minutes of the cumbernauld village community council help on 9th

Apologies for absence were received from Julie Flynn, Margaret Hunter, Oliver
Allen, Jean Shaw, Esther Murphy
Mr Archibald opened the meeting by welcoming those present and went on to
introduce Bridie Casey who is the liaison officer for HMC, the company working to
upgrade the A80. Bridie handed out information packs about the upgrade and gave a
brief presentation about the plans. She told members that she would take any
questions or queries back to the company and pass back their replies. However a full
information evening with all the technical staff, planners, traffic management officers
etc was scheduled to take place on 17th June. She emphasised that the whole process
will be open and consultative and they wanted to work as closely with local
communities as possible.
The company proposes to go into schools to make the children aware of Health and
Safety issues surrounding a motorway and they also donate money to a local charity
for each ¼ of the year that is free from site accidents.
The chairman then opened the meeting to questions and the following points were
raised. Bridie is going to get more information and pass it on to secretary
The main points that came from those attending were as follows;
1 What provision is being made to replant the trees and shrubbery once the work is
2 Why are some houses being given free surveys while others are having to pay in
excess of £120?
3 Concern was expressed about the extensive mine workings around Castlecary. Can
you give assurances that these have all been identified and properly dealt with?
4 How will the monitoring of air quality be carried out and what steps will be taken to
ensure that pollution is kept to a minimum?
5 How is the traffic going to be managed when all this work is being carried out?
6 As a result of all the felling, litter is now becoming a problem. What steps will be
taken to keep the area free from this eyesore?
7 What steps will be taken to keep the inconvenience of night working to a minimum?
The chairman thanked Bridie for her attendance and she then left the meeting.
Police Report
P.C.s Laing and Gunn reported that it had been a quiet month in the Village with only
1 report of vandalism, 1 assault, 1 road traffic violation and 1 disturbance of the peace.
It was brought to their attention that young people were making a nuisance of
themselves at the steps leading to Springfield Rd by drinking and urinating on the
pathways. They were also knocking on doors and asking to use the toilet and saying
that it was against the law for residents to refuse them. Police assured members that
that was certainly not the case and indeed, by allowing them entry could lead to lots
of other problems.
There has also been an increase of youths drinking at the tunnel leading to Dobbies.
Both PCs will keep an eye on both locations.
A resident of Rigghead Ave reported that the lights leading up to Dobbies are
constantly broken.
Secretary to write to lighting dept
The officers then left and the meeting returned to normal business
Minutes of the last meeting were approved by Mr Gibb, seconded by Mr Morgan
Mr Archibald thanked the C.C. for their good wishes and support during his recent
Matters Arising
Website; Mrs Morgan Klein reported on the progress of setting up a joint website
between the C.C. and CVAC. She had spoken to a professional website designer who
could produce a high quality site for between £700- £1200. She envisaged the site
promoting the whole area of Cumbernauld as a tourist attraction, including a forum
for the exchange of ideas, suggestions etc, displaying the rich history of the area and
generally keeping the public up to date with the work of both the CC and CVAC. She
would be willing to keep the information up to date and Mr Allen is also willing to get
involved. There may be other funding available and there is also the offer of help
from CVS. It was agreed in principal to support the project as long as it conformed to
the rules for CC spending
Secretary to clarify with NLC
Buses; Mr Gibb reported his disappointment at the lack of enforcement of the
pollution bye laws at the Town Centre where the buses still appear to be idling with
their engines running
Secretary will contact Environmental Health Dept
Ardenlea; Mr Border reported that he had seen various people inside the house and
although he did not know the purpose of their visit, he hopes things might be moving
forward to get the house in better repair.
Mr Morgan Klein will raise the matter with Richard Cartwright when they meet next
Secretary`s Report
1 A letter from Mr Allen was read out with his suggestions for the use of the CARS
bid. Everyone agreed with the proposals with the proviso that the school may not now
be big enough to accommodate all the suggested activities and it may be necessary to
consider a new build extension. Full report Appendix 1
Mr Archibald added the suggestion that the bell tower in the Wynd Hall be floodlit
2 A letter was forwarded from Councillor Johnston re the planning application from
Barr`s to site a wind turbine at Westfield. After discussion the Council decided not to
enter and objection. App.2
3 In response to Mr Johnston`s letter re the building site at the boys` home, Mr
MacKay assured him that his inspectors will ensure that pathways are kept clear and
the pothole has been temporarily filled in awaiting the permanent connection of a
sewer pipe but ultimately the enforcement of no parking regulations belongs to
Strathclyde Police. Both letters on file
4 In response to members` queries, Mr Allen had forwarded the letter from NLC from
October 08 stating that the cost of the boys` home was estimated at £1,848,537. On
5 Three letters on file re pollution monitoring at the A80. A monitoring device will be
placed at Peter Johnston`s yard and regularly checked by NLC pollution control
6 Two letters re Jubilee Gardens. The landscaping dept have visited the site and will
prune back the trees, tidy it up and when the area is “released” from Kirsty Grey, will
consult with surrounding residents re planting.
7 Jubilee Park- 4 letters; Mrs Flynn awaiting a call re a meeting with other groups re
the reinstatement of the play equipment.
Ken Wilson had looked into the possibility of using the park for soil landfill from the
A 80 but he did have reservations re the high level of heavy traffic that would entail
and the ongoing flooding problems. He believes the company have now found other
8 Letter from Patrick Kelly, head of planning re CARS bid- a response to Mr
Johnson`s letter- on file
9 Letter to clarify CCspending only on administrative costs. Liz written to clarify if
website is considered “administrative”
10 On file –changes to planning system. Greater involvement for CC
From 3rd August, any planning application for a major development will have had a
pre planning application consultation with communities. Prospective applicants will
have to send relevant CC s details of their proposed development and how they intend
to consult the wider community- this must include one public event where public can
make comment. Oliver registered us for e mail alerts
11 Secretary to respond to Cathie Craigie re Householder permitted development
rights consultation. We were not consulted.
Forms now with secretary. Table till next meeting to consult Tom Johnston
Treasurer`s Report
Currently in bank, £3312.20 ; cash in hand £47.35 total £3359.55
Accounts are due at auditor by 14th April and we are due to pay annual insurance.
Mr Morgan Klein reported on their last meeting. The business plan is almost
completed. All plans, however depend on the outcome of the feasibility study
due to be done around August. The basis for consultation with Villagers will be along
the lines of the various ideas for the use of the building as outlined in Mr Allen`s
paper. There is still the possibility that there may be houses built on the playground
space even if the building does become a Centre. Mr Irvine expressed his concern that
if the ground is not used up, there may be the possibility of the home being extended
Disabled Bay
Mr Border reported that a resident of Mainhead Terr has asked him to bring up the
matter of his disabled bay being used by anyone parking in the square. He understood
that anyone with a sticker can use it but that is not the case hre. He also reported that
the siting of a recycling station was causing more traffic into the square and more
mess when it overflows.
Secretary to write to Tom Johnston with these concerns
Peace Garden
Mr Border reported that some of the plants in the garden looked dead. Secretary to
contact parks dept to check if they are in fact in need of replacement or if they
will grow again in the spring
There being no further business, the chairman thanked everyone for attending and
reminded them that the next meeting on the 14th May would be addressed by a
member from the planning dept talking about the local plan