 15,174 12,110 7,770 23,875 current price + 3.00 ecus 30,136 23,190 17,673 13,252 41,474 best case 17,328 12,473 10,127 6,622 20,991 worst case 72,868 53,285 42,055 37,276 104,209 No quality-of-life adjustment 16,307 11,887 9,233 6,444 20,017 Discount rate, 0% 18,565 13,764 11,258 7,419 23,713 Discount rate, 5% 31,220 23,109 17,511 12,747 39,111 Mortality (%) Vaccine price Vaccination effectiveness§ * In the sensitivity analyses only a single variable was changed. All other values were base case values. † Base case analyses assumed pneumococcal vaccine would be administered during the same visit as influenza vaccine. ‡ Cost-effectiveness ratio; the cost in ecu(1995) per QALY gained. See text for details. § Best case and worst case are high and low values of the 95% confidence interval of vaccination effectiveness, respectively. See reference 23 for details. 21 Table 5.Comparison of base case and two-way sensitivity analyses for invasive pneumococcal disease* Belgium France Scotland Spain Sweden 25,907 19,182 14,892 10,511 32,675 20% 11,559 7,779 11,277 7,626 6,836 30% 7,706 5,186 7,518 5,084 4,557 40% 5,779 3,889 5,638 3,813 3,418 Base case† Two-way sensitivity analyses (incidence 50 cases /100,000) Mortality * In the two-way sensitivity analyses only incidence and mortality data were changed. All other values were base case values. † Cost-effectiveness ratio for persons 65 years in age; the cost in ecu (1995) per QALY gained. See text for details. 22