<hit text="H9G" n="2944">He could not think clearly at all of any women he knew or had known.Immense relief not to be
accompanied — man or woman.He settled, spread on the seat, smiled.There was a group of three at the bar, two men and a
woman.The one with his arm round her calling her darling was much older than she was and rather older than the thin other man.The
<kw>vociferous</kw> one had a cape and a velvet waistcoat and was either more than a little tipsy, or had been so so often he could
behave no other way.He spoke so that you could not avoid hearing his conversation.</hit>
<hit text="CR4" n="659">‘The advantages was bringing together all these different people at one time.Having access to
the creative approaches to the reforms in other authorities was really useful.We could have done this without the Support Force but it
would have taken longer to do.’When it comes to supporting the private sector, Scott is a <kw>vociferous</kw> and tough
opponent.She ended up in conflict with co-leader Terry Butler after being selected to join the force.With hindsight, she says: ‘I
wished I'd kept my mouth shut in the first three weeks.I was bloody difficult because I came with my own agenda and I wasn't going
to have a whitewash.It was pretty nerve-racking for everyone.</hit>
<hit text="B7H" n="5">Save our wastelandsJohn GordonThere have been some spectacular successes in land reclamation
(see page 138 of this issue, for example).And in many countries new mining activities have to restore land to its original state when
the underground resource is exhausted, But that may not always be the most appropriate responseFOR DECADES, professional and
amateur politicians, encouraged by a <kw>vociferous</kw> band of scientists and engineers, have relentlessly pursued the
reclamation of land for which the distant eye sees no use.The approach is as persistent and tenacious as it is conventional and
unimaginative.Pits have been filled in and tips levelled to form the ubiquitous British, urban, flat landscape of close-mown turf and
lollipop trees.As with many other values, the landscape has been averaged to mediocrity.</hit>
<hit text="K2R" n="21">‘However, there's such as wealth of material and talent here.I'd like to see more producers
coming to us with ideas, telling us what they want to do, not waiting for us to tell them what we want.’A former controller and
managing director designate of the BBC, Mr Grade has been a <kw>vociferous</kw> critic of the Corporation's programme
policy.His much-publicised remarks have been followed more recently by outbursts from veteran India correspondent Mark Tully
and playwright Denis Potter.Mr Grade believes the Corporation is making a rod for its own back.‘The BBC is going through
necessary change.It was due for considerable internal reform.</hit>
<hit text="CHV" n="412">They would then, with all the fanfare and attendant publicity, have been able to welcome South
Africa back into the international fold with the added perk of hosting the Rugby World Cup in 1995.They would, at the same time,
thereby have removed any suspicion that they had perhaps underhandedly supported the South African Rugby Board, one of their
founder members, in ways contrary to the demands of a <kw>vociferous</kw> international opposition and an unrecognised (in
international rugby circles) South African Rugby Union.But the South African Rugby Board and the South African Rugby Union
continued to get bogged down, as they had been for the last three years, even with the help of intermediaries of the stature of Nelson
Mandela, in their attempts to reach accord and form one, united body for rugby football in their country.</hit>
<hit text="HD4" n="82">Next day we went to a very homely lunch party with a friend who has her very vivacious, elegant
and almost magisterial 87-year-old mother living with her in winter (she spends the summer in cooler Torino in the north),
Antonietta Dohrn, whose grandfather, the close friend of Charles Darwin, who funded and founded the Zoological Station.There was
also there a <kw>vociferous</kw> (John and later said they thought he might have been drunk) Russian, about 35–40 who is
currently on a short term study period at Florence University into the history of space travel and aeronautics .Given that this is a
passion of 's it was very useful, given that he speaks no Italian.</hit>
<hit text="ECU" n="1226">It was decided to form a politically independent, all-party group as a company and launch it on
February 8, 1989 at the Reform Club.‘It was electric — the most exciting, most demanding period of my life,’ says Robertson,
though he reckons that, as a <kw>vociferous</kw>, opinionated twenty-year-old he ‘must have looked like such an
arsehole’.Throughout 1989 and 1990 the organization gathered momentum.It attracted such sponsors as Sir James Goldsmith, Lords
Hanson and White, and Rocco Forte.</hit>
<hit text="HJ3" n="8037">It would turn your head and I admit I'm scratching mine, but Bingham's is the only selection
that counts.I'm tempted to say that the only change from Albania will be Worthington's return in place of Donaghy, with the
positions rejigged.Bingham must get it right for a match I feel we can get a 0–0 draw or a 1–0 win out of — yes, I'm serious!There
will be a <kw>vociferous</kw>, partisan crowd in Dublin but the Republic of Ireland supporters get uneasy and impatient when
their team is not on top — and Bingham is a master at tactics aimed at producing that effect.And, unlike the last trip to Dublin when
we lost 3–0 the magnificent Tommy Wright will be in goals.</hit>
<hit text="HGJ" n="1775">This is Moses and the prophets to the capitalists!’ he declaimed to his fellow students in the
college library.Unlike Ellen, though, he always returned his books on time, so the librarians put up with him.Bernard now argued
with his teachers about his grades.Faint-hearted, they took his essays back for remarking and upgraded them, as an airline always
will a seat for a <kw>vociferous</kw> passenger.He plotted to overthrow the senior lecturer in psychology who was fifty-two and
had not rewritten his lecture on Piaget for fifteen years.He worked up a cabal against poor old Professor Litmus, who taught statistics
and never did anyone any harm, but droned on, and on, and at least never minded when his students slept.</hit>
<hit text="ABW" n="577">She had a white puffy panicky face and prominent eyes accentuated by pink
eyeshadow.Although she was scrawny, she still managed to have a double chin.Her hair needed washing and her legwarmers were in
concertinas round her ankles.Jane found her an exhausting girl (she was twenty-six) and yet she was sorry for her.Evelyn was just
about the most self-deluded person she had ever met, a <kw>vociferous</kw> pseudo-feminist.In fact, most of her energy went in
talk (on an intellectual level, mind you) so she had very little left to use on work.Women who talk a lot about independence are often
the most dependent.Evelyn was very voluble on the rights of women, was, she said, a Committed Feminist, yet Jane had never met
anyone so utterly dependent.</hit>
<hit text="K6M" n="261">You had to pay them five shillings a visit to the doctor, and then your spectacles or any dental
treatment you got, you had to pay for them.A shilling a week you know you had to pay out.But anyway as I said, Ni Bevan put that
through.He was greater than Attlee.Attlee was a good leader I believe, he went about it surreptitiously you know, he wasn't a
<kw>vociferous</kw> sort of chap, he was a quiet man.But er I his lieutenants were there and I'm sure he looked to see that they
were doing their job properly.Ni Bevan in particular and then, when Gateskill came on, maybe that's going a bit too far ahead, but
never mind.I remember Gat er Ni Bevan, he tore Gateskill to ribbons.</hit>
<hit text="EBU" n="1596">Large, brightly coloured and apparently celebratory, they have been developed from the
d←coupages of Matisse, but are, on closer inspection, altogether less tasteful, with their short, smutty messages lifted from the
scribble of a toilet door.Kelley is an artist testing the boundaries of taste and tolerance.His approach has won keen admirers and
<kw>vociferous</kw> detractors in the United States.Long before New York's Whitney Museum mounts its own assessment in
1994, the present exhibition introduces him to an European audience.A catalogue (ᆪ 17.95) contains essays by Thomas Kellein,
director of Basel's Kunsthalle, and other commentators, with two interviews and statements by the artist.</hit>
<hit text="AC6" n="186">But it was an early-morning bedlam that soon died down.The Spaniards are by nature noisy and
<kw>vociferous</kw>, especially in the mornings when, like cocks crowing, they have to announce to the world that they are alive
and doing.The stout, middle-aged men in black glasses do not appear until ten o'clock, with brief-cases or small leather bags.They
were smoking cigars, hawking and spitting and shaking hands with friends or associates.</hit>
<hit text="HHW" n="8443">If one cuts through all the technicalities and complexities of the document, which has actually
gone to the Social Security Advisory Committee, it is perfectly clear that that was the core intention behind the Government's
move.That first Government attempt to amend regulation 72 provoked universal and <kw>vociferous</kw> opposition from all the
bodies from which the SSAC sought evidence and, indeed, from the committee itself.As a result, the Government backed off, and
the new regulation, which should never have been proposed in the first place, was ignominiously withdrawn.</hit>
<hit text="CAL" n="771">This zeal has led Lubavitch into politics.The Rebbe has told Israeli followers to vote against
left-wing parties that would cede land to the Palestinians — an action he maintains would be militarily disastrous.In the finely
balanced world of Israeli politics, such pronouncements are important in swaying public opinion and the Rebbe's critics have been
<kw>vociferous</kw> in condemning this stance.Chaim Bermant, columnist for the Observer and Jewish Chronicle , feels the
Rebbe's judgment is seriously flawed.‘He has never set foot in Israel and yet claims to be an expert in Israeli affairs.Now he fancies
himself as a great military strategist.He is quite batty.’</hit>
<hit text="JXM" n="989">Bridgeton, Gorbals, Camlachie and Shettleston in the East End and South Side of Glasgow
returned a solid bloc of ILP Members and City Councillors.The Party position in the area remained far stronger than that of the
Labour Party.which hardly existed.Though small in numbers, the ILP had four <kw>vociferous</kw> Members of Parliament who
were assured a hearing in the House and in the country.However remote their political views remained from the rest of the electorate,
the' Clyde group' remained as secure in their own area as they had ever been.Internally, however, the ILP was in confusion.</hit>
<hit text="J2X" n="511">The refrigeration industry will be the most badly hit.Preliminary findings by the Alternative
Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study (AREAS), claimed that' replacement of CFCs with suitable HCFCs or HFCs can
yield a dramatic benefit in reducing the total global warming impact for all CFC end-use applications'.AREAS is funded by the
international chemicals industry and is part of that industry's increasingly <kw>vociferous</kw> lobbying effort., Swedish scientists
have called attention to the large amount of halon gas, hundreds of times more damaging to the ozone layer than CFCs, which was
used in the gulf war.Halon gas was sprayed into aircraft fuel tanks during refuelling to minimise the risk of accidental fires.</hit>
<hit text="CBN" n="2377">Resorting to a dog-like whine, he complained to Theo: ‘The dog feels that if they keep him, it
will only mean putting up with him and tolerating him in the house, so he will try and find another kennel.’his old age, was no longer
a match for Vincent's increasingly <kw>vociferous</kw> rebellion.Why, we might ask, all the shot and shell?Partly it was fire
directed at the father he carried in his heart, whom he still loved and admired despite everything, and who, after all, had been his
benefactor and model for so long.‘Did I ever tell you,’ wrote Kafka to Felice, ‘that I admire my father?</hit>
<hit text="HLM" n="1702">Despite Moldova's consent to this in a parliamentary vote on July 7 (by 225 to three with nine
abstentions), Byelarus, Romania and Bulgaria declined to participate, calling for the use of Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) mechanisms.Moldova thereafter rescinded its consent.There had been fears that increasingly
<kw>vociferous</kw> Russian nationalism would cause the conflict to escalate.</hit>
<hit text="BMP" n="230">The provision of council housing can be linked in turn to another source of conflict between
Shetland and incomers (and to a lesser extent between Shetlanders).The provision of council housing threatens the interests of many
private residents, both Shetlander and incomer.Generally speaking, however, incomers seem to be more <kw>vociferous</kw>
about the threat such housing presents to the peace and quiet of their area.Many incomers have a fixed image of rural life which does
not include council estates, no matter how small.Moreover, their image of the countryside often excludes even new private housing
as well.</hit>
<hit text="FNX" n="664">Branson, he argued, was attempting to expand at a faster rate than the resources of the company
allowed.There were too many ventures for the existing management resources and expertise within the company; existing projects
should become profitable before yet more were added.Board meetings grew ever more <kw>vociferous</kw> and anguished.To
Branson, arguments had never been a symptom of animosity; rather, he and Powell had always argued ‘like a married couple,
knowing you could shout at each other and it wouldn't matter’.</hit>
<hit text="K2D" n="3388">Galway without Cooney is as rare as Kilkenny without Carey.Free from injury and in the
mood, his vast array of skills make him one of the most feared attackers in the modern game.Despite his high sporting profile he
remains an unassuming, almost diffident character, a stark contrast with some of his more <kw>vociferous</kw> colleagues.With
Cooney actions always speak louder than words.On big match days such as today Croke Park becomes his stage, and he gives full
range to his many and varied skills.Away from the madding crowds the Sarsfields clubman is to be found down on the 100 acre
family farm in Ballyuan presiding over the sheep and cattle.</hit>
<hit text="B2A" n="1457">This, though, is unlikely to be the norm and there is a challenge to unit general managers to redefine their role and relationship to a series of clinical directors.An enhanced co-ordinating role is available to those capable of
meeting this challenge, especially as the number of districts and units reduces and UGMs come to represent larger conglomerations
of provider groupings.Perhaps even more <kw>vociferous</kw> concerns have been expressed by nurses and para-medic groups
who fear the medical domination of the current structuring of clinical directorates.Despite, in many instances, retained professional
lines of accountability, the decision-making about resources to deliver nursing care, or to engage para-medic services, lies with the
<hit text="ABD" n="604">It would link countries that are almost all big international debtors — and so need to increase
exports to third countries, not to each other.The use of threats is at best an uncertain course leading to managed trade — and at worst
a dangerous one leading to higher tariffs.The administration has admitted that the American economy is in recession, which will
make hard-pressed industries more <kw>vociferous</kw> in their demands for protection from ‘unfair competition’.A clear freetrade lead from George Bush to revive the Uruguay round is sorely needed. Drugs in TacomaNeedle deliverySEATTLEA SMOKY
industrial Sparta to the high-tech Athens of Seattle, Tacoma often provides the punch-line for local jokes.</hit>
<hit text="CDE" n="348">It was due to take place the last week in August and Mrs Bennett who, since the death of her
husband, had lived with her married daughter, had promised to ‘see it through’, as she put it; but she had also made it quite clear that
she had no desire to stay on permanently, as Celia had hoped.They shared similar ideas about the country, Mrs Bennett's a little more
<kw>vociferous</kw> than those of her employer.‘I wouldn't like all them dark months.I'm a Londoner, born and bred.What would
there be to do in Hillmarden?’‘I believe there's quite a few village activities,’ Celia had replied, hopefully.‘Whist drives and
things.’‘But a body would need to have a car for that kind of caper.</hit>
<hit text="HKV" n="266">Many of the participating countries were in the throes of profound economic and social crises;
at the same time popular dissatisfaction with entrenched regimes was becoming more <kw>vociferous</kw>.The French
government was being criticized in the French media for its traditionally paternalistic relationship with former colonies, with the
implication that it was content to support repressive African regimes.Meanwhile the effectiveness and cost of aid from France (the
largest aid donor to Africa among industrialized countries) was being increasingly scrutinized.</hit>
<hit text="K1U" n="1806">Video-Taped report followsRICHARD BARNETT/MalvernNIGEL THOMAS/Malvern
Hotels and RestaurantsKALI-ANNE FRASER/Shop ManagerKEVIN DOUGLAS/District SecretaryMale speakerMany hotels and
shops are on the borderline… this could put them out of business.Voice overOne of the most <kw>vociferous</kw> campaigners
against the reduction in tourism spending is Kari-Anne Fraser, who runs a Beatrix Potter shop in the town:Female speakerAny
reduction in spending will close shops and put people out of work.Voice overBut the council says it has no option over reducing
spending to meet Government targets.</hit>
<hit text="B1L" n="1082">The incident reportedly happened in Hollywood in 1989 and involved Gunn and another
Norwich player.A newspaper report claimed the players ‘staged a sex orgy in a Beverly Hills hotel with a beautician.’Although
Scottish goalkeepers have been accused of all sorts of malpractices, troilism is rarely mentioned.Gunn's most <kw>vociferous</kw>
defender was his own father.‘He's just a healthy young lad, I don't know what he gets up to in his sex life,’ he told the leering
press.The incident did little harm to Gunn's career and in many respects endeared him to Scotland fans.In a country so used to dismal
performances the prospect of a player scoring with such consummate style was rare indeed.</hit>
<hit text="FES" n="409">The situation is described by Taplin;' The revival of trade during the closing years of the 1880s
brought a dramatic change in the attitude of unskilled workers throughout the country.The privations of the middle 'eighties had built
upon the sullen resentment that was characteristic of the unskilled.Given the right conditions they could flare up at any
time.Although the London unemployed had been the most <kw>vociferous</kw> during the depression years they had achieved
very little.It was provincial workers who exploded into action as trade revived.In Liverpool from late December 1888 the waterfront
was seething with discontent, three major strikes took place, permanent unions emerged, the employers combined to oppose them
and the traditional relationships between employers and employees were lastingly shattered'.</hit>
<hit text="AJM" n="229">‘People slipping back into our column, back into our camp and our sort of Britain which will
manifest itself on Thursday.’South London's hard nuts had failed to turn up, though.There were no omelette episodes, no Socialist
Workers and almost none of what the Prime Minister likes to call ‘badinage’.The most <kw>vociferous</kw> hecklers were a
pneumatic drill at some nearby roadworks and a passing car.‘Britain is a respected voice in the world,’ Mr Major was saying.A
prolonged ‘Parp!’ came blaring forth.He went on: ‘Whatever anyone may hoot.You see, I knew there was one Labour supporter left
in Dulwich.’A lone Labour supporter piped up: ‘Two!’</hit>
<hit text="CF4" n="104">But, of course, the question of just how much in terms of autonomy can be attributed to
separatism can never be definitively answered.Nevertheless it is my belief that without us, feminism would never have been more
than a caucus of the broad left.Separatism was right there in the middle, influencing all women, and, despite themselves, even those
who were most <kw>vociferous</kw> in their resistance to our ideas.What separatists did was to reduce the very complex set of
circumstances which combine to oppress women, to a single uncluttered issue.That is the stark injustice of the total humiliation of
women on all levels, by men.Separatism was the source of this theme and the means by which it spilled into every area of feminist
<hit text="A15" n="350">There are plenty of reasons why they should ban us.The levels of litter we leave behind for
example — or the aggressive treatment we hand out to sensitive individuals as occurred at Craig-y-Forwyn.These really are
environmental concerns worth bothering about.It is a curious thing but those who are most <kw>vociferous</kw> in their criticism
of bolting are often those who have gardened crags heavily.This whiff of hypocrisy can only cause resentment.If there had been a
bolt on my belay at Swanage it would not have been an environmental disaster.It would just have altered my level of safety and I
would have forgotten the route completely by now.Bolting is a purely ethical consideration, no more, no less.</hit>
<hit text="HR0" n="1148">Some of the fastest-growing sectors of the late eighteenth-century economy, most notably
cotton, owed their extra dynamism to Britain's pre-eminence in foreign trade, and it is to the growth of overseas markets that we now
turn.OVERSEAS MARKETSForeign trade is the most visible of economic activities and those who engage in it usually the most
<kw>vociferous</kw> of interest groups.Over the long eighteenth century there was a remarkable expansion in the volume and
value of British overseas trade.It is not surprising that historians have frequently sought to link the growth of the economy directly to
<hit text="AAT" n="303">A further 40,000 boat people still waiting to be screened will almost certainly be ruled illegal as
well.The Foreign Secretary, Mr Douglas Hurd, has adopted the same position as his predecessors, Sir Geoffrey Howe and Mr John
Major, insisting that the deportations are an essential deterrent against a fresh influx of Vietnamese next year.The US, the most
<kw>vociferous</kw> of Britain's critics, refuses to take any of the boat people, because almost all come from north Vietnam, still
considered enemy territory by the US.Britain points out that the Bush Administration is still using its political weight in the IMF to
block financial relief for Vietnam, even though it is widely recognised that the exodus from Vietnam will only stop when living
standards improve.</hit>
<hit text="K23" n="481">He says that there are conservation reasons for not granting this application.But Sainsbury's say
that another store would not harm local traders.He says that the site will serve Stroud well and won't cause problems for local
traders.But it's not just local traders who are against new supermarkets.One of the most <kw>vociferous</kw> opponents to the
Sainsbury's scheme is Eileen Halliday.She lives nextdoor to the site which the company wants to develop.She refused to sell her
cottage to the developers, and now could face having a car park ramp at the bottom of her garden.She says that she had hoped to
spend her last years in peace and quiet.That may not be.We'll see.</hit>
<hit text="H10" n="193">And it is still firmly embedded in the common man's common sense, a fact which unscrupulous
politicians are all too eager to exploit.For obvious reasons it has special appeal for those who, on either political or temperamental
grounds, feel a need to justify such institutions as chattel slavery, colonial domination, or any other of the cruder forms of economic
exploitation.By the same token the most <kw>vociferous</kw> upholders of monogeny, the thesis that all men are members of a
single species, have often been deeply committed to political doctrines of social equality.This contemporary mix-up of science and
emotion is unfortunate, for the scientific issues are much more complicated than the doctrinaire polemicists on either side are
prepared to admit.</hit>
<hit text="FS7" n="1123">It is clearly helpful to have a cause that readily attracts the sympathy of influential people.It
may also be important to behave in ways that are deemed respectable.This is a curious feature of this kind of pressure group activity;
to some extent the power of groups depends upon their ability to forswear the more direct weapons in the pressure group armoury, to
avoid mounting <kw>vociferous</kw> opinion-forming campaigns or threatening forms of direct action.The supposition, here, is
based upon a belief that there is an underlying elitist approach to government in Britain.A fairly narrow range of people are
responsible for key decisions; some of these attain such positions through democratic representational procedures, but they co-opt
others to their ranks.</hit>
<hit text="J2S" n="84">This has 24 member states, with observers from the Soviet Union and Africa, and representatives
from a range of conservation groups.In particular, it promised to look again at the case of Canford Heath in Dorset, where a recent
court judgement upheld the decision by Poole Borough Council to build houses on the heath in the face of <kw>vociferous</kw>
opposition from conservation groups, led by the World Wide Fund for Nature [see ED no.XX].The heath is both a site of special
scientific interest (SSSI) and an' endangered natural habitat' under the Berne Convention.It is home to a number of very rare species,
including the nightjar, Dartford warbler, sand lizard and smooth snake.</hit>
<hit text="C8T" n="1071">He was glad that it wasn't his job to catch the Whistler.Of all murders serial killings were the
most frustrating, the most difficult and the chanciest to solve, the investigation carried on under the strain of <kw>vociferous</kw>
public demand that the terrifying unknown devil be caught and exorcized for ever.But this wasn't his case; he could discuss it with
the detachment of a man who has a professional interest but no responsibility.And he could understand what Rickards needed; not
advice — he knew his job —.</hit>
<hit text="CRE" n="10">And even this essential trio would not remain intact, or so he taught.It would steadily diminish as
the story unfolded, three becoming two, two becoming one, until the stage was left deserted.Needless to say, this dogma did not go
unchallenged.The writers of fables and comedies were particularly <kw>vociferous</kw> in their scorn, reminding the worthy
Quexos that they invariably ended their own tales with a marriage and a feast.He was unrepentant.</hit>
<hit text="BMJ" n="187">However, such an outcome seems highly unlikely in the present political climate.The
portsWhatever the future of the ferry industry it seems clear that the Channel ports are bound to suffer sharp job losses in the short
term.The French ports have been particularly <kw>vociferous</kw> in pressing for compensation and in January 1986 the French
government made a package of aid available to Calais, Boulogne, Dunkirk and Dieppe to upgrade their deep water and other
maritime facilities and to diversify their local economies.A new ferry dock is under construction at Zeebrugge and the Belgian port
has also launched a competition to design a new super-ferry terminal.</hit>
<hit text="K52" n="8423">For most of his life he has been a Salvation Army member and for seven years the opposition
Chief Whip.Yesterday his entourage of canvassers included the indomitable 72-year-old Walter Nunn, from Shildon, Arnold
Makepeace, probably older still, from Cockfield, and Bishop Auckland bookmaker Billy Neilson, who wore a box on his head to
prevent political leaks.Billy, not half so <kw>vociferous</kw> at Easington dogs, is the Chief Whip's whipper-in.‘I run on
Duracell,’ he said, explaining the non-stop patter.Though Barney is on the capacious constituency's right wing, its friendliness is
both non-political and rain resistant.Even the passing policeman was giving out liquorice sweets from a big bag in his pocket.</hit>
<hit text="BP4" n="1149">When she complained to a doctor that it was down below freezing she could not have been
nearer the mark.Against all medical advice a large and well-known British oil company had decided to break through time-honoured
barriers of sex discrimination and employ this spunky lass, a liberated young lady and somewhat <kw>vociferous</kw> champion
of equal rights for women, as their first ever female labourer.There was nothing wrong in that, except that Eleanor had little idea
about the conditions awaiting her on the construction site in Alaska.</hit>
<hit text="J1H" n="2343">We engage a party of girls in conversation on the subject, but they turn out to have no interest
in football (one is a Tottenham Hotspur supporter), and they leave hurriedly.Then, unseen at first, a small but subsequently
<kw>vociferous</kw> crowd of lads out on the piss gathers at the corner of the bar.Sudden strains of ‘Marching On Together’ drift
our way.We join in happily.Then I step up to the bar to order more beer.</hit>
<hit text="AC2" n="2280">‘Pat sends his best wishes, Mark, and says he's sorry that he won't be there to say ‘Goodbye’
and wish you luck.See you next week.’‘Yes, sure.Next week then,’ said the Englishman.The union meeting at the Pier Head in
Liverpool was in uproar.Fred Clasper had shouted himself hoarse in his frenzied efforts to persuade the <kw>vociferous</kw>
gathering of several thousand employees from the strike-bound Merseyside vehicle plant to continue the strike until management
climbed down and re-instated the sacked shop steward.He was being heckled, jeered and booed by the vast majority, which included
several hundred workers who had driven up from the Midlands' plants to influence the vote.</hit>
<hit text="ARJ" n="312">Rula Lenska agrees.‘Having always believed that an apple a day kept the doctor away, the
realisation that an apple a day might actually give my child cancer one day was absolutely terrifying.’Action planBut if fear gives
way to fury — as has happened with the formation of this <kw>vociferous</kw> pressure group and watchdog — those feelings
need no longer be followed by a sense of frustration and impotence.‘It's almost impossible for individual protests to be heard,’
explains Francesca Annis.‘But collectively, we have a voice.’And the group is campaigning in the knowledge that the issue of food
safety strikes a chord with almost everyone.</hit>
<hit text="HKS" n="296">The March 2 statement unleashed <kw>vociferous</kw> criticism from the Polish government,
from Roland Dumas, the French Foreign Minister, during a visit to West Berlin, from European Community Foreign Ministers at a
meeting on March 5, and also from Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the FDP West German Foreign Minister, and other FDP leaders.</hit>
<hit text="CRD" n="623">None of them had direct experience of retail tariff-making and they were to find most of their
initiatives on tariffs blocked by the Area Board chairmen.While some of the less experienced chairmen welcomed guidance from the
Central Authority, the majority were more rugged in their resistance to headquarters encroachment on their commercial
responsibilities.Harry Randall of the London Board was <kw>vociferous</kw> in opposition to headquarters, and made the running
in the questioning at Area Board chairmen's meetings.For many years there were political overtones in this opposition, with Citrine
seeing Randall as the representative of a capitalist rump in the industry which must be controlled.However, contrasts in personal
style between chairmen inhibited concerted action on some matters and helped Citrine.</hit>
<hit text="B1D" n="1131">Two days later, Coningham replied that he thought the irregular treatment of the Broad
Sanctuary houses stemmed from ‘no other motive than the architect's wish for the picturesque’.However, all the leading architectural
journals were <kw>vociferous</kw> in their support for Scott.</hit>
<hit text="HY5" n="1373">France, however, clearly led the world in the development of what was to become an
increasingly important element in international relations. Elsewhere activity of this kind was much less important.In Italy a touchy
and often aggressive nationalism, a feeling, rather as in France, that a great cultural tradition was being undervalued and might be in
danger, was coupled with <kw>vociferous</kw> territorial demands in the Trentino, the Adriatic and Africa.These forces combined
to produce considerable pressures for a spreading of the national language and culture.The most important vehicle for this, the Dante
Alighieri Society, founded in 1889, soon became a semi-official purveyor of cultural propaganda, notably in the Trentino, the most
important focus of its activities in its first years.</hit>