The Radiology Information Solution 308866891 Correct Procedures for Calculating Diagnostic Waiting Times RECORDING REQUEST UPON RECEIPT In order to conform to DoH/CfH Diagnostic Waiting Time guidelines all requests should be placed on the system using the ‘Date the Request was Made’ not ‘Date Received’. Please note: For Scottish Sites the Waiting Time clock starts on the ‘Date Received’ however Scottish users should still enter the ‘Date the Request was Made’ as standard as CRIS will automatically use Creation Date (i.e. Received Date) so long as GENERAL.HospitaLCountry is set to Scotland via XR Settings (XRTR). The Trust should however be aware that so long as the request is placed on the CRIS system on the date of receipt CRIS will record the ‘Date Received’ via EVENTS.Creation Date and can therefore be queried via CRIS Statistical Reports. PATIENT CHANGES/CANCELLATIONS Any patient cancel status will stop the clock on the date of the last cancelled appointment. Alternatively when undertaking a cancellation of anything other than an appointment i.e. Waiting list or Request, the clock will reset to ‘0’ on the cancellation date. If you wish to rebook an appointment and ‘reset the clock’ when a patient changes their appointment, it is essential that the correct procedure is followed to ensure that the Waiting Times are recorded accurately. Using this method the clock will continue to tick until the date of the last appointment the patient cancelled after which it will be reset to ‘0’. The clock will then start ticking again from the date of the appointment the patient last cancelled to the date of their final appointment/attendance. If this procedure is not followed, then the Waiting Times clock is NOT stopped and restarted. Please therefore refer to RIS_CRIB290_Patient_Changes_Appointment_Procedure.doc in order to make a decision on which approach would best suit your own working practice. HOSPITAL CANCELLATIONS Hospital changes / cancellations do not reset the clock. VETTING DNA’S In order to correctly calculate Diagnostic Waiting Times it is essential that all DNA which happen automatically (i.e. when a patient fails to attend and the Appointment DNA’s at midnight) are vetted on a daily or regular basis. The clock will be reset upon a DNA, and will restart again immediately, this is the reason why DNA's need to be vetted to check if they need re-booking or cancelled using a final cancellation status to remove it from the stat completely. Please note: For Scottish Sites the Waiting Time clock is reset on the day of cancellation, and will start ticking again once this date has passed in accordance with New Ways Guidelines. This will only occur if GENERAL.HospitaLCountry is set to Scotland via XR Settings (XRTR). If this procedure is not followed, DNA’s will continue to be counted in waiting times figures, and it will be necessary to run an additional stat report (RIS_STAT122a) to identify and combine these figures. Last Updated: DC 04/07/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 3 Please therefore refer to RIS_CRIB281_Vetting_DNAs.doc for the correct procedure to following when undertaking this task. SOCIAL UNAVAILABILITY (SCOTTISH SITES ONLY) Scottish New Ways Guidelines allow for periods of time to be excluded from patient waiting times under the category of ‘Social Unavailability’ – i.e. holidays, or periods of unavailability due to personal commitments. These time periods of time will be automatically excluded from waiting times. Full instructions for recording ‘Social RIS_CRIB298S_Scottish_DWT_Social_Unavailability.doc Unavailability’ are detailed via PLANNED/PENDING REQUESTS Planned requests are classed as follow-up procedures which take place after an initial investigation (i.e. regular monitoring). Planned (or Pending on some instances) events do not stop the clock at all, however any events that have ever been classed as planned will be removed from the Diagnostic Waiting Times statistics using the EXAMS.WAS PLANNED field, so long as the Status Type for the Planned status is "WPD". Please therefore refer to RIS_CRIB266_Appointments.doc for the correct procedure to following when undertaking this task. ASSOCIATED STATISTICS REPORTS Standard Diagnostic Waiting Times can be compiled via the CRIS Statistical Reports module using the following reports – Please also refer to RIS_CRIB279_Statistical_Reports_Templates.doc for full instructions. RIS_STAT120a PART I-Patients Waiting RIS_STAT122a DWT: Past cancels and DNA's RIS_STAT140a PART II – Activity RIS_STAT160 Diagnostic Waiting Times (DWT) - Bi Annual All Examinations The following report has been written to assist Trust’s in predicting Waiting Times and establishing breech dates in order to better manage waiting times. RIS_STAT124a Predicted Patient Waits This report has a ‘Breach Date’ column which sources Waiting Times in days from the ‘Max Wait’ field either via the ‘Exams Per Hospital’ Table (which is Site Specific) or the ‘Examination Codes’ Table (which is SHA Wide). Consequently if neither of these fields have been completed the ‘Breach Date’ column will work on the basis of 6 weeks (42 Days) by Default on CRIS Stats version 2.5.6 and above, and 18 weeks (126 days) by Default on all previous version of this report. Last Updated: DC 04/07/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 2 of 3 The Radiology Information Solution 308866891 Document Control Title Author File Ref. RIS_CRIB291_02.09.10e_Correct_Procedures_for_ Calculating_Diagnostic_Waiting_Times_v1.1 Date Created David Costin RIS_CRIB291 Approval Sign-off Owner 01/09/2009 Role Method of approval Date David Costin Trainer / Application Specialist Verbal 06/05/2010 Approver Role Method of approval Date Emma Savage-Mady Training / Documentation Manager Verbal 06/05/2010 Change History Issue Date 1.0 01/09/2009 1.1 04/07/2011 Author / Editor DC DC Review Date 04/07/2011 Last Updated: DC 04/07/2011 Details of Change First Issue Amendments to version number for 2.09.10e Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 3 of 3