Consultation document - Leigh CE Junior School

Consultation on proposal for Leigh CE Juniors
Consultation on proposals to change the two infant and the one junior school in Leigh to through schools so that they
cater for children age 4 to 11.
There are currently two infant and one junior school in Leigh.
The school places available are as follows:
Age range
Leigh CE Infants
St John’s CE Infants, Leigh
Leigh CE Juniors
Current admission
Total capacity of places
within the school
4-7 (key stage 1)
4-7 (key stage 1)
7-11 (key stage 2)
Current pupil numbers at the three schools
Leigh CE Infant School
St John’s CE Primary School
Leigh CE Juniors
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Currently, children who attend one of the infant schools must transfer school at the end of year 2 (end of key stage 1) to continue
with their junior (key stage 2) education.
The current total admission numbers of Leigh CE Infant School and St John’s CE Infant School is 105. The admission number of
Leigh CE Juniors is 97.
Our Proposal
Wigan Council’s proposal is that the three schools detailed above will start the process to become all through schools catering for
children aged 4 to 11 years old.
Leigh CE Infants
St John’s CE Infants, Leigh
Leigh CE Juniors
Proposed age range
4 to 11
4 to 11
4 to 11
Proposed admission
Proposed total capacity of
places within the school
The proposals mean there will be 105 places per year group across all three schools by the time the new admission numbers have
worked their way through.
This booklet relates to the changes proposed for Leigh CE Junior School. However, in order for the proposals to go ahead, all
three schools will need to change so that all the children can be catered for.
If the proposals go ahead, the changes will start to happen in September 2016 and the new admission number will
gradually work its way through the school.
NB: All three schools will change their names to reflect that they will no longer be infant or junior only schools. The names of the
schools will be determined by governors in conjunction with Manchester diocese if the proposals are approved.
Reasons for the proposed changes
For many pupils and their parents/carers, transitioning or transferring from an infant to a junior school often causes unnecessary
stress and anxiety beyond that which is typical for a child moving from the infant class into lower junior class within a full primary
school. Subsequently children take longer to settle into their new school and therefore this impacts on their learning and progress.
All the other schools in the Wigan Council local authority area are all through primary schools catering for children aged 4 to 11.
This means once children are admitted there is no need for them to transfer until they are of secondary age. We believe that this
continuity of primary education gives stability and supports effective learning outcomes for all pupils, as there are no changes of
school between Key Stages 1 and 2. The proposal also decreases the need for the additional school journeys that parents
currently have to make to collect children from both the two infant and one junior school.
All three schools are popular, with the two infant schools having received outstanding and the junior school having received a good
in their latest Ofsted inspections.
The proposed changes to Leigh CE Juniors and what this will mean for you and your child
Children who are already at Leigh CE Juniors will continue to receive their education at the school until they reach the end of year 6
when they will transfer to secondary school.
From September 2016 the school will have an admission number of 45 and parents will be able to apply for places in reception
class year on year from this point forward.
In addition, Leigh CE Juniors will also continue to admit year 3 children from Leigh CE Infants for 3 years. This will be for the 2016,
2017 and 2018 September intakes. The number of children who will be admitted from Leigh CE Infants for these year groups will
be 30 although if more children apply for a place, the school may admit more.
Transition to Year 3
There are already strong links between Leigh CE Infants and Leigh CE Junior School. Transition to school for the children from
Leigh CE Infants will be supported through a number of events and activities. Many collaborative events are held during the school
year, which enable pupils from both the infant and junior schools to work together in various ways. In the summer term Year 2 and
Year 3 teachers meet to discuss in detail each child’s learning and development. Year 2 children also make half day visits to the
junior school, including a ‘real’ taster session which involves a morning in their new class, learning alongside their new teacher.
The two effective Learning Mentors also collaborate to prepare and support individuals and families through the transition.
Staffing at the school and educating children
We have explained the reasons for the proposed change and the benefits to children and schools earlier in this document. Both
teachers and teaching assistant at the school have undergone a stringent recruitment process and have been selected on the basis
of their excellent professional knowledge and skills in primary education. All of the teachers within Leigh CE Junior School
possess transferrable professional skills to ensure the highest quality provision. For Leigh CE Junior School the proposed change
will mean the school will reduce from 388 to 315 school places. We will work closely with the Headteacher and governors in
supporting staff at the school through the proposed changes.
Changes to the school buildings
The proposal will require building work, including some internal remodelling of the school’s existing accommodation, to provide
sufficient classrooms and facilities appropriate for infant aged pupils.
Any construction work will be organised to minimise any disruption to pupils by completing any intrusive remodelling works during
school holiday periods. All alterations to the school building will only be done with the agreement of the school and governors to
best meet the school’s operational needs.
Consultation process
We will hold meetings to give you more details about the proposal and to answer any questions you may have.
Date, time and venue
Who should attend
Meeting for staff
Date: 29 September 2014
Time: 3.30 pm
Venue: Leigh CE Juniors
All staff of Leigh CE Juniors
Meeting for
All governors of Leigh CE Juniors
29 September 2014
Leigh CE Juniors
1st October 2014
9.15am to 11am and
3.30pm to 6pm
Venue: Leigh CE Juniors
This session is open to everyone but especially to parents of pupils attending
Leigh CE Juniors or those who may have children who will attend in the future.
If you wish to attend this session, please contact Leigh CE Juniors either in
person or by phone on 01942 671389 and you will be allocated a time to attend.
The consultation process
This is non statutory pre-consultation. The information provided here and at the consultation sessions should be enough to enable
people to form an initial view on the proposal. However, at this stage we have not worked out every detail of the proposal as we
need to listen to your views and concerns so that the detailed proposals which we make later in the process can take these into
account. We are sorry that due to the volume of responses we receive when consulting on proposals for schools we will not be able
to acknowledge written responses nor enter into correspondence with interested parties during or after the consultation period.
This consultation is primarily concerned with the educational elements of the proposal to change the age range of the school at
Leigh CE Juniors so that it caters for children age range 4 to 11 years. However, as detailed above this consultation is linked to
other proposals at Leigh CE Infant and Leigh St John’s CE Infant Schools.
Residents and members of the community will be consulted on any proposals to change the buildings as part of the planning
application process, which will take place later, and their views will be reported back to the council.
Please note that all responses to this consultation will be made available to Elected Members (councillors) for decision making
Next steps
We must follow strict legal procedures to change the age range and enlarge a school. The timetable below shows the periods of
consultation and dates when decisions are expected to be made. If you make your views known outside of these periods, or in any
other way than described, they cannot be taken into account.
Consultation – during this time you can make your views known by
 attending the open consultation sessions (notes will be taken);
 writing to or emailing the council; or
 completing the response form at the end of this booklet
Results of the consultation will go to the Cabinet of the council. Cabinet will decide whether it
wishes to move on to the next stage of consultation
Representation period – Statutory notices are published. These are public notices that appear in
the local newspaper, at the entrances to the school and in another public place in the area, such
as a community centre or library. You can make your views known at this stage by writing to or
emailing the council at the address on page 8. The address and date by which you must send
written comments will also be given on the public notice.
The council makes the final decision on the proposal*
School is enlarged and the school becomes a school that caters for 4 to 11 year olds.
23 September to 21 October 2014
13 November 2014
4 December 2014 to 15 January
19 February 2015
1 September 2016
*The following can appeal against the council’s decision: the Bishop of the Liverpool Archdiocese; the Manchester Church of
England Diocese; and the governors of Leigh CE Infant School.
Please note that the timetable may alter. The council or the staff at Leigh CE Juniors will be able to tell you if this happens and let
you know the new dates we are working towards.
Circulation list
We are consulting the following:
Parents and prospective parents of children attending Leigh CE Infants, St John’s CE Infant School, Leigh and Leigh CE
Pupils at Leigh CE Infants, St John’s CE Infant School, Leigh and Leigh CE Juniors
Governors and staff of Leigh CE Infants, St John’s CE Infant School, Leigh and Leigh CE Juniors
Diocesan authorities
Other primary schools in the area
Trade Unions and Professional Associations
Elected Members (councillors)
The local Member of Parliament
The local community (via web site, placing of document in local community settings and in early years settings)
Voluntary groups that use the school premises
Address for correspondence
Wigan Council
People Directorate: Children and Families
School Organisation Team
Waterside House
Waterside Drive
Phone: 01942 486035
Proposal for Leigh CE Juniors
Please read the booklet carefully before making your response below. Please place an
your views.
x in the box that most closely describes
a) Do you think that the booklet clearly explains what we intend to do at Leigh CE Juniors? Yes
b) Do you understand how and when to make your views known? Yes
c) Do you think that we should continue with the proposals for Leigh CE Juniors?
d) If you think that we should NOT continue with these proposals please state below why you think this is:
e) If you are planning to attend a drop-in session, please tick a box should you need special assistance with:
Please write your name, address and telephone number below so that we can contact you about these requirements:
6. Please tell us who you are:
a) A parent of a pre-school child:
b) A parent or guardian of a child attending Leigh CE Juniors:
c) A member of staff at Leigh CE Juniors:
d) A member of staff at another school (please state):
e) A governor at Leigh CE Juniors:
f) A governor at another school (please state):
g) A member of the community:
h) Other:
Please provide your name and address below (this information is for identification purposes only and will not be shared beyond the
Please return your completed form no later than 21 October 2014 to:
Wigan Council
People Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
School Organisation Team
Waterside House
Waterside Drive