Medical & Surgical Update for Hospital Based Clinicians

Chamberlain Medical Resources
Medical & Surgical Update for Hospital Based Clinicians
Sunday, March 1- Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Course Objectives
Session 1-Interventional Radiology-Cases to learn from, Anne Silas MD
Sunday, March 1 4:00-5:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss the role of IR in the hospital setting
2-Describe IR cases commonly encountered in the hospital setting
3-Discuss 3 case presentations you should know
Session 2-Maintaining the Flow-Urological Emergencies, Jeffrey Bennett, MD
Sunday, March 1 5:00-6:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Describe the pathophysiology of obstructing prostates
2-Discuss various treatments for BPH
3-Discuss other acute urologic emergencies
Session 3-NP’s or PA’s- Who is Really Better? David Mittman, PA
Sunday, March 1, 7:00-8:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Review the 40 year history of the NP and PA professions
2-Describe similarities and differences between PA’s and NP’s
3-Discuss the future of healthcare and how NP’s and PA’s can forward each profession to help
fix the healthcare system
4-Discuss ways to break down barriers between PA and NP providers
Session 4-Management of Tracheotomies, Ilana Feinerman, MD
Monday, March 2, 7:30-8:30am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss airway anatomy
2-Review indications for tracheotomy
3- Review management of tracheotomy site and complications of tracheotomy
Session 5-Guidelines for Antimicrobial Therapy in the Neutrapenic Patient, Amy Keenan, PharmD
Monday, March 2, 8:35-9:35am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Review clinical conditions and general management of neutrapenic patients
2-Discuss anti-microbial drug classes commonly used in neutrapenic patients
3-Discuss national and institutional guidelines regarding anti-microbial management of
neutrapenic patients
4-Discuss creating appropriate anti-microbial profile for each neutrapenic patient
Session 6-Oncology Emergencies, James Bradner, MD
Monday, March 2, 9:40-10:40am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss signs and symptoms of the most common emergencies facing a cancer patient
2-Develop a strategy for rapid diagnostic evaluation of the cancer patient
3-Discuss integrating diagnostic information into rapid interventions needed in oncology
Session 7-General Surgery Topics, Suresh Agarwal, MD
Monday, March 2, 4:00-5:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss current topics in general surgery
2-Describe impact on PA/NP practice
3-Discuss case presentations in general surgery
Chamberlain Medical Resources
Medical & Surgical Update for Hospital Based Clinicians
Sunday, March 1- Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Session 8-Hyponatremia, Jeanine Carlson MD
Monday, March 2, 5:00-600pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss pathophysiology of hyponatremia
2-Describe treatment options for hyponatremia
3-Review common cases of hyponatremia
Session 9-ID Update-MRSA in 2009
Monday, March 2, 6:00-7:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Review incidence of MRSA and history
2-Discuss differences between in-patient and out-patient management
3-Discuss current medical therapies available in MRSA treatment
Session 10-Diabetes Update- Jeanine Carlson,MD.
Tuesday, March 3, 7:30-8:30am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1- Discuss types of diabetes,
2- Discuss current treatment options for the diabetic patient
3- Discuss common diabetic cases in the in-patient setting
Session 11-Wound Management and the Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen, John Alexander, MD
Tuesday, March 3, 8:35-9:35am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss the pathophysiology of wound non-healing
2-Describe the characteristics of a non-healing wound
3-Discuss therapies available for non-healing wounds, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Session 12-Cath Lab Cases, Mike Cothern, PA-C
Tuesday, March 3 9:40-10:40am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Review current indications for cardiac catheterization with regard to ACS and STEMI
2-Describe pre-op evaluation, in house care, and discharge core measures for Cardiac Cath
3-Review some commonly encountered cath lab cases and radiological findings
13- Current Topics in COPD, Christos Kapogiannis, MD
Tuesday, March 3, 4:00-5:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss common signs and symptoms of COPD
2-List the current testing parameters for documenting COPD
3-Review current treatment guidelines based on the severity of COPD
4-List common case presentations of COPD and the appropriate treatment options available for
managing them
Session 14-Commonly Encountered Fractures in In-Patient Populations, Alan Johnston PAC
Tuesday, March 3, 5:00-6:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Recognize fractures and fracture pattern common to patients requiring inpatient admission
2-Describe fracture pattern and radiographic findings to consulting orthopedic clinicians
3-Discuss short and long term treatment of specific fractures
Session 15-2009 Medical Literature-What’s New? Speaker TBA
Tuesday, March 3, 6:00-7:00pm
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss current medical literature in 2009
2-Review impact on the in-patient PA and NP practice
3-Discuss changes that may be made in current management strategies
Chamberlain Medical Resources
Medical & Surgical Update for Hospital Based Clinicians
Sunday, March 1- Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Session 16-GI Bleeding-current treatment options, Suresh Agarwal, MD
Wednesday, March 4, 7:30-8:30am
Teaching method: Lecture with power point
1-Review common etiologies of GI bleeding
2-Discuss current diagnostic options for GI bleeding
3-Discuss currently available and recommended treatment options for GI bleeding
Session 17- Evaluating the Neurosurgical Emergency Patient, Kim Chagnon NP
Wednesday, March 4, 8:35-9:35am
Teaching Method: Lecture with power point
1-Discuss how to perform a focused Neurological exam in less than 5 minutes
2-Review how to differentiate between the emergent and non-emergent neurosurgical patient
3-Discuss how to effectively manage acute neurosurgical crises
Session 18- Acute Coronary Syndrome, Peter Smulowitz, MD
Wednesday, March 4, 9:40-10:40am
Teaching Method: Lecture with power point
1-Review current treatment protocols for ACS
2-Review common ECG findings of ACS
3-Discuss some common ACS case presentations