BSC in Operating Department Practice Clinical Attendance Record - 4 Week Placement Students Name Matriculation Number Hospital/Specialty Anaesthetics / Surgery / Anaesthetics & Surgery / Immediate postoperative care (please circle one only) Please read the following instructions before completing this form. 1. In the Hospital/specialty section, print the name of the hospital and the specialty, e.g. Stobhill, general surgery. 2. Complete one table for each week of your placement. 3. Complete every day of the table, even if you are not on duty. 4. The shift start time should be completed in the “from” column and the finish time should be entered in the “to” column. The number of hours actually worked should exclude time taken for meal breaks. Hours should be calculated to the nearest 0.25 of an hour. 5. If you attend an authorised study day, insert the word Study Day in the “from-to” column and enter 7.5 in the daily total. 6. If you are sick, write Sick in the “from-to” column and a “0” in the daily column. 7. If you are on a day off, write Day Off in the “from-to column” and “0” in the daily column. 8. Add up the daily totals and enter this in the total hours worked column. 9. Enter the sum of the weekly hours in the “total placement hours worked” box at the end of the form. 10. Both you and your mentor should sign the final section of the form. 11. Completed forms should be handed to the Programme Administrator. 12. Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will be returned to the student for amendment. An example of a completed week can be seen below: Week Commencing 3/5/06 From To Daily Total Monday 8.30 17.15 8.25 Tuesday 8.30 17.15 8.25 STUDY DAY Wednesday 7.5 Thursday 8.30 17.15 8.25 Friday 8.30 13.45 5.25 Saturday DAY OFF 0 Sunday DAY OFF 0 Total hours worked 37.5 Reporting of Sickness/Absence:Contact Clinical Placement and Contact Module Leader on 0141 331 3498 Week Commencing From To Daily Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total hours worked Week Commencing From To Daily Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total hours worked Reporting of Sickness/Absence:Contact Clinical Placement and Contact Module Leader on 0141 331 3498 Week Commencing From To Daily Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total hours worked Week Commencing From To Daily Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total hours worked Total placement hours required 150 Total placement hours worked Student’s signature of confirmation Mentor’s signature of confirmation Reporting of Sickness/Absence:Contact Clinical Placement and Contact Module Leader on 0141 331 3498