CROSBY ELEMENTARY KB August 25, 2014 Dear Parents, I want to welcome you and your child to a new school year. My name is Mrs. Lugo and I will be your child’s Kinder teacher for this school year. Children at this age are full of enthusiasm and energy and are faced with a lot of challenges. I hope to fulfill their physical, social and emotional needs in an environment that will inspire to develop their optimal intellect. Please remember to read to/with your child daily. The more your child is exposed to the language, the easier it will be for him/her to apply their new skills in reading and writing. Please let me know if there is any information about your child that you think I should be aware of. The following information will help answer a few questions you might have: Conference with parents- Parent/teacher conferences are very important and I hope we can work together throughout the year. Together we can help your child do his/her best in Kinder. If you need to have a conference with me please call the school (915)236-5450 and set up an appointment. My conference time is from 1:00 -1:45. If you would like you can also send me an e-mail to mclugo@episd.or. I am also glad to help you with ideas or activities to help your child at home. Dress Code- It is mandatory that everybody brings tennis shoes or closed shoes with socks. The following is not permitted: toys, electronic devices, spaghetti straps, big earrings, and mohawk haircuts. If possible write your child’s name on jackets or sweaters since they do tend to lose them, and perhaps this way it will be easier to find them. Health- If your child is allergic to any type of food please let me know in the enclosed sheet. Celebrations- If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday you are welcomed to send cupcakes with a little of frosting with juice for the last 10 minutes of class. SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Students will line up on designated area marked “C” outside on basketball courts. I will greet them here and escort them to the classroom. 1st Bell – 7:50 am (Students should line up in their section outside on blacktop. In case of inclement weather, line up will be inside cafetería.) 2nd Bell- I will be picking up the students at this time. Tardy Bell – 8:15am (any student arriving after this bell will need to go to office to get a tardy slip) Dismissal Bell – 3:15pm (students will be escorted back to the blacktop on area marked “C”) **Please pick up your child promptly when school is over. Those students who are not picked up on time will be sent to the office. Homework- Every Monday I will send a folder with homework for each day of the week. The homework should be turned in every Friday. It is your child’s responsibility to do their homework daily and turn it in on time. Please be sure your child has the necessary materials to work on their homework at home like: pencils, scissors, glue, and crayons. There will be a seperate folder (blue) to send important papers home. On the lefts side you will have papers that do not have to be returned. On the right side you will have papers that need to be filled out or signed and returned as soon as possible. Homework will begin on October. Discipline- Our class uses a colored system to help children monitor their behavior. Each day, all children begin with a green color face. If a child shows exceptionally good behavior, his/her pin will remain in the green color face. If he/she is having difficulty following rules, his/her pin will be changed to yellow warning face, and then, if necessary to red or sad face. This is a reminder for the child to rethink about his/her behavior. If his/her behavior improves, his/her card will be turned back to green. Tardiness- In the event that your child is tardy to class, you will need a tardy slip from the office. If excessive tardiness continues, the Assistant Principal will contact you about the problem. Absences- Parents have the responsibility to notify the Attendance Office (915236-5450) if child will be absent from school. I would appreciate it if you would please read and review the classroom rules with your child. Please sign and return the following forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know. My conference period is from 1:00 – 1:45pm or you can leave me a message at (915)236-5450 and I will get back to you promptly. Thank You! Mrs. Lugo KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM RULES Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year at Crosby Elementary. In order to maintain an environment that allows children to learn. I have developed a classroom discipline plan. Please read and discuss the rules with your child. Students should: 1. Listen carefully and talk nicely to each other. 2. Work quietly and do not interrupt others. 3. Respect each other’s space and share. 4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. When a student chooses not to follow these rules: 1. Verbal warning will be given. 2. Name gets moved to yellow face 3. Name gets moved to red face-student is sent to the talking Chair to discuss the rule that was broken with the teacher-3 minute timeout. 4. Go to Assisstant Principal’s office. (Severe Offense) Students who follow the rules and cooperate will: 1. Receive verbal praise and recognition. 2. Positive notes sent home to parents. 3. Prizes -------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return this bottom portion of the form to me as soon as possible. Thank you. I have read the Discipline Plan and have discussed it with my son/daughter . Child’s Name_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature________________________________________________ Date___________________ Kindergarten-Child’s Personal Data Sheet ______________ Child’s Last Name ______________ Child’s First Name __________ Date of Birth Home Address______________________________________ House Ph#_______________ Mother’s Name________________ Place of Employment_______________ Work Phone#_________________ Cell Phone#_____________________ Father’s Name________________ Place of Employment_______________ Work Phone#_________________ Cell Phone#_____________________ Legal Guardian (other than parent)________________________________ Work Phone#_________________ Cell Phone#_____________________ Emergency Contact Information: Name of person to call if parents cannot be reached___________________ Relationship__________________ Phone(s)_______________________ Address___________________________________________________ The above listed person is authorized to take the child from the school?______Yes_____No Transportation From School My child gets home from school: ____is picked up by an adult ____is picked up by a sibling ____is picked up by daycare* *The name and phone number of the daycare is ______________________ List all other adults who are authorized to take the child from school (other than parents): Name________________________ Relationship_____________________ Address____________________________________________________ Name________________________ Relationship_____________________ Address____________________________________________________ Name________________________ Relationship_____________________ Address____________________________________________________ List any siblings who attend Crosby Elementary: Name________________________ Grade/Teacher__________________ Name________________________ Grade/Teacher__________________ Name________________________ Grade/Teacher__________________ Photo Permission Slip Throughout the year our Kinder students participate in activities, projects, and events in which students may be photographed. I would like your permission to use these pictures for our bulletin boards and/or special crafts. Please fill out this form and return to me as soon as possible. _____YES. I grant you permission to use photos of my child. _____NO. Please do NOT take or use any photos of my child. Child’s Name (PLEASE PRINT):________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name (PLEASE PRINT):_______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature__________________________________ Date:________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photo Permission Slip Durante todo el ano los estudiantes de Kinder participaran en actividades y eventos en los cuales se les tomaran fotos. Necesito el permiso del padre/guardian de cada estudiante para poder usar estas fotos en el salon. Favor de llenar esta forma y regresar lo mas pronto possible. _____SI. Yo doy permiso para el uso de fotografias de mi hijo/a. _____NO. Yo NO doy permiso para el use de fotografias de mi hijo/a. Nombre del estudiante:______________________________________ Nombre del Padre o Guardian:_________________________________ FIRMA del Padre o Guardian:__________________________________ Fecha:__________________ CROSBY ELEMENTARY KD Dear Parents, We will be having activities in Math or Science that can require some kind of food. Please indicate if your son/daughter is allergic to any types of food like milk, peanut butter, etc. ______No, my son/daughter is NOT allergic to any type of food. ______Yes, my son/daughter is allergic to the following foods: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. Name of Student________________________ ______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature Mrs. Gonzalez ___________________ Date School Supplies Dear Parents, I believe there were different supply lists that were handed out. I apologize for the mix up. They will need the following supplies: 1 backpack without wheels 2 boxes of crayons (16 or 24) 2 bottles of white school glue 1 box of washable markers 2 dry erase markers 1 box of large ziplock baggies 1 box of small ziplock baggies 1 canister of Clorox wipes 1 school box 2 plastic pocket folders with prongs 1 box of yellow #2 pencils 1 eraser Fiskar scissors 1 composition notebook 1 box of kleenex