Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry-Series 1

Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry – Series 1
Cosmetic Enhancement for the Edentulous
Joe Massad, DDS
This program highlights some central aesthetic concerns in prosthodontics and the
practical techniques used to address them. In reviewing a typical case, Dr.
Massad explains methods he uses to achieve individualized, natural-looking and
aesthetically pleasing results for all of his patients. In particular, he discusses the
proper use of the aesthetic control base, aesthetically viable construction and
fitting of the denture, and use of a lingualizing bur system on the posteriors.
Dental Beauty
Clinical Realities: Anterior Restoration Utilizing Novel All-Ceramic
Thomas Trinkner, DDS
This program examines a post-orthodontic aesthetic correction featuring 10
refractory veneer restorations of the patients’ anterior teeth. The goals of the
procedure are to achieve both improved functionality and aesthetic enhancement.
The correction includes recontouring of both lingual and facial surfaces to achieve
maximum anterior guidance and harmony between the anteriors and posteriors.
The role of the ceramist, proper preparation design, and specific preparation,
temporization, and final restoration techniques are examined in the context of a
typical case.
Combining Aesthetic and Functional Principles to Produce Predictable
Simplified Smile Design
David Hornbrook, DDS, FAACD
Learning how to design a smile is part science and part artistry. It is also the key
step in developing the cosmetic side of your practice. Over the past 10 years,
science has given dentists a number of new tools to aid them in the process of
designing of smile. Still, a number of variables exist in creating a smile. Which
is why it is critical that the aesthetic dentist know exactly what to look for. Watch
how Dr. Hornbrook works with his patient in terms of gaining input and
acceptance, getting a very clear picture of what the patient really wants, and
showing enthusiasm for the entire process.
Simplified Smile Design
Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry – Series 2
The Art & Science of Digital Photography
Dr. Michael Koczarski & Nelson Rego, CDT
Digital imaging is playing an ever-increasing role in aesthetic dentistry. Today,
more and more practices are utilizing digital photography to enhance the
communication process among patient, dentist and ceramist, thereby achieving a
better aesthetic result. This program shows you how to take high-quality portrait
and intra-oral photographs and outlines the keys to integration of digital imaging
in your practice.
The Art of Digital Photography
Part 1: Diagnostically-Driven Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning
John C. Kois, DMD, MSD, PLLC
After viewing this program, the clinician should: learn a systematic approach for
treatment planning of every patient in the practice, recognize the four most
important diagnostic categories, be aware of critical risk parameters to minimize
failures and maximize successful results, and learn protocols to implement
treatment-planning strategies.
Diagnostically-Driven Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning
Part 2: Diagnostically-Driven Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning
John C. Kois, DMD, MSD, PLLC
After viewing this program, the clinician should: continue journey to practicing
predictable and profitable dentistry, discover a systematic approach to the new
patient experience, and learn the best way to use an articulator to communicate
with the lab.
Diagnostically-Driven Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning – Part 2
Part 1: Ortho for the GP
David Jackson, DDS
In this program, Dr. David Jackson discussed the challenges and rewards of
integrating orthodontics into the general practice. He begins by outlining the six
goals of occlusion: Teeth are level, Teeth are aligned, Teeth are free of rotation,
Teeth are contacting with other teeth, Patient has good ‘Class One’ occlusion,
There is proper tip and torque in anteriors and posteriors… And then adds to the
list a seventh vital element – a beautiful smile. Together, he says, form and
function/art and science become the foundation for orthodontic care. Dr. Jackson
then illustrates several examples of orthodontic care using different appliances
and methodologies. All told, it is an enlightening, interesting and informative
program for today’s progressive general dentist.
Part 2: Ortho for the GP
David Jackson, DDS
Orthodontics for the GP
The Art of Endodontics
L. Stephen Buchanan, DDS, FICD, FACD
Until recently, most endodontic treatment was delivered by specialists. Today’s
high-end multidisciplinary general practitioners, however, are now discovering
the ability and benefits of delivering endodontic treatment themselves. The
advancement of products and materials has made the delivery of quality
endodontic simpler, safer and much more predictable. This program will cover
key challenges and solutions related to the delivery of endodontics while outlining
the keys to better communication with both patients and specialists.
The Art of Endodontics
Mastering the Art of Direct Resin, Part 1: Anterior Restoration
Dr. Ron Jackson, DDS
Program Highlights:
 Conservative direct resin restorations
 The essential features of a naturally shaded composite system
 The stratification of opacities to achieve life-like Class IV
 The indications and contraindications for the use of direct resin in the
 The advantages of the new posterior composite resin materials
 A new systematic technique for placing Class II direct resin restorations
Mastering the Art of Direct Resin, Part 1: Anterior Restoration
Mastering the Art of Direct Resin, Part 2: Posterior Restoration
Dr. Ron Jackson, DDS
Amalgams have served dentistry for almost a century. However, amalgam
fillings undergo constant corrosion and are not aesthetic. Also, they don’t seal or
strengthen teeth. The advancements made in adhesive technology and composite
resin materials have revolutionized restorative dentistry. The posterior direct
resin restoration not only satisfies patients ever increasing desires for aesthetics,
but may even be better dentistry. These restorations seal teeth, reinforce
remaining tooth structure and allow more conservative preparations. In this
presentation, Dr. Jackson will show a simplified, predictable placement technique
for the Class II direct resin restoration. The procedure is based on easy to use
adhesives, advanced resins specifically developed for posterior use and newly
designed instrumentation. These features, along with a standardized system of
resin placement, combine to reduce the time and effort for the dentist and increase
the aesthetic satisfaction of the patient. To achieve optimal functional and
aesthetic results, the clinician must first understand the indications and
Mastering the Art of Direct Resin, Part 2: Posterior Restoration
Posterior All-Ceramic Restorations
Dr. Cherilyn Sheets
When a dentist is asked, make my smile white and beautiful, many will see this as
a license to move forward with a full-mouth reconstruction before trying more
conservative approaches like bleaching. This program follows on patients’
journey from initial visit with Dr. Sheets to visits with an orthodontist, a
periodontist along with Dr. Sheet’s entire staff. Clinically, you will see a number
of innovative techniques used to replace the right second molar with alloy fillings
and the replacement of the 1st molar. All this is done under the clinical
Posterior All-Ceramic Restorations
Anterior Veneers – Utilizing Laser Tissue Recontouring
Dr. Michael Miyasaki, DDS
Dental laser technology is rapidly gaining ground as a safe, efficient alternative to
conventional dental practices. Laser procedures generally provide treatment that
is less invasive, less expensive and that requires less postoperative discomfort and
recovery time. The lasers do not interfere with existing metal implants and are
therefore simpler for the dentist to use. In addition to recontouring, there are
many other uses for the laser in everyday practice. Lasers are now being used for
many procedures, including gingivectomies, phrenectomies (with no bleeding),
and the treatment of simple cold sores. This program illustrates how to
implement advanced laser technology for tissue recontouring during a complex,
10-unit anterior veneers case. Dr. Miyasaki gives you an over-the-shoulder view
of the entire process, from diagnosis to patient consultation, preparation and postoperative follow through.
Anterior Veneers – Utilizing Laser Tissue Recontouring
Anterior Aesthetic Implants
Jennifer Cha, DMD, MS & Leon Chen, DMD, MS
In this program, Dr. Jennifer Cha, a founder and director of the Dental Implant
Institute of Las Vegas, demonstrates the protocols and techniques necessary for
the successful placement of three upper and four lower anterior implants. The
step-by-step surgical procedures are captured in minute detail and are further
enhanced by commentary from Dr. Cha.
Anterior Aesthetic Implants
Anterior All-Ceramic Restorations
David Hornbrook, DDS
In this powerful, 2-part, over-the-shoulder program, Dr. David Hornbrook helps a
fellow aesthetic dentist achieve and obtain the smile of his dreams. This exciting,
aesthetic case involves the placement of seven anterior veneers and one allporcelain crown. Additionally, there are several complications that are
compromising functionality, in addition to aesthetics, and Dr. Hornbrook
addresses those issues as well. He also provides several important lessons in
digital photography and gives a detailed account of the restorative materials and
techniques being used during the procedure.
Anterior All-Ceramic Restorations
Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry – Series 3
The Art of Photography, Part 1 of 2
Rhys Spoor, DDS, FAGD
In this special bonus program, Dr. Rhys Spoor shares his working knowledge of
photography. The program is a concise and meaningful condensation of
principles that you can rapidly assimilate and put into practice. “The photograph”
says Dr. Spoor, “can be used as a tool of communication with the laboratory,
become an indispensable part of the documentation and record of the progress of
a case, and can be your best source of marketing your services to new clients.” In
addition to teaching the basics, as well as the finer points of photography, Dr.
Spoor demonstrates how to create photographs that have emotional impact.
“Photographs are visual stories; as such, they are a very effective way to enter the
emotional side of the brain where a patient makes decisions about treatment,” he
The Art of Photography, Part 2 of 2
Rhys Spoor, DDS, FAGD
The Art of Photography
Full Mouth Reconstruction
Dr. Cherilyn Sheets & Dr. Jacinthe Paquette, Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute
In this segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 3, Dr. Cherilyn Sheets and
Dr. Jacinthe Paquette discuss the comprehensive examination after their patient
has had periodontal therapy and orthodontic treatment. The doctors also
demonstrate taking impressions for provisional restorations.
Full Mouth Reconstruction
Advanced Aesthetics and Lab Communication
Michael Miyasaki, DDS
In this powerful program, Dr. Michael Miyasaki discusses how you can
communicate more effectively with your lab to achieve even better aesthetic
results. “It doesn’t matter how good you prep,” says Miyasaki. “Often times, the
lab is the determining factor of the aesthetics, the form, and the fit – especially
contacts,” he explains. Additionally, Dr. Miyasaki explains that the patient’s
level of satisfaction is directly related to the final restorations, not the prep work
as performed by the dentist. “The patient doesn’t see our preparations or
impressions; what they see are the final restorations and if the color or fit is not
right, the patient doesn’t think of the lab – they think about our abilities as a
doctor.” In this program, you’ll also visit two labs that Dr. Miyasaki works with
to get their feedback and insights.
Advanced Aesthetics & Lab Communications
Perio-Surgery for the GP
W. Peter Nordland, DMD
A working knowledge of periodontics is necessary to ensure the best possible
dentistry. In this program, Dr. Peter Nordland, one of the undisputed world
leaders in periodontics, demonstrates how oral surgery can be the foundation for a
high-end restorative case.
Periodontal Plastic Surgery Techniques Vital to Aesthetic Dentistry
The Art & Science of Direct Resin Restorations, Part 1 of 2
In segments 1 and 2 of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 3, Dr. Newton Fahl, Jr.
discusses restorative techniques for diastema closure you can use to create direct,
lifelike restorations. Dr. Fahl explains the necessity of patient “buy-in,” the use of
a silicon matrix as a guideline for the size and placement of the restoration, the
importance of the shade selection stage of restoration, his field control methods,
and his Mylar strip pull through technique for creating embrasures. Dr. Fahl
illustrates the step-by-step protocol for diastema closure restorations, beginning
with the basic restoration, and including the refining techniques that produce trueto-life dentition.
The Art & Science of Direct Resin Restorations, Part 1 of 2
In segments 1 and 2 of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 3, Dr. Newton Fahl, Jr.
discusses restorative techniques for diastema closure you can use to create direct,
lifelike restorations. Dr. Fahl explains the necessity of patient “buy-in,” the use of
a silicon matrix as a guideline for the size and placement of the restoration, the
importance of the shade selection stage of restoration, his field control methods,
and his Mylar strip pull through technique for creating embrasures. Dr. Fahl
illustrates the step-by-step protocol for diastema closure restorations, beginning
with the basic restoration, and including the refining techniques that produce trueto-life dentition.
The Art & Science of Direct Resin Restorations, Parts 1 & 2
Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry – Series 4
Crown & Bridge: The Esthetic PFM
Dr. Mike DiTolla
“The more you prepare, the better the chances you’ll get a really aesthetic
restoration back from the laboratory.” In this edition of Excellence in Cosmetic
Dentistry 4, Dr. DiTolla discusses and demonstrates preparing the teeth, making
impressions, trying out provisionals, and cementing the final restorations using
porcelain fused-to-metal prostheses (PFMs). Learn the results of an exhaustive
study of the preparation and impression techniques of American dentists,
recognize the various treatment modalities available to the modern practitioner to
help him or her restore the mouth in an esthetic manner, learn to prepare teeth in a
predictable manner to achieve optimum reduction, aesthetics, and function, and
understand the indications and specifications for the new class of all-ceramic
restorative systems in comparison to esthetic PFM restorations.
Crown & Bridge: The Esthetic PFM
Esthetic Dentistry Utilizing Cerec Technology
Dr. Mark Morin, Great Lakes Education Center
“The future of dentistry is learning how to practice more efficiently and
effectively.” In this segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr. Mark
Morin takes you inside the operatory for aesthetic dentistry utilizing CEREC
technology. Learn to save healthy tooth structure through more conservative
preparations, maintain complete control of your restorations from preparation to
placement, understand how you can provide patients with highly esthetic and biocompatible restorations without temporaries, and learn to reduce overhead costs
and cancelled appointments.
Esthetic Dentistry Utilizing Cerec Technology
Esthetic Restorative Excellence with Inlays/Onlays, Part 1 of 2
Ronald D. Jackson, DDS, FAGD, FAACD
Learn the latest developments in esthetic, conservative, tooth reinforcing
restorations for posterior teeth, learn simplified preparation and placement
techniques, and understand longevity expectations to confidently include these
restorations in an esthetic restorative practice.
Esthetic Restorative Excellence with Inlays/Onlays, Part 2 of 2
Esthetic Restorative Excellence with Inlays/Onlays
Developing YOUR Esthetic Practice
Dr. William Dorfman
“If you can’t give ‘em the steak after the sizzle, you lose.” In this segment of
Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr. Bill Dorfman discusses the Extreme
Makeover phenomenon and how it can be integrated into your practice. Learn
how to manage and market your practice for maximum profitability, view a
demonstration of esthetic techniques, including smile design, learn how to do
your own local “Extreme Makeover”, learn to master anterior and posterior
composites / A step-by-step "cookbook" for success, and learn how to obtain
predictable results with porcelain veneers.
Developing YOUR Esthetic Practice
The Functional Requirements of Esthetic Success, Part 1 of 2
Jimmy Eubank, DDS
“Dentists who have practiced a long time have a goldmine with the backlog of
patients.” In this segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr. Jimmy
Eubank presents a case that requires a thorough knowledge of occlusal principles
and coordinated communication between the dentist and technician to achieve
optimum function as well as the aesthetic results that discerning patients expect.
Learn the newest and best prep designs for veneers and all ceramic crowns, learn
a system to prevent veneers and all ceramic crowns from chipping and breaking,
learn an occlusal philosophy and system that works, whether used for single tooth
dentistry or full mouth reconstruction, and learn how to predictably restore worn
dentition with transitional bonding.
The Functional Requirements of Esthetic Success, Part 2 of 2
The Functional Requirements of Esthetic Success
Ultimate Esthetics with Freehand Composite Bonding, Part 1 of 2
Dr. Corky Willhite
Discover how to use the stratification process to create optical effects, learn how
to perform shade selection and color mapping, learn how to use tints to create
color and more natural restorations, how to develop an “anatomical
morphological thinking process”, learn comprehensive information on adhesive
protocol, and learn conservative preparation designs, adhesive placement
techniques, contouring, and finishing of anterior and posterior direct composite
resin restorations.
Ultimate Esthetics with Freehand Composite Bonding, Part 2 of 2
Ultimate Esthetics with Freehand Composite Bonding
Guidelines to Decision-Making in Fixed Prosthodontics: Processing
Data and Choosing Clinical Procedures
Dr. Avashai Sadan
Learn the most common factors prevalent in failures in esthetic dentistry,
understand treatment planning protocols that ensure a predictable esthetic result,
learn to predict and prevent failures in dental restorative materials by
understanding their limitations, and learn key indicators that alert you to potential
failures and how you can avoid them.
Guidelines to Decision-Making in Fixed Prosthodontics: Processing
Data and Choosing Clinical Procedures
Esthetic Veneers: Preparation & Material Options, Part 1
Dr. Gary Radz & Dr. Mitch Conditt
In this segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr’s Radz and Conditt
demonstrate the techniques and materials they have successfully used to deliver
the highest standard of esthetic dentistry to their patients. In this program, each
practitioner will treat a patient in their respective practices, taking you step by
step through elements of treatment that are critical to a predictable and successful
outcome. You’ll then join them in the studio as they recap their patient’s
treatment and discuss their individual treatment philosophies.
Esthetic Veneers: Preparation & Material Options, Part 1
Esthetic Veneers: Preparation & Material Options, Part 2
Esthetic Veneers: Preparation & Material Options, Part 2
Determining Optimum Materials: Case by Case, Part 1
Pankey Institute Faculty
This segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, is a panel discussion with
Dr. Stephen Ratcliff facilitating, and featuring Dr. Jim Fondriest, Dr. Tom
Trinkner, and Dr. J.A. Reynolds. Understand the decision process that the top
clinicians employ to determine the best material for each case, learn the subtle,
yet significant differences in material characteristics that can work for or against
your desired esthetic result, and learn how to predictably determine the outcomes
for even the most difficult esthetic challenges.
Determining Optimum Materials: Case by Case, Part 2
Determining Optimum Materials: Case by Case
Anterior Indirect Adhesively Retained Restorations: Clinical Rationale
and Management
Dr. John Kois, DMD MSD
“Always be cognizant of the practical realities of dentistry.” In this segment of
Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr. John Kois takes you step by step through
a complete patient treatment, beginning with diagnosis and treatment planning,
followed by preparation, impressioning, and provisional fabrication and
cementation of the final restorations. Included in this program is a segment
featuring noted ceramist Steve McGowan. In this program, you will learn a
diagnostically based rationale for predictability of anterior tooth restorations,
three distinct zones of anterior tooth preparation, and tooth reduction
consideration and margin design for each zone.
Anterior Indirect Adhesively Retained Restorations: Clinical Rationale
and Management
Drop Dead Gorgeous Dentures
Dr. Charles Barotz
“I take the same approach with dentures that I do with cosmetic dentistry.” In
this segment of Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 4, Dr. Charles Barotz discusses
and demonstrates the technique for fabricating well-fitting and aesthetically
pleasing dentures. Learn to think about, market, and fabricate dentures that
completely satisfy you and your patients, see dentures as a full mouth
reconstruction and a cosmetic makeover, learn the clinical skills to ensure superb
results, reduce patient suffering due to discomfort and frustration of poor
function, and learn to make dentures a satisfying and profitable part of your
Drop Dead Gorgeous Dentures
Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry – Series 5
Porcelain Veneers Within the Dawson Philosophy, Part 1 of 2
Dr. John Cranham
In this program you will see a patient treatment planned for a full-mouth
rehabilitation, and the first phase taken to completion. You will learn how to
prepare teeth for porcelain veneers, fabricate provisionals, obtain optimum
impressions, predictably bond veneers to place, and how to obtain an ideal
occlusal scheme during the provisional and delivery phases of treatment. Special
emphasis will be placed on restoration selection, and how veneers can be used to
restore incisal guidance.
Program Highlights:
 How to optimally plan and sequence treatment, to obtain optimum esthetics,
and optimum function
 How to choose the correct restorative materials for each part of the mouth, and
how EMAX fits into the restoration selection process
 How to prepare, impress, provisionalize, and deliver porcelain veneer
restorations efficiently and predictably
 How the Dawson Philosophy of optimum care, anterior guidance and
optimum oral health works beautifully with the patient who desires elective
esthetic dentistry
Porcelain Veneers Within the Dawson Philosophy, Part 2 of 2
Rhys Spoor, DDS, FAGD
Digital Artistry – Beyond Imagination
Dr. Alex Touchstone and Lee Culp, CDT
In this program you will learn how CAD/CAM technology, when used in
conjunction with time-honored restorative techniques, can empower you to
provide optimal care for your patient in the most esthetically demanding
situations. Dr. Alex Touchstone and Lee Culp will create a new smile for their
patient in a single morning using the latest Empress, CAD multilayered materials
and CEREC, design methods.
Program Highlights:
 Introduction to chairside CAD/CAM anterior esthetics
 Learn the simplicity of finishing made possible with new pre- layered
 Learn precise control of occlusion for functional harmony using time-honored
The Single Central Implant Crown: Shade Control & Color Integration
Dr. John Schwartz
The goal of this course is to discover the supple vitality, beauty, and balance
obtained when implementing advanced layering techniques to ceramic crowns.
Incorporating a biomimetic approach, you will discover the physiologic
justification for tooth color.
Program Highlights:
 Understand the biomimetic approach to color
 Learn how color integrates into tooth shape
 Understand shade documentation and how to utilize it for esthetic
Creating the Ideal Prosthodontic Platform Implants or Endodontics in
the Esthetic Zone
Dr. Thomas J. McGarry
With the success of implant therapy both esthetically and functionally, this
program will cover in depth the diagnostic variables as well as corresponding
treatment procedures when tooth retention is selected or when implant therapy is
Program Highlights:
 Identify the anatomic limitations of the tooth socket in immediate implant
 Utilize prosthodontic techniques to create the ideal gingival architecture for an
implant restoration
 Evaluate whether to retain a tooth through endodontic therapy or replace the
root with an implant
 Utilize orthodontic, periodontic and prosthodontic treatments to improve both
endodontically treated teeth and dental implants
Dr. Louis Malcmacher
The primary goal of this program is to teach dentists and staff how to easily
integrate into their practices the newest advances in no and minimal preparation
Lumineers. Dr. Malcmacher will demonstrate a 10-unit anterior veneer placement
on a patient with Class II malocclusion.
Program Highlights:
 No preparation and minimal preparation porcelain veneers – transform your
practice with these new techniques
 Rapid placement of multiple porcelain veneers
 Choosing the right Lumineer smile design for every patient
 The most rapid placement and finishing techniques available today for
porcelain veneers
Full Mouth Reconstruction: The Clinician, Ceramist and Patient’s
Perspectives, Part 1 of 2
Dr. Steven Ratcliff, Dr. Lee Ann Brady & Mr. Matt Roberts
In this module, Dr. Ratcliff discusses and demonstrates gathering the necessary
diagnostic information required for treatment planning. After discussing the
treatment plan with surgeon Dr. Jorge Ramirez, periodontal surgery is performed
to improve esthetics and health.
Program Highlights:
 Developing a comprehensive treatment plan in Full-Mouth Reconstruction
 Vital patient/clinician communication and information exchange
 Incorporating proven Pankey occlusal philosophy into the creation of a stable
 Proper sequencing of a comprehensive esthetic reconstruction
 Periodontal Surgery to establish Tissue Harmony
 Surgical techniques that lead to vital healthy tissue, including esthetic
correction of previous grafts.
 Key challenges related to proper product and material utilization in complex
combination cases
 Important steps in effective preparation design
 Overcoming clinical challenges
 Indispensable Lab Communications
 Effective partnering with your technician/ceramist
 Follow the case 'benchside' from wax-ups to final restorations with Matt
 Final seating protocols for clinical and esthetic success
Full Mouth Reconstruction: The Clinician, Ceramist and Patient’s
Perspectives, Part 2 of 2