INDOOR RECESS - PrincipalsPage

One grade level at a time walks the halls for exercise. They do this during
noon recess every other day. We are marking the distance in miles that
we have walked on the US map. The kids are having fun with this.
We go to the gym with 30 kids at a time for 10 minutes.
Our students stay in the classrooms during indoor recess. We have three
paraprofessionals in the building, and they supervise lunch recess. Each
room has board games, one room is just a quiet room for reading.
Each classroom has a paraprofessional. They can play board games, read,
pretty much any quiet activity.
In the morning the students use our cafeteria and music room. At lunch
recess we have a large gym that we pull a divider curtain down the middle
so we can get two grades at a time. Afternoon recess is back in the
cafeteria and half of the gym if needed. Paraprofessionals supervise all
K-1 has recess in their classroom and grades 2-3 go to the gym. Lunch
and recess are paid positions and monitored by the teachers. All students
sit in the bleachers and take turns according to plans and grade levels by
the teacher to go onto the gym floor. Some students play basketball,
while others play jump rope and other organized games.
Students go to the gym, supervised by aides and teachers. Grades 3-6
play and 7-8 sit and talk.
They stay in their own classrooms. Homeroom teachers have the
discretion to offer a recess (indoor or outdoor) which is typically behavior
related/incentive. Indoor recess activities are usually board games,
computer access, etc.
Students stay in their classrooms. Lunchroom supervisors (moms)
supervise the students. In the primary grades, 5th grade patrol students
assist during indoor recess by running games within the classrooms and
helping to make sure the little ones are behaving appropriately. In my
special education classrooms, the instructional aides stay in the classroom
with students. The instructional aides eat their lunch after the rest of the
faculty does. Teachers review with students the games that they are
allowed to play. Many have a cabinet designated for indoor recess
activities. Students play board games, Lego’s, color, homework, writing on
the board.
We have three non-dedicated classrooms that are not used during lunch.
One is the quiet room – students can bring a book, draw, or color. One is
the movie room and one is the game room – a supervisor leads in a group
game (heads up 7up, etc). The rooms are supervised by staff members
who are paid to supervise lunch recess during their own plan or lunch
They stay in the classroom with the teacher. They play quick academic
board games the PTO purchased and teachers made.
The gym is used for inside recess. Paraprofessionals supervise ½ recess,
teachers other half. Students play basketball, volleyball, jump rope, etc.
Students stay in classrooms. Recess supervisors supervise. We have 6
classrooms per grade and 4 supervisors. They move among rooms. During
recess students can play board games, read, draw, listen to books on
tape, visit with friends.
Students go to the gym. The same teachers/supervisors supervise as
when outside. They can bring anything that can be done while sitting
down: dry erase boards and markers, Lego’s, etc.
They go to the gym if it is free. If not, they stay in classrooms. Our
building aide supervises the indoor recesses. If in classrooms, other aides
supervise. Students play board games.
We do recess before lunch. We cut the gym in half with a divider.
Students go to recess for 15 minutes, clean hands with sanitizer, go to
lunch for 15 minutes. The assistant principal supervises both recess and
lunch. One supervisor stays at recess and two in the cafeteria. There are
two lines for basketball shots, dry erase boards and markers for the
bleachers, building blocks, checkers, tunnels for climbing, and bean bag