Effects of the Menstrual Cycle on Lower-limb

Effects of the Menstrual Cycle on Lower-limb Biomechanics,
Neuromuscular Control, and ACL Injury Risk: A Systematic Review
Vivek Balachandar1,2
University of Sheffield, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Correspondence to:
Vivek Balachandar
5th year Medical Student, University of Sheffield
Word count: 1489 (exc. Title page, references, and appendix)
The incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is 3-6 times higher in female
athletes than males during the same cutting and landing sports.[1-3] In the military setting,
relative risks in females have been reported as high as 9.74 compared with men.[4] The
evidence suggests that ACL injury has severe negative implications on mobility, athletic
performance, academic performance, and personal finances.[5,6] Return to previous level of
play is reported between 62%(7) and 67%(8) upto 5-years, with reduced knee function and
fear of re-injury the most common reasons for failure.[7,8] Furthermore, return to previous
level of play is significantly lower in females than males.[8] Long-term consequences are well
investigated, and a recent systematic review reported upto 13% and 48% greater risk of
knee osteoarthritis in patients with a previous isolated ACL rupture or combined ACL and
meniscal injury.[9]
The cause of ACL injury is multifactorial, with both extrinsic and intrinsic factors thought to
contribute.[10,11] Extrinsic factors include physical and visual perturbations,[10-13] and shoesurface interactions.[10,11,14,15] Proposed intrinsic factors include female gender,[1-3,10,11]
previous musculoskeletal injury (including prior ACL rupture),[10,11,16] and abnormal lower-limb
anatomy,[10,11] biomechanics,[10,11,17] and neuromuscular control.[10,11,18] Hormonal mechanisms
have also been proposed as a risk factor in female athletes. Hewett et al[19] published a highquality systematic review investigating the effects of the menstrual cycle on ACL injury risk
until 2005. The review concluded that female athletes may be more predisposed to anterior
cruciate ligament injuries during the pre-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. However,
only seven studies were reviewed,[20-26] and the effects of the menstrual cycle on lower-limb
biomechanics and neuromuscular control were not evaluated. Considering the high number
of recent publications, a systematic review evaluating the effects of the menstrual cycle on
lower-limb biomechanics, neuromuscular control, and ACL injury risk is warranted.
1.1 Search Strategy
MEDLINE, CINAHL, SPORTSDiscus (SD), Web of Science (WoS), and Google Scholar
databases were searched from inception until September 2011 (table 1).
1.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Studies evaluating the effects of the menstrual cycle on lower-limb kinematics, kinetics, and
neuromuscular control during weight-bearing functional activities, and non-contact ACL
injury risk in females (18-45) were included. Unpublished studies, case-reports, non-peer
reviewed publications, studies not involving humans, reviews, letters, and opinion articles
were excluded. Studies including participants with previous oral contraceptive pill (OCP) use
were excluded unless non-OCP participant groups were separated.
1.3 Review Process and Data Extraction
All retrieved studies were downloaded to Endnote version X4 (Thomson Reuters
Philadelphia, PA). Results were cross-referenced and duplicated studies were deleted.
Relevant titles were highlighted, with abstracts and full texts reviewed independently for
inclusion (figure 1). Data was extracted from each paper to assist with interpretation of
findings (appendix A)
Anterior AND cruciate AND ligament
Combine #1 OR #2
Biomechanics OR biomechanical OR
kinetic OR kinematic OR neuromuscular
Combine #3 OR #4
Menstrual OR menstruation
Combine #3 AND #4
Table 1: Search strategy
Potentially relevant studies identified and screened for retrieval (n=518)
Studies excluded (n=490)
Studies included after reading titles (n=28)
Studies excluded (n=11)
Studies included after reading abstracts (n=17)
Studies excluded (n=2)
Studies included after reading full-texts (n=15)
Figure 1: Search strategy outcomes at each stage
Appendix-A summarises the main methodological criteria and results for the included
studies. Six studies in this review investigated lower-limb biomechanics,[27-32] four
neuromuscular control,[29,30,32,33] and ten ACL injury risk.[20-26,34,35] The studies were separated
into four main outcome measure categories for further review: i) lower-limb kinematics, ii)
lower-limb kinetics, iii) neuromuscular control, and iv) ACL injury risk.
The aims of the review were to summarise the effects of the menstrual cycle on lower-limb
kinematics, lower-limb kinetics, neuromuscular control, and ACL injury risk. Greater knee
valgus and lower knee adduction moments, lower hip external rotation moments, and lower
knee joint position sense in the follicular phase may be risk factors for ACL injury in females.
Evidence from this review suggests that females are at significantly greater risk of noncontact ACL injury during the pre-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, with greatest risk
during the follicular phase.[21,22,24,36-38] Cyclic fluctuations of gonadal hormones have been
reported as a possible cause of ACL injury. As a result, many studies have investigated
changes in lower-limb biomechanics and neuromuscular control during the menstrual cycle,
and a number of mechanisms have been proposed.
Possible Mechanisms
Levels of oestrogen fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, with the greatest surges in the
late follicular phase (days 8-14 in a 28-day cycle).[39,40] Previous studies have reported that
tensile properties of ligaments are influenced by levels of oestrogen, and that oestrogen
receptors are present within fibroblasts of human anterior cruciate ligaments. [41,42] A number
of studies have focused on changes in passive structures during the menstrual cycle.
Studies investigating changes in ACL laxity have reported an increase in knee joint laxity
during the ovulatory and luteal phases compared with follicular phase.[28,31,33,34] One
hypothesis suggests that reduced knee joint laxity or greater stiffness during the follicular
phase may lead to increased risk of ACL injury in females.[19] This represents a possible
mechanism of ACL injury, however, prospective research investigating menses and kneejoint laxity prior to injury is required to identify inconsistencies between study designs, and
whether retrospective data is adequate.
The effects of the menstrual cycle on neuromuscular control has been investigated as a
possible mechanism behind ACL injury in females. Evidence from this review suggests no
significant changes in gluteus medius onset timing[29] or hamstring and quadriceps
strength[29,32] during functional movements between phases of the menstrual cycle. However,
studies have also reported that oestrogen increases quadriceps contractile strength and
slows relaxation during the ovulatory phase,[43] and decreases knee joint kinesthesia during
the pre-menstrual phase.[35] One hypothesis suggests that fluctuations in serum oestrogen
concentrations during the menstrual cycle affects muscle function and represent a
mechanism of ACL injury in females.[43] A second hypothesis suggests the menstrual cycle
has a significant influence on knee joint kinesthesia and ACL injury risk in females. [35]
Considering the conflicting evidence, and the different variables measured, further highquality evidence is required to identify changes in neuromuscular control during the
menstrual cycle and how this contributes to ACL injury risk in females.
Evidence from this review suggests an increase in knee valgus, and decrease in knee
adduction moments and hip external rotation moments during functional movements in the
follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.[28,29] A combination of hip adduction and internal
rotation, knee abduction, tibial external rotation, and ankle eversion has been described as a
dynamic lower-extremity valgus.[19] One hypothesis suggests that increased dynamic valgus
increases the risk of frontal plane valgus collapse and ACL injury in females. [16,44] A number
of cadaveric, in vivo, and computer modeling studies have found that knee valgus can
increase ACL strain high enough to cause rupture.[45-47] Increases in dynamic valgus
between phases of the menstrual cycle may increase risk of ACL injury in females. While the
evidence suggests a proximal risk factor for ACL injury in females, further investigation into
distal mechanisms such as tibial internal/rotation and ankle eversion/inversion are required
to identify the significance of these factors.
Limitations and future research
A number of movements were used during biomechanical assessment: cutting, single-leg
drop landing, two-leg drop landing, horizontal jump, vertical jump, and hop tests. The
variability of movements between studies makes direct comparisons difficult to make.
Furthermore, whilst these are reported as functional, the literature suggests that
investigations of the ACL should focus on dynamic movements such as rapid deceleration
and change of direction.[10] It is possible that negative findings from studies using
movements such as two-leg drop landing, horizontal jump, and vertical jump may be a result
of these less functional movements. Future studies should focus on high-risk movements
that mimic ACL injuries and allow direct comparisons to be made.
Anterior cruciate ligament injury has significant consequences in athletes at all levels.
Interventions aimed at altering menstrual cycle pattern such as oral contraception are
commonly used by athletes.[48] The evidence suggests that oral contraception may help to
stabilise lower-limb biomechanics and neuromuscular control, and reduce ACL injury
risk,[49,50] however no direct relationship has been established. Further high-quality, RCTs
investigating the effects of oral contraception on lower-limb biomechanics, neuromuscular
control, and ACL injury risk are warranted to understand effects of the menstrual cycle on
knee joint stability in female athletes.
The evidence suggests that females are at significantly greater risk of non-contact ACL
injury during the pre-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, with greatest risk during the
follicular phase. [21,22,24,36-38] Geater dynamic lower-extremity valgus, reduced knee joint laxity,
and reduced knee joint kinesthesia represent possible mechanisms behind ACL injury risk in
the follicular phase. Further high-quality research is required to identify the effects of
neuromuscular control on ACL injury risk in the menstrual cycle. Further high-quality, RCTs
investigating high-risk movements that mimic ACL injuries, and the effects of oral
contraception on lower-limb biomechanics, neuromuscular control, and ACL injury risk are
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of studies
included in
45 females
athletes with
ACL injury
and 45
matched for
age, height,
Serum sample and selfreported menstrual history
data immediately after injury.
Both serum concentrations of
progesterone and
menstrual history were used
to group subjects
Serum concentrations of progesterone
revealed that alpine skiers in the
preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle
were significantly more likely to tear their
ACL than skiers in the postovulatory
Analysis of menstrual history found
similar results, but the difference was not
statistically significant
Cesar MG
23 female
Single leg drop landing
maneuver while 3-D knee
kinematics and gluteus
medius muscle onset timing
were assessed throughout
three distinct phases of the
menstrual cycle (confirmed by
blood hormone analysis)
Knee valgus angles were significantly
less in the luteal phase compared to both
follicular phases, while differences were
not observed for gluteus medius onset
Ruedl G (2011)
93 female
athletes with
ACL injury
and 93
Self-reported questionnaire
relating to intrinsic risk and
extrinsic risk factors
Preovulatory phase of menstrual cycle
(odds ratio, 2.59) was a independent ACL
injury risk factor for female skiers
Cyclic variations in genu
recurvatum (GR), general
joint laxity (GJL), varus-valgus
(VV), and internal-external
(IER) rotational laxities and
stiffnesses were examined
Cyclic increases in AKL (9.5%), GR
(37.5%), and GJL (13.6%) were observed
Cyclic increases in VV and IER laxity
were negligible. Females had lower VV
stiffness at T2 vs T1, but no difference
across time points for IER stiffness.
Across both time points, females had
consistently greater VV and IER laxity
and less VV and IER incremental
Beynnon BD
Shultz SJ (2011a)
64 healthy
No significant differences in knee joint
mechanics. An increase in KJL was
associated with higher knee joint loads during
movement. A 1.3-mm increase in KJL
resulted in an increase of approximately 30%
in adduction impulse in a cutting maneuver,
an increase of approximately 20% in knee
adduction moment, and a 20% to 45%
increase in external rotation loads during a
jumping and stopping task
Analysis revealed that recreational skiers
in the preovulatory phase were
significantly more likely to sustain ACL
injury than skiers in postovulatory phase
72% of subjects had premenstrual
symptoms, 83% had menstrual
Significant association between the
phase of the menstrual cycle and ACL
injuries. There were more injuries in the
ovulatory phase than expected
No significant difference between phases
of the menstrual cycle for: i) fine motor
coordination, ii) postural stability, iii)
hamstring - quadriceps strength ratio at
60 degrees or 180 degrees, iv) knee
flexion excursion, v) knee valgus
excursion, vi) peak proximal tibial anterior
shear force, vii) flexion moment at peak
proximal tibial anterior shear force, vii)
valgus moment at peak proximal tibial
anterior shear force
Park SK (2009)
26 female
Knee joint biomechanics were
measured. Each subject was
designated with low, medium, or
high knee joint laxity.
Knee joint mechanics were
compared between low, medium,
and high laxity
Ruedl G (2009)
93 female
athletes with
ACL injury
Menstrual history, athletic
activity, and injury history
were collected from the
Adachi N
18 female
athletes with
ACL injury
Menstrual history, athletic
activity, and injury history
were collected from the
Abt JP
10 healthy
Mean age21.4
Mean height1.67cm
Mean mass59.9kg
Single-leg postural stability,
fine motor coordination, knee
strength, knee biomechanics,
and serum estradiol and
progesterone were assessed
at the menses, post-ovulatory,
and mid-luteal phases
12 female
Horizontal and vertical jump,
and drop from a 30-cm box on
the left leg. Lower limb
kinematics and peak
externally applied moments
were calculated
Women were tested for each
phase of the menstrual cycle
as determined from serum
No significant differences in moments or
knee angle were observed between
phases in female group
32 healthy
Knee joint kinaesthesia and
neuromuscular coordination
was measured with the
square hop test in the
menstrual phase, ovulation
phase and premenstrual
phase determined by
hormone analyses in three
consecutive menstrual cycles.
Impaired knee joint kinaesthesia was
detected in the premenstrual phase and
the performance of square hop test was
significantly improved in the ovulation
phase compared to the other two phases
Hertel J (2006)
14 healthy
Measures of knee
neuromuscular performance
and laxity once during the
mid-follicular, ovulatory, and
mid-luteal stages of menstrual
Arendt EA
58 female
athletes with
ACL injury
Menstrual history, athletic
activity, and injury history
were collected from the
69 female
athletes with
ACL injury
Mechanism of injury,
menstrual cycle details, use of
oral contraceptives, and
history of previous injury were
recorded. Urine samples
validated menstrual cycle
phase at the time of the ACL
AMW (2007)
Friden C (2006)
Wojtys EM (2002)
No significant differences in the
measures of strength, joint position
sense, postural control, or laxity across
the three testing sessions.
No significant correlations were found
between changes in E3G or PdG levels
and changes in the performance and
laxity measures between sessions
A significant 28-day periodicity of injuries
was present in the entire population as
well as in the two subgroups. High- and
low-risk time intervals were associated
primarily with follicular and luteal phases
Results from the hormone assays
indicate that the women had a
significantly greater than expected
percentage of ACL injuries during
midcycle (ovulatory phase) and a less
than expected percentage of those
injuries during the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle.
Myklebust G (1998)
Wojtys EM (1998)
23 female
Menstrual history, athletic
activity, and injury history
were collected from the
Five of the injuries occurred in the
menstrual phase, 2 in the follicular phase,
1 in the early luteal phase and 9 in the
late luteal phase
28 female
athletes with
ACL injury
Mechanism of injury,
menstrual cycle details, use of
oral contraceptives, and
history of previous injury were
Observed and expected
frequencies of ACL injury
based on 3 different phases
of the menstrual cycle
A significant statistical association was
found between the stage of the
menstrual cycle and the likelihood for an
ACL injury. There were more injuries than
expected in the ovulatory phase of the
cycle. In contrast, significantly fewer
injuries occurred in the follicular phase.
ACL – anterior cruciate ligament, KJL – knee joint laxity