Impact of Clopidogrel anti-platelet therapy on surgical outcome in selected patients' population Mohamed A. Alrabiey MD, Ehab Said MD & Ehab El-Shahat MD Departments of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the impact of anti-platelet therapy (APT) on surgical outcome of patients requiring emergency surgery while being on APT and of patients assigned for elective surgery and had stopped their APT for one week prior to surgery. Patients & methods: This selective study included 30 patients on aspirin alone (ASP group), 30 patients on clopidogrel alone (CLO group) and 30 patients receiving both (Combination group); 30 patients without any history of APT (Control group) and 30 patients on combined APT and assigned to elective major surgeries discontinued on their APT for 7 days before surgery. All patients underwent preoperative assessment; preoperative ,intraoperative and postoperative Hb concentration and platelet count,operative time, intraoperative complication, intraoperative and postoperative blood loss, and transfusion requirement were recorded. Length of hospital stay, need for ICU admission and length of ICU stay were recorded. mortality, and 30-day readmission were recorded. Results: The study included 150 patients with mean age of 59.6±7.3; range: 43-78 years. All patients had co-morbidities in varied combination. Patients received APT showed significantly greater amount of blood loss during and at 12-hr after surgery with concomitantly significant higher number of blood units consumed compared to control group. Patients of CLO group showed the least deviation from elective group. Combination group showed significantly greater blood loss and higher need for blood transfusion compared both to CLO and elective groups. Patients of ASP group showed significantly higher blood loss and more need for transfusion therapy compared to elective group. All patients showed significant intra and postoperative decrease of hemoglobin concentration compared to preoperative concentration, while platelet count showed non-significant difference. Seven patients required admission to ICU; 3 patients of elective, one of control group and 3 patients of APT groups. No mortality was reported during a mean ICU stay of 2.6±1; range: 1-4 days. Mean total postoperative hospital stay was 18.5±5.1; range: 9-31 days.NO 30-day readmission were recorded. Conclusion: Elective surgery stoppage of APT for 7 day, if not hazardous, is advisable. Emergency surgical procedure for patients maintained on chronic APT is not so harmful despite the increased need for transfusions, but outcome is best for those receiving clopidogrel alone. Keywords: Anti-platelet therapy, continue, stop, elective surgery, emergency surgery Introduction Thienopyridine, clopidogrel, is an antiplatelet drug known to work by noncompetitive inhibition of the platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (P2Y12) receptor resulting in reduced platelet aggregation. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a noncompetitive, irreversible antagonist of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-1 (COX1) that inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) from arachidonic acid. Reduced concentrations of TxA2 lead to inhibition of platelet aggregation and adhesiveness (1, 2, 3). The use of platelet aggregation inhibitors, including aspirin, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and clopidogrel, has become a standard management strategy for patients with acute coronary syndrome. Clopidogrel significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke and other related ischemic events in these patients. Clopidogrel demonstrated benefits incremental to and independent of other therapies, including anticoagulants, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors blockers and lipid-lowering agents. Clopidogrel treatment may also be beneficial for patients who have not had the opportunity to undergo coronary angiography with subsequent percutaneous coronary intervention and who are dependent on -1- thrombolytic therapy, as well as those who require urgent surgical revascularization (4, 5, 6) . The well-documented efficacy of both aspirin and clopidogrel as anti-platelet therapies, either alone or in combination, lead to progressive increase of their use as chronic therapy; however, concerns arose about the bleeding tendency of these patients if required an emergency surgical procedure especially if there is blood loss secondary to the trauma. Another point of debit was for patients maintained on chronic anti-platelet therapy and admitted for major elective surgery especially if associated with blood loss as joint replacement surgeries, cancer and vascular surgeries; the point of debit is to stop or continue the anti-platelet therapy (7, 8, 9). Thus the current study aimed to evaluate the impact of anti-platelet therapy on surgical outcome of patients requiring emergency surgery while being on APT and of patients assigned for elective surgery and had stopped their APT for one week prior to surgery. Patients & methods The present study was conducted at Anesthesia Department, Benha University Hospital Since Nov 2009 till Feb 2012. After approval of the study protocol and obtaining patient consent , 150 patients were enrolled in the study undergoing various surgical procedures, (Table 1). The protocol of this slective study aimed to include 90 patients requiring emergency surgical interference and on anti-platelet therapy, these patients were categorized into 3 equal groups(G1, G2, G3) according to mode of antiplatelet therapy so as to included 30 patients on aspirin alone (ASP group), 30 patients on clopidogrel alone (CLO group) and 30 patients receiving both (Combination group); additionally 30 age and sex-matched patients without any history of antiplatelet therapy (APT) were enrolled as control group(G4).The last group (G5) included 30 patients on combined APT and assigned to elective major surgeries discontinued on their APT (APT-off) for 7 days prior to day of surgery to be readministered immediately after surgery . All patients were assessed for preoperative ASA score, associated comorbidities,preoperative Hb and platelet count. The same anesthetic regimen was applied for all study groups; general anesthesia was induced with thiopental (3–5 mg/kg), fentanyl (1–2 µg/kg) and atracurium (0.5 mg/kg), then controlled mask ventilation for 1.5 minutes was continued with isosflurane 1.5% till complete muscle relaxation. Then the patient was intubated with suitable size endotracheal tube.Anaesthesia was maintained by Isoflurane 1% and controlled ventilation via closed circuit system with 100% O2. Ventilation parameters were a tidal volume of 6– 8 ml /kg, ventilatory rate was adjusted to maintain end tidal CO2 between 35–40 mmHg and I:E(Inspiratory to Expiratory ratio) 1:2. During the intraoperative period the followings were recorded :intraoperative complications, Operative time, amount of intraoperative blood loss,Hb concentration and platelet count recorded at the end of operation. Intraoperative transfusion requirements of blood were also recorded,blood was transfused when Hb concentration less than 8 . At the end of surgery residual neuromuscular block was reversed with neostgmine(0.04mg/kg) and atropine(0.01mg/kg) and patient was extubated when met the criteria of extubation.After the patient was transfered to postanaesthesia care unit, the following data were recorded during the 1st 12 hours of the postoperative period: blood loss by estimation the amount of blood collected in surgical suction drain,also Hb concentration and platelet count were also recorded 6 hours after the end of operation, postoperative transfusion requirement of blood, -2- Length of hospital stay, need for ICU admission and length of ICU stay , as well as postoperative morbidity, mortality, and 30-day readmission were recorded. Table (1): Patients' distribution according to type of surgical procedure conducted General surgery Orthopedic Urology Gynecology G1 6 (20%) 13 (43.3%) 3 (10%) 8(26.6 %) G2 10(33.3%) 9 (30%) 4 (13.3%) 7 (23.7%) G3 8 (26.7%) 10(33.3%) 2 (6.7%) 10(33.3%) G4 11 (36.6%) 9 (30%) 4(13.3 %) 6(16.7%) G5 10 (33.3%) 10(33.3%) 2 (6.6%) 8 (26.6%) Total 45(30%) 51 (34%) 15 (10%) 39(26%) Data are presented as numbers; percentages are in parenthesis Statistical analysis Data were presented as mean±SD, ranges, numbers, and percentages. Data were using Chi-square test and one-way ANOVA test for inter-group comparisons. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS (Version 15, 2006) for Windows statistical package. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The study included 150 patients; 86 males (57.3 %) and 64 females (42.7 %) with mean age of 59.6±7.3; range: 43-78 years. Forty-five patients were ASA grade II, 81 patients were ASA grade III and 24 patients were ASA grade IV. Mean body weight of enrolled patients was 85.5±8.5; range: 59-98 kg and mean height was 167.6±5.8; range: 153-185 cm with a mean body mass index of 30.4±3; range: 19-36 kg/m2. There was a non-significant (p>0.05) difference between studied patients as regards the age, sex, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), ASA grade. All patients had co-morbidities in varied combination; however, cardiac lesions are the predominant co-morbidity, (Table 2). All patients had smooth intraoperative course within a mean operative time which showed non-significant difference between studied groups. All patients received APT showed significantly greater amount of blood loss both intraoperatively and at 12-hr after the end of surgery with concomitantly significant higher number of blood units consumed compared to control group. Emergency patients maintained on clopidogrel showed the least deviation from elective patients who operated upon while being APT-off. On contrary, patients included in combination group showed the worst outcome manifested as significantly greater blood loss, both intraoperative and at 12-hr PO with concomitantly significant higher number of blood units consumed compared to group CLO and to elective APT-off patients. Also, patients maintained on aspirin showed significantly higher blood loss and more need for blood transfusion compared to elective APT-off patients, (Table 3, Fig. 1). . All patients showed significant decrease of intraoperative hemoglobin concentration compared to their preoperative estimated levels. However, intraoperative blood transfusion could compensate for hemoglobin concentration deficit in control group that showed non-significant postoperative hemoglobin concentration compared to preoperative concentration, while in the other studied groups postoperative hemoglobin concentration still showed significant difference compared to preoperative concentration. On contrary, platelet count showed nonsignificant difference throughout the course of the study and no patient showed the limiting count for platelet transfusion, (Table 3, Fig. 2). Seven patients required admission to ICU for a frequency of 4.7%; 3 patients of elective group; 2 of them had ECG abnormalities (ST segment changes) suggestive of ischemic insult and the 3rd patient developed acute lung injury and required maintained mechanical ventilation. One patient in control group had prolonged -3- residual neuromuscular blocking action and maintained on mechanical ventilation till being extubated. The other three patients had emergency surgeries; 2 for strangulated incisional hernia who required maintenance on mechanical ventilation for continuously dropping of arterial oxygen saturation after the reduction of the huge incisional hernia. The 3rd had fracture pelvis and developed chest pain with ECG abnormalties(elevated ST segment in the antroseptal leads)with elevated cardiac enzymes suggestive of devolpment of myocardial infraction . No 30-day readmission was recorded also no mortality was reported during a mean ICU stay of 2.6±1; range: 1-4 days, (Table 4, Fig. 3). . Mean total postoperative hospital stay was 18.5±5.1; range: 9-31 days. All groups showed non-signfiicant difference as regards the frequency and duration of ICU admission, or the duration of hospital stay, (Table 4, Fig. 3). -4- Table (2): Preoperative data of studied patients G1 56.2±5.2 (43-65) M:F 18:12 Weight (kg) 83.1±10 (59-95) Height (cm) 169.1±7.7 (156-185) BMI (kg/m2) 29.2±3.9 (18-35.7) ASA grade II 9 (30%) III 18 (60%) IV 3 (10%) Associated co-morbidities Previous AMI 11 (36.7%) Previous CABP 4 (13.3%) Hypertension 10 (33.3%) DM 7 (23.3%) Previous DVT 3 (10%) CRD 1 (3.3%) Age (years) G2 59.6±4.1 (47-65) 17:13 85.9±9.2 (59-97) 165.8±5 (156-172) 31.2±2.8 (23-36.5) 10 (33.3%) 15 (50%) 5 (16.7%) G3 62.4±6.4 (45-69) 16:14 85.8±7.5 (68-95) 167.5±6.1 (155-178) 30.6±2.5 (25-35.7) 9 (30%) 13 (43.3%) 8 (26.7%) G4 58.9±7.5 (47-74) 18:12 85.4±8.8 (60-94) 167.3±4.4 (158-175) 30.5±3.1 (23.3-36) 9 (30%) 16 (53.3%) 5 (16.7%) G5 60.6±9 (4675) 17:13 85.2±7.3 (68-95) 168.3±4.8 (157-177) 30±2.6 (25.3-35) 8 (26.7%) 19 (63.3%) 3 (10%) Total 59.6±7.3 (43-78) 86:64 85.5±8.5 (59-98) 167.6±5.8 (153-185) 30.4±3 (19-36) 45 (30%) 81 (54) 24 (16%) 7 (23.3%) 6 (20%) 9 (30%) 8 (26.7%) 4 (13.3%) 2 (6.6%) 8 (26.7%) 6 (20%) 7 (23.3%) 6 (20%) 2 (6.6%) 1 (3.3%) 9 (30%) 5 (16.7%) 9 (30%) 10 (33.4%) 5 (16.7%) 3 (10%) 13 (43.3%) 4 (13.3%) 7 (23.3%) 9 (30%) 4 (13.3%) 3 (10%) 48 (32%) 25 (16.7%) 42 (28%) 40 (26.7%) 18 (12%) 10 (6.7%) Data are presented as mean±SD & numbers; ranges & percentages are in parenthesis BMI: Body mass index AMI: Acute myocardial infarction DM: Diabetes mellitus DVT: Deep vein thrombosis CABP: Coronary artery bypass CRD: Chronic renal disease Table (3): Operative and postoperative data of studied groups Operative time (min) Blood loss (ml) IO 12-hr PO Number of transfused blood units Hemoglobin Pre concentration IO PO Platelet count (103 platelet /ml) Pre IO PO Control 139.7±34.3 (100-180) 428.3±120 (150-750) 154.7±70.9 (100-350) 1.5±0.6 (1-3) ASP 132±26.2 (90-180) 747.3±192* (450-1200) 357±140* (200-700) 2.7±0.8* (1-4) CLO 140.2±42.6 (90-225) 717.3±155*‡ (400-1100) 291.7±158.9*‡ (100-650) 2.4±0.7* (1-3) Combination 137.7±25.1 (100-200) 814±174* (560-1150) 393.3±226* (200-850) 2.9±0.9* (2-4) Elective 135.7±25.1 (100-200) 707.3±155*†‡ (350-1000) 217.2±120*‡ (100-450) 2.1±0.7*†‡ (1-3) 11±0.5 (9.8-11.6) 10.6±0.7** (8.3-11.3) 10.8±0.5 (9.4-11.6) 195.3±29 (123-235) 185.6±27.6 (116-223) 11.2±0.9 (9.5-11.9) 10.2±1.1** (8.5-11.2) 10±0.8** (8.7-11) 190.1±33.1 (136-247) 177.8±31 (128-231) 11.4±0.4 (10.2-11.9) 10.2±1** (8.8-11.3) 10.1±0.9** (9-11.2) 189.9±38.2 (123-246) 176.6±35.6 (114-229) 11.2±0.6 (9.2-11.7) 9.8±1.1** (8.7-11.1) 10±0.8** (8.7-11.2) 186.3±39.9 (110-247) 172.3±36.9 (100-228) 11.1±0.7 (9.3-12) 10.4±0.7** (8.2-11.3) 10.6±0.7** (9-11.6) 202.8±29 (133-231) 190.1±27.2 (125-217) 186.5±27.7 (117-224) 180.6±31.4 (130-235) 179.4±36.1 (116-232) 175±37.5 (103-232) 193.7±27.6 (127-220) Data are presented as mean±SD & numbers; ranges & percentages are in parenthesis *: significant versus control group †: significant versus ASP group #: significant versus CLO group IO: intraoperative -5- **: significant versus preoperative ‡: significant versus combination group PO: postoperative Table (4): Postoperative data ICU data Frequency Duration (days) Duration of hospital stay (days) Control 1 (3.3%) 2 ASP 1 (3.3%) 3 CLO 0 0 17.8±4.9 (9-27) 18.7±5.2 (10-30) 18.8±5.7 (9-25) Combination 2 2.5±0.7 (2-3) 18.3±4.6 (11-27) Elective 3 2.7±1.5 (1-4) 18.9±5.3 (10-31) Data are presented as numbers & mean±SD; percentages & ranges are in parenthesis 900 800 700 (ml) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Control ASP CLO Combination Elective IO Fig. (1): Mean blood loss recorded in studied groups 12-hr PO 12 Control ASP CLO Combination Elective Hemoglobin concentration (gm/dl) 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 Pre IO PO Fig. (2): Mean hemoglobin concentration estimated throughout the study period in studied groups -6- Total 7 2.6±1 (1-4) 18.5±5.1 (9-31) 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2 2 1.5 Days Patients 2.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 Control ASP CLO Combination Elective Frequency Fig. (3): Postoperative ICU data of studied groups Duration Discussion The question to be answered is to stop or continue APT prior to elective surgery especially for patients with appropriate indications for APT use, such as symptomatic carotid disease, recent coronary stents or recent cardiac insult. The answer is still a matter of controversy. Through the current study, elective patients who were on combined APT and were maintained APT-off for one week showed significantly less blood loss and consumption of blood units compared to those on continued APT due to surgical interference on emergency basis. Moreover, the difference compared to those did not previously received APT was non-significant. These data indicated a fact that limited stoppage of APT could equalize the risk/benefit equation for these patients at risk of thrombotic or bleeding complications. The choice of discontinuation of APT for 7 days before surgery was dependent on data provided by Collyer et al. (10) who sequentially estimated platelet ADP channel inhibition by clopidogrel and found that mean platelet ADP inhibition was decreased on day 3 from 71.5% to 67.1%, to 48.8% on day 5, and 36.1% on day 7. Thus, on the 7th day of stoppage, about one third of APT activity still working which could not hamper hemostasis. In hand with such policy, Ceppa et al. (11) reported that patients taking clopidogrel can safely undergo major lung resection after discontinuation of clopidogrel for 5 days before surgery and resumption immediately after surgery without differences in rates of perioperative transfusions, reoperations for bleeding, myocardial infarctions, and strokes compared to control patients who did not receive perioperative clopidogrel. Also, Nandi et al. (12) found holding clopidogrel for at least 5 days before hip or knee arthroplasty may lower the rate of bleeding-related events, and no increase in events when patients resumed clopidogrel immediately after surgery. Moreover, in hand of withstanding APT for 7 days; Chernoguz et al. (13) documented the following data; while clopidogrel use within 7 days of an operation significantly increased the risk of postoperative bleeding, most bleeding episodes were successfully managed by transfusion without an increase in bleeding-related mortality or necessity for reoperation, high-risk patients undergoing elective -7- operations may not require preoperative clopidogrel cessation but when clopidogrel cessation is warranted, 7 days before the procedure is recommended. Also, Oh et al. (14) found the use of APT probably does not increase the risk of postoperative intraocular bleeding; however, when safe to suspend even for a short time the potential risk is further reduced. The important applicability for such question must be for emergency surgery wherein may be no time available for discontinuation. Patients maintained on combination APT showed the worst outcome manifested as significantly greater blood loss with significantly higher need for blood transfusion compared to elective APToff patients and to CLO group. On the other hand, patients maintained on clopidogrel showed the least deviation from elective APT-off patients who operated upon while being APT-off, but still showing significant difference compared to controls who are not on APT. In support of these data, Chechik et al. (15) found the mean perioperative blood loss for patients on clopidogrel was significantly more compared to patients who are not on clopidogrel but significantly less compared to patients on combined clopidogrel and aspirin. Also, Taylor et al. (16) reported a statistically significant increase in bleeding-associated morbidity in patients who continued their APT or anticoagulant therapy and those who had ceased therapy perioperatively compared with the controls not prescribed any anti-platelet or anti-coagulant drugs and concluded that patients taking APT or anticoagulant therapy have a higher rate of perioperative bleeding compared with those who are not taking any. Analysis of results obtained concerning patients maintained on clopidogrel alone indicated that continuation on chronic clopidogrel therapy was not associated with high risk of bleeding compared to those stopped APT prior to elective surgery for one-week and points to its safety in comparison to aspirin alone or combination with aspirin. In line with the safety of continuation of clopidogrel therapy; Christy et al. (17) reported that preinjury use of APT does not independently affect morbidity or mortality in trauma patients with pelvic fixation, but was associated with increased likelihood of receiving PRBC transfusion within 24 h of admission and only preinjury aspirin versus clopidogrel or NSAID was associated with early PRBC transfusions. Stone et al. (18) reported that patients undergoing peripheral arterial surgery in whom clopidogrel was continued either alone or as part of dual antiplatelet therapy did not have significant bleeding complications compared with patients taking no antiplatelet therapy or ASA alone at the time of surgery and concluded that clopidogrel can safely be continued. Chechik et al. (19) found early surgical intervention for hip fracture in patients receiving long-term treatment with clopidogrel appears to be safe in terms of bleeding complications and it has the potential to enable earlier mobilization and shorter hospitalization and may reduce mortality and complications associated with immobilization. The obtained results and review of literature allowed concluding that for elective surgery stoppage of APT for 7 day, if not hazardous, is advisable. Emergency surgical procedure for patients maintained on chronic APT is not so harmful despite the increased need for transfusions, but outcome is best for those receiving clopidogrel alone. References 1. 2. Gauchet C. : ADP receptors of platelets and their inhibition. 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