
Call to Action: Building Futures
2012-2015 (Year Two: 2013-2014)
All students graduate prepared for continued learning and the world of work in the 21st century.
All employees are accountable for a high performing organization.
Objective 1
Ensure implementation of strategies
and systems to support and reward
high performing employees.
Implement the third year of the Jeffco
Strategic Compensation pilot.
▪ 100% of strategic compensation schools will increase overall School Performance
Framework (SPF).
▪ The percent of teachers in strategic compensation schools who receive an overall
effective or distinguished rating on their final evaluation based on the Jeffco rubric will
increase from 92% to 94%.
BOE Ends Policies:
1, 2, 3, 5
▪ 100% of the recommendations for adjustment or implementation district wide made to
the superintendent will be based on measures of effectiveness of the components of
strategic compensation.
Implement effectiveness requirements
through evaluation, feedback, and
measurement of student growth.
▪ 100% of school based teachers will receive an online evaluation annually.
▪ 100% of educators will be trained to meet the recommendations outlined by the peer
evaluator investigation phase.
▪ 100% of school based administrators will receive an online evaluation, including
standard VII (measurement of student academic growth), annually.
Redesign the compensation system for
Call to Action: Building Futures 2012-2015 (Year Two 2013-2014)
▪ 100% of new teachers to Jeffco will be included in the redesigned compensation
Goals, Objectives, Indicators, Targets – December 2013
Objective 2
Ensure schools use staffing and time
to increase student achievement.
Implement increased flexibility in staffing
at school sites.
▪ 10 schools will be selected to implement changes in the fall of 2014 (if the task force
makes this recommendation).
▪ The 10 selected schools will implement the changes in school staffing.
BOE Ends Policies:
1, 2, 3, 5
▪ 80% of the selected schools will show increases in their percentage of points on the
School Performance Framework.
▪ 100% of changes needed in the contract will be negotiated and 100% of the changes
necessary in the budget will be implemented if pilots are implemented.
Implement changes in the use of time in
▪ 50% of schools will adopt changes in the use of time that have been demonstrated to
impact student achievement.
▪ 80% of schools will improve student achievement as measured by Transitional
Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) results, ACT scores, graduation rates, and/or
other relevant measures.
Objective 3
Ensure district accreditation through
increased student achievement and
through the implementation of high
standards for students and staff.
Develop a plan for school based
instructional support staffing.
▪ 100% of schools will implement new instructional support staffing in fall of 2015
dependent upon available resources.
Meet or exceed the overall academic
achievement indicators in Transitional
Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP)
reading, mathematics, writing, and science
on the District Performance Framework.
▪ Jeffco will exceed 70% of the available points on the District Performance Framework.
BOE Ends Policies:
1, 2, 3, 5
▪ Jeffco will increase its number of targets that meet or exceed state expectations from
▪ 85% or more of schools will remain in the performance category.
▪ Classroom dashboard will be piloted with 250-500 teachers and/or principals who
volunteer to try the system.
▪ 100% of neighborhood and option schools will participate in a collaborative
continuous improvement cycle.
Call to Action: Building Futures 2012-2015 (Year Two 2013-2014)
Goals, Objectives, Indicators, Targets – December 2013
Develop the plan for implementation of
the new graduation guidelines and the
endorsed diploma.
▪ 100% of families will be informed of the new graduation expectations for the class of
Objective 4
Increase leadership skills and knowledge
through the leadership cohorts and
induction programs.
▪ 90% of induction candidates will agree that the induction process has helped to
increase their leadership skills as outlined on the Colorado Department of Education
(CDE) principal rubric.
Ensure that leadership capacity is
increased in Jeffco.
▪ 90% of leadership academy participants will agree that the leadership academy has
helped to improve their leadership skills and knowledge.
BOE Ends Policies:
1, 2, 3, 5
▪ 90% of aspiring superintendents will agree that the experiences have increased their
readiness to be considered in succession planning.
Objective 5
Ensure effective communication with
employees, community members, and
the media.
Implement district communications with
employees, community members, and the
▪ 80% of respondents will find the information in The Messenger to be useful.
▪ 65% of respondents will find the Leadership Memo extremely helpful.
▪ 350 positive stories will appear in the print, online, and in broadcast media.
BOE Ends Policy:
▪ Communications Services’ scores on the leadership survey will increase from 3.64 to
▪ 100% of Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests will be responded to within
three business days after a request is received.
Increase community outreach.
▪ The number of participants on Engage Jeffco will be increased by 20% (baseline to be
established 2013-2014).
▪ The Quarterly will be published three times per year.
▪ 100% of schools requesting assistance with marketing or communications will be
helped by the communications team.
Call to Action: Building Futures 2012-2015 (Year Two 2013-2014)
Goals, Objectives, Indicators, Targets – December 2013
Develop a comprehensive social media
plan to promote schools and staff.
▪ 100% of regular Board of Education meetings will be reported on Twitter.
▪ 80% of schools will have a story or picture posted on Facebook.
▪ 100% of district issued news releases will have corresponding information on Twitter
and Facebook.
Objective 6
Ensure values driven leadership in all
schools and in all departments.
Implement professional and community
learning in cultural proficiency.
▪ 100% of district departments will demonstrate effectiveness in supporting the
changing demographics in the district.
▪ 100% of the cultural proficiency and diversity projects and awards throughout Jeffco
Schools will be published through a variety of media.
BOE Ends Policy:
▪ 100% of principals will study and understand cultural proficiency and diversity to
support the changing demographics in their schools.
▪ 100% of diversity school liaisons will develop a deeper understanding of cultural
proficiency to support the changing demographics in their schools.
Design implementation plan for the
revised 2014-2015 Jeffco Employee Survey.
▪ 100% of draft implementation plan will be completed by spring 2014.
Expand the culture of collaboration and
capacity building.
▪ 100% of district departments will assess their implementation of shared decision
making and capacity building.
▪ 100% of recommendations will be presented to Cabinet by spring 2014.
▪ The Tell Survey will demonstrate that 80% of the represented schools assess their
culture and climate as positive for collaboration.
Call to Action: Building Futures 2012-2015 (Year Two 2013-2014)
Goals, Objectives, Indicators, Targets – December 2013