12th December 2002 - Colby Primary School

Bridge Road
NR11 7EA
Tel: 01263 733381 Fax: 01263 731300
E-mail: office@colby.norfolk.sch.uk
Website: www.colby.norfolk.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Christine Mead
School News Issue 17– 9TH January 2015
The Week Ahead
Monday 12
Tuesday 13th January:
Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session. Every day this week.
Recorder Club at lunch-time with Mrs Towers (Year 5 and 6).
Premier Sport (Multi Sports). 3 – 4.15pm.
Mrs Mead’s Choir in the hall from 8.40am – all ages welcome.
Piano lessons continue.
Knitting Club at lunchtime with Mrs Wymer.
Eco Club at lunchtime with Zaranne (Head of Eco) and Mrs Ward.
Computer Club (Ruby) at lunchtime with Mrs Moulton.
After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Ashleigh’s Key Stage 1 Art Club. 3 – 4.15pm. £3 per session.
Lucinda’s Cosy Cartoon Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Table Tennis restarts after school - spaces available.
No Football Club until later this term.
Wednesday 14th January:
No Stay and Play – restarts 21st January.
Guitar lessons continue – places available.
Year 6 begin Bikeability cycle training.
Handbell team at lunchtime with Mrs Towers – Year 6 only.
After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Georgi’s Key Stage 2 Cookery Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £5 per session.
Lucinda’s Wii Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Digital Leader Club with Mrs Towers.
KS! Cookery Club with Mrs Williams 3 - 4pm - places allocated.
Thursday 15th January:
Swimming for Year 5 children from Amethyst begins today.
Year 6 children complete Bikeability cycle training.
Computer Club (Amethyst) at lunchtime with Mrs Moulton.
After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Ashleigh’s Key Stage 2 Art Club. 3 – 4.15pm. £3 per session.
Ed’s Chess and Puzzle Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Friday 16th January:
Friends of Colby School (FOCS) meeting in the school hall at 9am.
Jungle dress up day! 50p for new audio books for The Jungle.
Art Club at lunchtime with Mrs Ward.
Premier Sport (Multi Sports). 3 – 4.15pm.
Dates for your diary
Monday 2nd February: TKF Karate taster sessions for all children.
Friday 13th February: School Closes at 3pm for half term.
Monday 23rd February: School re-opens – please note there will be no Breakfast Club today.
Friday 27th March:
School closes at 3pm for the Easter holidays.
Monday 13th April:
School re-opens for the Summer Term – please note there will be no Breakfast Club
Monday 4th May:
School Closed – Bank Holiday.
Monday 11th May:
National Test Week for Year 6 children – please note there will be no hot dinners
this week due to test administration and arrangements.
Friday 22nd May:
Monday 1st June:
Tuesday 21st July:
School closes at 3pm for half term.
School re-opens.
School closes at 3pm for the Summer holidays.
Thursday 3rd September:
Wednesday 21st October:
Monday 2nd November:
Friday 18th December:
School re-opens for the Autumn Term.
School closes at 3pm for half term.
School re-opens – please note there will be no Breakfast Club today.
School closes at 3pm for the Christmas holidays.
School Council Jungle Dress Up Day
Thank you very much to Mr Brown for creating a fantastic new reading area off the library - The Jungle!
School Council have decided we will have a dress up day on Friday 16th January to raise money for more audio
books to listen to in The Jungle. Children are invited to wear jungle themed costumes or onesies or pyjamas.
School Council ask that children make a donation of 50 pence for audio book funds.
Year 6 Bikeability
Please remember to return your slip regarding Year 6 Bikeability on Monday, if you have not already done so.
Please return a slip, even if your child does not want to participate. Thank you.
Headteacher Awards
Will I-G, Andre, Ben, Tom H, Ruby E and Nathaniel (Sapphire) for fantastic Ginger Bread Man stories
Jamie (Sapphire) for beautiful presentation
Thomas C (Sapphire) for brilliant sentence writing
Freddy (Sapphire) for being kind
Phoebe, Holly, Harvey and Tom H (Sapphire) for brilliant news-writing
Jacob and Jessie (Sapphire) for lovely handwriting
Rudi, Austin and Samson (Amber) for great reading
Florence, Lily, Reece, Honor, Ava, Bonnie, Harry, Charlie, Beatrice, Henry, Bella, Eliza, Isabel N,
Samson, Gabriel and Alexander (Amber) for fantastic letter sound work
Alex, Henry, Isabel N, Charlie and Eliza (Amber) for fantastic dancing
Lily (Sapphire) for awesome map work
Honor (Amber) for fantastic reading
Charly (Ruby) for excellent mathematics
Emma (Amethyst) for a fantastic connectives explanation
Zaranne (Amethyst) for challenging herself in maths, with great results
Freya Burt (Amethyst) for an excellent presentation on Stampy Long Nose
Freya Burt (Amethyst) for awesome spelling
Jadzia (Amethyst) for treating others as she wished to be treated
Trinity, Lois and Zaranne (Amethyst) for getting into the finals of the trebuchet competition
Lois (Amethyst) for being Star of the Day for getting a huge score for her trebuchet
Zaranne (Amethyst) for being Star of the Day for winning the trebuchet final
Emily S (Amethyst) for getting straight on with her design technology work
Phoebe, Will I-G, William C, Jasmine, Harvey and Ruby E (Sapphire) for amazing reading
Grace, Chloe, Jacob, Oliver, Melody and Jessie (Sapphire) for perfect 2 digit numbers
Brae, Lily and Will I-G (Sapphire) for fantastic research about Tasmania
George W (Sapphire) for brilliant sound work
Thomas C (Sapphire) for fantastic reading
Holly (Sapphire) for great team work and fantastic reading
Chloe (Sapphire) for fantastic reading
William C (Sapphire) for brilliant reading
Philomena, Phoebe, Abigail, Grace and Ruby E (Sapphire) for perfect cleaning
Philomena, Brae and Abigail (Sapphire) for brilliant reading
Chloe (Sapphire) for a fantastic Great Fire of London drawing at home
Tom H (Sapphire) for great reading expression
Louisa (Emerald) for awesome LEXIA
Evan, Oliver and Maddy (Emerald) for fantastic Christmas Code cracking
Evan (Emerald) for perfect word scores
Evan, Daisy and Joshua (Emerald) for perfect homework
Oliver (Emerald) for his highest word score
Sophie, Maddy, Millie, Aston and Joshua (Emerald) for awesome work
Sophie, Holly, Daisy, Maddy and Pearl (Emerald) for amazing weather forecasts
Hannah (Emerald) for an amazing week of being amazing!
Hannah (Emerald) for the best answer in class Mr Brown has ever had!
Lucy, Sam, Felix, Leah, Alfie, Edward, Mitzie, Rose, Rosa, Joe and Axel (Ruby)
for fantastic dragon stories
Lucy, Freya, Mia and Leah (Ruby) for great multiplying by 10 and 100
Sophie, Elen, Lucy and Rose (Ruby) for being really helpful putting tables out
Axel and Felix (Ruby) for bravery during a crisp mission!
Leah, Joe and Isabella (Ruby) for using google translate really well
Lily (Ruby) for awesome reading
Leah (Ruby) for great rainforest research
Lucas (Ruby) for being an excellent example of great learning behaviour
Rudi, Finley, Samson and Gabriel (Amber) for beautiful Winter themed work
Joel (Amber) for brilliant reading
After School Club opportunities
I am really pleased to inform you about a number of exciting opportunities that will be available at After
School Club this term. We have planned a varied timetable of activities that we hope will appeal to your
children, even if they have never been to After School Club before.
All our new clubs will begin next week. If you would like to book a place for your child to take part this half
term, please complete and return the slip sent on a letter on Wednesday. (If the letter didn’t get home,
please send a note with your requested club (s) and payment.)
Ashleigh’s Key Stage 1 Art Club (please note the change of day). The return of our popular club. New
children are very welcome. Please note, this club finishes at 4.15pm to allow for tidying up time but children
can join the other clubs afterwards, if you would prefer to pick up at 4.30pm.
Lucinda’s Cosy Cartoon Club. This is a new club for 2015 and is particularly suitable for younger children.
Children will watch cartoon DVDs, snuggled up on sofas and bean bags in Amber class. There will be cartoon
related activities to enjoy, including Sing-a-long DVDs. This club will be like a mini film club and is an ideal
taster for children who have not been to After School Club before.
Georgi’s Key Stage 2 Cookery Club. Another new club for 2015 – children will have the opportunity to learn
cookery skills and enjoy creating meals and snacks. We expect this club to be
over-subscribed, so it will run in 5 week blocks. Please note this club will cost £5 a session due to ingredient
Lucinda’s Wii Club. Another returning favourite! Wii Club is suitable for children of all ages. Great
exercise and lots of fun.
Ashleigh’s Key Stage 2 Art Club. A chance for older children to enjoy this popular club. Please note, this
club finishes at 4.15pm to allow for tidying up time but children can join the other clubs afterwards, if you
would prefer to pick up at 4.30pm.
Ed’s Chess and Puzzle Club. A new club suitable for beginners or experienced players.
Please note other activities will be available during After School Club (lego, laptops, building blocks,
games etc) and children can still come on a more informal basis (ie. pay on the day). If there are any
spaces left in the Clubs listed above, children will be able to join in but booking places in advance is
highly recommended to avoid disappointment.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our new or existing clubs.
News from our Kenyan Friends
We received the following thank you letter from our friends in Kenya. Thank you for your donations at the
Christmas performances, which have enabled the Ligusa Crossroad Community Centre and Children’s Home to
purchase even more books for the “Colby Library” – I think that’s really lovely.
“Dear Headteacher, Students and Families,
We dearly love and acknowledge your efforts to stock our “Colby Library” which has become a house-hold
nick-name in our community for those who are ready to pursue knowledge through books.
Indeed, your current funds that were brought by Mama Eileen have added more recent and essential books
on sciences and current affairs for the students.
We are very happy for the build up of our library. We do hope one day you may send a representative to
witness your good work and concern for education to enlighten the needy.
Thanking you sincerely,
Mama Wilfrida Ananga”
Please give blood
The Blood and Transplant unit has asked us to let you know that there will be a donation session on Tuesday
27th January in the Town Hall, Market Place, Aylsham between 13.00 to 15.30 & 17.00 to 19.00. If you have
not donated before you can register online at blood.co.uk or call the helpline on 03001232323 for further
Stay and Play at Colby School - Wednesday mornings 9am – 10.15.am.
January 21st 2015
Stay and Play begins again for the Spring Term.
Happy New Year
It’s been a lovely start to the New Year. Your children have come back enthusiastic, well-rested and full of
fun! We have all had a fantastic week and feel rather loved up with school life! I’ve got a feeling that 2015
is going to be an awesome year at Colby School. Happy New Year to you all.
Christine Mead