Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries

Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries
Patient Survey Summary Report
This year’s survey was conducted during the month of February 2012 and incorporated
responses from our virtual patient reference group, from patients after consultation at the
surgery and from respondents via our Surgery website. We had 293 responses in total. The
results are summarised below, percentages have been calculated excluding non responses.
100% of patients who responded felt that the reception team are helpful and 97% of patients
said that it was easy to get through to someone at the Surgery by phone.
82% of patients felt that it was important to be able to book ahead for appointments and 93%
said that it was fairly or very easy to do so.
The most popular means of booking appointments is by phone followed by booking in person.
Whilst 24% of patients expressed an interest in booking appointments online only 4% have
done so which suggests that this is something we could promote to patients more actively.
58% of patients who tried found it easy to speak to a doctor or nurse via telephone, but a further
38% either did not know or had not tried.
85% of patients had found that they could normally be seen on the same day for something
urgent whilst 13% had never needed to.
For a routine appointment 77 % of patients said that they were able to see a Doctor on the
same day or next day with 17% being seen in 2-4 days when the surgery is open. 94% of
patients were happy with this appointment availability.
The survey revealed that 72% of patients usually prefer to see or speak to a particular Doctor
and 81% of patients were able to do so almost always or a lot of the time.
When choosing to be seen by a particular Doctor 21% of patients said this was possible on the
same day, 35% within 2-4 days whilst 26% of patients were willing to wait more than 5 days.
68% of respondents were happy with this level of GP availability rating it as good-excellent.
74% of patients fed back that they usually waited less than 10 minutes for their appointment
and 85% of patients were happy with the waiting times at the Surgery.
86% of patients are happy with the Surgery opening hours. Of those who replied, should
additional access be available, 48% expressed an interest in week-end access and 46% wished
to contact the surgery outside of the hours of our GP Contract.
98% of patients fed back that our Doctors were good or very good at allowing patients enough
time, 99% were good at listening and 97% were good at explaining tests and treatments. 95%
of patients said that they were involved in decisions regarding their care, 97% felt they were
treated with care and concern and 100% felt confidence and trust in their GP.
Of patients who had seen a nurse in the last 6 months, 96% felt they were given enough time,
95% felt they were listened to and 94% said that any tests and treatment given were explained
well. 85% of patients receiving nurse treatment felt involved in decisions about their care, 97%
were treated with care and concern and 96% had trust in the nurse treating them.
Subsequently as a result of care received at the Surgery 99% of patients felt they understood
their health problems well, 100% felt able to cope with them and 99% were able to keep
Overall 98% of patients are happy with their experience at the Surgery with 65% describing it as
excellent. 100% of patients indicated that they would in fact be happy to recommend the
Comments extracted from the Survey:
A really marvellous team We have been here over 30 years and can't speak highly enough of
this practice.
Alconbury Surgery, Cambs is the best practice I have ever been to. Everyone is helpful and I
trust my doctor 100%.
Always friendly open and helpful, especially the front desk
Always very kind and respectful.
Brampton Surgery is by far and away the best practice I have attended. Keep up the good work.
Brilliant. First class all round.
Cant fault it, Drs very efficient, nurses put you at ease, receptionists although always very busy
still treat you courteously. I feel in safe hands with all. Thank you.
From my experiences with the practice which have been numerous- particularly over last
10years and myself over the last 1 year I would believe that OUR practice is probably, if not the
best, then one of a very high standard. Thankyou
Having had several operations and diverse treatments and advise from both my GP and nurse,
i am really pleased with the attention i have received from all who work in the surgery over the
last 20 years.
I am extremely satisfied with my GP practice, a shining example of how a surgery should be run
in 2012.
I cannot say enough about how wonderful, caring and professional the doctors and staff at
Alconbury Surgery are. Thank you for all your efforts.
I have nothing but praise for the doctors and nurses at the surgery, also the pharmacy who are
always very helpful.
I think we in Brampton are most fortunate to have such a well run practice with excellent
doctors, nurses and receptionists.
My GP is only part time and is female, i would like to see her on other days but this isn't
possible due to her circumstances, and because she is so caring and gives her time to each
patient this makes her popular with everyone. The practice nurses, doctors and receptionists
are all very good and keep the practice running smoothly. Many thanks.
Some opportunities identified:
The front door is very hard to open at times and not very good when trying to get a wheelchair
through it as there is a bit of a bump to get over.
Email contact would be helpful.
We are pleased to discover that in the main our patients are happy with the service we provide
at both Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries. The Survey illustrates a few areas where we could
improve our services further and in line with this we will actively work to promote availability of
telephone appointments, online appointment booking and non urgent, non clinical email access.
We will also actively promote the availability of NHS health checks for eligible patients. In
addition we will endeavour to address the practical issues raised such as ease of access for
those patients who are less able.
Lastly, in response to a request from the team we will in future incorporate a section on the
Dispensary at Alconbury in any patient Surveys.
As a Practice we are delighted by the degree of positivity and support for the Surgeries
expressed in the survey and will share the feedback given with our committed teams of staff.
Melanie Fowler
Practice Manager
PPG Survey Results Report
GPAQ V3 2012
Number of Responses: 293
We would be grateful if you would complete this survey about your general practice. Your
doctors want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help
them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.
Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers
and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers.
Thank you.
About Receptionists and Appointments
Q1 How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?
Very helpful 87%
Fairly helpful 11%
Not very helpful 0%
Not at all helpful 0%
Don’t know 0%
Q2 How easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?
Very easy 45%
Fairly easy 47%
Not very easy 2%
Not at all easy 0%
Don’t know 0%
Haven’t tried 3%
Q3 How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone at your GP practice?
Very easy 28%
Fairly easy 28%
Not very easy 3%
Not at all easy 0%
Don’t know 3%
Haven’t tried 34%
Q4 If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day?
Yes 82%
No 2%
Don’t know / never needed to 13%
Q5 How important is it to you to be able to book appointments ahead of time in
your practice?
Important 80%
Not important 17%
Q6 How easy is it to book ahead in your practice?
Very easy 54%
Fairly easy 34%
Not very easy 2%
Not at all easy 0%
Don’t know 1%
Haven’t tried 4%
Q7 How do you normally book your appointments at your practice? Please tick all
boxes that apply.
In person 45%
By phone 85%
Online 4%
Doesn’t apply 0%
Q8 Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments
at your practice? Please tick all boxes that apply.
In person 45%
By phone 83%
Online 24%
Doesn’t apply 0%
Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor:
Q9 How quickly do you usually get seen?
Same day or next day 20%
2-4 days 33%
5 days or more 25%
I don’t usually need to be seen quickly 8%
Don’t know, never tried 9%
Q10 How do you rate this?
Excellent 25%
Very good 22%
Good 18%
Fair 15%
Poor 4%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 11%
Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor:
Q11 How quickly do you usually get seen?
Same day or next day 72%
2-4 days 16%
5 days or more 0%
I don’t usually need to be seen quickly 3%
Don’t know, never tried 3%
Q12 How do you rate this?
Excellent 52%
Very good 29%
Good 8%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 3%
Thinking of your most recent consultation with a doctor or
Q13 How long did you wait for your consultation to start?
Less than 5 minutes 27%
5 – 10 minutes 44%
11 – 20 minutes 18%
21 – 30 minutes 4%
More than 30 minutes 2%
There was no set time for my consultation 0%
Q14 How do you rate this?
Excellent 35%
Very good 29%
Good 16%
Fair 11%
Poor 3%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 0%
About opening times
Q15 Is your GP practice currently open at times that are convenient to you?
Yes - Go to Q17 83%
No 9%
Don’t know 4%
Q16 Which of the following additional opening hours would make it easier for you
to see or speak to someone? Please tick all boxes that apply.
Before 8am 10%
At lunchtime 6%
After 6.30pm 10%
On a Saturday 11%
On a Sunday 4%
None of these 3%
About seeing the doctor of your choice
Q17 Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?
Yes 69%
No - Go to Q19 27%
There is usually only one doctor in my surgery - Go to Q19 0%
Q18 How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer?
Always or almost always 36%
A lot of the time 19%
Some of the time 11%
Never or almost never 0%
Not tried at this GP practice 2%
How good was the last GP you saw at each of the following?
(If you haven’t seen a GP in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q25)
Q19 Giving you enough time
Very good 77%
Good 15%
Fair 2%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 0%
Q20 Listening to you
Very good 77%
Good 15%
Fair 1%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 0%
Q21 Explaining tests and treatments
Very good 74%
Good 16%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 0%
Q22 Involving you in decisions about your care
Very good 72%
Good 17%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 1%
Q23 Treating you with care and concern
Very good 76%
Good 15%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 0%
Q24 Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?
Yes, definitely 84%
Yes, to some extent 9%
No, not at all 0%
Don’t know / can’t say 0%
If you know the name of the GP you last saw, please write it here:
How good was the last nurse you saw at each of the following?
(If you haven’t seen a nurse in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to
Q25 Giving you enough time
Very good 66%
Good 15%
Fair 1%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 3%
Q26 Listening to you
Very good 65%
Good 13%
Fair 1%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 3%
Q27 Explaining tests and treatments
Very good 60%
Good 14%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 4%
Q28 Involving you in decisions about your care
Very good 52%
Good 17%
Fair 3%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 9%
Q29 Treating you with care and concern
Very good 63%
Good 14%
Fair 1%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Does not apply 2%
Q30 Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?
Yes, definitely 70%
Yes, to some extent 8%
No, not at all 0%
Don’t know / can’t say 3%
If you know the name of the nurse you last saw, please write it here:
About care from your doctors and nurses
Thinking about the care you get from your doctors and nurses
overall, how well does the practice help you to:
Q31 Understand your health problems?
Very well 66%
Well 24%
Fairly well 5%
Not very well 0%
Does not apply 1%
Q32 Cope with your health problems
Very well 66%
Well 23%
Fairly well 5%
Not very well 0%
Does not apply 2%
Q33 Keep yourself healthy
Very well 54%
Well 27%
Fairly well 11%
Not very well 0%
Does not apply 2%
Q34 Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?
Excellent 62%
Very good 27%
Good 5%
Fair 0%
Poor 0%
Very poor 0%
Q35 Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to
your local area?
Yes, definitely 88%
Yes, probably 7%
No, probably not 0%
No, definitely not 0%
Don’t know 0%
It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a
little about yourself
Q36 Are you?
Male 38%
Female 58%
Q37 How old are you?
Under 16 0%
16 to 44 23%
45 to 64 31%
65 to 74 30%
75 or over 11%
Q38 Do you have a long-standing health condition?
Yes 60%
No 32%
Don’t know / can’t say 2%
Q39 What is your ethnic group?
White 94%
Black or Black British 0%
Asian or Asian British 0%
Mixed 0%
Chinese 0%
Other ethnic group 1%
Q40 Which of the following best describes you?
Employed (full or part time, including self-employed) 39%
Unemployed / looking for work 2%
At school or in full time education 2%
Unable to work due to long term sickness 3%
Looking after your home/family 5%
Retired from paid work 43%
Other 1%
Finally, please add any other comments you would like to make about your GP
practice and/or the services we offer:
© 2011 GPAQ V3 including all individual questions is copyright University of
Cambridge/University of Manchester