Program Overview (Please refer to specific sections for complete

Program Overview
(Please refer to specific sections for complete detail)
Ladder to Leadership1is an in-depth capacity building program aimed at building and
strengthening the leadership skills of 14 mid-career professionals through an innovative,
16-month leadership development curriculum. Community Memorial Foundation (CMF) is
committed to leadership development and improving the health of all who live and work in the
western suburbs of Chicago. Ladder to Leadership aims to enhance the leadership capacity of
community-based nonprofit organizations so that these organizations can partner with CMF in
transforming the western suburbs into the healthiest region of the country.
CMF is proud to sponsor this program in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership
Eligibility Criteria (page 3):
Only one applicant from each organization will be considered. Qualified applicants must:
 be a mid-career professional with one to five years of supervisory experience;
 be an employee of a nonprofit organization that has received a grant from Community
Memorial Foundation;
 commit to the 16-month leadership development initiative and curriculum; and
 have the support of his or her organization’s executive director or senior leader and its board
of directors.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated using the criteria listed on pages 3-4.
Total Awards
Up to 14 managers will be selected to participate in the Ladder to Leadership program in
Key Dates and Deadlines
 Applications are due by 5:00 PM on August 27, 2013.
 Participants will be selected by September 17, 2013.
 Program will kick-off October 8, 2013.
 Please refer to the Timetable on page 5 for detailed program timeline.
How to Apply
Please see Application Instructions on pages 5-6.
Ladder to Leadership was initially developed through funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
In an increasingly complex and fragmented health and human services system, communitybased nonprofit organizations provide critical support for millions of underserved Americans.
These organizations encounter growing demand for services at the same time that their
financial resources are decreasing. The impending exodus of senior nonprofit leaders due to the
retirement of the baby boom generation exacerbates the challenges of building leaders for
nonprofit organizations. According to a study conducted by the Bridgespan Group, by 2016 the
nonprofit sector will need approximately 80,000 new senior managers each year. To address
these obstacles, nonprofits need to develop new leaders who can create innovative, clientfocused practices, manage day-to-day operations and serve as visionary catalysts for systemic
Another key study, Ready to Lead? Next Generation Leaders Speak Out, asked thousands of
nonprofit professionals what they needed to adequately prepare for executive leadership
positions. Respondents most frequently cited the need to further develop their external
connections and networks; their leadership capabilities, including increased self-confidence;
their ability to lead and manage staff; and their collaboration skills. Respondents also indicated
that leadership development programs preparing nonprofit professionals for senior level
positions were seldom available to them.
To examine these leadership development challenges, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
(RWJF) and the Center for Creative Leadership conducted a survey of more than 1,000
nonprofit leaders that focused on the specific competencies that leaders in health-related
nonprofit organizations need to be effective today and in the future. Among leadership
competencies deemed most necessary were: collaborative leadership skills, political savvy,
influencing skills, networking skills, translational leadership skills to work across boundaries,
systems thinking, visionary thinking and time management skills.
The Program
Ladder to Leadership is focused on developing critical leadership competencies for 14 midcareer professionals through an innovative, 16-month leadership development curriculum.
Each phase of the three-part curriculum includes a mixture of face-to-face training sessions,
individualized executive coaching and mentoring and team project work—all anchored within
the context of the communities in which these leaders live and work to maximize the
application and impact of the program concepts.
In Phase I, the Ladder to Leadership participants will receive an orientation to the program and
curriculum; identify specific leadership challenges and form action learning teams among
cohort members; and learn the fundamentals of the action learning leadership process, which
will give them experience working across community agencies on specific health issues.
In Phase II, participants will focus on relationship building, self-awareness, systems thinking,
problem-solving, innovation and development of communication skills. By the end of this
phase, program participants will be better able to select appropriate decision-making
strategies, use strategic thinking and influencing skills, promote effective workplace conflict
resolution and deploy effective innovation strategies.
Phase III will focus on sustaining the impact of Phases I and II at the organizational and
community levels. Two key components of the Ladder to Leadership program are an action
learning leadership process and the mentoring component. The action learning projects will
give leaders experience working across community agencies on specific issues. Mentoring by an
experienced community leader during Phase III will help program participants enhance their
understanding of the complexities facing leaders in their community and apply their new skills.
When they have completed the program, Ladder to Leadership participants should have
increased their leadership and influencing skills and created stronger networks within their
The participating nonprofit organizations and their communities will also benefit from this
program. Executive directors of participating organizations will benefit from the increased
leadership capacity of the participating leader and from the community connections and
networks these leaders create. In particular, the program will encourage increased cooperation
among community health agencies, more frequent dialogue about addressing problems, more
strategic partnerships and greater inter- and intra-community collaboration. Ultimately, the
participating communities should be better served by a higher functioning, more collaborative
group of leaders.
Only one applicant from each organization will be considered. A qualified applicant must:
be a mid-career professional with one to five years of supervisory experience;
be an employee of a nonprofit organization that has received a grant from Community
Memorial Foundation;
commit to the 16-month leadership development initiative and curriculum; and
have the support of his or her organization’s executive director or senior leader and its
board of directors.
Selection Criteria
Applicants will be chosen based on the following criteria:
demonstrated experience and record of accomplishment within the nonprofit sector.
potential for assuming leadership roles in the nonprofit health and human services field as
evidenced by prior experience, accomplishments, membership on external boards and
committees, references; and
proven commitment to serving vulnerable populations and improving their health and wellbeing.
This program is guided by an advisory committee that will review applications and make
funding recommendations to CMF’s Board.
Grant Expectations
Up to 14 individuals will be selected to participate in the program. The selected managers must
be willing and able to commit the time necessary to fully participate in the program.
Attendance at all events as well as participation in the program’s evaluation (occasional surveys
and/or phone interviews or focus groups) is a requirement for all participants in the program.
Ladder to Leadership Curriculum and Time Commitment
The 16-month Ladder to Leadership program requires the following amount of time away from
the office:
Kickoff meeting: October 8-9, 2013, La Grange Country Club (1.5 days)
Three face-to-face program sessions at CMF offices:
 Session I – December 2, 3, 4 & 5, 2013, CMF Offices (4 days)
 Session II – April 7, 8 & 9, 2014, CMF Offices ( 3 days)
 Session III – August 4, 5 & 6, 2014, CMF Offices (3 days)
Commencement ceremony & final program meeting:
 December 2-3, 2014, LaGrange Country Club (1.5 days)
Action Learning Leadership Process (ALLP) – participants will engage in a minimum of 5
community-based team meetings to work on ALLP projects throughout the 16-month
program. The dates and locations for these meetings will be determined collaboratively by
team members. Teams will be formed and projects selected during the kickoff meeting in
the targeted community. Approximately five hours each week will be spent engaged in ALLP
team work.
Application Instructions
Completed application must be submitted along with the following attachments by no later
than 5:00 PM on August 27, 2013.
To apply, please follow these steps:
1. Complete the attached application form.
2. In addition to the application, please submit the following information:
Your Resume
Personal Statement of Desire and Commitment
This statement should not exceed 500 words and should illustrate how you believe
participating in this development process will help you, your organization, and the
constituents you serve.
Organization’s Statement of Commitment
This statement from your executive director should not exceed 500 words and should
address the following:
Describe this applicant’s potential for assuming future leadership roles.
How will you support this applicant throughout the 16-month Ladder to Leadership
How will having this applicant participate in Ladder to Leadership help your organization
now and in the future?
What do we need to know about your community, organization or field that will help
this applicant be successful in applying what he or she learns?
Two (2) letters of recommendation (as separate documents)
 one from a board member, and
 one from someone other than your executive director
All application materials should be sent to Tom Fuechtmann, Program Officer, Community
Memorial Foundation, 15 Spinning Wheel Rd., Suite 326, Hinsdale, IL 60521, or applications
may be sent electronically to
All applications must be received by no later than 5:00 PM on August 27, 2013.
In addition to the application materials listed above, as part of the application process you
will be asked to participate in an in-person interview with CMF staff. CMF staff will contact
you to schedule an interview once your application materials have been received.
For more information, please contact Tom Fuechtmann at 630-654-4729.
Program Direction
Direction and technical assistance for this program are provided by the Center for Creative
The Center for Creative Leadership focuses on leadership
education, research and expertise in solving the leadership
challenges of individuals and organizations through creative
leadership, the capacity to think and act beyond the boundaries
that limit our effectiveness.
Community Memorial Foundation
Ladder to Leadership:
Developing the Next Generation of Community Health Leaders
Preferred Phone Number:
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Length of time with current employer:
Length of time in current position:
Number of employees or volunteers you supervise:
Total number of staff members in your organization:
Current operating budget of your organization:
Please tell us about your organization, including the health/ human service issue(s) your
organization addresses, population served, organizational structure, etc. (Maximum 500
Please tell us about your experience in the nonprofit field; also describe your current role
within the organization, including the number of years in the role, and your key
responsibilities and accomplishments. (Maximum 500 words)
During the program, you will work in teams to focus in greater depth on a specific significant
leadership challenge or opportunity you currently face. The significant leadership challenge or
opportunity you choose to focus on should:
be of primary importance to you, your work group and/or your organization;
involve others who also have a significant investment in the outcomes;
be one that has persisted over a period of time, or is likely to do so; and
possibly require changes in assumptions, behaviors or standard operating procedures.
To help us understand the significant leadership challenges faced by your organization, your
constituents and your community, please list 2-3 significant leadership challenges in each of the
following categories, providing a 1-2 sentence description for each.
 Pressing health or community problem (Access to mental health services, aging, etc.):
 Organizational challenge (volunteer recruitment, securing funding, staffing, etc.):
 Community system issue (lack of appropriate services for vulnerable populations, nursing
shortage, physician referrals, etc.)
When you submit your completed application please be sure to include the following
Your Resume
Personal Statement of your desire and commitment to participate in the program. This
statement should not exceed 500 words and should address the following:
 How you believe participating in this development process will help you, your
organization and your constituents.
 Your career goals and aspirations.
 Any professional association memberships or boards you serve on and the challenges
and/or success associated with these experiences.
 Your mentoring experience--either as a mentor or mentee.
Letter of commitment and support from the applicant organization’s executive director or
top official.
This letter should not exceed 500 words and should address the following:
 The applicant’s potential for assuming future leadership roles.
 How the executive director or top official will support the applicant throughout the
16-month Ladder to Leadership program.
 The perceived impact of the applicant’s participation in the Ladder to Leadership
program on the organization during the program and in the future.
 What do we need to know about your community that will help this applicant be
successful in applying what he or she learns?
Two letters of reference (one of which must come from a board member.)
[Please note: No application will be considered without all documentation.]
For more information, please contact Tom Fuechtmann at 630-654-4729 or To submit your application, please send the completed application
and all other attachments to Community Memorial Foundation, 15 Spinning Wheel Rd., Suite
326, Hinsdale IL, 60521, by no later than 5:00 PM on August 27, 2013.