Online Data Supplement Diagnostic accuracy, safety and utilisation of respiratory physician delivered thoracic ultrasound Najib M Rahman1 MRCP Authors: Aran Singanayagam1 MRCP Helen E Davies1 MRCP John M Wrightson1 MRCP Eleanor K Mishra1 MRCP Y C Gary Lee1, 4 PhD FRACP Rachel Benamore2 FRCR Robert J O Davies1,3 DM FRCP* Fergus V Gleeson2,3 FRCR* Affiliations: 1Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine and Oxford Pleural Diseases Unit, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 7LJ 2Department of Radiology, Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 7LJ 3NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. 4University of Western Australia, Department of Medicine Correspondence: Dr Najib Rahman Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine Churchill Hospital Oxford, OX3 7LJ naj_rahman@yahoo, Ph: 0044 1865 225205 Fax: 0044 1865 857209 Funding: No funding specific to this study NMR is funded by the UK Medical Research Council 1 EKM is funded by the UK National Cancer Research Institute RJOD is funded by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Short Title: Safety and efficacy of physician delivered thoracic ultrasound Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare on the subject of this paper 2 1. Details of statistical methods Linear regression analysis was used to assess the change in activity of the thoracic ultrasound service over time and the proportion of radiology referred scans over time. For assessment of activity over time, linear regression was performed using the number of scans as the outcome variable and a time factor (3 month period sequentially) as the explanatory variable. No covariates were used in the model. For assessment of radiology referral over time, the proportion of scans referred to radiology (number of referred scans to radiology as a proportion of all scans conducted excepting those prethoracoscopy) was the outcome variable, and a time factor (1 month period sequentially) was used as the explanatory variable. No covariates were used in the model. Sensitivity and specificity of the detection of pleural fluid and technical feasibility of fluid aspiration was calculated using results of blinded ultrasound clip assessment by the radiologist. The opinion of the radiologist (i.e. pleural fluid present or not and fluid technically possible to aspirate or not) was taken as the reference standard for calculation of sensitivity and specificity. Chance corrected agreement between radiologist and physician opinion of the thoracic ultrasound clips (fluid present, fluid technically possible to aspirate) was conducted using a kappa statistic. 3 2. Literature Review search Strategy PubMed was searched using the following (including MESH) terms, no limits: (("Pleural Effusion"[Mesh]) OR ("Pleura"[Mesh])) AND ((ASPIRATION OR THORACEN* OR THORACOCE*) OR ("Chest Tubes"[Mesh])) AND ("Ultrasonography"[Mesh] OR "Ultrasonography, Interventional"[Mesh]) A total of 90 citations resulted from this search strategy. Twenty one citations were discarded immediately due to lack of relevance to the topic concerned. The remaining 69 abstracts were assessed, and 28 further papers discarded on the basis of the following criteria: Reason study discarded Studies discarded Lung biopsy / lung aspiration / pleural biopsy 3 Review article 5 Complications not clearly reported 6 Diagnostic ultrasound (no intervention) only 2 Less than 10 patients underwent ultrasound imaging 3 No ultrasound guidance used 5 Combination of CT and ultrasound imaging used 3 Pre-thoracoscopy ultrasound only 1 Total 28 Table E1. Reasons for non-inclusion of studies in comparison of complications of thoracic ultrasound guided procedures. A total of 69 – 28 = 41 studies were therefore included in the assessment of complications of ultrasound guided pleural procedures. 4 3. Referenced Literature Review of US guided complications Formal systematic review and data synthesis of studies was not attempted. A Medline review of published studies on ultrasound guided procedures for the diagnosis / treatment of pleural effusion (via Medline search – see Table E1) identified 69 relevant publications. Of these, 28 were discounted (3 studies assessing lung / pleural biopsy1-3, 5 review articles4-8, 6 complications not clearly reported9-14, 2 diagnostic only15;16, 3 small (<10 patients undergoing ultrasound) studies17-19, 5 non-ultrasound guided20-24, 3 combined imaging modalities (i.e. ultrasound and CT / fluoroscopy used)25-27 and 1 assessing ultrasound in pre-thoracoscopy patients only28), leaving 41 studies for assessment of complications from US guided pleural fluid procedures. Of the 41 studies, 9 were conducted by non-radiologists29-37 (respiratory or intensive care physicians) and 32 conducted by radiologists3869. Complications reported in these studies were recorded if considered major on the same criteria as listed above (intrapleural bleed or pneumothorax requiring any form of intervention, pleural infection, visceral pleura or viscus perforation). Combing the results of these studies, the overall major complication rate was 137 complications in 6836 procedures (2.0%, 95% CI 1.7 to 2.3). The major complication rate of radiology studies (121/5530 = 2.2%, 95% CI 1.8 to 2.6) was comparable to that of the physician conducted studies (16/1306 = 1.2%, 95% CI 0.7 to 2.0) (2 1df = 5.0, p=0.03). The proportion of complications seen in this study was significantly lower than the proportion in published studies (this study 3/558, 0.5% versus 137/6836, 5 2.0%; 2 1df = 6.0, p=0.01, difference 1.5%, 95% confidence interval for the difference = 0.8 to 2.2%) (Figure 3). (Figure E1). Figure 3. Major complication rates of studies using ultrasound for pleural fluid procedures, assessing studies by size and whether conducted by a radiologist or non-radiologist, in comparison to the current study. Individual studies are shown with filled triangles, and summary complication rates (non-weighted) and 95% CI (confidence intervals) are shown with dots and bars (see legend, * = current study) 6 Reference List 1. Cinti, D. and H. B. Hawkins. 1984. Aspiration biopsy of peripheral pulmonary masses using real-time sonographic guidance. AJR Am.J.Roentgenol. 142:1115-1116. 2. Das, D. K., C. S. Pant, J. N. Pant, and P. Sodhani. 1995. Transthoracic (percutaneous) fine needle aspiration cytology diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuber.Lung Dis. 76:84-89. 3. Diacon, A. H., M. M. Schuurmans, J. Theron, P. T. Schubert, C. A. Wright, and C. T. Bolliger. 2004. Safety and yield of ultrasound-assisted transthoracic biopsy performed by pulmonologists. Respiration 71:519-522. 4. Keske, U. 1999. 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