Isaac Newton and his Contributions to Science

Isaac Newton and His Scientific
By: Perri Tucker
Who is Sir Isaac Newton??
Isaac Newton was born on December
He was an English mathematician and
Physicist who invented calculus
In 1665 he found the answer to the
binomial theorem, that mathematicians
had struggled to solve for years.
Newton identified the force as gravity and
determined its mathematical nature.
Universal Law of Gravitation
Newton’s law of gravitation shows that the
force of gravity between any two objects is
directly related to the masses of the two
objects but inversely related to the square
of the distance between the centers of the
two objects.
This means that gravitational force is
greater between two objects of a greater
mass, and less between objects of lesser
Newton’s law of gravitation was created in
1666, describes the gravitational
attraction between objects.
The force of their gravitational attraction
(F) depends on their masses and the
distance between them.
The universal gravitational constant of
proportionality in Newton’s equation, (G)
determines the strength of the force of the
gravitational interaction between objects.
Newton’s Law of Gravitation Equation
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
1) An object at rest stays at rest, and
an object in uniform motion
remains in that state of motion
unless an external force is applied
to it. (Law of Inertia)
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
2) A force causes acceleration of an
object. (F=ma)
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
3) For every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction.
Interactive sites
 Col, Jeananda. Enchanted Learning. 1996
 Kuykendall, Keith. "Newton's Laws." Quia. 2006. 23
May 2006 <>.
 "Newton's History Page." Think Quest. 15 Aug.
2005. 23 May 2006
 Spaulding, Nancy E., and Samuel N. Namowitz.
Earth Science. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal Littell,
1999. 406-407.
 White, Michael. Isaac Newton. Woodbridge,
Connecticut: Blackbirch P, Inc., 1999. 6.