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Anuj Bhatia
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Director, Anesthesia Chronic Pain Clinical Services
Staff, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
University Health Network, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Women's College Hospital
Dr Bhatia is an Assistant Professor in Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management at
University of Toronto and Director, Anesthesia Chronic Pain Clinical Services at University
Health Network, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Women’s College Hospital, Toronto. His
clinical interests include ultrasound-guided procedures for regional anesthesia and chronic
pain. His current work interests include pharmacological and image-guided interventional
treatments for musculoskeletal, neuropathic and cancer-related pain. He is currently pursuing
a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Toronto with a focus on assessing
outcomes following interventional pain procedures for neuropathic pain. He has a clinical
and research interest in treatment of neuraxial and musculoskeletal pain and comparing
impact of different imaging modalities (fluoroscopy, ultrasound) on interventional
procedures for pain. He has published over 25 papers, 4 book chapters, and co-authored one
book on ultrasound-guided interventional pain procedures.
Some of his recent publications:
1. Gofeld M, Bhatia A, Abbas S, Ganapathy S, Johnson M. Development and validation of
a new technique for ultrasound-guided stellate ganglion block.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2009; 34: 475-479
2. Bellingham G, Bhatia A, Chan CW, Peng P. Randomized control trial comparing
pudendal nerve block under fluoroscopy and ultrasound guidance. Regional Anesthesia and
Pain Medicine 2012; 37: 262-266.
3. Bhatia A, Flamer D, Peng P. Evaluation of sonoanatomy relevant to performance of
stellate ganglion blocks using anterior and lateral simulated approaches: an observational
study. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2012; 59: 1040-7.
4. Bhatia A, Brull R. Is ultrasound guidance advantageous for interventional pain
management? A systematic review of chronic pain outcomes. Anesthesia & Analgesia
2013; 117: 236-51.
5. Bhatia A, Gofeld M, Ganapathy S, Hanlon J, Johnson M. Comparison of anatomic
landmarks and ultrasound guidance for intercostal nerve injections in cadavers. Reg
Anesth Pain Med 2013; 38: 503-7.