Taunton School Parent-Teachers` Association Meeting 8.00pm

Taunton School Parent-Teachers’ Association
Meeting 8.00pm, Tuesday 10th November, 2009
Dr Newton – Hon President
Alexandra Messervy – Chair
Judy Skinner – co-Vice Chair
Janet Butters – co-Vice Chair
Ray Dormer – Treasurer
Jenny Metherall – Deputy Treasurer
Kate Adams – Secretary
Rev Atkinson
Eileen McCarthy
Caroline Tucker
M.E. Cowling
Mr Anderson
Mrs McLaughlan
Mr Beale
Chris Coates-Dale – Nursery
Gill Stacey – Reception
Rachel Holden - Nursery
Dee Cornish – Year 6
Karen Wolferstan-Bannister – Year 7
Lorraine Boulton – Year 8
Caroline Upton – Year 8
Vicky Hebditch – Goodland, Bevan
Nick Cowling - Goodland
Caroline Rainford - Jenkin
Victoria Price - Besley
Francesca James - Evans
Julian Thompson – Fairwater
Annie Thompson - Fairwater
Michelle Roberts – Wills West
Sue Jameson – Wills East
Ben McHardy – student rep
Ruth Woolstencroft – Year 1
Kit Grace – Year 4
Debs White - Marshall
Nicky Foulds - Weirfield
Jane Pickard - Weirfield
Minutes of the last meeting
Were approved (proposed: Janet Butters; seconded: Nick Cowling).
Headmaster’s report
Dr Newton said that Mr Anderson, who was absent due to sickness, had very much
enjoyed his final post-Choir Tour concert, which had included surprise performances by
old Prep School pupils.
Dr Newton reported that he had recently attended a reception for Old Tauntonians held at
the British Embassy in Paris; the Ambassador is an Old Tauntonian, and has been invited
to come to the school to address both students and parents. The CEO of RBS spoke to a
packed audience at the last recent John Rae Society meeting; future speakers include the
former ambassador to Israel, and Iain Duncan-Smith. The school aims to expand its
provision of educational events for parents; areas under examination include Mandarin,
History of Art, IT, and science, and Dr Newton also drew parents’ attention to a
forthcoming Five Tors fundraising event planned for the summer.
The Senior School achieved great success at the recent independent schools public
speaking event at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, achieving awards for best
speaker under 16, best overseas team, and best team. On the cultural front, the recent
informal concert will be followed by A Little Night Music, The Messiah on 6th
December, The Taming of the Shrew, and, in the summer, Jesus Christ Superstar. The
school has seen success in hockey and netball, and the rugby 1st XV has big games
coming up.
The school is looking at new dates for the China trip, which had to be postponed due to
concerns about swine flu, and parents will be consulted in the end of term mailing. The
governors will make a final decision about the trip in February. The school is also talking
to students and preparing staff for the new A* grade at A-level: five universities currently
recognise this grade, and this number will increase next year.
Alexandra Messervy congratulated Dr Newton on the DVD about the Sixth Form used at
the recent event for Fifth formers and their parents; Dr Newton confirmed that similar
DVDs are available for pupils considering entry at 11+ and 13+.
Treasurer’s report
Ray Dormer reported that the recent nearly-new sale and tea party raised around £100
[NB: Ray later informed officers that this sum was actually £35.60: the error was due to a
misunderstanding in the finance office.] The PTA also earned £75 in commission from
the school photographer. The PTA’s accounts have been approved by the school auditors;
parents who would like to see a copy of the accounts, or who have any questions about
them, should contact Ray. Money raised at the forthcoming Christmas Fair will, as usual,
be shared equally between the PTA fund and the school charities; all money collected by
the children will go to the charities. A letter inviting contributions to Mr Anderson’s
leaving gift is going out to all parents.
Matters arising from minutes
a. New playground development
Jenny Metherall reported that work on the playground has not yet started, due to a delay
in obtaining planning permission. However, the public consultation part of the process
has now ended, with no objections being raised, and permission should be received soon.
The plan now is to complete certain parts of the development, eg the amphitheatre, as
soon as possible, though it is unlikely that all the work will be finished by the time Mr
Anderson retires.
b. Heads’ Supper, 6th March 2010
Ray Dormer said that the events department will organise this fundraiser, with the PTA
just being responsible for selling tickets, which will be available after Christmas. Dr
Newton suggested inviting pupils to provide a cabaret, and this was welcomed.
c. Quiz, 30th April 2010
This event is to replace the Gourmet Quiz which was cancelled in September (although
there were so many late applications that it could in fact have been held). Alexandra
Messervy explained that there will be a ploughman’s supper, as planned before, but no
wine tasting, and Dr Newton has kindly agreed to be quiz master.
d. Parents’ directory
The new Parents’ directory for the whole school is being sent out with school mailings; it
includes extra information this year, such as email addresses for each class teacher and
member of house staff, and PTA contact details.
e. Christmas Fair, 27th November 2009
Dee Cornish, who chairs the Christmas Fair committee, said that plans were going well.
Raffle tickets have been sent home to Prep School parents with the Courier; Dee asked
reps to encourage parents to send their ticket stubs with payment back to school. Mr
Bailey has agreed to organise tables, Caroline Upton is co-ordinating “outside” stalls,
Ray Dormer will provide a float, and Young Enterprise will be selling a cookbook at the
event. An article in the Courier will ask Pre-Prep parents to send in a cake, as usual, for
the cake stall, and Prep School parents will be asked for a luxury item for the raffle
hampers. There will be a book stall, as usual, but no toy stall for logistical reasons,
although almost-new jigsaws and board games will be welcome.
Dee asked reps to encourage parents who are planning to help on the day to contact her: it
would be most helpful to have an idea of volunteer numbers in advance.
f. Formation of committee for Ball, 2nd July 2010
Alexandra Messervy said that plans for the Ball are in hand, including a return to holding
it in the marquee. Judy Skinner has kindly agreed to chair the Ball committee, and a
number of previous committee members have volunteered to serve again. Ben McHardy,
student rep, was also invited to join, and to encourage other Sixth Formers to do so, and
kindly agreed to do this, as previously discussed with Simon Smith and John Newton.
Judy will organise the first meeting on 16th November.
Fifth Form away-day
Dr Newton explained that, because of the difficulty in finding a suitable evening date that
did not clash with GCSE exams, the Fifth Form prom will this year be replaced by a
daytime outing.
Any other business
Year 8 Ball: Lorraine Boulton said that this event has been scheduled for 12th June 2010;
she and Cathy Mileham are organising the Ball, which is not a PTA event.
Sports kit: Julian Thompson asked when the new tracksuits should be worn, and Dr
Newton said that they were suitable for all occasions, though particularly for public
events. He will ask staff to reiterate this to pupils. Mr Todd will talk to Janet Butters and
Fiona Woodhead about this, and about sports kit more generally.
Food technology: Victoria Price asked whether the school would consider putting this on
the curriculum. Dr Newton replied that he was planning to write to parents of pupils in
the Fourth and Fifth Forms to gauge interest in courses about food and cooking, perhaps
as after-school provision, or else as an accredited course.
Forthcoming meetings
All at 8.00pm in the Old Library:
19th January
2nd March
18th May
15th June