Higher Education Diploma in Nursing Studies - Common Foundation Programme Clinical Practice Placement Portfolio Student Name: Cohort Campus Clinical Practice Placement A (1) (2) Clinical Practice Placement B (1) (2) (3) If found, please return to: Name: Address: School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Medical Biology Centre Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 7BL 1 COMPLETING THE CLINICAL PRACTICE PLACEMENT PORTFOLIO 2 Clinical Assessment Strategy Beliefs about Learning and Assessment Any model of assessment ought to capture the developmental nature of learning and the increasing complexity of professional nursing practice. It is our belief that students are active participants in their learning and should accept an increasing level of involvement and responsibility in this process. Therefore, the concepts of progress and development are central to this assessment strategy. A guiding principle behind this approach is one which supports the notion of life-long learning and is in keeping with on-going professional development through Post-Registration for Education and Practice (PREP). These beliefs are best operationalised in a format of assessment which is continuous in nature, integrates theory and practice, and is based on dialogue among all parties in the educational process. Clinical Assessment Strategy The overall strategy is that of a Clinical Portfolio. The portfolio will be maintained by the student throughout the Common Foundation Programme (CFP). The Clinical Portfolio, which provides a range of evidence, will serve as a basis for dialogue and enable assessors to evaluate the extent to which appropriate learning outcomes have been achieved. The primary focus of the Clinical Portfolio is to assess the holistic integration of clinical skills and underpinning theoretical and evidence-based issues. The Clinical Portfolio will have two inter-related sections. Section One will be a record of a student's on-going development of clinical skills, while Section Two incorporates a range of evidence which a student will present to demonstrate awareness of the theoretical and research-based issues which underpin clinical practice. Both sections of the portfolio will reflect student development and are designed to meet the learning outcomes for each Clinical Module in the CFP. The clinical progress of a student will be monitored at points throughout the CFP by the use of formative and summative assessment. Clinical Skills Centre The nature and amount of practice required for the development and acquisition of clinical skills can be affected by multiple factors. In recognition of this situation, the learning experiences gained in the Clinical Skills Centre will be used to formatively assess the student. Therefore, Level D (of the Nicol et al. Framework, see appendix I) will be the expected level of achievement prior to the student practising their clinical skills in a care setting. Clinical Practice Portfolio Section 1 Practice skills document The practice skills document will act as a record of the student’s activity. The document identifies a range of skills which normally the student is expected to have achieved by the end of the CFP. It is recognised that the student may not have the opportunity to engage in all skills in the practice setting, therefore skills assessment may be undertaken in the practice setting and / or the clinical skills centre. A viva voce (outlined below) may be required for skills not achieved by the end of Clinical Module B. Section 2 Range of Evidence - will include the following Learning Outcomes Each placement will have a specified set of learning outcomes which the student will be expected to achieve on completion of each practice placement. Core Criteria for Professional Practice The core criteria will form part of the progress report which will be completed by the student, the mentor and the link nurse lecturer. The criteria address the following issues: Orientation to placement; Achievement of learning outcomes. Commitment to professional values; 3 Interpersonal effectiveness and communication; Commitment to personal and professional growth; Self Assessment Record / Identification of Learning The student will be encouraged through the activity of self-assessment to reflect on strengths and weaknesses and how learning outcomes for each placement have been achieved. Action Plan The student will formulate an action plan which will assist in determining future goals and priorities. The action plan must be authenticated by the nurse lecturer. Evaluation of Learning Reflective diary The student will complete a reflective diary whilst on clinical placement. This activity is aimed at facilitating the student to record/recall personal experiences and observations which can be used to increase understanding, thereby further enhancing the clinical environment as a positive learning environment. Assessment of Clinical Skills The assessment of clinical skills is based on the framework outlined by Nicol et al (1996; Appendix 1). This framework allows students to develop competence in clinical and communication skills over the span of the whole of the CFP (and beyond). The format for the assessment is the Schedule of Skills Development (adapted from the Clinical Skills Centre at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London) which is a composite list of the skills required by students of nursing and medicine (Dacre and Nicol, 1996). Within the Schedule, skills are listed by body systems, with subdivisions into: assessment and diagnostic skills; caring, comfort and safety skills; and therapeutic and technical skills. By listing the clinical practice skills in this way it is possible to identify the level of performance for each skill at specific points during the programme. In keeping with a philosophy which recognises the development of competence to be incremental, and a framework in which there are various stages of clinical skill development, summative assessment (for clinical skills) will take place only at the end of Clinical Module A and B. In order to facilitate all parties concerned with the assessment of clinical skills, only those skills which have been identified as ‘core skills’ shall be awarded a grading. Method for awarding a grading to the level of clinical skill: The grading shall be awarded to the ‘core skills’ identified. These ‘core skills’ are in bold print to make them easily recognisable in Section 1 of each student’s practice portfolio. ‘Sub-components’ of the core skills are listed but these are to be regarded as guidance to remind students, mentors and lecturers of the scope of the skill concerned and, also, facilitate individuals in arriving at a conclusion as to what extent the ‘core skill’ has been achieved Spaces have been left at appropriate places in the list of clinical skills. This is in recognition of the fact that it is impossible to accurately predict either a complete list of skills, or the circumstances in which they happen. In instances where the student has had appropriate exposure to a clinical skill which is not listed (either as a ‘core skill’, or a sub-component’ of a core skill) then it should be manually entered into the appropriate place in the skills list Please note while every opportunity should be taken to help the student gain a wide experience – the student would not be expected to perform skills for which they have not been prepared. Formative Assessment of Clinical Skills Formative assessment is the mechanism which facilitates evaluation of the student’s on-going development of clinical skills and integration of theoretical knowledge. It is a process-driven form of assessment in which the actual process is as important as the outcome. Formative assessment has no “pass/fail” criteria. Whilst it is recognised that students do not "fail" formative assessments they shall nevertheless be reminded of the importance of all assessment of 4 clinical work as it contributes to evidence for summative assessments as indicated in the skills document. A discursive approach to formative assessment is the key to providing the student with accurate feedback of progress and also guidance on any areas of weakness with respect to clinical skill development and construction of the Clinical Portfolio. In Semester I formative assessment will be conducted by a Nurse Lecturer who will provide guidance and evaluation of the student's developing portfolio. At this stage the portfolio will contain results from Clinical Skills Centre work and early evidence of theoretical learning which the student is starting to integrate. Normally, a student is expected to achieve a grade D in clinical skills assessment before being permitted to practice in a care setting. A student who fails to achieve grade D will be required to undertake further practice of the identified core clinical skills in the Clinical Skills Centre. A further reassessment of their clinical skill development will take place within one week. Failure to achieve grade D on re-assessment will cause the students profile to be brought to the attention of the Course Director. In Clinical Modules A and B clinical placement of four weeks will have a midway review at the midpoint and an end-point assessment. The mid-point assessment will be used to highlight student development and areas of weakness. The end-point formative assessment will take place in the last week of placement. These assessments will normally be conducted by the student's mentor. (However, the link Nurse Lecturer in the normal course of their clinical visits may be involved at this stage). In placements of less than four weeks students may complete a self-assessment, although a Mentor’s assessment is desirable. Failure to secure the appropriate grade in clinical modules will require the student to discuss their progress with their Link Lecturer and a mutually agreed action plan shall be put in place which requires the student to undertake further practice of clinical skills in practice settings and / or the Skills Centre. Lecturers and Mentors are advised to use the Cause for Concern Section if required. Viva Voce It is recognised that some skills may not be achieved during CFP clinical placements for a variety of reasons. Students are therefore asked to submit a list of such skills with their portfolio at the end of Clinical Module B. This list of skills will then form the basis of a viva voce examination to determine the student’s underpinning level of theoretical knowledge relevant to such skills. The nurse lecturer will award a pass / fail on the basis of the viva voce and incorporate this result into their deliberations when awarding a final grade to the overall portfolio. In addition, the skills not yet achieved will remain part of the student’s portfolio and will be assessed, as and when appropriate, in their respective branch programme. Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is a judgement of student achievement of learning outcomes. It contributes to the award of a grade which is indicative of the degree to which the student is able to integrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and understandings gained from clinical placements and the theoretical element of the programme. At summative assessment a number of formative assessments will have been conducted and the student will have been given opportunity to address any areas of concern. Grading of Clinical Portfolio Clinical module A The portfolio will be submitted to the School of Nursing and Midwifery to be examined by the Personal Tutor (or deputy) who will award it a grade as outlined in Phillips et al. (1994, see Appendix II) framework. The student must submit the portfolio to the designated clerical staff of the School by 12.00 midday on Friday 29 June 2001. Students should arrange with their Personal Tutor to collect their work and obtain feedback before 3rd September 2001. A minimum grade of ‘D’ has to be achieved in most skill areas depending on placement types. 5 Clinical Module B Similarly, the student must submit the portfolio by 12.00 midday on Friday 25 February 2002 and collect it again before 18 March 2002. A minimum grade of ‘C’ has to be achieved before the student can progress to their chosen branch programme. Students who achieve a grade of D or E will be advised on which part(s) of the Clinical Portfolio have to be resubmitted. An examination of the re-submitted work will be conducted by the Advisor of Studies and a grade awarded. Failure to secure a minimum pass mark in the re-submitted work will be subject to the normal rules and regulations of the Board of Examiners. Summative assessment of the CFP Clinical Portfolio is viewed as a continuous learning tool for the student to enhance development into their branch programme. Role of the Student The role of the student is to: maintain a record of all clinical skill laboratory work and assessment of same create and develop a body of evidence on theoretical contribution to skill activity submit Clinical Portfolio to mentor to review formatively in each allocation, attend to any weaknesses or areas of concern identified through formative assessment, contribute discussion during formative assessment, and submit Clinical Portfolio for summative assessment at a specified date towards the end of the CFP. Role of the Mentor The role of the mentor is to: discuss and review the student’s clinical experiences on arrival in practice. identify and discuss the student's strengths and weaknesses read Clinical Portfolio evidence with respect to learning outcomes for particular Clinical Module. dialogue with the student and lecturer during formative assessment award a mutually agreed grade, with Nurse Lecturer, to end-of-placement rating of clinical skills Role of the Nurse Lecturer The role of the Nurse Lecturer is to: monitor the student’s developing Clinical Portfolio during clinical visits dialogue with the student and mentor during formative assessment discussions highlight the student's strengths and weaknesses award a mutually agreed grade, with mentor, to end-of-placement rating of clinical skills summatively assess Clinical Portfolio submission at end of CFP 6 What is reflection? It is the active consideration of, and learning from our thoughts and actions, together with the further use of these thoughts and actions as a means of developing reflective thinking. Reflection that happens during an action (example, care intervention) is called reflection-in-action. An example of this would be when the student consciously considers the style and content of an interaction with a patient/client. Reflection after the event is called reflection-on-action. Central to the process of reflection is the need to the focus on the ‘HOW’ and ‘WHY’ of our actions. There are several ways of reflecting on practice, but it is important that a structured evaluation of the reflective process is possible. The following approach serves to guide structured reflection: 1. The experience itself – Describe the experience, as you understand it. 2. Contributing factors – What were the main factors which led to the experience? 3. The actual experience – Consider what exactly happened within this learning experience, when it happened, where it happened, and how exactly it effected the patient/client, members of staff (inclusive of yourself), and significant others, for example- family. 4. Reflection process – Why did you (or others) intervene as you did? What were the consequences of you actions? How did you feel about this experience when it was happening? How did the patient/client feel about it? How did you know how the patient felt about it? What factors or knowledge influenced your/other people’s actions and decisions (you may need to question both yourself and/or others)? 5. A) Considerations from reflection – Were you concerned with – Appropriateness of practice Moral & ethical aspects Personal aspects Effectiveness and efficiency of your or the first level nurse’s practice. B) Did you consider or take account of any further action you or others could have taken or intend to take? C) What have you learned about yourself both personally and professionally as a result of reflection? Reflection demands thought before writing, therefore you should use these guidelines to help you write concise, knowledgeable entries in your reflective diary. The use of a reflective diary can help students interpret and internalise knowledge, which if utilised in a positive manner, will be transferable across many practice placements. In order to enhance learning through reflection, it is envisaged that the mentor and the student will negotiate and agree a suitable time, whereby the student will be afforded two hours per week towards writing up the reflective diary. It is essential that the two hours are planned within the ‘working day’, so that the student has access to the mentor if required, for clarification of learning experiences/opportunities. It is anticipated that one reflective entry will be undertaken for each week of each placement. The exception to this is: the Mother and Child Experience; 7 An agreed project will be undertaken for this two week placement and submitted in either Clinical Module A or Clinical Module B, along with the portfolio. As completion of the Mother and Child workbook is allocated two weeks, the preceding and subsequent two week period will be in a placement appropriate to the branch which the student is following. PRESENTATION A4 lined pages should be used. These may be handwritten in ink. They should be dated. All effort should be made to ensure patient/client and institutional confidentiality. 8 SECTION 1 PRACTICAL SKILLS DOCUMENT Please refer Excel Doc. Skills Page 2 sheet 2 first then sheet 1 contains 11 pages all together. 9 Marking the clinical skills document in a four week placement The student, mentor and link lecturer will, towards the end of the placement, allocate a grade to the core skills. (Students may self assess on a two week placement, but a mentor’s assessment is desirable.) To facilitate the decision making process the student must, on an ongoing basis, tick the core skills subsection if and when they have experienced the sub skills. See sample below Module A Dates of Placements (fromto) Skill 1.1 Verbal Communication Opening conversations Questioning skills Pacing of questions Use of silence Checking understanding Communicating to people: With speech difficulties With hearing difficulties With altered consciousness levels Talking to relatives – general Talking with relatives who are channel of care: For adults For children Care of the dying patient and their family Expected score at end of Clinical Module A D Type of Placement 1 Childcare Type of Placement 2 Adult Formative Self/Mentor D Formative Self/Mentor D C D Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature *See Appendix 1 10 Summative A Personal Tutor C Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A 1.1 Verbal Communication D Opening conversations Questioning Skills Pacing of questions Use of silence Checking understanding Communicating to people: With speech difficulties With hearing difficulties with altered consciousness levels Talking with relatives - general Talking with relatives who are channel of care: for adults For children Care of the dying patient and their family Skill Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B C Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature 11 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A 1.2 Written Documentation D Nursing documentation: Biographical data Assessment Care planning Assessing progress maintaining records/charts Skill 1.3 Non-Verbal Communication Observation/awareness and response to: body language posture stance Personal space Active listening Eye contact Use of touch using initiative with patients with special needs Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B C D B Module A Module B 12 Summative B Personal Tutor Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A 1.4 Information regarding D investigation Information giving Informed consent written verbal Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B C 1.5 Communication Education Teaching a motor skill Health promotion D C 1.6 Communication with colleagues Verbal reporting Communicating with multidisciplinary team Learning to cope with stress: personal in others D C Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature 13 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill 2.0 General 2.1 Assessment and diagnosis of nursing needs Observation of patient's general health Observation of skin integrity 2.2 Bedmaking Unoccupied occupied Preparing a cot changing draw-sheet 2.3 Patient/client handling Assistance in bed preventing complications of bed rest bed to chair transfer (weight bearing) bed to chair transfer (nonweight bearing) managing the fallen/collapsed patient using cot sides/bed rails using approved moving handling aids Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B D C D C D C Module A Module B 14 Summative B Personal Tutor Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill 3.0 Hygiene Bed-bath Bathing babies/young children General shower/bath Assisted wash Oral hygiene Care of dentures Eye care Facial shave Assisting with dressing Maintaining privacy 4.0 Eating and drinking Preparation of patient/client Preparation of feeds for babies/children Feeding babies/young children Assisting: dependent patient/client client with special needs Naso-gastric feeds: safety Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B D C D C 15 Summative B Personal Tutor Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A 5.0 Elimination D Assisting use of: bedpans urinals Commodes Changing nappies Toileting young children Maintaining privacy and dignity 5.1 Observation and Recording Output Maintaining output records urine Faeces Emesis Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B B D B Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature 16 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill 6.0 Monitoring/Observation Height Weight Temperature: oral aural auxillary Pulse Apex beat Respiration Blood pressure Peak flow Urine Testing (routine) 6.1 Urine Testing (special) Blood sugar (BM) Faeces Pain assessment * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B D B D D Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature 17 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A 7.0 Collecting Specimens for D Investigations Urine: Routine MSSU Faeces: Culture Occult blood Sputum Swabs: Ear Nose Throat Wound Labelling specimen forms 8.0 Infection Control D Handwashing Use of aprons Opening sterile packs Aseptic technique Disposal of soiled dressings Disinfection policy Waste Sharps Laundry items Use of disinfection agents Adherence to universal precautions Awareness of infection control Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature Skill Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B C C 18 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill Name of Placement Area 9.0 Wound Care Preparation of: patient Equipment Environment Cleansing wound Suture/clip removal Care of wound drains Care of special wound drains Reporting and recording 10.0 Intravenous Fluid Management Care and preparation of patient Care of site (venflon) Erecting fluids Setting manual flow rate Use of mechanical flow devices * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A Summative A Personal Tutor Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B D C - D Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature 19 Summative B Personal Tutor Module A Module B Dates of Placements (fromto) Type of Type of Placement 1 Placement 2 Skill Name of Placement Area 10.1 Therapeutic/Technical Medication storage and safe handling of drugs reading of prescriptions checking drug prior to administration Administration of tablets/liquids Suppositories eye-drops topical preparations Inhalers/nebulizers Injections SC injection IM injection Safe disposal of equipment 11.0 Recognition of first steps in emergency care Altered Consciousness Respiratory Failure Cardiac Arrest Haemorrhage Student Signature Mentor Signature Advisor/Lecturer Signature * Expected Formative Formative score at Self/ Mentor Self/Mentor end of Clinical Module A Summative A Personal Tutor D Type of Type of Type of Placement 3 Placement 4 Placement 5 Expected Formative Formative Formative score at end Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor Self/ Mentor of Clinical Module B C D D 20 Summative B Personal Tutor SECTION 2 RANGE OF EVIDENCE 1) Assessment Results 2) Clinical Practice Learning Outcomes 3) Reflective Diary 4) Clinical Practice Progress Records 5) Practice Portfolio Evaluation Reports A Practice Portfolio Evaluation Reports B 6) Cause for Concern 21 Name Cohort Assessment Results Module: Results Exam Semester 1 Coursewor k Assignmen t Art and Science of Nursing (1) Biomedical Sciences (1) Nursing Practice (1) Semester 2 Nursing Practice (2) Biomedical Sciences (2) Behavioural Sciences (1) Semester 3 Therapeutic Nature of Nursing (1) Behavioural Sciences (2) Art and Science of Nursing (2) 23 Re-Sit Results Practical Exam Coursewor k Assignmen t Practical Name Cohort Clinical Practice Placements Placement Area Semester 2 Clinical Practice Placement A (1) (2) Semester 3 Clinical Practice Placement B (1) (2) (3) 24 Result Clinical Practice Placement Learning Outcomes Child Health Placement demonstrate a professional manner and appreciation for the importance of being polite and considerate to staff and clients; comply with the policies and procedures of the placement area; discuss the principle concepts underlying family centred care; identify the roles and relationships of child health professionals, involved in the delivery of care to children and their families, in both the community and hospital setting; demonstrate the ability to interact with children; discuss the importance of play for ’normal’ children and infants; demonstrate an awareness of the implications of health education/promotion for the child and his/her family; practice, as appropriate, taught skills under supervision. Learning Disability Placement demonstrate a professional manner and appreciation for the importance of being polite and considerate to staff and clients; comply with the policies and procedures of the placement area; demonstrate an understanding of devaluation and discrimination in relation to people with a learning disability; demonstrate and understanding of how the needs of people with a learning disability are assessed; demonstrate a range of interpersonal and intervention skills with the emphasis on constructive relationship building/maintenance; identify support and resources available for people with a learning disability demonstrate an understanding of the health care needs, of people with a learning disability and consider health promotional activities; practice as appropriate, taught skills under supervision. Adult Nursing Placement demonstrate a professional manner and appreciation of the importance of being polite and considerate to staff and clients; comply with the policies and procedures of the placement area; discuss aspects of care planning in identification of patient/client needs; demonstrate an awareness of the implications of health promotion/education for the patient/client; discuss the effects of hospitalisation upon an adult patient/client and their family/carers; identify the roles of health care professionals, involved in the delivery of care, in both community and hospital settings; demonstrate an awareness of his/her beliefs and attitudes in the delivery of care; practice as appropriate, taught skills under supervision. Mental Health Nursing Placement demonstrate a professional manner and appreciation for the importance of being polite and considerate; comply with the policies and procedures of the placement area; discuss his/her feelings and reactions to nursing people with mental health problems; identify factors which affect a person’s physical, mental and social well-being, demonstrating an awareness of mental health needs through care planning; recognise the need for appropriate boundary-setting in relationships with patients/clients/residents and colleagues; discuss the effects of caring for people with mental health problems in a variety of care and social settings; demonstrate an understanding of the need to establish constructive relationships with patients/clients with mental health problems; practice as appropriate, taught skills under supervision. 25 Clinical Practice Progress Records (1) The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (To be completed on each Placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 26 Clinical Practice Progress Record (1) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 27 Clinical Practice Progress Record (1) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 28 Clinical Practice Progress Record (1) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 29 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 30 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Clinical Practice Progress Records (2) Date: The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 31 Clinical Practice Progress Record (2) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 32 Clinical Practice Progress Record (2) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 33 Clinical Practice Progress Record (2) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 34 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 35 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Date: _________________ Clinical Practice Progress Records (3) The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 36 Clinical Practice Progress Record (3) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 37 Clinical Practice Progress Record (3) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 38 Clinical Practice Progress Record (3) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 39 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 40 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Clinical Practice Progress Records (4) Date: ___________ The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 41 Clinical Practice Progress Record (4) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 42 Clinical Practice Progress Record (4) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 43 Clinical Practice Progress Record (4) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 44 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 45 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Clinical Practice Progress Records (5) Date: ___________ The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 46 Clinical Practice Progress Record (5) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 47 Clinical Practice Progress Record (5) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 48 Clinical Practice Progress Record (5) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 49 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 50 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Clinical Practice Progress Records (6) Date: ___________ The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 51 Clinical Practice Progress Record (6) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 52 Clinical Practice Progress Record (6) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 53 Clinical Practice Progress Record (6) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 54 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 55 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Clinical Practice Progress Records (7) Date: ___________ The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 56 Clinical Practice Progress Record (7) Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 57 Clinical Practice Progress Record (7) Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 58 Clinical Practice Progress Record (7) Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 59 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 60 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager Name Cohort TO BE COMPLETED BY ADVISER OF STUDIES/NURSE LECTURER PRACTICE PORTFOLIO EVALUATION REPORT (to be discussed with student) CLINICAL PRACTICE PLACEMENT A: GRADE AWARDED: ACTION PLAN: STUDY ADVISER/NURSE LECTURER: STUDENT: DATE: 61 Date: ___________ Name Cohort TO BE COMPLETED BY ADVISER OF STUDIES/NURSE LECTURER PRACTICE PORTFOLIO EVALUATION REPORT (to be discussed with student) CLINICAL PRACTICE PLACEMENT B: GRADE AWARDED: ACTION PLAN: STUDY ADVISER/NURSE LECTURER: STUDENT: DATE: 62 CAUSE FOR CONCERN -Use confidential cover if appropriate 63 APPENDICES 64 Clinical Practice Progress Records The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Orientation Interview Sheet (to be completed on each placement) Name of Student: Intake: Semester: Practice Module: Name of Facility: From: To: Name of Mentor: Name of Link Lecturer: Please indicate if you have provided an orientation to the practice placement in relation to the following by ticking the appropriate box : Geographical layout YES Ž NO Ž Explanation of the procedures in the event of a fire YES Ž NO Ž The procedure for the emergency resuscitation of individuals YES Ž NO Ž Practice area policies YES Ž NO Ž Others (please specify) Signature of Mentor: Date: 65 Clinical Practice Progress Record Identification of Learning 1. Current skill/knowledge level in relation to the learning outcomes for this practice module 2. Identify deficits in knowledge/skills 3. Action to be taken to address learning deficits 66 Clinical Practice Progress Record Evaluation of Learning 4. Evaluation of learning outcomes/achievement of goals/further action needed 5. Midway Review (week two of four week placements only) Mentor’s Signature Date: and/or Nurse Lecturer Date: Student’s Signature Date: 67 Clinical Practice Progress Record Mentor’s End of Placement Report (to be completed on every placement) Name of Student: Intake: Practice Area: Semester: Type of Experience: From: To: Please tick appropriate box Punctuality Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attendance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Attitude Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Professional Appearance Satisfactory Ž Not Satisfactory Ž Please specify exact number of days sick/absent: ______ Days Please specify time made-up, with exact dates: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Overall Comment Mentor and Nurse Lecturer Student Evaluation of Placement Learning Experience Mentor’s Signature: Date: Designation: Date: Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature Date 68 The School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast PRE REGISTRATION DIVISION STUDENT SICKNESS/ABSENCE RECORD ON CLINICAL PLACEMENT Please complete a separate form for each clinical placement facility. Please note that if sickness/absence exceeds 5 days, this time must be made up during prescribed annual leave. NAME OF STUDENT STUDENT NUMBER INTAKE CAMPUS NAME AND ADDRESS OF CLINICAL FACILITY TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NAME OF LINK LECTURER LENGTH OF PLACEMENT C D DATE OF PLACEMENT CLINICAL MODULE (please tick appropriate box) A B E F ZERO ABSENCES No absences during placement Please tick box ABSENCES (ALL ABSENCES MUST BE MADE UP) Please detail below any absences during clinical placement and provide details of time made up. DATES OF ABSENCE START RETURN DATE DATE FROM TO TOTAL NO OF DAYS TOTAL NO OF HOURS MAKE UP TIME DATES OF DAYS/HOURS FROM TO Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager ________________________ Date: Signed: _______________________________ Student ________________________ Date: NO OF HOURS This form should be kept in the student’s portfolio and the Personal Tutor is responsible for ensuring all details are correct and handed into the Pre-Reg office at the end of each module. If time has not been made up, the Personal Tutor liases with the Link Lecturer to arrange this in consultation with the Clinical Allocations Unit. When all made up time is completed and SIGNED the form is handed into the Pre-Reg department for filing. Copy of Form sent to Clinical Allocations for re-allocation Sent by Date IF ABSENCES EXCEED 5 DAYS RE-ALLOCATION IS REQUIRED 69 NAME AND ADDRESS OF RE-ALLOCATED PLACEMENT DATES OF RE-ALLOCATION NO OF DAYS/HOURS MADE UP I CONFIRM THAT THESE DAYS/HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED Signed: _______________________________ Mentor/Ward Manager 70 Date: ___________ Appendix I Levels of Communication and Clinical Skill Development Level A: Skills Mastery Psychomotor components of the skill no longer require conscious thought Cognitive and affective components are highly developed and an integral part of every nursing intervention Performance, based on increasing knowledge and experience, is confident, efficient and responsive to situational cues Communication skills are a natural part of every professional interaction Cognitive, affective and psychomotor components are highly developed and are less subject to interference from other ongoing activities Performance, based on increasing knowledge and experience, is confident, efficient and responsive to situational cues Reflection is central to practice at this level Level B: Safe and Accurate Performance with Indirect Supervision in the Care Setting Performance of the skill will be accurate, co-ordinated, effective and affective The student is able to adapt his or her performance in response to changes in the care situation Cognitive and affective components of the skill are integrated The student is able to use an appropriate blend of communication skills, in a co-ordinated and effective manner The student is aware of his or her limitations and seeks help and advice as appropriate The student is able to adapt his or her performance in response to changes in the care situation Performance at this level is 'competent' The student is aware of his or her limitations and seeks help and advice as appropriate Level C: Safe and Accurate Performance Under Direct Supervision in the Care Setting The student is able to demonstrate accuracy in the skill, but not necessarily speed Psychomotor dexterity is demonstrated Cognitive and affective components of the skill are evident. The student is able to utilise and blend communication skills together The communication skills chosen are appropriate to the patient/client and the situation The skills are executed smoothly and appear natural Level D: The Student is able to demonstrate accuracy in the skill, but not necessarily speed Psychomotor dexterity is demonstrated Awareness of the cognitive and affective components of the skill is demonstrated The student is able to utilise and blend communication skills together The communication skills chosen are appropriate to the patient/client and the situation The skills are executed smoothly and appear natural Level E: Foundation The student is able to demonstrate psychomotor components of the skill by following instruction Performance is slow and lacks co-ordination The student is able to identify the cognitive and affective components of the skill The student is able to identify the rational for the use of the communication skill, although tends to reiterate text book explanations The student is able to state when the use of the communication skill is appropriate, and to what degree Performance of the communication skill is awkward and the student may appear self-conscious (Source: Nicol et al., 1996) 71 Appendix II A Strategy for Overall Assessment of the Clinical Portfolio Grade A Clear evidence of wide reading and understanding supported by appropriate (correct) use of Reference Clear evidence of relevant research Clear expression Debate and argument indicating some appraisal of facts Comparing and contrasting of issues and the relating of theory to practice where appropriate Grade B Some evidence of relevant research Sound knowledge and understanding of issues being addressed Some attempt made at using knowledge to draw conclusions and explore relevant ideas, relating theory to practice where appropriate Grade C Largely descriptive with little discussions and interpretation Some application of theory to practice where appropriate Grade D Restricted application of knowledge to situations Superficial handling of the issues discussed Descriptive account showing little evidence of reading No significant errors of inaccuracies which might imply dangerous practice/judgement Grade E Inadequate levels of knowledge Minimal evidence of understanding Many unsupported statements Presence of errors and/or inaccuracies which may imply dangerous practice/judgement (Source: Phillips et al., 1994; p. 73) 72 Appendix 3 NURSING PRACTICE PRACTICALS SEMESTER 1 AND 2 Moving and Handling 1, 2 and 3 Bedmaking Hygiene 1 and 2 Eating and Drinking Patient Assessment Clinical Observations Elimination Communication and Teaching Preparation for Childcare Placement Preparation for Mental Health Placement Preparation for Learning Disability Placement C.P.R. 73