Word - North Arlington School District

POLICY NO. 6146.1
BOE Adopted: 8/20/07
Replaces Policy # 5128 rev 1
The Board of Education will recognize the successful completion of the
secondary school instructional program by the award of a state-endorsed
diploma certifying that the pupil has met all state and local requirements for
high school graduation.
The Board will annually certify to the County
Superintendent that each pupil who has been awarded a diploma has met the
requirements for graduation.
Curriculum Requirements
A graduating pupil must have earned a minimum of one hundred thirty
(130) credits if they have entered the ninth grade beginning in September 1997
or thereafter. All students who have entered their ninth (9th) year of high school
prior to September 1997, require one hundred twenty (120) credits to graduate.
Additionally, all students entering the ninth (9th) grade before September 1997
and those entering as of September 1997 and thereafter must have successfully
completed the following program of study:
One year of English for each year of enrollment, up to
four years;
Three years of mathematics (one full year course must be
Algebra I);
Three years of social studies including United States and
New Jersey history as required by N.J.S.A. 18:35-1 and 35-2 and
further including one year of world history and cultures;
Two years of natural or physical science to be replaced
with three years of science effective with the September
1997 ninth (9th) grade class (including one year of Life Science
(Biology I) and one year Physical Science (Physical Science/
Chemistry) and one other science (elective);
One year of physical education, health, and safety for
each year of enrollment, as required by N.J.S.A. 18A:35-7;
One year of fine, practical, and/or performing arts (one year
of keyboarding is required and one year of computers is required);
One-half year of career education, which may be
satisfied through alternative methods of infusion into other
courses, or course equivalents.
Two years of a World Language;
All students entering ninth (9) grade, are required to work towards
sixteen (16) hours of Service Learning for each of the four years of
high school. Students who successfully complete 16 hours or more
of service each year will receive a Passing designation on their
transcripts. Students who do not account for the 16 hours will have
a Failing designation regarding Service Learning on their transcript
for each year they do not achieve a minimum of 16 hours.
Each course of study required for graduation shall include a statement of the
required proficiencies approved by the Board. Credit for each required course
will be awarded on the successful completion of the program assigned and
demonstration of mastery of the approved proficiencies.
Successful completion of remedial courses in English or Mathematics will count
toward the total number of credits required for graduation but will not satisfy the
curriculum requirement for English and Mathematics.
Curriculum requirements may also be met by a pupil's participation, individually
or as a member of a group, in a planned program of curricular activities, which
may include independent study programs, field experiences, community/youth
service programs, and competency-based evaluation. A pupil's participation in
curricular activities must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or
designee. Credit will be awarded for program completion only when the
principal certifies that the pupil has met specific instructional objectives.
As of September 1997, any course withdrawal after the second week of school
must be signed off by the guidance counselor, principal, and Superintendent of
High School Promotions
Beginning with the ninth (9th) grade students in September 1997 and thereafter,
the following course and credit requirements must be satisfied by all pupils
before a diploma certifying graduation from North Arlington High School is
A. Each pupil must:
1) Be scheduled for a minimum of thirty-five (35) credits for each year of
2) Earn a minimum of 130 credits for graduation;
3) Pass four years of English. English I, II and III must be taken in sequence;
however, English III and English IV may, with permission, be taken at the
same time;
4) Pass three years of Social Studies including two years of U. S. History and
one year of Political and Economic Geography;
5) Pass one year of fine practical and/or performing arts; successful
completion one year of keyboarding and one year of computers is
6) Pass one year of physical education for each year of enrollment. All
pupils must fulfill school requirements for health and safety education;
7) Pass three years of science beginning with the ninth (9th) grade class
of 1997-1998;
8) Pass three years of mathematics including a full year of Algebra I;
9) Work towards sixteen (16) hours of Service Learning for each year of
enrollment, beginning with ninth (9th) grade;
10) Enroll in and complete a prescribed remediation program when such
remediation is required to fulfill minimum standards established by the
State of New Jersey or the North Arlington School District;
11) Successfully complete the equivalent of one semester of career
exploration which may be satisfied through alternative methods
or infusion in other courses.
B. The following scale of grades is used to indicate the quality of each
pupil's work:
B..............................Above Average
D.............................Below Average
Numeric Grades, upon which Alpha Grades are calculated, are as follows:
95-100............ A+
90-94 .............A
85-89 .............B+
80-84 .............B
75-79 ………..C+
70-74 ……….. C
65-69 ……….. D
64 and below F
C. Rank in class will be determined by weighing all grades as follows:
A.....value of 4
B.....value of 3
C.....value of 2
D.....value of 1
F.....value of 0
A.....value of 4.5
B.....value of 3.375
C.....value of 2.25
D.....value of 1.125
F.....value of 0
A.....value of 5.0
B.....value of 3.75
C.....value of 2.5
D.....value of 1.5
F......value of 0
The class rank computation process includes all subjects for which credit is
given; all grades, including failures.
Any student who fails to meet all graduation requirements is ineligible for a high
school diploma and may not participate in the graduation ceremony.
The following course credit requirements must be satisfied by all pupils in order to
be promoted.
A. Each pupil must::
1) Be scheduled for a minimum of 35 credits for each year of enrollment;
2) Successfully complete at least thirty (30) credits for promotion to grade
10, sixty (60) credits for promotion to grade 11, and ninety-five (95)credits
for promotion to grade 12.
3) Meet the attendance requirement for promotion;
4) Work towards completing sixteen (16) hours of Service Learning each year,
beginning with the ninth (9th) grade;
5) Have administrative approval for any summer school courses; (NOTE:
students who fail more than two subjects in the same academic year
are not eligible for summer school and students may not "double up"
on any more than two previously failed subjects in the same academic
Guidelines for Graduation Participation
In order to participate in graduation, all students must be eligible for a New
Jersey High School Diploma. Students would be excluded from graduation if
they have not completed the requirements for a New Jersey High School
diploma and if their behavioral activities have caused a suspension. The Board
reserves the right to deny participation when extreme circumstances warrant it.
No pupil will be barred from participation for arbitrary or discriminatory reasons.
High School Proficiency Assessment
In order to receive a diploma, a pupil must demonstrate proficiency at or above
the state levels in reading, writing, and mathematics on the state mandated
High School Proficiency Assessement (HSPA); as well as any other future state
mandated assessments.
A twelfth grade pupil who has satisfied all other state and local graduation
requirements but performs below the state minimum level of proficiency in one
or more of the HSPT areas will be provided a special review assessment
conducted in accordance with rules of the State Board of Education. The
findings of the special; review assessment will be recorded on a student profile
form and will be independently evaluated by a review panel of at least three
teaching staff members not currently instructing the pupil. A review panel's
recommendation that the pupil's demonstrable skills meet state standards must
be endorsed by the principal, the Superintendent, and the County
Superintendent before the Board may award the pupil a diploma. This review
procedure is intended to protect pupils who do not test well and shall not be
used to excuse unmotivated or careless pupils or to elevate the number of
diplomas awarded by this Board.
A person eighteen years of age or older not enrolled in a school who has
attended the high school of this district and has met all state and local
graduation requirements except the demonstration of basic skills may take the
HSPT, at the time and place announced by this or another Board, and, on
certification that he or she has passed the test, shall be awarded a state
endorsed diploma by this Board.
Remediation Services
Pupil progress shall be assessed. Pupils deemed to be at risk of failure shall be
identified and offered services.
All students with incompletes after the first marking period, as well as students
who have failed a course and those with a course average from 65-69, will be
assigned to PASS four days per week. When a student is assigned to PASS, each
non-attendance will be considered a cut.
A pupil who fails to acquire the course proficiencies required by the Board will
be given the opportunity in each academic year to demonstrate mastery of
failed proficiencies and will be assessed at least once each year until all
identified deficiencies have been remediated.
Pupils in grades 9 and 10 who perform below state minimum levels of pupil
proficiency on one or more areas of the State-mandated Early Warning Test and
pupils in grades 11 and 12 who perform below State minimum levels of pupil
proficiency on one or more areas of the H.S.P.T. shall be provided with an
individual comprehensive assessment. Based on the...assessment, the pupil shall
receive the necessary services to remedy the identified deficiencies...
Comprehensive pupil assessment and reevaluation of the individual plans
shall take place at least once each year until all identified deficiencies have
been remediated.
Regular attendance is essential to the successful completion of a course of
study, and pupils are expected to be present in every scheduled class except as
their attendance is excused. A total of twenty (20) absences for a full year
course, will result in a student receiving no credit in that course, except that a
pupil whose absence is for good cause and has demonstrated the required
proficiencies may apply for and receive course credit notwithstanding an
excessive number of absences. A doctor’s note must be received on the day of
the student’s return after a three-day continuous absence or after six (6) single
absences, twelve (12) single absences and eighteen (18) single absences. No
doctor’s note will be accepted as an excuse if not received on the day of return
after a long-term illness and after three (3) continuous absences and six (6),
twelve (12) and eighteen (18) single absences.
Pupils with Educational Disabilities
In order to graduate, pupils with educational disabilities must meet all the
graduation requirements established by State Board rules and this policy,
including minimum proficiency levels on the HSPT, curriculum requirements, and
attendance standards, unless the pupil's individualized education program (IEP)
exempts the pupil from the requirements and the pupil's exemption has been
approved in writing by the Superintendent.
A pupil with educational disabilities may be exempted from the HSPT and
curricular proficiencies if the IEP sets goals and objectives that do not include
the range of HSPT skills and curricular proficiencies. A pupil may be exempted
from taking the HSPT if the IEP establishes that the pupil would be adversely
affected by taking the HSPT. An IEP that does not include the proficiencies
measured by the HSPT and the curriculum generally required for graduation
must include a rationale for the exemptions and alternate proficiencies required
for the pupil's graduation.
A pupil with educational disabilities who has not been exempted from the
proficiencies and has performed below the state minimum levels of proficiency
in one or more areas on the HSPT shall participate in the special review
Any pupil enrolled in special education programs who successfully completes
his/her prescribed IEP as determined by the Child Study Team and agreed
to by the parent, will receive the diploma of the district. If a disabled pupil
attends a school other than that of the local school district, the pupil shall
have a choice of the diploma from the district of residence or from the school
which the pupil attends if that school is empowered to grant a diploma. If
exempted from H.S.P.T. requirements, fulfillment of the IEP will qualify an
educationally disabled pupil to receive a state-endorsed diploma.
Pupils of Limited English-Speaking Ability
Pupils of limited English-speaking ability who have entered a New Jersey school
district before grade 9 must satisfy all graduation requirements in the English
language. Any such pupil who fails to pass the HSPT must demonstrate mastery
of basic skills to the review panel in English.
Pupils of limited English-speaking ability who have entered a New Jersey school
district after the beginning of grade 9 must meet all credit, curriculum, and
attendance requirements established by this policy and must take the HSPT until
it is passed or, if unable to pass the HSPT, must demonstrate basic skills in a
special review assessment conducted in English or the pupil's native language or
both and must achieve a passing score on a test for fluency in English.
A copy of all state and local high school graduation requirements shall be
distributed to each pupil who enters or transfers into the high school and to the
pupil's parent/guardian. A copy of the list of proficiencies established for each
course of study required for graduation shall be distributed to each pupil
enrolled in that course and to the pupil's parent. A parent signature will be
receipt to acknowledge acceptance of these requirements.
Each pupil and his or her parent will be notified during the school year of the
pupil's progress toward meeting graduation requirements. The parent of a pupil
who demonstrates significant deficiencies in meeting course requirements will
be so notified within ten days of the date on which the deficiencies are
discovered and will be offered an opportunity for immediate consultation with
appropriate teaching staff members.
The Superintendent shall report annually, at a public meeting not later than
September 30, the numbers of pupils graduated, denied graduation, graduated
under an IEP, and graduated under the special review assessment procedures.
The Superintendent shall develop and present to the Board for adoption
indicators of achievement and standards of proficiency indicating successful
completion of each course offered at every level of the system, this relating
promotion through the elementary levels more closely with the completion of
graduation requirements.
N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-1 et seq.; 18A:35-1, 35-7; 18A:36-17
N.J.A.C. 6:8-7.1; 6:28-3.6; 6:39-1.3
N.J.A.S.A. 18A:35-4.9
Adopted by the North Arlington Board of Education at a Public Meeting:
August 11, 1997
AUGUST 21, 2000.
See REGULATIONS following.
Amended as Revision #1
9/23/05 N.A. Board of Education
Students who have entered the ninth (9th) grade before September of 1997,
require one hundred twenty (120) credits to graduate.
Students who have entered the ninth (9th) grade beginning in September 1997
and thereafter, require one hundred thirty (130) credits to graduate.
All students entering the ninth (9th) grade beginning in September 1997 are
required to take six courses each of their grades 9 - 12 years plus physical
education each year. Students must carry thirty-five (35) credits each year
except those students who have returned for their fifth year after failing to meet
the graduation requirements during the normal four-year sequence.
As of September 1997, grade nine ( 9) will be required to have completed thirty
(30) credits for promotion to grade ten (10). Sixty (60) credits will be required for
promotion to grade 11. All grade eleven (11) students will be required to have
completed ninety-five (95) credits for promotion to grade twelve (12). As of
September 1997 any course withdrawal after the second week of school must
be signed off by the guidance counselor, principal and Superintendent.
Students will be required to work towards sixteen (16) hours of Service Learning
for each year of enrollment, beginning with ninth (9th) grade.
Students may not "double up" on any more than one previously failed subject in
any given school year.
A student receiving three marking period grades of "F" which results in a final
failure - will be prohibited from attending remedial summer school for said
courses. Students who fail more than two subjects in the same academic year
are not eligible for summer school.
Students must pass three of five (four marking periods and two examinations
counting as fifth) marking periods to pass a course.
Credits from an approved summer school or evening school will be accepted
provided prior approval for attending said school was received from the high
school guidance department and/or another high school administrator.
Students who fail to meet all graduation requirements are ineligible for a high
school diploma and may not participate in the graduation ceremony.
The North Arlington Board of Education believes a high school youth service
program has an important place in the education of its students. They further
believe that service to others is valuable, as it encourages responsibility, as well
as a sensitivity to other human beings.
All students entering ninth (9) grade, are required to work towards
sixteen(16)hours of Service Learning for each of the four years of high school.
Students who successfully complete 16 hours or more of service each year will
receive a Passing designation on their transcripts. Students who do not account
for the 16 hours will have a Failing designation regarding Service Learning on
their transcript for each year they do not achieve a minimum of 16 hours.
These Regulations are part of the North Arlington Board of Education Policy
ON AUGUST 11, 1997.
Policy # 6146.1 BOE Adopted 8/20/07
(replaces previous Policy 5128)