OPERATIVE REPORT PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Cataract, *1 eye. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Cataract, *1 eye. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens placement in the *1 eye. SURGEON: ANESTHESIA: ANESTHESIOLOGIST: Timothy J. Scott, M.D. Topical with monitored anesthesia care. *2 DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: The patient was given preoperative dilating drops, Tetracaine and *3 drops, brought back to the operating room in stable condition. Under monitored anesthesia care the eye was prepped and draped in the usual sterile ophthalmic fashion. An *4 clear corneal paracentesis was followed by the injection of lidocaine 1%, preservative free, for a total of 0.1 cc. Viscoelastic filled the anterior chamber and a *5 clear corneal keratome wound was created followed by a 360-degree tear capsulorrhexis. Balanced salt solution hydrodissected and delineated the lens. Phacoemulsification, inspiration, and aspiration removed the lens in an uncomplicated fashion. Viscoelastic filled the capsular bag. A foldable posterior chamber intraocular lens by *6, model * of * diopters was injected into the bag. Residual viscoelastic removed. Balanced salt solution irrigated the corneal stroma to create a watertight seal. *7 drops x5 were placed on the globe, the eye patched, and the patient transferred to the postoperative recovery room in stable condition. COMPLICATIONS: SPECIMENS: None. None. Page 1 of 1