How to Read the Numbers in the MRI Tables

MCOM 323 Media Planning
Dr. Kwangmi K. Kim
How to Read the Numbers in the MRI Tables
This handout is to design to help you understand how to read MRI numbers once
you locate its tables. Along with this handout, make sure that you read Exercise 4
(p. 14 and 16) and 5 (p. 19-20) from Media Flight Plan textbook.
“Base” Column
Numbers in this column shows the total population estimate for each segment listed in the
first column (e.g., men, women, household heads, homemakers, 18-24, etc.) within the
“Report Base” (e.g., adults, female homemakers, etc.), regardless of their product
usage. This Base number is for all adults in the U.S., not just for those who use certain
products. You need to add “,000” to all numbers, as they are expressed in thousands.
E.g., The first number 201715(000) means: It is estimated that there are
210,715,000 adults (see “Report base”) in the U.S.
“Proj (Projected)” Column
This column reports projected number of product users (in this case, People traveled
to South in 2001) in each segment.
E.g., The first number 59097(000) means: It is estimated that there are 59,097,000
adults who traveled to South in the U.S. in 2001. (As you can see in “Travel:
Domestic, Primary Destination South).
“Pct (Percent) down” Column
This column converts the raw number in the “Proj” column into percentage.
E.g., Find “24.1” under the pct_down column that corresponds to 35-44 age
group. This number means that 24.1% of all travelers to South are in the age
group of 35-44. You can also verify this percentage number by dividing
________________ over __________________, then multiplying by _______ to
get a percentage. As you can figure out, the percentage is referenced to the total
product users.
“Pct (Percent) acrs” Column
This column also converts the raw numbers in the “Proj” column into percentage.
However, this column has a different reference from “Pct down.” It is referenced from
the Base column number, not “Proj” column number.
E.g., Find 31.6 under “Pct_acrs” column that corresponds to 35-44 age group.
This number means that 31.6% of all 35-44 years old adults are travelers who
made their primary destination to South. You can verify this number by dividing
____________ over ____________________, then multiplying by ____ to
convert into a percentage. The percentage is referenced to the total adults age 3544.
“Indx (Index)” Column
Each number in this column is called index because it compares two percentages in “Pct
across” column: one is for the “average” travelers to South, and the other is for each
segment (e.g., those in age 35-44). Index numbers show relative strengths and
weaknesses in different groups. Average percentage of the travelers to South in the total
population appears at the very top of the “Pct across” column (29.3). The index for age
35-44 age group is 108: comparing its “Pct across” (31.6%) with average “Pct across”
(29.3%). An index of 100 represents the average potential for usage in the
population as a whole. An index of over 100 is above average, and an index below
100 represents a group with lower than average potential for usage.
Index 108 for age 35-44 segment means that age 35-44 adults are 8% more likely
to travel to South than the general population. You can verify this index number
by dividing ________ over _______, then multiplying by ______ to make a
whole number.
****** Profile of Travelers to South: What do we look for to describe major
characteristics of Travelers to South from the MRI table? *****
Use the number in the “Pct down” and “Index” as basis of profiling your
current product users. You are looking for a substantial number in “Pct
down” and an above-average in the index.
In this example, age 35-44 group and age 45-54 group appear to be heavy
travelers to South. About 45% of travelers to South are in age between 35-54.