The examination questions in Faculty Surgery for the 4th year students 2014 - 2015. 1. The history of the department of Faculty Surgery. (А.Я. Pitel, G.S. Toprover, D.L. Pikovsky, B.V. Alekseev, P.M. Postolov, А.G. Beburishvili). The main activity and current scientific and practical research. 2. Primary varicose disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Diagnostics. Treatment. The causes of recurrences after surgery. 3. The primary and secondary varicose disease. Definition. Diagnostic methods, differential diagnosis and conservative and surgical treatment. 4. Operative interventions in varicose disease. Modern technologies (endoscopic methods). Sclerotherapy. 5. Complications of primary varices (thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of deep veins, bleeding, trophic ulcer). Diagnostics. Treatment. 6. Acute superficial and deep thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Differential diagnosis. Indications for surgical treatment. 7. Acute superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment. Indications for urgent surgery and the choice of the type of surgery. 8. Deep thrombosis of the lower extremities. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment. 9. Ileofemoral thrombosis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnosis and treatment. 10. Postthrombophlebitis syndrome. Definition. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture of various forms. Diagnostics. Methods of treatment. 11.Thrombosis and embolism of mesenteric vessels of the bowel. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis and treatment. 12.Pulmonary thromboembolism. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of the disease. Conservative treatment. Methods of surgical treatment and prevention. 13.Acute intestinal obstruction. Definition. Classification. Peculiarities of preoperative care, preparation for surgery and postoperative care of patients with acute intestinal obstruction. 14.Acute intestinal obstruction. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classifications. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. 15.Mechanical intestinal obstruction. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical picture, diagnostics. Treatment. 16.Strangulated intestinal obstruction. Types. Etiology and pathogenesis. Diagnostics. Treatment. 17.Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. Peculiarity of clinical picture and diagnostics. Treatment and preventionism. 18.Intussusception (Invagination). Definition. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. 19.Dynamic (spastic, paralytic) intestinal obstruction. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Methods of treatment. 20.Hernia. Definition. Classification of the hernia according to anatomical, etiologic and clinical features. Elements of hernia. Etiology and pathogenesis. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. Contraindications to planned surgery. 21.Etiology and pathogenesis of abdominal hernia. General causes and local predisposing factors. Methods of hernia diagnostics. Prevention of hernia. 22.Sliding hernia, definition, clinical picture, diagnostics, peculiarity of surgical tactics. 23.Femoral hernia. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Methods of surgical treatment. 24.Inguinal hernias. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of the disease. Clinical picture. Diagnostic. Methods of surgical treatment. 25.Differential diagnostics of inguinal hernias. 26.Umbilical hernias. Etiology. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis. Surgical treatment. 27.Hernia of the white line. Mechanism of formation. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis. Surgical treatment. 28.Postoperative hernia. Classifications. Etiology. Diagnostics. Methods of surgical treatment. Peculiarity of preoperative preparation. 29.Complications of hernia. Causes of the complications. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. 30.Strangulated hernia. The types of strangulation. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. 31.Differential diagnostics of strangulated and irreducible hernia. Tactics of surgeon in case of spontaneous reduction strangulated hernia. Signs of viablility of intestine. 32.Principles of surgical treatment of complicated hernia. Surgical tactics in case of hernia sac phlegmon. 33.Raynaud’s disease. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnosis and treatment. 34.Atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical types of the disease. Methods of symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment. 35.Obliterating endarteritis of lower extremities vessels. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. 36.Differential diagnostics of occlusive disease of lower extremities arteries. 37.Leriche’s syndrome. Clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment. 38. Gall stone disease and cholecystitis. Pathogenesis of stone formation. Etiology of cholecystitis. Laboratory and other special methods of examination. 39.Anatomical and physiological information about the gall bladder and biliary ducts. Methods of investigation of patients with gall bladder and biliary ducts diseases. 40.Choice of treatment in calculus cholecystitis. Definition of minimally invasive surgery in cholecystitis. Indications and advantages. Terms for performing surgery. 41.Acute cholecystitis. Definition of acute obturative cholecystitis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Laboratory and other special methods of examination . Differential diagnosis. Principles of surgical treatment. Rational time constraints of surgical treatment and methods of surgeries. Minimally invasive technologies in the surgery of acute cholecystitis. 42.Complications of gall stone disease. Diagnostics. Choice of conservative and surgical treatment. 43.Choledocholithiasis: definition, clinical picture, diagnostics, medical tactics. Choledocholithiasis and its complications. 44.Cholangitis. Classification of the disease. Clinical picture, diagnostics, and treatment. Complications. 45.Mechanical jaundice. Etiology. Special methods of examination. Choice of surgical procedure. Differential diagnosis parenchymatous and hemolytic jaundice. 46.Differential diagnostics of different jaundices (mechanical, parenchymatous and hemolytic). 47.Acute appendicitis. Definition. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Treatment. 48.Acute appendicitis. Classification of the disease. The dependence of the clinical picture on the location of the appendix. Differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis. 49.Peculiarities of the clinical course of acute appendicitis in children, the pregnanty, the elderly. 50.Complications after appendectomy. Etiology. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylactics. 51.Complications of acute appendicitis. Classification. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. 52.Appendicular mass. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Outcome. Treatment and prevention. 53.Chronic appendicitis. Classification. Etiology. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Indications for surgical treatment. 54.Acute pancreatitis. Definition. Classifications. The causing factors of acute pancreatitis. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture. 55.Acute pancreatitis. Diagnostics. Differential diagnostics. Indications for medicinaldiagnostic laparoscopy. 56.Modern methods of treatment of acute pancreatitis (anti-enzymatic drugs, cytostatics, sandostatin). Principles of endolymphatic therapy. Sorption methods of detoxication. Indications for medicinal-diagnostic laparoscopy. Early complications of acute pancreatitis. 57.Chronic pancreatitis. Classifications. Etiology. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. Miniinvasive technologies in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. 58.Cysts of pancreas. Etiology. Classification. Clinical picture. Complications. Methods of instrumental diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment of pancreatic cysts. 59.Gastric and duodenal ulcer diseases. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical and instrumental diagnostic. 60.Clinical picture, diagnostics and differential diagnosis of uncomplicated gastric and duodenal ulcer disease. Principles of treatment. 61.Ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum complicated by perforation. Clinical picture, methods of diagnostics. Differential diagnostics. Indications and contraindications to different types of surgeries. 62.Bleeding gastric and duodenal ulcers. Classification of the bleeding. Clinical picture. Choice of methods of treatment. 63.Gastrointestinal bleeding. Forest‘s classification. Clinical picture depending on source of bleeding localization. Indications for surgery. 64.Clinical and endoscopic criteria for continuing gastrointestinal bleeding. Indications to surgical treatment. 65.Gastrodudenal bleeding. Differential diagnostics. Indications to surgical treatment. Tactics of surgeon in case of gastrodudenal bleeding. 66.Pyloric stenosis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Classification. Indications for and methods of surgery. Restoration of fluid-electrolyte balance. 67.Penetrating gastroduodenal ulcers. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Indications and the way of treatment. 68.Mallory-Weiss Syndrome. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. 69.Symptomatic ulcers. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. Hormonal ulcers. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Choice of methods of treatment. 70.Multiple bronchiectasis. Classification of the disease, stages of development, clinical presentations, diagnostics, treatment. Methods of preoperative preparation. Indications for surgical treatment. 71.Acute suppurative inflammation of the pleura. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of the disease. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Conservative and surgical treatment. 72.Chronic empyema of pleura. Classification. Etiology and pathogenesis, clinical picture. Diagnostics. Methods of conservative and surgical treatment. 73.Pulmonary gangrene. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment. 74.Acute pulmonary abscess. Classification. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Treatment. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. 75.Peritonitis. Definition. Classification of peritonitis according to the clinical course, staging, extent of the disease, the character of microflora. 76. Peritonitis. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis of gynecological and surgical peritonitis. 77.Abscess of abdominal cavity. Classification. Clinical picture, diagnostics. Treatment. 78.Peculiarities of surgical management of suppurative peritonitis. Indications for plugging and drainage of the abdominal cavity, Management of peritoneal dialysis. 79.The syndrome of portal hypertension. Definition. Classifications. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. 80.Bleeding from the varicose dilated veins of the esophagus and stomach cardia. Etiology and pathogenesis. Differential diagnosis between pulmonary hemorrhage and esophageal hemorrhage. Treatment. Endoscopic methods of treatment. 81.Cirrhosis of liver. Classifications. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Methods of examination and diagnostics (Ultrasound scanning, laparoscopy, biopsy and rheography). 82.Echinococcus of the liver. Hydatid and alveolar forms of echinococcosis. Characteristics of parasites. Diagnostics. Principles of surgical treatment. UROLOGY 1. Urinary calculi disease (ethyology, pathogenesis, calculi contence, pathological anatomy). 2. Nephroptosis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 3. Haematuria (ethyology, pathogenesis, treatment tactics). 4. Acute pyelonephritis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 5. Renal colic (ethyology, differential diagnostics, methods of diagnostics, first aid). 6. Cystitis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, treatment). 7. Cancer of the urinary bladder (ethyology, differential diagnostics, methods of diagnostics, surgical treatment). 8. Acute urine retention (ethyology, methods of diagnostics, treatment upon ethyology). 9. Kidney carbuncle and apostematosis (differential diagnostics, methods of diagnostics, surgical treatment, prognisis). 10.Kidney trauma (differential diagnostics, methods of diagnostics, treatment). 11.Urine incontinence. Acute and chronic urine retention. Paradoxal ischuria. 12.Paranephritis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, treatment, prognosis). 13.Urethral trauma (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, treatment, prognosis). 14.Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic cancer (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics). 15.Benign prostatic hyperplasia (principles of conservative and surgical treatment). 16.Hydronephrosis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 17.Acute and chronic prostatitis (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prognosis). 18.Urinary calculi disease (conservative and surgical treatment, types of surgeries, prognosis). 19.Urinary calculi disease (clinical presentations, complications). 20.Trauma of the urinary bladder (classification, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 21.Varicocele (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 22.Hydrocele (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 23.Kidney cancer (classification, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 24.Kidney polycystosis (clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment ). 25.Acute orchoepydidimitis (clinical presentations, diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment). 26.Anomalies of the kidney (classification, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 27.Ultrasound methods of diagnostics in urology (indications, interpretation). 28.X-ray methods of diagnostics in urology (indications, interpretation). 29.Endoscopic methods of diagnostics in urology (indications, interpretation). 30.Laboratory methods of diagnostics in urology (indications, interpretation). 31.Catheterization of the urinary bladder (types of catheters, indications, technique, complications). 32.Anuria (classification, clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment). 33.Kidney abscessus, pyonephrosis (clinical presentations, diagnostics, surgical treatment, prognosis). 34.Pyelonephritis during pregnancy (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment). 35.Stress Urine incontinence (ethyology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment). 36.Fibroplastic induration of the penal cavernous bodies (Peyrony’s disease) Болезнь Пейрони (clinical presentations, diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment).