DIADYNAMIC CURRENTS – low frequency alternating currents

DIADYNAMIC CURRENTS – low frequency alternating currents used in electrotherapy, based on a
direct current of low amperage. Depending on the applied current, the effects are analgesic,
improving blood supply, working trophically /in degenerative conditions/, aiding resorption /in posttraumatic conditions/.
INTERFERENCE CURRENTS – Nemecek’s interference currents. They resemble the diadynamic
currents, but are stronger and give the patient a more pleasant experience. It is related to their
greater ability to overcome the skin’s resistance. Biological effects of interference depend on the
frequency. Nemecek’s currents have analgesic results; they widen blood vessels and improve blood
circulation and tissue nourishment.
TRAEBERT’S CURRENT – it is an ultrastimulative current with a strong analgesic effect. It triggers off a
strong muscle tremor, which results in muscle relaxation. The treatment is also called a stimulative
current massage. The treatment is analgesic and muscle-relaxing.
GALVANISATION – it is an electrotherapeutic treatment based on the flow of direct current within
the patient’s body between two electrodes. The flow of direct current through the body increases
the resorption of swellings, haematomas and effusions, has an analgesic effect, by way of reflex it
improves microcirculation of blood and lymph nourishing the tissues. It speeds up regeneration
processes i.e. the healing of wounds and ulcerations. It is also applied in treating of flaccid paralysis.
IONOPHORESIS – it is an electrotherapeutic treatment based on introducing the ions of medicines
into the tissues with the aid of a direct current. The treatment combines the effect of the applied
direct current and a medical substance, for example analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Electrotherapy treatments are recommended in case of: neuralgias, chronic inflammation of the
nerves, plexus or nerve roots, pains in the course of degenerative conditions of limb and spine joints,
flaccid paralysis.
ULTRASOUNDS – during the treatment mechanical vibrations of a frequency 800-24000 kHz are
applied. The basic effect of ultrasounds on the tissues is a mechanical action called “micromassage”,
caused by pressure fluctuation in the course of a sound wave. A very important component of their
functioning is their influence on the biochemistry of tissues leading to better oxidation. They have an
analgesic effect reducing muscle tension, curbing inflammatory processes and widening blood
PHONOPHORESIS – it is an ultrasound treatment, in which the linking substance is an analgesic or
anti-inflammatory gel. The treatment has an analgesic effect, reduces muscle tension and widens
blood vessels. The indications for the treatment include chronic, sub-acute inflammatory conditions
of the joints and joint areas, aches related to a degenerative condition of the cervical spine area,
back and lower back aches, sciatica.
MAGNETOTHERAPY – is a physical treatment based on utilizing a slow-alternating magnetic field,
which has a positive influence on the metabolism and increases energy transformation. The
treatment has an analgesic, calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effect; improves tissue
breathing processes and accelerates the healing of wounds and fractures. The treatment may be
administered through a plaster cast, bandage and clothes. Indications for the treatment include:
hindered wound healing, degenerative condition of limb and spine joints, peripheral circulation
disorders, inflammation of the nerves.
LASER THERAPY - Treatment with low-energy bio-stimulating laser is a modern physical method
based on supplying the selected area of the human body with energy in the form of light. It works
directly on tissue processes without damaging them. Bio-stimulation utilizes laser radiation of the
infrared and red range, since it provides the deepest penetration of the tissues. Laser therapy has
analgesic, anti-inflammatory and resorptive effect and accelerates wound healing processes. It
results in an improvement in degenerative conditions of the joints, motor organs’ dysfunctions, joint
area inflammation or hardly healing wounds.
PEAT PLASTERS - The therapeutic mechanism of peat plasters is based on a thermal and mechanical
effect resulting from the pressure of peat mass on the skin and the influence of the chemical
compounds that it contains. Peat plasters are especially useful in treatment of inflammatory
conditions of the joints and soft tissues. They overheat the tissue, which results in loosening the
muscles, soothing and even eliminating of pain. They also have a germicidal, bacteriostatic,
tightening and inflammatory effect, increase the absorption of effusions, influence hormone
secretion, mainly by the renal cortex and pituitary gland. Medical indications: rheumatic conditions,
motor organs conditions, conditions of the circulatory system within the limbs, some neurological
conditions, spine ailments.
GALVANO-PEAT THERAPY – a kind of ionophoresis with the application of peat as the active
substance. Utilization of galvanic current increases the anti-inflammatory effect of the ingredients
contained in peat.
COLD-WARM COMPRESSES – the treatment is based on using a gel compress – a non-toxic largecapacity carrier of cold and warmth, which evenly preserves the accumulated warmth or cold for a
long time. The treatment relaxes the muscles, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and
decreases the activity of reticular growth causing a general tension reduction. It also provides
immuno-stimulation. Used as a cold compress it has analgesic and anti-swelling effect in post-injury
and inflammatory conditions.
SOLUX – is a light-therapy treatment utilizing infrared radiation, which is emitted through one of the
two filters – red or blue.
Red filter applications:
- inflammatory conditions of soft tissues,
- accelerating the resorption of effusions,
- skin damages and hardly healing wounds,
- muscle aches,
- reducing muscle tension (especially before a massage or kinetic therapy exercise).
Blue filter applications:
- for an analgesic effect,
- shrinking of blood vessels,
- neuralgia,
- post-injury conditions.
HYDRO-MASSAGE – water massage causes tissue relaxation, reduces nervous tension, improves
blood supply and soothes the pain.
PEARL BATH - It is a kind of water massage. Gas bubbles impact the skin by delicately affecting its
receptors. They have a calming effect on the nervous system and a mild soporific effect. The bath is
recommended in all kind of neuroses as well as in general fatigue etc.
WHIRLPOOL BATHS - They are a kind of water massage of the lower or upper limbs. They are taken
in special bathtubs. The final effect resembles the one achieved through hydro-massage limited to
the limbs.
CLASSICAL MASSAGE – it consists in directly affecting the skin, the subcutaneous tissue and the
muscles with mechanical stimulus. It is performed through various movements or grips of one or
both hands, according to the indications. It improves blood circulation, increases tissue flexibility, has
a relaxing and analgesic effect, increases the inflow of venous blood into the heart and improves
lymph circulation.
REFLEXING MASSAGE– it is performed on aching body areas. During the massage, the therapist uses
various techniques and grips chosen according to the patient’s current state. It may be a massage of
the neck, back, pelvis or a special massage of the feet.
SEGMENT MASSAGE – is a neuro-reflex therapy method. The massage is based on connections
between certain areas of the skin, the subcutaneous, muscle and periosteum tissue and internal
organs innervated by the same segment of the spinal cord. The effect of these connections is that
pathogenic processes taking place in one tissue or internal organ cause changes in a respective
muscle, connective or periosteum tissue and on the skin surface, which results in the so-called
projective aches. In segment massage, the body is divided into certain segments, which are subject to
the treatment. By affecting the body surface with manual techniques, regulation of the functioning of
individual organs or a general therapeutic effect is achieved. The massage has to be preceded by a
medical diagnosis.
LYMPHATIC DRAIN - is one of the physiotherapeutic procedures. It is performed with the aid of the
therapist’s hands or specially designed apparatuses that improve lymph circulation. The method
helps preventing conditions resulting from stasis, inflammatory, oncotic and lymphatic swellings. It is
a supportive therapy in breast amputation, i.e. mastectomy.
AQUAVIBRON – It is a treatment based on a therapeutic massage. It aids in eliminating many minor,
yet troublesome ailments, reducing their symptoms and improving the comfort of living. Aquavibron
may provide health, well-being and relaxation after everyday stress.
SOUND SHOCK WAVE THERAPY – is a non-invasive method of healing and regeneration, utilizing the
sound wave energy. The apparatus generates radial shock waves, which are used in treating of the
tennis player’s elbow, other degenerative states, also the calcaneal spur, painful arm syndrome,
Achilles heel inflammation.