Supplemental Material Patients and Method We included 166 consecutive patients undergoing first allogeneic transplantation of filgrastim-mobilized blood stem cells for a hematologic malignancy between December 2008 and December 2012, whose day 0 serum specimen was available in our serum bank. The study was approved by our Research Ethics Board. Conditioning was with fludarabine (50 mg/m2 daily from days -6 to -2), busulfan (3.2mg/kg IV daily from day -5 to -2; pharmacokinetically targeted typically to AUC of 3750 μM/min in those receiving TBI, and avoiding an AUC of >6000 μM/min in those not receiving TBI) and antithymocyte globulin (Thymoglobulin 0.5 mg/kg on day -2 and 2 mg/kg on day -1 and day 0) (Russell J.A. et al: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 13:814, 2007). In some patients, total body irradiation was added (Russell J.A. et al: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 16:509, 2010). Additional GVHD prophylaxis included methotrexate (15 mg/m2 IV on day +1, and 10 mg/m2 IV on day +3, +6 and +11) and cyclosporine (5 mg/kg po bid or 2.5 mg/kg IV bid starting on day -1). For patient characteristics, see Supplementary Table 1. One patient whose leukemia progressed immediately after transplantation was excluded. Three patients who developed graft failure were also excluded. Median day 0 F-ara-A level of these 3 patients (10 ng/mL) was similar to that of the included patients (14 ng/mL). Blood was drawn within 15 minutes before graft infusion. F-ara-A serum levels were measured using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry as described (Ng E. et al: Journal of Chromatography B 931:103, 2013). The limits of detection and quantitation of F-ara-A were 0.1 ng/mL and 0.2 ng/mL, respectively. Characteristic n Age (years) Male Female Disease AML ALL Myelodysplasia CLL Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Myelofibrosis CML Other Disease Risk Index* Low Intermediate High Very High Comorbidity Index (HCT-CI)** 0 1 2 3 or more (max 6) Conditioning Regimen FluBuATG FluBuATG+TBI Donor HLA matched sibling Other*** CMV IgG (Patient/Donor) -/-/+ +/+/+ Unknown or indeterminate EBV IgG (Patient/Donor) -/-/+ +/+/+ Unknown or indeterminate Median creatinine clearance (mL/min) ***** Patients with creatinine clearance < 90mL/min Median follow up of all patients (days) Median follow up of surviving patients (days) * Armand, P et al. (Blood 120:905, 2012) ** Sorror, M et al. (Blood 106:2912, 2005) Median (range) or Number of patients (%) 166 50 (18-66) 96 (58%) 70 (42%) 64 (39%) 35 (21%) 16 (10%) 15 (9%) 15 (9%) 10 (6%) 9 (5%) 2 (1%) 8 (5%) 125 (75%) 31 (19%) 2 (1%) 95 (57%) 41 (25%) 14 (9%) 16 (9%) 42 (25%) 124 (75%) 60 (36%) 106 (64%) 53 (32%) 23 (14%) 38 (23%) 48 (29%) 4 (2%) 4 (2%) 13 (8%) 12 (7%) 135 (81%) 2 (1%) 59 (35-138) 10 (6%) 457 (6-1448) 548 (91-1448) Supplementary Table 1. Patient Characteristics *** 8/8 HLA allele matched (for HLA-A,B,C and DRB1) unrelated donor (n= 80), 7/8 HLA allele matched unrelated donor (n= 25), 8/8 HLA allele matched related non-sibling donor (n= 1) *****Estimated using Cockroft-Gault equation (Cockroft D. et al: Nephron 16:31, 1976) using average of daily serum creatinine from day -6 to day 0, and weight from day 0. Supplementary Table 2. Univariate analysis comparing median F-ara-A levels between patients who did vs did not achieve clinical outcomes. MannWhitney-Wilcoxon test was used. Outcome Median F-ara-A with outcome Median F-ara-A without outcome p aGVHD (gr. 2-4) 13.74 13.92 0.723 aGVHD (gr. 3-4) 14.28 13.75 0.697 Any cGVHD 16.00 13.05 0.175 “Extensive” GVHD* 14.60 13.43 0.671 CMV reactivation 15.79 13.74 0.583 PTLD 14.00 13.90 0.812 Relapse 12.75 13.96 0.580 Non-relapse death 12.46 13.92 0.212 Death 15.57 13.46 0.472 * requiring treatment with systemic immune suppression Supplementary Table 3. Correlation between F-ara-A levels and interval outcomes. For infections, the interval outcome tested for correlation with F-ara-A level is the infection rate, ie, the number of infections occurring between day 0 and 83* per 365 days at risk. Outcome r p Any Infection** 0.160 0.038 Definite Infection*** 0.181 0.019 Viral Infection 0.095 0.219 Bacterial Infection 0.165 0.032 Fungal Infection -0.003 0.972 Any Severe**** Infection 0.049 0.525 Documented Severe**** Infection 0.043 0.567 Engraftment***** 0.157 0.044 * The interval of day 0-83 was arbitrarily chosen as we felt the F-ara-A on day 0 would more likely affect early transplant infections. ** Both clinical (presumed) and microbiologically documented infections. *** Microbiologically documented infections (viral, bacterial or fungal, including catheter associated infections) **** Requiring hospitalization. If an infection occurred while patient was hospitalized, then judgement was used to decide whether the infection would be typically treated inpatient. ***** The first of 3 consecutive days with absolute neutrophil counts >0.5/nl. The median engraftment day for patients with F-ara-A level in the 4th quartile (21-104 ng/ml) vs the 1st quartile (1-9 ng/ml) was day 15 vs 13. The engraftment was not influenced by the includion of TBI into the conditioning – the median engraftment day in patients with vs. without TBI was day 14 vs 14 (p=0.81, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test). Supplementary Table 4: Multivariate analysis* of association between high fludarabine levels and time to outcomes, using Cox regression (for death due to any cause) or FineGray regression (for all other outcomes). High fludarabine levels were defined as levels above median (in the above vs below median analysis) or above 75th percentile (in the 4th vs 1st quartile analysis). Abbreviations: SHR and HR = Subhazard Ratio and Hazard Ratio of outcome among patients with high vs low F-ara-A level, ie, above vs below median in the “Above vs Below Median” analysis, and above 75th percentile vs under 25th percentile in the “4th vs 1st Quartile” analysis. 95% CI = 95% Confidence Interval. Outcome 4th vs 1st Quartile Above vs Below Median SHR (95% CI) p SHR (95% CI) p aGVHD (gr. 2-4) 0.91(0.47-1.76) 0.78 0.86 (0.37-2.06) 0.75 aGVHD (gr. 3-4) 1.04 (0.39-2.84) 0.93 0.72 (0.2-2.25) 0.58 Any cGVHD 1.48 (0.49-4.24) 0.47 0.76 (0.44-1.22) 0.29 “Extensive” cGVHD 1.27 (0.70-2.31) 0.42 0.92 (0.44-1.92) 0.83 CMV reactivation 0.81 (0.42-1.53) 0.51 1.42 (0.641-3.11) 0.39 PTLD 0.55 (0.60-3.32) 0.61 0.96 (0.19-4.75) 0.97 Relapse 0.58 (0.20-1.67) 0.31 0.51 (0.14-1.75) 0.29 Non-relapse death 1.60 (0.64-3.97) 0.31 1.47 (0.43-4.99) 0.54 Death due to any HR (95% CI) p HR (95% CI) p 1.28 (0.70-2.34) 0.42 1.14 (0.53-2.48) 0.72 cause * Multivariate analysis to determine whether patients with high F-ara-A level had a higher likelihood of developing the outcome (Subhazard Ratio (HR/SHR) >1) or lower likelihood of the outcome (HR/SHR<1). Covariates (Cov) and Competing Events (CE) considered were (1) for acute and chronic GVHD, Cov = donor type (HLA-matched sibling vs other), gender combination (male/male vs other) and patient age (above vs below 45 years); CE= graft failure, second malignancy, relapse and non-relapse death; (2) for CMV reactivation above our institutional threshold for preemptive antiviral therapy (25,000 IU/ml plasma), Cov = CMV IgG serostatus pretransplant (+/+, +/-, -/+, -/-) and presence or absence of significant GVHD (grade 2-4 aGVHD or cGVHD needing systemic therapy); CE = graft failure, second malignancy, relapse and non-relapse death; (3) for posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), Cov = donor type, patient age, EBV serostatus pretransplant and presence or absence of significant GVHD before PTLD onset; CE = graft failure, second malignancy, relapse and non-relapse death; (4) for relapse, Cov = disease risk index (low-intermediate vs high-very high), donor type, gender combination and patient age; CE = non-relapse death; (5) for non-relapse death,: Cov = disease risk index, donor type, patient age and comorbidity score; CE = relapse; and (6) for death due to any cause, Cov = disease risk index, donor type, patient age and comorbidity index. Supplemental Figure 1. Overall survival and non-relapse mortality. Overall survival is estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method comparing (A) patients with Fara-A above vs below median (B) patients with F-ara-A in the 4th quartile vs 1st quartile. Cumulative incidence of non-relapse death in (c) patients with F-ara-A above vs below median, and (D) patients with F-ara-A in the 4th quartile vs 1st quartile. In the competing risk regression for non-relapse death, the competing event is relapse. (A) (B) (C) (D)