ATTom study Design ATTom – Adjuvant Tamoxifen Treatment offer more? ATTom is a very large, uniquely simple randomised study of the effects of prolonging adjuvant tamoxifen on the survival of patients with operable breast cancer Breast carcinoma completely excised Any primary treatment At least 2 years prior tamoxifen treatment Clinically relapse free Definitely NO Patient is NOT Eligible Is further Tamoxifen indicated at this time? UNCERTAIN whether to continue or not Definitely YES Reconsider randomisation later RANDOMISE STOP tamoxifen now Eligibility Criteria: CONTINUE for a further 5 years Exclusion Criteria: Any woman who is clinically relapse free, and who is currently taking tamoxifen can join the aTTom study. Definite contraindications to tamoxifen are not specified by the protocol, but might include: The patient is eligible if there are thought not to be any clear indications for or definite contraindications against further tamoxifen, and hence substantial uncertainty exists at to stop or continue treatment. Intended or actual pregnancy or breastfeeding Significant endometrial hyperplasia Retinopathy Need for anti-coagulant therapy. Serious toxicity (eg. Depression) thought due to tamoxifen or Negligibly low risk of breast cancer death Some major life threatening disease other than breast cancer (such that management of breast cancer is not the main concern) Low probability of treatment compliance (eg. psychiatric disorders, or extreme old age). Women who have received any type of initial surgery who have received any other type of adjuvant treatment are eligible for aTTom. Women may have node positive or node negative disease, be pre or post-menopausal, and have ER positive or ER negative tumours, etc. SECRAB Study Design SEquencing of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Adjuvant Breast cancer A large randomised clinical trial designed to determine the optimum sequencing of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer Women with early breast cancer having adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy following conserving surgery or mastectomy Confirm eligibility Prescribe appropriate CT and RT regimens Decide if a Boost dose will be given Obtain informed consent Randomise Sequential Schedule Synchronous Schedule Chemotherapy followed by Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Annual follow-up for five years (relapse and survival status) Eligibility Criteria: Histological diagnosis of invasive, unilateral breast carcinoma. Wide local excision or mastectomy with macroscopic complete excision of clinically early stage disease with no evidence of metastases. There is a clear indication for both adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy, or the patient has been randomised to these treatments in another study. The intended schedules can be given synchronously and the patient is suitable for either treatment schedule. No prior chemotherapy (other than hormone manipulation). No prior malignancy (except skin basal/squamous cell or in situ carcinoma). No other medical or social contraindication to entry and follow-up. DEVA – Study Design Sequential Epirubicin & Docetaxel vs Epirubicin alone in postmenopausal primary breast cancer Eligible patients Post-menopausal Node positive breast cancer No distant metastases Completely resected Randomisation EPIRUBICIN 50mg/m2 Day 1 & Day 8 6x cycles 4-weekly EPIRUBICIN 50mg/m2 Day 1 and Day 8 3x cycles 4-weekly Followed by: DOCETAXEL 100mg/m2 Day 1 3x 3-weekly cycles *TAMOXIFEN (sequential vs concurrent) Centres not partaking in sequential vs concurrent tamoxifen Sequential tamoxifen for 5 years Concurrent Tamoxifen for 5 years Concurrent tamoxifen for 5 years Follow up prior to each course of chemotherapy, and months 9 & 12. Then months 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, and annually thereafter Eligibility Criteria: Postmenopausal, histologically proven node positive breast cancer No evidence of metastases WHO performance status 0 or 1 & Biochemistry within normal limits: WBC 3x109/l or ANC1.5 x 109/l Platelets 100 109/l Normal Bilirubin SCGOT, SGPT and alkaline phosphatase 1.5 x normal, serum Creatinine <1.5 x normal. (for patients allocated to epirubicin followed by docetaxel, the LFTs should be checked again prior to commencing treatment with docetaxel) No significant cardiac disease (ECG and/or LVEF by MUGA scan/echocardiography). Centres should inform the Data centre of the type of assessment intended for all patients randomised *For ER- & PgR- patients, tamoxifen treatment id according to discretion of the clinician. FOCUS Study Design Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan: Use and Sequencing A randomised trial to assess the role of irinotecan and oxaliplatin in advanced colorectal cancer Eligible patient: advanced colorectal cancer, not previously treated with chemotherapy for metastatic disease Randomise Plan A Plan B MdG until progression MdG until progression Second-line single agent irinotecan Second-line IrMdG Plan C Plan D IrMdG until progression MdG until progression Plan E OxMdG until progression Second-line OxMdG Upon progression, management at the clinician’s discretion, usually supportive care alone. If further chemotherapy is to be used, use a non-crossover regimen. PVI 5FU + mitomycin is recommended Abbreviations: MdG – Modified de Gramont IrMdG – Modified de Gramont + irinotecan OxMdG – Modified de Gramont + oxaliplatin Eligibility Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum Inoperable metastatic or locoregional disease No previous chemotherapy for established metastatic disease (if adjuvant chemo was give previously, it may have included 5FU but not oxaliplatin or irinotecan, and must have been completed >6months prior to trial entry) Measurable disease (RECIST classification) WBC>4 x109/l, platelet count >150 x 109/l, Bilirubin <1.25 upper limit of normal(ULN) and ALP<5 x ULN GFR>50ml/min WHO PS 0, 1 or 2 WOCBP negative pregnancy test & adequate contraceptive precautions Concurrent uncontrolled medical illness, or other current malignant disease likely to interfere with protocol treatments or comparisons Partial or complete bowel obstruction Age<18. No fixed upper age limit, use precaution in selection of elderly patients Pre-existing neuropathy (>grade1) Chronic diarrhoea or inflammatory bowel disease Gilbert’s Syndrome or other congenital abnormality of biliary transport Previous transplant surgery, requiring immunosuppressive therapy (due to interaction of cyclosporin-A with irinotecan Unable to comply with QoL assessment VICTOR Study Design VIOXX in Colorectal Cancer Therapy: definition of Optimal Regime Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study or Rofecoxib (VIOXX) in colorectal cancer patients following potentially curative therapy Patient fulfils eligibility criteria Randomise VIOXX 2 years PLACEBO 5 years 2 years 5 years Eligibility Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Histologically proven Dukes C (stage III: any T, N12, M0) or B (stage II: T 3or 4, N0, M0) colorectal carcinoma Patients must have undergone complete resection of the primary tumour without gross or microscopic evidence of residual disease WHO PS 0 or 1 ANCx 109/l, platelets >100 x 109/l, Bilirubin AST/ALT 1.5 x upper limit of normal, GFR>30ml/min. Tests to be carried out 2 weeks prior to randomisation Within 12 weeks of finishing potentially curative therapy (surgery alone, or surgery + Radiotherapy +/- Chemotherapy Patients with active peptic ulceration or GI bleeding in the last year Past history of adverse reaction to NSAID eg. Asthma, acute rhinitis, nasal polyps, angioneurotic oedema or urticaria Known sensitivity to VIOXX Long-term NSAID therapy (except low dose aspirin) <18 years of age Pregnancy or lactation Previous malignancies other then adequately treated in situ carcinoma of the uterine cervix or basal or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, unless there has been a disease free interval for at least 10 years Inflammatory bowel disease Severe congestive heart failure GELCAPS Study Design Genetic Lung Cancer Predisposition Study Patients diagnosed with lung cancer Partner of patient (wherever possible) Lifestyle questionnaire Blood sample taken for analysis at trial centre All patients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer, irrespective of whether the patient smokes are eligible. (Adenocarcinoma must be histologically proven from bronchial biopsy or surgical resection) NSCLC must be specified cell type eg. Squamous Patients may enter the study at any time after diagnosis The partner of the patient includes spouse, same sex partner or other unrelated adult living long term in the same house as the patient. The partner must not have developed a smoking related malignancy Smoking and non-smoking partners are eligible for entry into the study At the time of sampling, the patient must have WBC at least 2x109/l. It is not necessary to routinely check the partners’ WBC It is vital for the success of GELCAPS that a group B partner is recruited to GELCAPS wherever possible MESO-1 Study Design Randomised feasibility study of active symptom control with or without chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with mesothelioma Patient with diagnosis of mesothelioma Registration Eligible? YES NO No further information is required regarding this patient Randomise ASC ASC + MVP ASC + N Patients are followed up every 8 weeks until death. QoL should be completed by every patient - prior to being informed of their allocated treatment ASC: Active symptom control MVP:Mitomycin (8 mg/m2), vinblastine (6mg/m2) and cisplatin (50 mg/m2) to be given every 21 days with a total of 4 cycles N: 6 weekly injections of vinorelbine (30 mg/m2) followed by a 2-week interval before a further course of 6 weekly injections Eligibility criteria: Microscopically and immunohistochemically confirmed malignant mesothelioma, including epithelial and other histological types. Any symptomatic pleural effusion treated and brought under control by drainage, pleurodesis or pleurectomy before trial entry. CT scan to be performed within a month prior to randomisation and, wherever possible, after pleurodesis. Patients who have undergone surgical resection of mesothelioma are eligible provided 2 CT scans, 6 weeks apart; show stable or progressive disease which is assessable. No previous chemotherapy for mesothelioma. No other disease or previous malignancy likely to interfere with protocol treatments or comparisons. WHO status 0-2. WBC>3x109/l, neutrophils>1.5x109/l, platelets>100x109/l, and there is no clinical evidence of infection. Considered medically fit to receive chemotherapy. Patient has completed QoL forms prior to being informed of treatment allocated. MALCS Study Design A population based case-control study of mesothelioma and lung cancer in relation to occupation among British men and women under the age of 60 Mesothelioma & resected lung cancer patients aged under 60 years Obtain informed consent Telephone interview conducted by Institute of Cancer research Lung sample obtained post mortem All mesothelioma & resected lung cancer patients aged 60 years, registered with a GP Not to have worked outside the UK for longer then 1 year (except members of the Armed Forces, who will be included regardless of where they were stationed) this doesn’t include living abroad as a child. Telephone owners (not ex-directory) GP informed & permission sought for patients’ inclusion. Telephone interviews are conducted by researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research Post mortem lung samples will be provided by relevant pathologist to trial centre & examined for fibre content LU22 Study Design Randomised trial of surgical resection with or without pre-operative chemotherapy in patients with operable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or any stage Resectable NSCLC First QoL form completed Randomised Surgery Chemotherapy & surgery Chemotherapy schedules: MVP: Vinblastine 6mg/m2, and cisplatin 50mg/m2 at 3-week intervals for 3 cycles, with Mitomycin 8 mg/2 MIC: Same as MVP but with ifosfamide 3g/m2 instead of vinblastine NP: Vinorelbine (Navelbine) 30 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 and cisplatin 80 mg.m2 on day 1 at 3-week intervals for 3 cycles Eligibility Criteria: Previously untreated NSCLC, microscopically proven from biopsy or cytology Tumour considered resectable by surgeon No evidence of distant metastases No contra-indication to chemotherapy or surgery No disease or previous malignancy likely to interfere with the protocol treatments or comparisons. Clinical and CT staging for all patients Mediastinoscopy for patients with possible N2 or T3N1 disease on CT scan. Then, only patients with pN0 or single-station nodal involvement should be considered. POSH Study Design Prospective Outcomes in Sporadic vs. Hereditary breast cancer Patient is 40 years old Invasive breast cancer Check eligibility Obtain informed consent Blood sample is taken & sent to trial centre for DNA analysis (before surgery if possible) Fresh tumour sample sent to trial centre if patient has strong family history OR Family history questionnaire completed Representative pathology block sent temporarily to trial centre if no fresh sample taken Follow-up questionnaires at 6 and 12 months, then annually thereafter Neither patients nor clinicians will be informed of patients’ BRCA status. Patients who wish to have genetic counselling may be referred to: Dr Fiona Douglas Consultant Clinical Geneticist Institute of Human Genetics International Centre for Life Central Parkway Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ Tel 0191 2418725 Study Design Will Weekly Win for Taxol in the UK: Comparison of Outcomes in Metastatic and locally advanced breast cancer with weekly vs. 3-weekly administration of Paclitaxel Patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast carcinoma Prior treatment with anthracyclines (or contraindication to anthracycline use) Confirm eligibility Obtain informed consent Randomise Paclitaxel: 90mg/m2 IV over 1 hour on day 1 every week Paclitaxel: 175mg/m2 IV over 3 hours on day 1 every 3 weeks Follow-up every 3 months for 2 years and every 6 months thereafter Eligibility Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Histologically proven breast carcinoma Locally advanced or metastatic disease Presence of at least one measurable lesion Prior treatment with anthracyclines (either given as adjuvant treatment for metastatic disease) or a contraindication to anthracycline use No radiotherapy to indicator lesions within 3 months of randomisation Immunotherapy and/or hormone therapy must be discontinued prior to study start Male or female, aged 18-80 years inclusive WHO PS 0-2 Adequate haematological, renal & hepatic function Patient must be accessible for treatment and follow-up Prior Taxane treatment Previous malignancies, excluding curatively treated squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, in situ cervical cancer or any other cancer treated more than 5 years prior to study entry , and presumed cured. Uncontrolled arterial hypertension Active infection or other serious underlying medical condition that would impair the ability of the patient to receive protocol treatment Symptomatic brain metastases Patients with no measurable or evaluable disease Pre-existing motor or sensory neurotoxicity > grade 1 Dementia or significantly altered mental status Any investigational drug given within 30 days of initiation of therapy, or participation in other systemic anti cancer therapy or bisphosphonate studies while enrolled in this protocol TEAM study Design (CLOSED TO RECRUITMENT END MAY 2003) Comparative trial of 5 years adjuvant Exemestane treatment vs. 5 years adjuvant Tamoxifen treatment in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer Node +ve or high-risk node -ve ER or PgR +ve Curative surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy where indicated) Check eligibility Obtain informed consent Randomisation within 10 weeks of completing surgery +/- adjuvant chemotherapy TAMOXIFEN 20 mg o.d. 5 years EXEMESTANE 25 mg o.d. 5 years Eligibility Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Histologically/cytologically confirmed early adenocarcinoma Any node POSITIVE or Any primary tumour >3cm or Any primary tumour grade II or III>1cm ER and PgR +ve Postmenopausal No evidence of metastases HRT must be discontinued at least 4 weeks prior to randomisation Adequate haematological, renal and hepatic function ECOG PS 0-2 Within 10 weeks of completing surgery +/- adjuvant chemotherapy Chest X-ray clear of metastases Positive supraclavicular nodes Evidence of distant metastases Chemotherapy started more than 10 weeks after completion of primary surgery Previous hormonal treatment as adjuvant treatment for breast cancer Neo-adjuvant hormone therapy >4 weeks duration prior to surgery Severe osteoporosis Uncontrolled cardiac disease including angina, CHF or arrhythmia requiring medical therapy or history of MI in past 3 months, or any other serious concomitant disease. Psychiatric disorders preventing proper informed consent Concomitant malignancies (except adequately treated carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix or basal cell carcinoma of the skin). Patients with other malignancies must be disease free for at least 5 years. Concurrent participation in another clinical study involving investigational agents that may interfere with the results of this trial. Other serious illness that may interfere with subject compliance, adequate informed consent or determination of causality of adverse events. Patients on HRT, which was not discontinued at least 4 weeks prior to randomisation SPROG – Study Design G-CSF secondary prophylaxis in the chemotherapy of early breast cancer Eligible patient Early stage breast cancer Patient receiving chemotherapy Eg.CMF, DOX CMF, FEC, Taxane Regimen Patient experienced first neutropenic event Randomise G-CSF (Filgrastim) secondary prophylaxis 5g/kg from day 3 post chemotherapy until day 9 (ie, 7 days). Administer after each cycle (last day of chemo = Day 1) Conservative management (dose modification as per protocol) Record incidence of neutropenic events and evaluate dose intensity received End of treatment assessment Eligibility Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: 18 years of age or older Histologically confirmed invasive breast cancer No concomitant malignancy No prior chemotherapy apart from the current regimen (prior tamoxifen DOES NOT exclude a patient from this study) Previous neutropenic event on adjuvant iv chemotherapy & considered of suitable risk and fitness to continue chemotherapy Written informed consent Patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer, including supraclavicular fossa metastases Receiving sandwich/synchronous radiotherapy (defined as radiotherapy administered during a break in the chemotherapy regimen) – patients receiving concomitant radiotherapy during chemotherapy are NOT excluded Direct irradiation of the internal mammary chain Receiving CMF in the oral Day 1 –14 schedule Previous exposure to G-CSF TANGO – Study Design Paclitaxel, Anthracyline, Gemcitabine & Cyclophosphamide Operable Breast Cancer Clear Resection Margins Any nodal status ER negative/weakly positive or ER positive and PgR negative/weakly positive RANDOMISATION Control Arm Epirubicin 90mg/m2 Slow push/fast drip, day 1 only Cyclophosphamide 600mg/m2 Slow push, day 1 only Research Arm x4 cycles 3-weekly intervals Followed by: Paclitaxel 175mg/m2 3 hr infusion, day 1 only Epirubicin 90 mg/m2 Slow push/fast drip, day 1 only Cyclophosphamide 600mg/m2 Slow push, day 1 only x4 cycles 3-weekly intervals Followed by: x4 cycles 3-weekly intervals Paclitaxel 175mg/m2 3 hr infusion, day 1 only Gemcitabine 1250mg/m2 0.5hr infusion, days 1 and 8 Annual follow-up Details of any recurrence, survival status, date and cause of death if patient has died Eligibility Criteria: Histologically proven, early stage, completely resected invasive breast carcinoma Definite indication for adjuvant chemotherapy Any nodal status ER negative/weakly positive or ER positive and PgR negative/weakly positive No contraindication to anthracyclines Radiotherapy intent is known No previous malignancy x4 cycles 3-weekly intervals ONCOLOGY CLINICAL TRIALS Inclusion/exclusion criteria for all current NCRN approved clinical trials If you have a patient who may be eligible for one of the NCRN clinical trials in our portfolio, please contact: Christine Harle NCRN Clinical Trials Officer Ext 42329 or Bleep 52424 QUASAR 1 Study Design Dukes B or C Colorectal Cancer Uncertain indication for chemotherapy 6 months adjuvant chemotherapy with 5FU = low-dose folinic acid Observation only – with chemotherapy considered on recurrence Any patient who has undergone apparently curative surgery for colorectal cancer with histologically proven Dukes B or C Colorectal Carcinoma No distant metastases No definite clear indication for, or against systemic chemotherapy Definite contraindications to chemotherapy are not specified by the protocol but by the responsible physician and might include: Either Conditions associated with high risk of adverse events such as: Persistently low blood counts Moderate renal or hepatic insufficiency Recent myocardial infarction, stroke or other serious cardiovascular disease Poor general health Pregnancy Or Conditions associated with only a small likelihood of worthwhile benefit, such as: Negligibly low risk of colorectal cancer death Some major life threatening disease other than colorectal cancer Low probability of treatment compliance (eg psychiatric disorders, extreme old age) LLCG Study 12 – Study Summary Phase III randomised, double blind, and placebo-controlled trial of Carboplatin/Etoposide with or without thalidomide in Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with SCLC PS 0-3 Etoposide & Carboplatin 3 weekly/6 cycles Day 1 Etoposide 120mg/m2 IV in 1l Saline over 60-120mins Days 2 & 3 Etoposide 100mg bd orally Day 1 Carboplatin (AUC 5 EDTA or AUC 6 Cockcroft) in 500ml 5% dextrose over 30mins CXR/CT at baseline & repeated before chemotherapy cycles 2,3,4,5 & 6 (if CT, repeat after cycles 3 & 6) History, physical examination, blood tests done before each chemotherapy cycle Thalidomide/placebo During chemotherapy - 100mg Post chemotherapy for 1 month – 150mg Subsequent follow-up (up to 24 months)– 200mg Eligibility Criteria: Histologically or cytologically confirmed SCLC Limited or extensive disease Male or female aged >18 years ECOG performance status 0-3 Estimated life expectancy >8 weeks Adequate renal function for Chemotherapy (EDTA clearance 60ml/min) WOCBP must practice complete abstinence from heterosexual intercourse or to use TWO methods of contraception whilst on study medication & for 4 weeks after the last dose of study medication. WOCBP must have negative serum/urine pregnancy test in 24hrs before starting study medication. Pregnancy tests must be repeated every 4 weeks until 4 weeks after medication is finished. Male patients must use barrier contraception (including those who have had a vasectomy) Exclusion Criteria: Pregnancy or lactation Life expectancy <8weeks ECOG Performance status 4 Prior chemotherapy/radiotherapy Evidence of significant medical condition that would make it undesirable for the patient to participate Symptomatic brain metastases throughout to require immediate radiotherapy History of malignant tumour, unless the patient has been disease free for at least 3 years, or the tumour was non-melanoma skin tumour or early cervical cancer LLCG Study 14 – Study Summary Phase II/III randomised double blind, placebo controlled trial of Gemcitabine/Carboplatin with or without thalidomide in advanced Non-Small cell Lung Cancer Patients with NSCLC Stage IIIb or IV disease PS 0-2 Gemcitabine and Carboplatin - 3 weekly/4 cycles Day 1 Gemcitabine 1200mg/m2 IV in 250ml saline over 30mins followed by Carboplatin *mg(AUC) IV in 500ml dextrose over 30mins Day 8 Gemcitabine 1200mg2 IV in 250ml saline over 30 minutes Thalidomide/placebo During chemotherapy - 100mg Post chemotherapy for 1 month – 150mg Subsequent follow-up (up to 24 months)– 200mg CXR/CT at baseline & repeated before chemotherapy cycles 2,3,4,5 & 6 (if CT, repeat after cycles 3 & 6) History, physical examination, blood tests done before each chemotherapy cycle *Carboplatin dose calculated in mg according to the formula: Dose=Target area under curve x (creatinine clearance +25) IV day 1 Eligibility Criteria: Histologically or cytologically confirmed NSCLC Limited or extensive disease Male or female aged >18 years ECOG performance status 0-3 Estimated life expectancy >8 weeks Adequate renal function for Chemotherapy (EDTA clearance 60ml/min) WOCBP must practice complete abstinence from heterosexual intercourse or to use TWO methods of contraception whilst on study medication & for 4 weeks after the last dose of study medication. WOCBP must have negative serum/urine pregnancy test in 24hrs before starting study medication. Pregnancy tests must be repeated every 4 weeks until 4 weeks after medication is finished. Male patients must use barrier contraception (including those who have had a vasectomy) Adequate bone marrow reserve Exclusion Criteria: Pregnancy or lactation Life expectancy <8weeks ECOG Performance status 3 or 4 Prior chemotherapy/radiotherapy Evidence of significant medical condition that would make it undesirable for the patient to participate Symptomatic brain metastases throughout to require immediate radiotherapy History of malignant tumour, unless the patient has been disease free for at least 3 years, or the tumour was non-melanoma skin tumour or early cervical cancer PRIME – Study Summary Postoperative Radiotherapy in Minimum risk Elderly Age >65 years, TNM stages T0-2 Axillary node negative Breast conserving surgery No definite indications for or against radiotherapy RANDOMISE Radiotherapy No Radiotherapy Patients not participating in randomisation for treatment can still take part in QoL questionnaire Assessments: 2 weeks after radiotherapy completed, or equivalent time post-surgery (home visit by PRIME nurse) 3.5 months post-surgery (clinic) 8 months post-surgery (clinic) 9 months post-surgery (home) 12 months post-surgery (clinic) 15 months post-surgery (home) Long-term follow-up Eligibility Criteria: Aged 65 years or more, receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy Medically suitable to attend for all treatments and follow-ups Histologically confirmed unilateral breast cancer of TNM stages 0-2 No axillary node involvement on histological assessment Had breast conserving surgery with complete excision on histological assessment Able and willing to give informed consent Exclusion Criteria: Past history of pure in situ carcinoma of either breast or previous or concurrent malignancy other than non-melanomatous skin cancer or carcinoma in situ of cervix. Grade III cancer with lymphatic/vascular invasion (because of higher risk of local recurrence) All home visits are carried out by the PRIME study research nurse, National Study of Colorectal Cancer Genetics – Study Summary To determine the contribution of mutations in known genes to the incidence of colorectal cancer, and derive a genetic model of residual familial risks. All patients diagnosed with histologically confirmed colorectal cancer Non-blood relative/friend of patient to act as control Patient gives blood sample & answers family history questionnaire Control subject supplies blood sample and questionnaire All patients with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer are eligible, and may enter the study at any time after diagnosis. Controls should be recruited for each patient, these should be non-blood relations of the patient, e.g. partner, or a friend. Controls should not have developed any malignancy. No Genetic test results will be made available to study participants, or clinicians. If patients wish to have genetic counselling, the should be referred to: Dr Fiona Douglas Consultant Clinical Geneticist Institute of Human Genetics International Centre for Life Central Parkway Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ Tel 0191 2418725