FOR MORE DETAILED D/A PLEASE APPLY EITHER BY TLX/FAX OR E-MAIL ROUND THE CLOCK. GENERAL CONDITION OF APPLICATION OF PORT CHARGES/DUES IN KALININGRAD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The controlled port dues in Kaliningrad are: - tonnage dues - light dues - canal dues - berth dues - pilot dues - environment navigation dues tug assistance mooring/unmooring All port dues are calculated in US Dollars. The rates of dues are based on 1 GT as per International Conference on Tonnage Measurement of ships, 1969. The Gross Tonnage of the tug-and-barge assemblies, convoys and other composite floating objects used for calculating all types of dues is determined as an aggregate GT of individual components. All training ships are free from any port charges/dues. The vessel's type and designation are determined by ship's certificates. Port dues shall be paid by the vessel prior to the departure from the port. The Kaliningrad's Maritime Authorities has the right to grant rebate from the port dues. This rebate to be registered in the Merchant Fleet Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Group of Vessels Group of Vessels А B V Table 1 Vessels and Floating Object including non self propelled Cargo Vessels and floating objects including Passenger vessels Naval vessels. Hospital vessels. Sport craft, yachts. Auxiliary vessels. G Transit vessels.* Vessel calling for the customs and frontier formalities, undergoing sea trials. D Vessel calling for refuge,** to perform emergency repair. Scientific and research vessels. Survey vessels. *- Transit vessel are the vessels which pass through the harbour area without being moored to a berth, buoys, piles, without riding at anchor or without any other connection with the ground within the harbour area; ** - A call for refuge means a call in view of a threat presented to the safety of continuing sailing, to the life or health of the crew and passengers. Rates of Port Dues N / N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 9. Table 2 Port Dues Tonnage dues Canal dues Light dues Navigation dues Berth dues (lay up) Pilotage dues: - Sea pilotage per 1NM - harbour pilotage per operation Environment dues: - duration of the vessel's stay at the port under 10 days - from 11th day of stay per each next day Tugboats dues - mooring/unmooring - shifting Moorer's work Basis 0,267 0,26 0,041 0,021 0,04 USD per 1GT Basic port dues for each vessel's group Container carrier RO-RO Ferry LO-RO RO-Flow Passenger ship 0,22 0,209 0,215 0,203 0,034 0,032 0,0175 0,0165 0.04 0,04 0,0037 0,022 0,003 0,018 0,0029 0,017 0,093 0,0093 0,077 0,0077 0,073 0,0073 0,16 0,23 0,019 0,14 0,19 0,016 0,13 0,18 0,015 LIST OF FLAGS FOR WHICH REBATE FROM TONNAGE DUES ARE APPLICABLE. Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Burma Cuba Cyprus Czech Denmark Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Finland France Germany Ghana Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kampuchea (Cambodia) Kenya Korea Peopl.Dem.Rep. Korea Republic Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Malta Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Island Cayman Island Chile China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Mauritania Mexico Morocco Mozambique Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania San-Tome and Principe Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine Uruguay USA Vietnam Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire