MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARENAC EASTERN BOARD OF EDUCATION ARENAC COUNTY, STATE OF MICHIGAN 1. Call to Order A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Arenac Eastern School District, Arenac County, State of Michigan, was held in the Arenac Eastern School District High School Library on Monday, March 17, 2014. President, Ms. Brown called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. 2. Roll Call Members Present: Ann Brown, Mark Heideman, Kathy Clark, Dan Sherwood, Tim Nelson, Roxanne Stange Members Absent: Dick Klender 3. Pledge and Mission Statement The pledge of allegiance and mission statement were recited. 4. Approval of Agenda Mr. Heideman moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mrs. Clark supported. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Public Comment Congratulations to the girls on a great basketball season! ~B. Sendo – Personally feels girls basketball should co-op with AuGres. ~B. Schutte – Talked with Coach Beckham. Best to co-op with AuGres next year. ~C. Murdick – Also talked with Coach Beckham regarding talking with AuGres regarding co-op for girls basketball. AGS is also concerned with injury and can’t depend on exchange students. Coach Beckham visited with Ms. Brown. He left a letter with Ms. Brown with his thoughts to share with the board. Mr. Brown did inform the girls that the board will make the best decision for the students. ~Mr. Kroczaleski also added that Mr. Heideman’s suggestion of having the girls team here at AE. ~Mrs. Christie, AuGres A.D. shared with Mr. Lake the big possibility to use the girls softball field for practices and games. ~Girls basketball to be added to the April agenda for discussion. ~Mr. Reeve asked if AuGres would be coming to the board meeting. 6. Consent Agenda 6.1. Minutes 6.2. Bills Mr. Sherwood moved to accept the consent agenda as presented. Mr. Heideman supported. Mrs. Clark asked about the payment to Alpena Community College. The payment is for on-line dual enrollment. All in favor. Motion carries. Regular Meeting Minutes March 17, 2014 Page 2 7. 8. Administrative Reports 7.1. Darren Kroczaleski, Superintendent MEAP- Fall results included in the board packets. Concerns in some areas. Results are mis-construed by number of students which make the ratios. 4 year history still on a level trend. Discussions with Mr. Pauly and Mrs. Sajdak. MEBS handled the dental and vision. They have dissolved. Dental will be switched to ADN. OakPointe continues to secure an administrator for the vision. New cards will be issued. Snow Days – The snow days will not affect the seniors last day and graduation. Legislative work session was held on Thursday. Mr. Kroczaleski was unable to attend. The representatives and senators discussed the snow days. Not budging to forgive any of the snow days. Some districts have missed 15 – 16 days. 7.2. William Lake, K-12 Principal The Girls Basketball team had a great season and are the 2014 District Champions. Teen Institute paid for a spec bus and game admissions for the Regional game in Buckley. Elementary will be kicking off March is Reading Month with a puppet show on April 7th. MS Winter Fest was held on March 7. Kelsey Kohn was crowned 2014 Princess and Mateo McQuarter was crowned 2014 Prince. Mr. Flore organized Operation 1460. Collecting items to send to the troops. The ACT and MME testing was administered with the AuGres students and the Knights of Columbus Hall. Cade Mahon played boys basketball with AuGres. AuGres Sims are the 2014 District Champs. Spec Bus was offered by the boosters of AuGres for Regional play. About 8 AE students took advantage of this opportunity to cheer Cade and the team on. 7.3. Richard Klender, BAISD Representative Mr. Klender was absent. Old Business 8.1. 8 Man Football Mr. Reeve discussed the possibilities with Mr. Lake. Mr. Lake contacted MHSAA regarding the 11th graders. The 3 seniors would be able to play at AuGres on the varsity team. The 11th graders would play for AE on the JV 8 ma team. JV is a learning level. The board wants to ensure the legalities of offering a JV 8 man football team at AE and allowing the seniors to play 11 man at AuGres. Obtain written confirmation of the co-op continuing on an annual renewal. Mr. Reeve has an inventory list. Will be in need of helmets and jerseys. Regular Meeting Minutes March 17, 2014 Page 3 Mr. Sherwood moved to move forward with JV 8 man football with written confirmation to continue with continuing the co-op agreement with AuGres. Mrs. Clark supported. All in favor. Motion carries. 9. New Business 9.1. Best Practices The district will meet 8 of 8 best practices criteria. This will get the district an additional $52.00 per student. 21F- new language for on-line learning. Mr. Heideman moved to approve the Best Practices Incentive resolution. Mrs. Clark supported. All in favor. Motion carries. 10. Closed Session – Contract Negotiations Mr. Heideman moved enter closed session. Mr. Sherwood supported. Roll Call: Ayes: Dan Sherwood, Tim Nelson, Mark Heideman, Ann Brown, Kathy Clark, Roxanne Stange Nays: Dick Klender-absent Closed session 7:45p.m. Reconvene 8:03p.m. Mr. Klender arrived during closed session at 7:48p.m. 11. Support Staff Contract Mr. Heideman moved to approve the Support Staff Contract. Mrs. Clark supported. Roll Call: Ayes: Ann Brown, Mark Heideman, Kathy Clark, Dan Sherwood, Tim Nelson, Dick Klender, Roxanne Stange Nays: None ~GASB 68 (Retirement Liability) potential accounting rule changes. ~Scheduling/Staffing being look at for next year. ~AE Boosters annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament being held this weekend. ~Science O team placed 5th at the meet held at Delta College. ~Staff finished the SPR40 for the School Improvement Plan. 12. Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 21, 2014 at 7:00p.m. 13. Adjournment Mr. Klender moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13p.m. Mr. Heideman supported. All in favor. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Daniel Sherwood Secretary, Board of Education