WEDNESDAY 20th NOVEMBER 2013 Theme: Widening Horizons – Linking Research, Policy and Practice across Scotland 1000-1030 REGISTRATION Room 6 (TBC) PRAC Room1 ITE/CPD Room2 LTA Room3 PRACTITIONER STRAND 50: LTA Reading motivation and engagement: Implications for the primary school classroom Sarah McGeown S5: SYMPOSIUM PRAC Symposium: The Role of Practice-based Research in Qualifying Training for Community Learning and Development Sue Mansfield S5: SYMPOSIUM PRAC: Symposium: The Role of Practice-based Research in Qualifying Training for Community Learning and Development Sue Mansfield S5: SYMPOSIUM PRAC: Symposium: The Role of Practice-based Research in Qualifying Training for Community Learning and Development Sue Mansfield 1030-1100 S6: SYMPOSIUM PRAC Accomplished Teaching: Issues and Approaches Christine Forde 1100-1130 S6: SYMPOSIUM PRAC Accomplished Teaching: Issues and Approaches Christine Forde 5: LTA A New Curriculum and a New Vision of the Teacher: A Critique of Scottish Educational Policy-making through Two Case Studies Alan Britton 22: ITE/CPD Initial Teacher Education and the university: retrieving liberal education Leonard Franchi 1130-1200 S6: SYMPOSIUM PRAC Accomplished Teaching: Issues and Approaches Christine Forde 27: ITE/CPD: Lifetime Teaching: Developing and evolving pedagogical relationships Morwenna Griffiths 1200-12.45 1300-1400 LUNCH OPENING LECTURE: George Head 1: LTA An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of English Language Assessment in Two Colleges of Applied Sciences in Oman Fatma Al Hajri 63: LTA Modern Languages in Scotland: Governing Failure or Failing to Govern? Jim Scott Room4 PRACTITIONER STRAND 108: PRAC Developing Pupil Voice through School Councils Lesley Gordon Room5 C&C 110: An Exploration of Mentoring in Primary Schools in Scotland Jill Shimi 105: PRAC Should You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks? Cathy Francis 6: Here's looking at you kid? CCTV technologies in schools Jane Brown 107: PRAC Engaging young people in literacy through the effective use of IT Kevin Stelfox 67: Scottish children at school and at work: A global perspective Amanda Simpson SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow Room 6 Room1 Room2 Room3 1400-1430 WORKSHOP J Mowat to arrange 86: ITE/CPD: What do professional learning policies say about purposes of teacher education? Aileen Kennedy S2: SYMPOSIUM LTA Child Poverty and School Education Stephen McKinney 1430-1500 WORKSHOP J Mowat to arrange 43: ITE/CPD: Teacher Career-long Professional Learning: Challenges and Opportunities Kay Livingston S2: SYMPOSIUM LTA Child Poverty and School Education Stephen McKinney 1500-15.30 32: LTA Assessing Enterprise Education Richard Holme 104: PRAC “Rights Respecting Schools (RRS)”: How an initiative to take forward Rights Respecting Schools and Pupil Voice was initiated and implemented in a primary school Caroline Gibson 33: ITE/CPD Why I became a lecturer…a study into the factors that influenced three early career lecturers to make the move from classroom to lecture theatre, using a reflexive biographical narrative approach Will Berry/Anna Robb 99: PRAC Grief and Loss Education – Significant Loss: What Children Tell Us Mary Lappin 1530-16.00 TEA BREAK S2: SYMPOSIUM LTA Child Poverty and School Education Stephen McKinney SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow Room4 Room5 90: Learner Identities Looking through the Child's Lens Mhairi Beaton 64: CUR Obstacles to Students Learning Mathematics in International Standard Schools (ISS) in Indonesia Wahyu Setyaningrum 10: CUR Secondary teachers' and pupils' experiences of local outdoor learning in Maths and Geography Beth Christie 8: Developments in Social Communication using a Philosophy with Children Intervention Claire Cassidy 16.00-16.30 16.30-1700 73: LTA Is there anybody listening? High school pupils’ perspectives on school science Tom Bryce S3: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Thinking Dangerously in Teacher Education: Walking, Drawing and Extending Sites for Learning Diarmuid McAuliffe 18: LTA A Study Into Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development and its Place in Early Years Education Brenda Dunn 100: PRAC The New Model of School Experience at Glasgow University: Lessons to be Learned from Postgraduate (PGDE) and the Way Forward for Undergraduate (BEd). Forging Effective Partnership with Schools and University Moyra Boland S3: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Thinking Dangerously in Teacher Education: Walking, Drawing and Extending Sites for Learning Diarmuid McAuliffe 30: LTA Integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into Early Childhood Education (ECE): Challenges for effective implementation Nada Hammed 101: PRAC The domino effect’: a career-long journey to professional development Theresa Campbell 1700-1800 STEC NETWORK LAUNCH 1800-1900 STEC BUFFET SUPPER 19.00 EVENING LECTURE: Guy Claxton (Chair: L Colucci-Gray) 95: CUR Mixing the personal, the professional and the curricular in Scottish education policy: how and why has Learning for Sustainability come to be part of the General Teaching Council for Scotland's (GTCS) Revised Professional Standards? Hamish Ross 42: CUR Curriculum reform in Tanzania: Global influence and the policy text production Peter Kopweh SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow W25: Performing Arts (in) Education as/for Social Justice and Inclusion Elisabeth Grace W25: Performing Arts (in) Education as/for Social Justice and Inclusion Elisabeth Grace THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2013 Theme: Widening Horizons – Linking Research, Policy and Practice Internationally 0900-1000 (Rooms and Strands) 1000-1030 REGISTRATION Room6 1030-1100 62: ITE/CPD Travelling Abroad: An Investigation of Scottish Student Teachers' Perceptions of an International Experience Ninetta Santoro 89: CUR Learning and health go hand in hand': a critical discourse analysis exploring the links between health and wellbeing and learning in Curriculum for Excellence Jenny Spratt 1100 – 1130 1130 – 1200 Room1 ITE/CPD S1: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Teaching Scotland's Future - advancing the leadership agenda? Marjory McMahon Room2 ITE/CPD 29: ITE/CPD Teachers with international background crafting their professional identity Hafdis Gudjonsdottir Room3 LTA 53: LTA Global Storylines: transformative, ecological learning Marie Jeanne McNaughton Room4 LTA 36: LTA Using a Community of Inquiry Framework to identify critical thinking in the context of problembased learning tutorials, and the factors that influence this Susan Jamieson Room5 SJ/INC 56: "Welcome to the Bad Boys Club": How an intervention to support children and young people with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) was experienced by pupils Joan Mowat S1: ITE/CPD SYMPOSIUM Teaching Scotland's Future - advancing the leadership agenda? Marjory McMahon 40 ITE Collaborative supervision of masters projects. Self study by three University Teachers in teacher education Karen Gislardfottir 54: LTA Global Citizenship: Does it really change children's attitudes David Miller 39: LTA Development of intermediate spaces for innovation and entrepreneurial education: Collective teacher efficacy and action competence in rural Icelandic school Svanborg Jonsdottir 47: SJ/INC Journeys of Hope: Freirian Culture Circles of Enquiry Julie McAdam S1: ITE/CPD SYMPOSIUM Teaching Scotland's Future - advancing the leadership agenda? Margery McMahon 72: ITE/CPD The relevance and potential of visible thinking to Malawian primary schools Margaret Kirkwood 12: LTA The Practice of Teaching the Holocaust in the Primary School Paula Cowan MORNING BREAK SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow 38: SJ/INC Walking the tightrope: Disaffection, school and the problem of suitable education Tara Jones 1200 – 1300 NISBET LECTURE: Graham Donaldson (Chair: S McKinney) 1300-1345 LUNCH 1345-1430 1430 - 1500 POSTER SESSION S4: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Realising career-long teacher education: Mapping the issues Christine Forde 65: ITE/CPD Relationship of some demographic variables with academic intrinsic motivation of prospective teachers in Pakistan Farah Shafiq 51: LTA Is an academy a place where teacher agency can flourish Neal McGowan 102: LTA English as a Second Language vs. Mother Tongue: Some Competing Discourses Niaz Soomro 1500 – 1530 S4: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Realising career-long teacher education: Mapping the issues Christine Forde 44: LTA The Socratic Method and Critical Thinking in the Philosophy of Education James MacGregor 15: LTA A case-based reasoning approach to pupils' engagement in socioscientific inquiry Stephen Day 1530 - 1600 S4: SYMPOSIUM ITE/CPD Realising career-long teacher education: Mapping the issues Christine Forde 112 ITE/CPD POET: Researching Educational transitions: an International collaboration between five countries Aline-Wendy Dunlop 9: ITE/CPD Teachers and Media Information Literacy Ralph Catts 103 LTA Learning for Sustainability and Nature Connectedness across Disciplines in Higher Education. Donald Gray and Laura Colucci-Gray 2: LTA Exploring children's conceptual understanding of astronomy: A social learning perspective Fayadh Alanazi 1600 - 1630 AFTERNOON BREAK 1630 - 1730 AGM 19.00 CONFERENCE RECEPTION AND DINNER (TBC after-dinner speaker) BRISARD PRESENTATION (I Menter) SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow 91: SJ/INC Creating transformative learning environments for New Arrival children Eddie Morrison 16: SJ/INC The Impact of Migrant Children in Glasgow Schools Stephen Dillon FRIDAY 22nd November 2013 Theme: Widening Horizons – Scottish Research is a Global Context (Rooms and Strands) 0900-0930 0930 - 1000 1000 - 1030 Room6 SJ/INC Room2 ITE/CPD Room3 PCE Room4 SJ/INC Room5 RESEARCH 13: PCE Internationalising the higher education practitioner Jeannie Daniels 45: SJ/INC Developing symbolic play for children with autism using a joint-play intervention Helen Marwick 24: RESEARCH Influencing policy through educational research activism Donald Gillies REGISTRATION 116: INC Greece: Case studies of three Greek lower secondary schools in the Western suburbs of Athens Dimitra Tsakolou 70: ITE/CPD: The Shifting Discourses of Educational Leadership Dee Torrance 98: SJ/INC A Study of Inclusive Education in China Liu Jiani 69: ITE/CPD: Learning to be a professional learning community: The journey of one compulsory school in Iceland Birna Maria Svanbjornsdottir 88: ITE/CPD Preparing teachers for inclusive education: Scotland's Inclusive Practice Project Jenny Spratt 58: PCE Instructional Rounds: how the Scottish experience can inform the international debate Carey Philpott 66: ITE/CPD Teachers as learners in Malta and Scotland Rachel Shanks 57: ITE/CPD: Capacity development: supporting lifelong learners towards meaningful progress and self reliance Nancy Njiraini 19: PCE Widening international horizons in Scottish Universities: Exploring current challenges of internationalisation Scotland Omolabake Fakunle 1030 - 1100 1100 – 1130 Room1 ITE/CPD 87: ITE/CPD School Direct: what is the design underpinning this approach to teacher training? Ali Messer MORNING BREAK SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow 26: RESEARCH Students as research participants: an exploration of ethics Laura Graham 28: SJ/INC The Lego Play Approach and the Development of Social Skills in Children on the Autistic Spectrum June Grindley 74: RESEARCH Sustainability Education Implementation Questionnaire (SEIQ) Audur Palsdottir 1130 – 1200 1200 – 1230 92: SJ/INC Catholic schools and sectarianism: A comparison between Northern Ireland and Scotland Stephen McKinney 109: ITE/CPD A’ Jock Tamson’s Bairns? Mary Welsh 60: ITE/CPD: Developing Partnership through Paired Placements Lesley Reid 23: PCE Critical thinking: Educational challenges and possibilities John Garrity 1230-1300 35: 37: 48: SJ/INC ITE/CPD: 71: PCE Focus on Alcohol Professional Learning ITE/CPD: Researching retention in Angus: Angus Alcohol from a Complexity Clinical approaches to FE: developing resilience and Drugs Partnership Perspective school experience Barbara McCabe – a high school alcohol Mike Jess during initial teacher and media literacy education: the student partnership experience George Head Delia Wilson WERA LECTURE: Professor Ninetta Santoro, University of Strathclyde (Chair: J Mowat) 1300-1400 LUNCH 1400 - 1430 75: CUR Teacher efficacy and sustainability education: some findings from a survey in Iceland Allyson Macdonald 7: ITE/CPD Primary Teachers: Curricular Change Agents Nicola Carse 41: C&C Teaching as a Relational Activity Sarah Kearns 68: PCE Developing Models for University-Schools Engagement (MUSE) Geri Smyth 34: SJ/INC Retrospective: Learner identity and inclusive pedagogy Angela Jaap 3: RESEARCH The role of Social Theory in Constructing a Research Model Marion Allison 46: SJ/INC Developments in the expressive language of young children with autism through participation in joint play engagement Lorna Johnson 94: RESEARCH Analysing international survey data - experiences and achievements in mathematics and science education Tom MacIntyre 111: SJ/INC Experiences and attitudes of preschool staff working with young children with SEN Jonina Saemundsdottir 11: RESEARCH Yearning to Earn or Yearning to Learn? Mobilising the Bourdieusian Concepts of Habitus and Capital in the Analysis of Students' Expectations, Experiences and Aspirations in Higher Education Geraldine Clark SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow 1430 - 1500 14: CUR Between the swing of content and process: exploring the role of ‘place’ in learning Kirsten Darling 21: ITE/CPD: Preparing teachers to be agents of change: Some theoretical and practical considerations Lani Florian 52: ITE/CPD Engagement by stealth: inducting the disengaged professional in online learning Aileen McGuigan 1500-1600 AFTERNOON TEA AND SERA LECTURE: Ian Menter (CHAIR: A-W Dunlop) 1600 CLOSE and WINE RECEPTION SERA 2013 20th – 22nd NOVEMBER 2013 at the University of Glasgow 55: SJ/INC Scottish inclusive education through the lens of complexity theory Stella Mouroutsou 59: RESEARCH The possibilities and challenges of participative dialogue for developing academic literacies with older adults in Higher Education in Scotland Grace Poulter