
Ulster Thoracic Society Special Winter Meeting
Bushmills Inn
November 19th-20th 2010
Maximizing Radical Treatment of Lung
Cancer in the UK
Target Audience
•Chest physicians and Physicians in training
•Thoracic surgeons and UK lung cancer networks
•Respiratory Oncologists
The UTS has an educational grant to fund the venue and the speakers
Conference Dinner at Bushmills Inn £35.
Limited Accommodation is available at the Bushmills Inn at Conference rates:
(Telephone 028 20733000, The Causeway Hotel
(Telephone 02820731226, offers more
rooms. There is other accommodation locally. Enquires to the local Tourist Board.
Transport: With prior warning we will provide transport to any visitors to Northern
Ireland from Belfast International Airport to and from the venue. The current plan is
to pick up visitors to Northern Ireland at 11.30am and at 2.30pm and to return after
lunch on Saturday.
Interested parties should contact to register
for the meeting and ensure airport transport.
Friday 19th November
12.30 lunch
1.30 Welcome
Dr Julian Leggett. Secretary Ulster Thoracic Society
1.35 Palliative care of COPD
Dr Angela Garvey consultant in Palliative care Altnagelvin Hospital
2.20 New Drug therapies in COPD
Dr Joe Kidney consultant in Respiratory Medicine Belfast Mater Hospital
3.00 Why Pulmonary Rehabilitation works
Dr Nick Hopkinson of Imperial College and Royal Brompton Hospital
3.50 Afternoon tea
4.10 Radical Treatment and Survival for lung Cancer in UK .
Dr Wendy Anderson Lead Clinician for Lung Cancer Northern Health on Social Care
Trust .
4.30.Maximising Radical surgery in lung cancer.
Mr Kieran McManus of The royal Victoria Hospital Belfast and Mr David Waller
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, University Hospitals of Leicester
5.50 Radical Oncology Options in lung cancer.
Dr Joe Maguire Oncologist at Clatterbridge Hospital.
6.40-7.30 How can we maximise our use of Radical Treatments for Lung Cancer
local and national discussion groups
8.00 Dinner
Saturday 20th November
9.30 Difficult Lung Cancer Case discussion.
10.30 Stuart Elborn- Bronchiectasis
11.30 Liam Heaney -Difficult Asthma
12.30 lunch and close
Curriculum Vitae:
Julian Leggett. Consultant Respiratory and General Medicine Northern Health and
Social Care Trust and Secretary of the Ulster Thoracic Society
Angela Garvey. Consultant in Palliative Care Alnagelvin Hospital. Angela has had
long term interest in the palliative care of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease and has
been spoken widely on this subject both locally and nationally
Joe Kidney. Consultant in Respiratory Medicine in the Mater Hospital and Belfast
City Hospital. He has a long standing published interest in the role of inflammation in
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease and is an experienced speaker.
Nick Hopkinson has been a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College since 2006.
He is also an Honorary Consultant Chest Physician at The Royal Brompton Hospital
and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals. He qualified in Medicine at Cambridge and
The London Hospital Medical College and went on to train in Respiratory and
General Internal Medicine at St George’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals. He is clinical
lead for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) at The Royal Brompton
Hospital and runs a tertiary referral advanced COPD clinic with Professor Mike
Polkey and Dr Matthew Hind where patients are assessed for novel treatments for
their disease including endobronchial emphysema therapies. He has established a
smoking cessation clinic in the trust and is responsible for developing pulmonary
rehabilitation services.
Wendy Anderson Lead Clinician for Lung Cancer Northern Health and Social Care
Trust. Wendy has a long term published interest in local and national lung cancer
survival and in the use of radical treatment to achieve long term survival.
David Waller is a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, University Hospitals of Leicester
and an Honorary Senior Lecturer, Depts Medicine & Surgery, University of Leicester.
Special clinical interests include pulmonary and oesophageal malignancy, and VATS.
His recent publications advance the use of radical surgery in lung cancer.
Kieran McManus is a Consultant in Thoracic Surgery Royal Victoria Hospital,
Belfast. He graduated in Tasmania and was a Thoracic Fellow in the Mayo Clinic. His
has specialist interests include lung cancer, oesophageal cancer, benign oesophageal
disease, thoracic trauma and triathlon.
Joe Maguire Consultant in Oncology at Clatterbridge Hospital, The Wirral with a
long standing interest in maximising the radical treatment of lung cancer
Stuart Elborn is Professor of Respiratory Medicine, QUB. He is also director of the
Adult CF Centre, Belfast City Hospital and chairman of Research and Medical
Advisory Committees of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, UK. He trained in Belfast and
helped develop the Cystic Fibrosis Centres in Nottingham and Cardiff. On return to
Belfast in 1995 started a new Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre providing care for all
adults with cystic fibrosis in Northern Ireland. The Belfast Centre also has an active
research programme in basic science of inflammation and infection and clinical
research in airways clearance, self-management programmes and undertakes a range
of clinical trials examining new treatments for cystic fibrosis. He also runs a noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis service providing regional care for patients with
Liam Heaney is a Consultant in General and Respiratory Medicine in Belfast City
Hospital and a Senior Lecturer at Queens University Belfast. He is Co-ordinator of
National Registry in Difficult/Severe Asthma (BTS) and Chair BTS / SIGN
Guidelines Evidence Review Group for Difficult Asthma .Member of Steering
Committee for BTS / SIGN Guidelines on Asthma Management. Member of British
Thoracic Society (BTS) Research Committee