Pediatric Cardiology Curriculum Goal: Provide excellent Patient Care through the evaluation and management of common medical problems seen in the cardiology clinic and ICU setting. Objectives Instructional Strategies Learner Competencies Evaluation Addressed 1. Recognize the presenting signs and symptoms of infective endocarditis, Direct patient care Verbal feedback X MK ICS rheurmatic fever, viral myocarditis and Kawasaki disease. in clinic or ICU �P X PC Formal and informal lectures setting 2. Recognize the presenting signs and physical examination findings of � PBLI � SBP common cardiac conditions (chest pain, palpitations, and syncope) and know Reference literature Resident the red flags that should prompt further evaluation. observed competencies 3. Recognize the symptoms and utilize appropriate outpatient/acute care worksheet treatment for SVT including common medications with their indications, side effects, and contraindications. Resident global evaluation 4. Become familiar with the issues of post-operative cardiac care. 5. Recognize the signs and symptoms of post-pericardotomy syndrome and know how it is treated. Goal: Develop a base of Medical Knowledge in pediatric cardiology appropriate for the general pediatrician. Objectives Instructional Strategies Name the common cyanotic and acyanotic cardiac defects and describe their clinical presentations and include the normal perinatal circulation and changes at birth and during the first year of life. State the prevalence and incidence of neonatal heart disease as well as the maternal risk factors for such. Know the prognosis and major long term risks after surgery for VSD, ASD, Aortic Stenosis, Aortic Coarctation, Tetralogy of Fallot, Single Ventricle, and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Direct patient care Formal and informal lectures with cardiology faculty Reference literature Learner Evaluation Verbal feedback in clinic or ICU setting Competencies Addressed X MK ICS P PBLI Cardiology medical knowledge assessment questions X PC SBP Resident observed competencies worksheet Resident global evaluation Pediatric Cardiology Curriculum Goal: Understand and appropriately utilize common cardiac diagnostic tests and imaging studies. Objectives Instructional Strategies 1. Develop a routine for reading pediatric ECG’s. Direct patient care 2. Recognize a normal pediatric ECG. Formal and informal lectures 3. Become familiar with common abnormalities on pediatric ECG (delta waves, prolonged QT, atrial enlargement, ventricular hypertrophy, RBBB etc. ) Reference literature Learner Evaluation Direct patient care Review of ECG’s with cardiology faculty member Competencies Addressed X MK � ICS �P X PC � PBLI X SBP Goal: Demonstrate high standards of professional competence in Interpersonal and Communication Skills while working with patients and families in the cardiology and ICU setting. Objectives Instructional Strategies Learner Competencies Evaluation 1. Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in Direct patient care Resident global X MK X ICS information exchange and partnering with patients and their families evaluation XP X PC . Review of medical records 2. Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skill, both verbal and documentations Verbal and/or � PBLI � SBP electronic, that result in effective collaboration, as a consultant, with other electronic health care providers. feedback regarding 3. Maintain accurate, legible, timely, and legally appropriate medical records. documentation practices Direct observation Goal: Demonstrate high standards of professional competence in Professionalism while working with patients in the cardiology clinic and ICU setting. Objectives Achievement Instructional Learner Competencies at Learner Strategies Evaluation Addressed Level 1. Demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, PGY-1 Direct patient care Direct � MK X ICS adherence to ethical principles, and sensitivity to diversity. Demonstrate observation XP � PC personal accountability to the well being, efficient care, and followup of patients. Resident global � PBLI � SBP evaluation 2. Demonstrate a commitment to professional behavior in interactions with PGY-1 staff and professional colleagues Pediatric Cardiology Curriculum Pediatric Cardiology Curriculum