summary - Ed Jessop

Data from deaths and registrations – true incidence unknown. Registrations may increase
with better diagnosis including screening.
In UK:
Stomach and lung: going down
Breast and bowel – registration going up, deaths going down
[nb both screening but drop in mortality too early to be wholly screening effect]
Melanoma – deaths and registrations going up for Eng
But different pattern in some Registries e.g. Oxford, Scotland
Time: Decline in deaths over past 10 years, registrations up.
Place: UK highest death rate in Europe, no variation within UK
Age: Rare but not unknown in women under 40
Sex: Males can get it but very rare
Social Class: Reverse social class gradient – death rate in soc cl I > Soc cl
Ethnic: Less common in social groups who start their families early (e.g.
Banglasdeshi?). Rare in ethnic Chinese; common in Ashkenzi Jews.
Occup: No occupational association
Familial / genetic: BrCa1 gene confers 80% lifetime risk, but this
accounts for only a small proportion of population cases
Lifestyle: Associated with late age at first pregnancy
Other: Drop in mortality in UK occurred too soon to attribute to screening –
this may be a Tamoxifen effect but also a cohort effect.
BOWEL CANCER [think fibre]
Time: Registrations up, death down in UK over past 20 years
Place: No variation in registrations within UK but survival after diagnosis lower
in North. Very rare in some countries e.g. Nigeria
Age: Uncommon in people under 40, increasing thereafter
Sex: Similar incidence in males and females
Soc Cl: Survival after diagnosis worse in Soc cl V
Occup: No occupational association
Lifestyle: Less common in societies with high fibre diet
Familial: Some genetic forms e.g. with polyposis coli or non-polyposis
hereditary colon cancer (NPHCC)
Other: Screening reduces mortality by 30%; NHS pilot of screening successful.
LUNG CANCER [think smoking]
Different cell types – commonest is squamous cell.
Time: Registrations and deaths declining in UK
Place: Death rates higher in deprived areas of UK. Very high rates in Finland,
low rates in Muslim countries
Age: Uncommon in people under 40, increases in incidence thereafter
Sex: Male death rate exceeds female, but gap narrowing
Soc Cl: Commoner in Soc Cl V than I
Ethnic: Rare in communities which do not smoke
Occup: Commoner in occupations with high proportion of smokers e.g.
publicans and soldiers
Lifestyle: Very strong association with smoking, some association with
environmental tobacco smoke (passive smoking)
Familial: No familial association except through smoking habit
CANCER OF CERVIX [think sexually transmitted]
Time: Decline in registrations and death in UK over past 20 years
Place: Deaths higher in inner city in UK especially London; globally, death rates
are higher in third world e.g. Sri Lanka
Age: Dysplasia is common in people in their 20s but invasive cancer rare
under 40 years; half of all deaths in people over 65
Sex: Only affects females
Ethnic: ??
Soc Cl: Commoner in soc cl V than I
Occup: Said to be commoner in sex workers (prostitutes)
Lifestyle: Commoner in people with low age at first sexual intercourse
and many sexual partners
Familial: No familial tendency
Other: Associated with human papilloma virus infection: vaccine now available.
MELANOMA [think sunburn]
Time: Deaths and registrations increasing in UK over past 20 years; (but complex
patterns in some Registries e.g. increase had stopped Oxford, perhaps Scotland. Peak incidence in
people born before 1950)
Place: Commoner in South West of England, common among white people in
Age: Occurs from age 20 on
Sex: Deaths commoner in men than women; registrations commoner in
women than men [with regional variation]
Soc Cl: Commoner in Social class I than V i.e. reverse soc cl gradient
Ethnic: Less common in people with black or coloured skin
Occup: Commoner in outdoor workers e.g. farming and forestry
Lifestyle: In case control studies, commoner in people who have been
sunburned, also users of sunbeds.
Familial: Some familial forms.
DIABETES MELLITUS [think obesity for Type II diabetes]
Definitions: Two types – insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent
(NIDDM), now called Type I and Type II because some people with the late
onset ‘NIDDM’ actually need insulin to control their disease.
Type I – body doesn’t produce insulin
Type II – insulin produced, receptor failure
Time: Both types increasing in incidence in UK as judged by hospital data and
some research surveys
Place: Commoner in UK in small areas with high Indian population e.g. West
Internationally very common in some communities e.g. Pima Indians
Age: Type I onset is in childhood, declining incidence thereafter; Type II
onset is in adults usually aged 40 or more but can be younger
Sex: Similar incidence in male and female
Soc Cl: Type II is commoner in Social Class V than I; Type I similar in all
Social Class
Ethnic: Commoner in Indian communities in UK
Occup: No association with occupation
Lifestyle: Strong association of Type II with obesity
Familial: Family tendency in Type I (plus some very rare single gene
SCHIZOPHRENIA [think drift – i.e what the disease does to your life]
Time: Thought to be declining in UK since 1960s based on health service data
but no accurate surveys
Place: Commoner in inner cities in UK. Internationally similar incidence in all
countries if standard criteria used, but e.g. in old USSR diagnosed frequently for
political reasons
Age: Onset in teenage years, declining incidence after 30
Sex: Somewhat commoner in male than female
Soc Cl: Commoner in Social class V than I [nb drift]
Ethnic: Diagnosed more commonly in Black Caribbeans but this may be
Occup: No occupational association except difficult to work with active
schizophrenia; commoner among homeless people and prison inmates
Lifestyle: Commoner among drug users including cannabis and IVDU
Familial: Commoner in first degree relatives of cases
Definitions: Two types – Alzheimers and vascular. Vascular epidemiology likely
to match smoking
Time: Increasing prevalence in UK (more old people) but no surveys to show if
age-specific incidence is increasing
Place: Commoner where there are more old people e.g. Brighton but no evidence
on spatial variation in age-sepcific incidence
Age: Occasional onset in people under 65 (pre-senile); increasing
incidence from age 65 on
Sex: Similar age-specific incidence in male and female
Soc Cl: Vascular dementia is commoner in social class V than I [NB
smoking and vascular disease]
Ethnic: no data yet – in the UK ethnic minorities tend to be younger than
the white population
Occup: No occupational association
Lifestyle: Vascular dementia commoner in smokers
Familial: Genetic form of Alzheimer’s confer high risk but accounts for
small proportion of population cases
Definitions: Coroners verdict not medical opinion. Combine suicide with
‘undetermined’ to track trends.
Time: Strong decline in 1960s, attributed to switch from coal gas. Recent increase
in young males in UK now tailing off.
Place: Suicide rate high in inner London. High in Sweden and Hungary; low in
Catholic countries e.g. Italy, Spain
Age: Suicide rate higher in old (over 50) than young (under 35). Very rare
in children
Sex: Commoner in male than female
Soc Cl: Commoner in social class V and than I
Ethnic: in Black Americans suicide commoner in young than old
Other: Strong association with any severe mental illness i.e. depression
AND schizophrenia, obsessive disorder etc
Commoner among homeless and single, widowed, divorced; area
measures of 'social fragmentation'
Time: There has been a steep (30%) decline in deaths in England over past
20years. Incidence can only be tracked by special surveys but probably also
Place: Death rate high in Glasgow, Tyneside, Merseyside and South Wales; low in
Surrey and south of England. UK rates higher than rest of Europe
Age: CHD is detectable in teenagers (autopsy after accidental death) but
symptoms uncommon under 40; incidence increases thereafter
Sex: Commoner in male than female
Soc Cl: Commoner in social class V than I
Ethnic – rarer in non-smoking ethnic communities
Occup: No occupational association except through smoking habit.
Famous study in 1960s (Jerry Morris) showed commoner in bus drivers
(who sit) than conductors (who move about)
Lifestyle: Strong association with smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle,
psychosocial stress etc etc
Familial: Strong familial tendency
For exam purposes regard as same as CHD EXCEPT
1. Ethnic – common in US blacks, especially southern USA - the ‘stroke belt’
of Alabama, Louisiana etc
2. remember the association with high blood pressure
Time: Deaths declining in UK. Surveys showed increase in prevalence and/ or
severity during the 1980s but recent decline in children.
Place: no clear spatial pattern within the UK. Specifically, not more common
near large road such as the M25.
Age: Onset is in childhood, prevalence decreases after teenage years (i.e.
some children grow out of it)
Sex: Somewhat commoner in boys than girls
Soc Cl: Wheeze is commoner in children from soc class V families than
soc class I
Ethnic - ?
Occup: Occupational asthma in dusty industries – notifiable disease
Lifestyle: Commoner in children of smoking households
Familial: Atopy (eczema and asthma) runs in families
Other: Case control studies (David Strachan) suggest early exposure to allergens
reduces risk so less common in households with many children
Time: Deaths declining in males, increasing in females in UK, no data on
Place: Death rate higher in north of Eng than south
Age: Uncommon in people under 40, increases in incidence thereafter
Sex: Commoner in male than female but gap narrowing in UK [nb
Ethnic ? rare in communities which don’t smoke
Occup: Association with some occupations e.g. coal mining
Lifestyle: Strong association with smoking
Both strongly associated with deprivation – work it out from there!
Smoking, kCal, fat intake all declining in Eng since 1960s but obesity (BMI > 30) up in
last 10 years; alcohol increasing since 1970
Time: Declining in England since 1960s
Place: Higher rates in Scotland than England. Within Europe, English rates lower
than most European countries e.g. France, Greece etc
‘Onset’ in 11 year olds. Prevalence peaks in 30years olds, then declines
Sex: More males smoke than females except in teenage years
Soc Cl: Soc Cl V > Soc cl I, but smokers are a minority at all ages in all
social classes
Ethnic: Smoking rare among Muslim communities; also Very few
Chinese women smoke (unlike their menfolk)
Occup: High proportion of smokers in some occupations e.g. publicans,
Lifestyle: Strong association with high alcohol intake
Definitions: Need to define unhealthy level of alcohol e.g. average of more than
21 / 14 units per week, or ‘binge’ – more than 8 / 6 units on one occasion.
Information every other year since 1974 from General Household Survey (self
Recent focus on peak (binge) rather than average
Time: Mean intake per head of population increasing in Eng
Place: Proportion of young men drinking more than 20 units per week higher in
north of Eng
Social Class V and I similar intake but different type – beer vs wine
Ethnic: Muslim communities drink little
Occupation: strong association with some occupations e.g. publicans
Lifestyle: High alcohol intake associated with smoking
All data from sexual health and lifestyle surveys 1991 and 2001 which only included
15 – 44 yr olds
60% of men, 46% of women have 5 or more partners in a lifetime
Median age at first intercourse: 17 for males and females
Mean number of lifetime partners = 12 in London, 8 elsewhere
Homosexual experience: 10% of Londoners, 5% elsewhere
30% of non-manual classes have first intercourse aged <16yrs, 20% for manual
Johnson AM et al Sexual behaviour in Britain Lancet 2001; 358: 1835 - 42