Providing Comfort During Labor & Birth

Providing Comfort During Labor & Birth
Providing Comfort
Concerns about the discomfort and pain involved in labor and birth dominate
the thoughts of childbirth.
Use neutral terms-contraction instead of pain
Pharmacologic agents pose risks for both mother (hypotension) and fetus
Experience of Pain During Childbirth
Etiology of Pain:
During contractions, blood vessels constrict, reducing the blood supply to
uterine and cervical cells, resulting in anoxia to muscle fibers. Anoxia causes
Stretching of cervix and perineum
Pressure of fetal presenting part on tissues, organs.
Physiology of Pain:
Basic protective mechanism that alerts a person that something is happening.
Perception of Pain:
Pain is perceived differently
Body produces endorphins (naturally opiate like substances)
Factors Influencing Pain Perception:
Fetal position, fear, anxiety, worry, expectation of pain, body image, and selfefficacy.
Pain Relief Measures
Empowering women and their partners with information so they can decide
how to best relieve pain during labor.
Support From a Coach
Emotional involvement of husband
May need someone else to coach
Alternative Therapies For Pain Relief
Based on gate control theory concept that distraction can be effective in
preventing the brain from processing pain sensations coming into the cortex.
Alternative Therapies For Pain Relief
Focusing and Imagery
Breathing Techniques
Herbal Preparations-raspberry leaves, fennel, life root. Blue cohosh toxic.
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils-Lavender and Jasmine
Heat and Cold Applications
Bathing or Hydrotherapy
Therapeutic Touch and Massage
Reflexology-pressure to hands, feet, and ears.
Crystal or Gemstone Therapy-specific positioning to be effective.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation-TENS T10-L1
Acupressure and Acupuncture
Intracutaneous Nerve Stimulation-injection of sterile water or saline along
borders of sacrum.
Pharmacologic Pain Relief
Analgesia-reduces or decreases awareness of pain.
Anesthesia-causes partial or complete loss of sensation.
Ask about allergies to medications.
Virtually all medications cross the placenta.
No aspirin for pain.
Relax the woman and relieve her discomfort, yet have minimal systemic effects
on her uterine contractions, her pushing effort, or the fetus.
Medications with a molecular weight > 1000 cross the placenta poorly those
with a molecular weight < 600 cross very readily.
Narcotic Analgesics
Potent analgesic effects-causes fetal CNS depression.
Intrathecal Narcotics:
Injection into the spinal cord. (Morphine)
Catheter is introduced into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord.
Takes effect in 15 to 30 min. and lasts 4 to 7 hours.
May need pudental block in late labor.
Additional Drugs:
Tranquilizers (vistaril, phenergan)
Regional Anesthesia:
Injection of a local anesthetic to block specific nerve pathways. (Marcaine,
Block sodium and potassium transport in the nerve membrane.
Allow the woman to be completely awake and aware of what is happening.
May or may not be aware of contractions.
Helps prevent postpartal hemorrhage.
Epidural Anesthesia (Peridural Blocks):
Anesthetic agent placed just inside the ligamentum flavum in the epidural
space. Level L4-5, L3-4 or L1-2
Blocks spinal nerve roots in the space and sympathetic nerve fibers with them.
Blocks pain for labor and birth.
CSF is not entered with epidural. No HA.
Spinal headache due to leakage of CSF or instillation of air into CSF.
Keep on side afterwards
Tends to prolong second stage of labor.
Technique for Administration:
Lumbar epidural anesthesia done at 5 to 6 cm dilated.
Pt. lies on side or sits upright.
Clean lumbar area with antiseptic solution.
Local anesthetic injected into skin at L3-4
3 to 5” needle is passed into epidural space.
Catheter is passed through needle into space and needle is withdrawn and
catheter is taped into place.
Test with a local anesthetic solution through cathether, wait 5 min. check legs
for flushing, and warmness, evidence that it is in place.
Produces anesthesia up to level of the umbilicus in 10 to 15 min, lasts 40 min
to 2 hours.
Monitor VS temp will increase.
Bladder will fill without woman knowing so void q 2 hours. I&O
Combined Spinal Epidural Technique
Anesthesiologist administers-inserts epidural needle then a fine spinal needle
into CSF. A narcotic agonist (fentanyl) is added to CSF and needle is
Immediate pain relief
Spinal (Subarachnoid) Anesthesia:
Used less frequently today.
Local anesthetic agent (Marcaine or Naropin) is injected using lumbar
puncture technique into subarachnoid space (CSF) L3-4 interspace. Rises to
IV of LR solution for hydration.
Spinal headache due to leakage of CSF or instillation of air into CSF.
Have woman lie flat and give analgesic.
Medication for Pain Relief During Birth
Natural pressure anesthesia.
Local Anesthetics
Local infiltration:
Injection of anesthetic into superficial nerves of the perineum (Lidocaine).
Along borders of vulva.
Lasts 1 hour
Pudendal Nerve Block:
Injection of local anesthetic near the right and left pudendal nerves at the
level of the ischial spine.
Injection made through vagina
Relives pain in 2 to 10 min., lasts for 1 hour
General Anesthesia
Never preferred due to dangers of hypoxia and inhalation of vomitus.
Pentothal plus 6 other drugs available.
Endotracheal tube.
Infant may need resuscitation.
Comfort During Labor
Reduce Anxiety With Explanations of Labor Process:
Clear understanding of what to expect.
Do not know or may not remember.
Provide Comfort Measures:
Reposition or walk
Ice chips, wet cloth
Change pads frequently
Clean gown, shower
Pharmacologic pain relief