Transition Meaford Meeting July 9thx

Transition Meaford Meeting
July 9th, 7pm, 2014
Present: Rock P., Ivan C., Mary B., Barb L., Cathy M., Michelle D., JoAnn M. and
Jaden C.
Regrets: Lindy I., Liz B., Suzanne B., Rick E. and Steve G.
Project Updates:
 B&B
 The Gentle Bee Information Session with Rick Elzby
When? Thursday, July 17 th at 6:30 pm
Where? Meaford Public Library in the Library Board Room
Learn more about the current threats to our bee population.
Free of charge.
■ Space is limited. Register ASAP - can call 538-1060 x #1123
 New 4-year scientific analysis: Systemic pesticides pose global threat
to biodiversity and ecosystem services
The conclusions of a new meta-analysis of the systemic pesticides
neonicotinoids and fipronil confirm that they are causing significant
damage to a wide range of beneficial invertebrate species and are a key
factor in the decline of bees. Concern about the impact of systemic
pesticides on a variety of beneficial species has been growing for the last
20 years but the science has not been considered conclusive until now.
 Community Garden (Jaden and Mary)
 Meaford Community Gardens Market July 10th to September 5-7pm at
the Church of the Nazarene
 People are welcome to bring food to the market
 3 ‘Youth Helpers’ are now involved with Meaford Community Gardens
 Meaford Community Gardens will be at the Meaford Farmers’ Market
this Friday
 Meaford Community Gardens Visioning Meeting July 20th, 1-3pm, at
the Georgian Bay Secondary School Community Garden
 Where is Meaford Community Gardens going?
 Angela Klein and the home-school network have started planting
edible perennials/medicinals into the tiered beds next to the harbour
 Community Juice Press (Jaden)
 Community Juice Press survey has been distributed to the masses. If
interested, it is encouraged to fill out the survey.
Link to survey:
 Energy Mini-Grid Pilot
 Drake Landing Solar Community (
 Energy self-sufficiency
New Sparks
 1,000 Conversations
 The Village Green at Victoria Village on July 27th, 4-6pm
 Transition Meaford on September 10th, 7pm, at EcoInhabit
 Cooking classes to commence this Fall, beginning September 24th, at the
Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre
 One Wednesday of every month, September to April
 Golden Town Outreach and Municipality of Meaford collaboration
 Local guest chefs
 Island Green Screening (!islandgreen/cwuq ) (Jaden)
 Speakers? Mark Grahlman
 Action: Cathy will pursue the showing to be at the Christ Church
 Other showings venues: Marsh Street Centre, EcoInhabit?
Bridge to Local Government (Liz)
 Zoning Update re: Medical Marihuana (Public Meeting July 14th, 5pm)
 Waterfront Strategy Official Plan Policy Update - to implement strategy
recently approved by Council (Public Meeting July 28th)
 Comprehensive Update to Zoning By-law re: Official Plan update
 Includes urban agriculture and second units - to Council in September
(or that's the goal at this point)
 Citizen’s Charter Public Engagement Session at Meaford Hall July 15th, 79pm
 Meafords’ Economic Development (MEDS) priorities for the next 3 years have
been updated and one of the recommendations is that staff, in consultation
with the Farmers' Market, review the feasibility of a year-round Farmers'
Market to support and promote the Municipality of Meaford's agribusiness
and tourism sector
 Rotate who is to bring snacks to Transition Meaford meetings
 Cathy would like to bring snacks to the August 13th meeting!