PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP The meeting was held at the Howdale Surgery on Wednesday 17 September 2014 Present: Christine Brooker (CB), Richard Ehlers (RE), Dr Nicholas Hart Senior Partner (NH), Darren Martin Practice Manager (DM), Susan Perkins (SP) & Jackie Westrop PPG Chair (JW). Apologies: Colin Dancey (CD) & Gladys McCarthy (GM). 1. Acceptance of minutes: Accepted. Points from the last meeting: 2. Staff photo board: Darren Martin informed the meeting that the photographs of the doctors and practice manager were now displayed at both sites. Photographs of Jackie Westrop would be taken, due to her role as PPG chair, after the meeting for inclusion on the board. The practice would review the possibility of including the nursing staff in the New Year. Dr Hart said again that it was not the intention of the practice to have photographs of all staff displayed but agreed to raise the point at the next full practice meeting. 3. Patient Information Booklet: Darren Martin informed the meeting of changes made following on from the recommendation made at the previous PPG meeting by Colin Dancey, asking if the Patient Information Booklet could be made more freely available to the patients as a way of increasing awareness of the PPG. The practice manager informed the meeting that a review had been carried out and that the handbook was now available in the waiting rooms of both surgeries as well as at reception. It was stated that the practice felt that this would not only raise awareness of the PPG but may also help us in our constant efforts to identify those patients who have carers or act as carers themselves. 4. Changes to aid telephone access: Darren Martin informed the meeting of changes made due to one of the previously agreed action points with the PPG. In the ongoing efforts to further improve telephone access to the surgery the following points were made. Last year the telephone system had been completely updated from analogue to digital. This had doubled the amount of telephone lines in to the practice from 2 to 4. As part of this year’s action plan, the practice had increased the reception cover at Howdale by one and three quarter hours in the afternoons. This now meant that two receptionists were available throughout the day to help with answering the telephones. The practice is still looking at other ways to improve the service further but wishes to let patients know that the morning and afternoon doctor’s telephone sessions are always extremely popular and busy. This means that even with increasing the telephone capacity and the staffing levels patients will sometimes not be able to get straight through when all of the doctors are already talking to patients on the telephones. Agenda of the day: 5. Aims of the PPG: The practice manager informed the meeting that the PPG flyers and information had been altered to show Jackie Westrop as the new PPG chair and asked, and was granted, her permission to include her email address on the flyers for new members to be able to contact her directly. The practice had again paid for the PPG to be affiliated with the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) had also made this organisation aware of the change of chair person for our PPG so as to allow them to send any information directly to the PPG. The chair asked all members of the PPG to try to think of ways of increasing the size and cross section of the group and this point would be carried forward to the next meeting. Information on the role of Patient Participation Groups and the GP contract was handed out by the practice manager to the group to help come up with points to discuss. 6. Suggestion box and website comments: 7 during this period 1 Positive feedback about our reception team. Good friendly staff who had even helped the patient to be seen by the doctor despite being late for their appointment on two separate occasions. Keep up the good work. 1 Positive feedback about one of our doctors. The best doctor I have ever had. However, the same patient asked that the radio station played in the waiting room be changed from Radio 2 to Classic FM as they did not like the former. The practice manager informed the meeting that the surgery would never be able to please all of our patients with the choice of radio station played but that the decision to use Radio 2 was due to the fact that it gave a broader content of news, chat and music that hopefully would appeal to most rather than limiting the musical choice to just one style. It was also reminded that the playing of music in the waiting room was not only to entertain patients whilst they wait but also to help us maintain confidentiality of those patients at the reception or dispensing hatches. One of our younger patients had asked if the practice could supply free drinks, childrens books and a TV magazine. There is no plan to have a drinks dispenser in the waiting room but patients can request water from the reception team. The practice has toys that are easy to wipe clean to aid us with infection control and would look at the possibility of adding some childrens books to this area as well. 1 asked for the possibility of having a female GP at least once a month. The practice is an equal opportunities employer and as such would never employ a member of staff solely due to their gender, only due to their suitability to cover the vacant position. 1 commented that to try to decrease the number of missed appointments would it be possible to add a message about this on the appointment card. This point was agreed to be both valid and a good idea. As such the practice manager had already brought this up at one of the practices weekly management meetings and this was already now in place and being used. The practice would like to thank the patient who had taken the time to raise this comment. 1 patient asked if the practice could get a larger post box for the front door at the Howdale. The current cage attached to the letter box already reaches down to the floor and cannot be increased. There is a separate letter box on the fire door which is normally used by the Royal Mail but on a couple of recent occasions they had used the letter box on the front door normally used by patients to post their repeat prescriptions. This would be brought up with the Post Office. 1 patient asked about marking prescription bags if the items were in more than one bag. This is already carried out for items dispensed at the same time with bags for example being marked 1 of 2. The practice has had to put up posters asking that patients check that their dispensed items are complete before leaving the practice. This is due to the fact that some items of medication may not be in stock when the items are being dispensed and would therefore be done on the following day when the ordered items arrive from our suppliers. Also it may be the case that the dispensary team are awaiting instruction from the patient’s doctor on a specific item and therefore the items cannot be dispensed in one action. We have also had the same problem arise where a patient has not returned to collect a previous dispensed prescription and then has submitted another prescription to our team. In these instances it may be possible for there to be more than one prescription bag on the shelf awaiting the patient but not marked as part of one order. Once again, whilst the practice makes every effort to ensure that our patients receive all of the items of their medication ordered, we ask that patients help us by checking the contents of their prescription bag to assist us with this process. 7. Friends and Family Test: The new Friends and Family Test will be starting at the Howdale Group Practice from the 1st of December 2014. This is a new incentive that has been added to the GP contract that gives the patient the opportunity to complete a small survey each time they use the surgery. There is a multiple choice question that asks the following. “How likely are you to recommend our service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?” The patient is then asked to circle the appropriate statement from those listed below. Extremely likely Likely Neither likely or unlikely Extremely unlikely Don’t know There is then also space for the patient to tell us the main reason for selecting their statement if they wish to. The leaflets will be available in the waiting rooms, at reception and can even be filled in online on our website. The patient can include their name and contact details if the wish but this is purely optional. This information is then collated monthly and forwarded to the NHS. The practice would like to ask all of our patients to fill out the leaflet whenever possible to help us carry on in our efforts of understanding your needs and views and constantly improving the service we supply. 8. PPG DES: The surgery looks to agree 3 action plans with the PPG for areas that we look to improve our service. This year the PPG had already selected telephone access and did not attend rates as 2 of the 3 areas to be selected as action plans, but due to illness had not meet to arrange the third area yet. The practice manager asked the PPG for possible ideas. Some areas were discussed as possible topics such as compliance with medications and social care but it proved difficult to select criteria to assess these points by or to monitor the effectiveness of any changes made. The practice manager therefore made the suggestion that a mini survey be carried out at both surgeries asking our patients for their recommendations to which potential areas of improvement they thought would benefit them the most. The practice manager would then collate this data along with that of the new Friends and Family Test and update the PPG members at the next meeting with a view to selecting the third action point. 9. Potential redevelopment of the Bexwell airfield site: The question was raised at the previous meeting as to if there were any plans by the surgery to deal with any potential influx of people due to the possible redevelopment of the Bexwell airfield site. The practice manager informed the meeting that the surgery had still not received any official information about the proposed works. There is the possibility that this work may go through by 2020 with a potential of another 4000 homes built in the Downham Market area but the practice would have to wait to see how these plans transpired before being able to comment on this area. A further update will be given as and when more information comes through. 10. Avoiding unplanned admissions: The practice is in the process of identifying the top 2% of our patients that statistically may have more chance of an unplanned admission in to hospital. This is part of a national initiative and, whilst being very labour intensive and increasing the workload on both clinical and administrative staff, is being adopted as quickly as possible. The patients identified will be contacted to ask for their consent to be included in our register, will have there own usual doctor verified and action plans drawn up to try to help avoid unplanned hospital admissions. These care plans would then be reviewed on a regular basis with any unplanned admissions to hospital being followed up by the GP. 11. Flu Season: The flu immunisation season has arrived again. The practice was advertising the specialised flu clinics put on by the nursing team but informed the PPG that the nurses where also offering to immunise entitled patients throughout the flu season when they presented for a nursing appointment. 12. Compliance with medications: Christine Brooker had raised this point again but despite discussion over health literacy and patient education of the issues there were no firm ideas put forward as to how to implement this. The PPG were asked to think of possible ways to achieve this and the issue would be mentioned during one of the surgeries clinical meetings prior to the next scheduled PPG meeting to ascertain the clinician’s points of view. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 13. Dementia rates issues: The chair raised the issue around dementia rates. There is ongoing work that the practice is undertaking at present and new initiatives just being released by the NHS so at present there was no fixed comment by the practice. The chair stated that she had attended the course and would be willing to provide a dementia information session for our patients if we were happy to have her run this at the surgery. More information about the content of the session was requested which will be forwarded to the practice manager. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 7th January 2015 at 12:00. The time and date above is correct but is a change to that originally agreed.