Escondido After-School Enrichment Program TENTATIVE Fall 2011 Schedule as of 8/11/2011 When you register, please check for changes in times at (click on “About” tab and choose “After School Programs”) Monday Pappa Art (drawing/cartooning) Grades 1-5 TheatreWorks KBAM Grades 3-5 Run for Fun Grades 1-5 2:50-4:10 3:00-4:30 2:45-3:45 Communication & Leadership Ale’s Art in Spanish DezignKidz After School Math Berlitz Mandarin Berlitz Mandarin Spanish Grades Grades Grades Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-2 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-2 3-5 K-5 2:50-3:50 2:50-3:50 2:55-4:25 3:00-4:30 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 Ale’s Art in Spanish Ale’s Art in Spanish Yes For Chess Yoga Club Soccer Shots Soccer Shots Kinder Grades Grades Grades Grades Grades 1-5 K-5 K-5 K 1-2 12:00-1:20 1:30-2:30 1:30-2:30 1:30-2:45 12:00-12:40 1:30-2:10 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday HIP-HOP Grades K-5 Communication and Leadership Grades 3-5 French Grades K-5 Real Science Kinder Real Science Grades 1-5 2:50-3:50 2:50-3:50 3:00-4:00 12:05-1:05 2:55-3:55 Friday After School Hoops After School Hoops Pappa Art (clay!!) Ale’s Art in Spanish Grades Grades Grades Grades K-2 3-5 1-5 1-5 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 2:50-4:20 2:50-3:50 Updated information and registration materials can be found at: Escondido – Fall 2011 Escondido After-School Enrichment Program The after-school enrichment program consists of classes offered by outside providers, coordinated by the PTA. All students are welcome! See back for a listing of after school classes by day of the week. Information and registration materials can be found at: (click on “About” tab and choose “After School Programs”) You must register with the individual course providers. Please DO NOT leave registration forms or payments in the school office. Classes are at Escondido. Enrollment is first-come, firstserved. No supervision of children is provided prior to or at the end of the classes. Please pick up your child promptly! For questions about a specific class or to inquire about scholarships, please contact the provider directly. For other questions, contact Haya Rubin, our Escondido PTA rep for After-School Activities, at Please mark your calendars for Thursday, August 25th, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm to meet after-school providers on Back-To-School Night, 1 hour before the official start time of Back-To-School night and the PTA meeting.