Colony High School Course Syllabus

Colony High School Course Syllabus
Teacher: Kristy Johnston & Tom Berg
Class: Leadership (7th period)
Classroom: Room 101, 102, Theater & Small Gym
Grade Recommendations: 9th-12th
A. Course Description:
This leadership class will require you to plan, implement and evaluate projects. In doing so,
you will be using both problem-solving and leadership skills. You will be challenged to
understand your role in leadership and to identify ways in which you interact with others.
This class is not designed to be an “easy grade.” You have signed on to a commitment of
time in the classroom, school and community. We will be actively studying leadership by
examining communication, organization, goal-setting, decision making and motivation.
B. Expectations of student leaders…
a. Active members of school organizations.
b. Elected school or class officers.
c. Members of the Student Government Executive Board.
d. Possess positive attitudes in and out of class.
e. Exhibit enthusiastic school spirit.
f. Refrain from any actions or behaviors that are cause for disciplinary actions by school
leaders, legal authority and/or community members.
i. Any disciplinary actions will be reviewed on an individual basis and could result
in immediate dismissal from Leadership.
g. Committed to making a difference in their school, community and world.
C. Course Outcomes: The students will…
a. identify and analyze self-awareness of their leadership role.
b. recognize the need for different forms of goal setting.
c. acquire organization and project planning skills.
d. analyze group processes, communication and problem solving.
e. apply skills learned through school projects.
f. identify ways to work and volunteer with community members.
g. promote Colony High School spirit:
i. Attend CHS games, matches, meets, competitions, etc.
ii. Help organize and run assemblies.
iii. Dress-up during Spirit Week.
iv. Promote POSITIVE attitudes about CHS, our administration, staff, students and
our surrounding community.
v. Become an active participant in your graduating class, various clubs, activities
and/or sports.
h. Become a liaison between CHS administration and CHS students.
D. Grading System:
Club/Sport Activity Sponsor Evaluation
This class does require some out of class assignments. If this is a problem for you,
please drop this course and enroll in another class.
At the end of each quarter, each leadership student will be participate in a review with Berg or
Johnston. This review will lead the dismissal or retention in Leadership class.
E. Classroom Participation:
When you are not here, you are not participating; you are not helping your class
and/or groups. Other people will have to do your work while you are gone. School
activities and family emergencies are the only excused absences. Therefore, all
absences need to be made-up by doing extra leadership hours OUTSIDE OF CLASS
TIME. You will need to get these hours pre-approved before you make them up (see
attached leadership service form for details). For each class period missed, one hour
outside class time will make up that absence.
F. Classroom Management/Rules/Procedures:
It is a privilege to be in this class, so please do not take it for granted. If ANY member
of this school: students, teachers, administrators, custodians and/or parents complain to me
about your behavior or attitude, there will be consequences for your actions (we will speak
with you directly). Many times you will be outside of the classroom working on a
leadership project, please respect the school learning environment. If an incident occurs
during my class period or during a leadership activity it WILL result in loss of ALL credit for that
a. Be on time for class.
b. When a student arrives, they should check the agenda for the day’s schedule.
c. Students should come to class prepared: writing instrument, 3-ring binder, CHS
planner, pen or pencil and paper.
d. Show respect for peers, support staff, teachers and CHS staff.
e. No Electronic devices in class.
f. No food or drinks in class (water is the only exception and party days).
g. Communicate, do not assume anything!
G. Charity:
This year Leadership Class in connection with CHS Student Government will work together to
raise money to donate toward a charity. Your enrollment in this Leadership Class signifies
your participation in upcoming fundraising activities.
Student Signature:
I, _____________________________________ (student) have read through the 2011-2012
Leadership syllabus and understand the expectations of me throughout the entirety of this course.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature:
I, _____________________________________ (parent/guardian) have read through the 2011-2012
Leadership syllabus and will support my son/daughter commitments and requirements for this course.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Sponsor Signature:
I, ______________________________________ (activity sponsor) recognize that the above student
is a member/participant in the club/sport/activity that I sponsor during the 2011 fall semester. I
am aware that Mrs. Johnston or Mr. Berg will contact me and ask me to evaluate this student’s
participation at quarter and the end of the fall semester.
Sponsor Signature
Leadership Activity Participation
*Worth 160 points*
Due: 10/13/11
Please obtain a signature from the supervising teacher/advisor/adult.
Activities with ** next to them require a signature from Mrs. Johnston or Mr. Berg.
Set up for an activity or decorate for an activity.
Clean up after a dance/game/event.
Volunteer some time for an organization/club/group outside of or after
**Participate in dress up days during homecoming (our signature).
Attend a school board meeting, parent forum and/or community meeting
(you MUST take notes).
**Work on a leadership project before school, during lunch and/or after
school (minimum of 30 min…see Ms. J. or Mr. Berg for ideas).
**Speak, organize or participate in an event during the FB HC assembly.
Volunteer one hour of your time to help a teacher.
**Complete a school beautification project (one per semester).
Decorate the gym with your class sponsors for FB homecoming
(1 hour required).
Attend a CHS game/event other than the one that you are participating in.
Volunteer one hour of your time to help an administrator,
secretary, counselor, librarian or custodian.
Paint signs for an event (other than a leadership sponsored event). Get a
signature from the sponsor/coach/advisor in charge of the event.
Please list all of the activities that you are involved in at Colony
High School and outside of school this semester:
Leadership Service Form
(form to make up absences/participation points)
Date of Absence:
Leadership Service Task (what will the task involve):
Ms. J or Mr. Berg’s Pre-approval Signature:
Hour(s) Worked:
Date of Service:
Signature of supervising sponsor/adult:
This form must be turned in within 2 days of
the service in order for it to count!