harbour dues for the port of kaliningrad

1. The following document defines the list, rates and rules of charging port dues from Russian,
foreign vessels and other floating objects as specified in the Table # 1.
Dues controlled by the port of Kaliningrad include:
• Tonnage dues;
• Lighthouse dues;
• Canal dues;
• Berthing dues;
• Pilotage dues;
• Environmental dues;
• Mooring dues;
• Towing dues;
• Navigation dues.
1. The rates of port dues and rules on their application, established by the given document, act
within the region of accomplishment of State control functions after commercial navigation by
the Port Authority of Kaliningrad (herinafter - РАК).,
The port dues are levied by the РАК.
The РАК has the right to delegate collection of the above mentioned port dues to other
organizations irrespective of their legal status, and also to monitor correctness of collection
and earmarked use of port dues according to the approved procedure. If the established
procedure of port dues collection and their targeted usage is not fulfilled in a proper manner,
the РАК has the right to withdraw delegation of authority on collection of port dues.
2. The port dues are levied upon shipowner of a vessel. The Maritime (Commercial Navigation)
Code defines "shipowner" as any physical or legal person operating a vessel on its own behalf
irrespective of, whether is it the owner of a vessel or if it uses it on different legal basis.
Foreign shipowner has to pay port dues in US dollars, while Russian shipowner pays port dues
in roubles at the rate of the Central bank of Russia on a departure date of a vessel.
3. The rates of the dues are fixed in US dollars for one unit of gross tonnage of a vessel (1 GT),
defined according to International Convention on Measurement of Vessels of 1969, (Table 2).
The rates of the dues, specified in the Table 2, are basic for application of both extra charges
and discounts.
Calculation of all kinds of the dues, except environmental, for barge-tugboat units, caravans
and other floating objects, is made on total gross tonnage basis.
4. The 25.0%-discounts on port dues are granted to ship owners-TSRs of the Kaliningrad Region
Special Economic Zone» in respect of vessels registered at the port of Kaliningrad.
Vessels, belonging to shipowners-TSRs of the Kaliningrad Region Special Economic Zone,
registered at the port of Kaliningrad and fishing at the Baltic Sea within the territorial waters
of Russian Federation or internal waters of Russia, with a length less than 35.0 m. are
completely exempted from paying of the port dues.
The status of a TSR of the Kaliningrad Region Special Economic Zone is defined according to
the legal regulations of the Government of Kaliningrad Region.
5. The 20%-discount from the Tonnage Due and 10%-discount from all remaining port charges is
granted to vessels working on lines.
The liner trade is registered in the РАК.
The basic signs of a line are:
• Fixed obligatory and optional foreign and Russian ports of call;
• Fixed for operation on a line vessels;
• Established (fixed) periodicity of call of the fixed vessels to the Russian ports.
1. The rates of port dues, except for the Berthing Due, are multiplied by coefficient of 0.5 in
cases of:
• Vessel is bound to the port without performance of any commercial freight or passenger
• Performance of freight and passenger voyages by Russian vessels between ports of Russia or,
voyages to a fish craft (from a craft).
1. The training vessels are exempted from all kinds of a port dues.
2. Type of a vessel and its speciality are defined by vessel's documents.
3. The РАК has the right to grant discounts on port dues extra to those stipulated in the given
The awarded discounts are subject to registration at the Maritime Fleet Service of the Ministry
of transport of Russian Federation.
4. The port dues should be paid before vessel's departure from the port. The Harbour Master has
the right to reject in outward clearance from the port for a vessel in case of non-payment of
port dues levied upon it.
5. The Master of a ship is obliged to submit to the Harbour Master's Office the Tonnage
Certificate upon arrival of a vessel to the port.
1. Tonnage Due is raised for each call to the port and each exit of a vessel from the port.
2. Transitional vessels, vessels undergoing sea tests, as well as "C" and "E" group vessels are
exempted from Tonnage Due, if they do not perform any commercial freight or passenger
3. Tonnage Due from foreign vessels, flying under flags of states, with which Russia has no
international agreements on provision to their vessels of conditions same as for Russian
ships or a special treatment as most favourable nation, is to be charged with coefficient of
4. If a vessel of "A" or "В" group is loading or discharging cargo at several ports of Russia
within one voyage, than the Tonnage Due is charged at the first port of call at 100 %"rate,
and at the subsequent ports - with 50 %-discount.
5. If a vessel of "A" or "B" group is loading or discharging cargo at several ports of
Kaliningrad Region within one voyage, than the Tonnage Due is charged with 50 %discount.
6. The discount on a Tonnage Due is granted to vessels which are not working on lines, at
port of Kaliningrad within one-year period with following conditions:
• 11 up to 15 calls per year - at a rate of 10 %;
• 16 up to 20 calls per year - at a rate of 15 %,
• 21 calls and more per year - at a rate of 20 %.
1. The Lighthouse Due is raised for each call to the port, each exit of a vessel from the
port and any transit of the port.
2. "С" and "E" group vessels are exempted from this due, if they do not perform any
commercial freight or passenger operations.
3. Rate of the due for vessels in/outbound the port of Baltyisk is multiplied by coefficient
of 0.7, in/outbound the harbour of Svetlyj - by 0.8.
4. Lighthouse Due is not levied upon vessels in/outbound the Kaliningrad Lagoon.
1. The Canal Due is raised from a vessel passing by the Navigation Canal in one
If a vessel was taken to the outer anchorage of the port of Baltyisk under circumstances out
of its control, with the subsequent returning to the port, the canal due is not charged
2. "С" and "E" group vessels are exempted from this due, if they do not perform any
commercial freight or passenger operations.
3. Rate of the due for vessels in/outbound the port of Baltyisk is multiplied by coefficient
of 0.7, in/outbound the harbour of Svetlyj - by 0.8.
4. Rate of the due for vessels in/outbound the Kaliningrad Lagoon is multiplied by coefficient
of 0.5.
1. The Berthing Due is raised from vessels located along quayside and not performing any
freight, passenger or related operations per each day of stay. Time of such a stay at a berth
is counted to a higher figure from each half-day.
2. A 50%-discount is granted to a vessel, located along hull-side of other vessel or fasten not
to a cargo berth.
3. The berth for retention of a vessel is granted on written permit of the Harbour Master.
4. If the berth/quay is occupied by a vessel after Harbour Master's written request to leave it,
the due for vessel's retention is raised on 0.03 USD for 1 GRT per horn-rate. Incomplete
hour of retention time is considered as completed.
1. The Pilotage Due is raised from inport and outport pilotage service provided to a vessel.
Requirements of obligatory pilotage service, borders of outport and inport pilotage are
defined at the Compulsory By-laws for the port of Kaliningrad, issued by the РАК.
2. For inport service the pilotage due is raised for each separate operation. Mooring or
unmooring is considered as one operation.
Inport pilotage (unmooring, inport shifting between quays and mooring again) is
considered as two operations.
When during inport pilotage a vessel has to go by the Canal, the pilotage due is raised
according to the rate of the outport service per each mile of pilotage.
Incomplete mile of pilotage is considered as completed. The vessel of less than 1500 gross
tonnage is considered equal to 1500 gross tonnage.
3. The Pilotage Due covers costs for vehicles/crafts, being used for delivery and pickingup the pilot to and from a vessel respectively.
4. "С" group vessels are exempted from this due (except of yachts and sport crafts), if they do
not perform any commercial freight or passenger operations.
5. The Pilotage Due is raised at a rate of 50% from all vessels and other objects, if they do not
perform any commercial freight or passenger operations.
6. Pilotage service for sport crafts and yachts is provided at following due rates for each vessel
• By length up to 20 m - 20.00;
• By length more than 20 m - 40.00.
1. The pilotage service for input/output of a vessel to and from a dock, vessels with propulsion
unit out of operation, faulty rudder device, special floating objects (drilling rigs, modules,
docks, boatels, etc.) is charged at the corresponding rates placed in Table 2. raised by 50%.
2. If one pilot provides pilotage service for several vessels simultaneously, than the due is
raised in full for each of them.
3. Pilot's receipt, written out by the pilot and signed by the Master of a ship or
radiotelegraph approval by a vessel are considered as a basis for collection of the
Pilotage Due.
4. If a vessel abandons pilots services, which were pre-ordered, than the due is paid in full
(100%) for the ordered services.
5. If pilotage is more than 1 hour delayed due to circumstances caused by a vessel herself, 10
% of the Pilotage Due for pre-ordered service is surcharged for each next hour of pilot's
1. The Environmental Due is raised for reception without any limitations of all kinds of wastes
(except for ballast waters) retained by a vessel from the moment of her output (exit) from
last port of call and up to her exit of the port of Kaliningrad. The due rates cover expenses
for all kind of operations of related to reception of ship-generated waste (provision of
collecting crafts, containers and other waste collection receptacles, discharging operation,
handling of hoses, etc.).
The vessel is obliged to discharge ashore all wastes retained onboard. Wastes delivery ashore
should be proved by receipt issued by the waste handling office/company. Vessel, which
does not discharged her ship-generated waste ashore at the port, is not exempted the
Environmental Due.
2. Vessels, operating pollution abatement equipment, installed onboard for a complete
utilisation of all kinds of ship-generated wastes and supplied with International Certificates
on Oil, Sewage and Garbage Pollution Prevention of sea , (environmentally friendly), are
granted 50%-discount.
3. If a vessel of "A" or "B" group is loading or discharging cargo at several ports of
Kaliningrad Region within one voyage, than the Environmental Due is charged with 50 %discount.
4. Vessels calling the port to undergo repair works without performance before or after repair
of any commercial freight or passenger operations and transitional vessels are exempted
the Environmental Due. "C", "D", and "E" group vessels are exempted Environmental Due,
if they do not perform any commercial freight or passenger operations. Reception of
wastes from vessels, exempted from the Environmental Due, is provided by an order of
Master of a ship under the rates, approved by the РАК.
1. The Mooring Due is raised for each separate operation. Mooring or unmooring is
considered as one operation.
2. Shifting of a vessel between different quays is considered as two operations.
3. Towing of a vessel along a quay on distance more than length of a vessel is considered
as a shirting (see above).
4. "С" group and transitional vessels are exempted from this due, if they do not perform
any commercial freight or passenger operations,
5. The Mooring Due is not raised for completing of loading/unloading of vessels at 40th post
(checkpoint) nearby the entrance to the Canal from the seaside.
1. The Towing Due is raised for mooring operation by means tugboat support for each
separate operation. Mooring, unmooring, or shifting is considered as one operation.
2. Shifting of a vessel along a quayside on a distance more than length of a vessel is charged
at the rate of shifting of a vessel less than length of a vessel at the rate of mooring
3. "С" group and transitional vessels are exempted from this due, if they do not perform any
commercial freight or passenger operations.
4. 30%-discount is granted to vessels, using bow-thrust device for mooring operations.
1. The Navigation Due is raised for service provided for a vessel by coast
radar-tracking systems of ports VTS at each call of the port, each exit from the port or transit
passage of it.
2. "С" and "E" group vessels are exempted from this due, if they do not perform any
commercial freight or passenger operations.
3. Navigation Due is not levied upon vessels in/outbound the Kaliningrad Lagoon.
Table 1. Classification of vessels by groups
Group of vessels
Vessels, buoyant entities, including non-propelled
Cargo ships and entities, including fishing boats.
Passenger vessels
Naval ships. Hospital ships. Sport crafts, yachts. Auxiliary ships
Transitional ships*. Vessels calling the port for quarantine need, custom
clearance and immigration formalities, undergoing sea tests,
Forced call** to the port, call to the port for damage repair. Scientific and
research vessels. Hydrographic vessels.
* - vessels are considered transitional, if they are passing harbour area without mooring to quays,
buoys, piles, without anchorage or any other connection with land within the limits of harbour area;
** - forced call is perceived in connection with danger to safe continuation of a voyage, threat to life
or health of a crew and passengers.
Table 2 Rates of Harbour Dues for the port of Kaliningrad, USD per 1 GRT
Harbour due
Basic rate
4 Navigation
5 Berthing (retention)
6 Pilotage:
• outside the port
Basic rates of dues for different types
of vessels
RO-FLOW, passenger
per mile
• inside the port
per operation
7 Environmental:
• stay less then 10 days
• stay over 10 days,
per each day
Mooring operations
Shifting between quays