Results: Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Taylor Spatial Frame in the Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Tibial Shaft Fractures DOI: 10.1097/01.bpo.0000218522.05868.f9ISSN: 0271-6798Accession: 01241398200603000-00003Full Text (PDF) 608 K Author(s): AL-Sayyad, Mohammed J. MD, FRCSC Issue:Volume 26(2), March/April 2006, pp 164-170 Publication Type:[Trauma: Original Article] Publisher:(C) 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Institution(s):From the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. None of the authors received financial support for this study. Reprints: Mohammed J. AL-Sayyad, MD, FRCSC, Department Orthopedic Surgery, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, P.O. Box 1817, Jeddah, 21441, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: Keywords: external fixation, Taylor Spatial Frame, tibia fracture ---------------------------------------------Outline Abstract METHODS SURGICAL TECHNIQUE RESULTS DISCUSSION REFERENCES Graphics Figure 1 Figure 2 Table 1 1 Abstract Abstract: The Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) is a modern multiplanar external fixator that combines ease of application plus computer accuracy in the reduction of fractures. A retrospective review of our experience in using this device for treating unstable tibia fractures in pediatric and adolescent patients was carried out to determine the effectiveness and complications of TSF in the treatment of these fractures. Ten tibia fractures were included. All patients were boys with an average age of 12 years (range 8-15 years). Mean duration of follow-up was 3.1 years. These fractures included 5 open fractures. All fractures healed over a mean of 18 weeks. All patients were doing well and involved in sports when last seen. Postoperative complications included pin tract infection in 5 patients. TSF is an effective definitive method of tibia fracture care with the advantage of early mobilization and ability to postoperatively manipulate fracture into excellent alignment. ---------------------------------------------In the skeletally immature patient, few tibial shaft fractures require surgical stabilization.1 These include open fractures, fractures in the multiply injured patient, fractures associated with neurovascular injury, fractures with significant soft tissue injury, compartment syndrome, and comminuted shaft fractures.1-4 For these unstable tibial shaft fractures, external fixation is a common option and historically external fixators have been reserved for the more severe, high-energy fractures with soft tissue damage and comminution. External fixation has been considered by some to have significant complications such as infection, delayed union, refracture, limb overgrowth, malunion, and need for remanipulation.1,5-11 The multiplanar circular fixator popularized by Ilizarov provides better resistance to bending and torsion.12 One common complaint about the circular external fixator for fracture care was the difficulty in applying it. In addition, the methods of fracture reduction with the use of olive and arch wires were difficult to master.12 The Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) presented here has answered most of these complaints. TSF provides all the advantages of multiplanar fixation of the Ilizarov system and even exceeds it in stability. In addition, accurate fracture reduction is now possible and easy to perform with the aid of computer accuracy. This method of treatment allows immediate stabilization of the fracture, facilitates access to soft tissues, and obviates the need for immobilization.12 This is the first report in the English literature that describes the results of using TSF in children and adolescent tibia fractures. The purpose of this article is to determine the effectiveness and complications of the use of TSF (Smith and Nephew Richards, Memphis, TN, USA) in the reduction and treatment of unstable tibial shaft fractures in the abovementioned patient population. METHODS Over a 2-year period, the author treated 64 tibial shaft fractures in children 2 and adolescents. During the same period, 9 patients with 10 unstable tibial fractures were treated using TSF. A retrospective review of these 9 patients was carried out. All patients were followed until after fracture healing. No patients were lost to follow-up. Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed for demographic data, mechanism of injury, associated injuries, surgical data, complications, and functional outcome. Radiographs were reviewed to asses fracture type, location, displacement, angulation, fracture union, and final postoperative alignment. Postoperative computed tomographic (CT) scanograms to evaluate leg length were carried out in all 9 patients. All patients were boys. The average age of the patients at the time of injury was 12 years and 3 months with a range from 8 years and 2 months to 15 years and 5 months. Mean duration of follow-up was 3.1 years (range 2-4 years). The mechanism of injury was car versus pedestrian in 4 patients, the other fractures were sustained in a motor vehicle accident in 3 patients, an all-terrain vehicle injury in 1 patient, and a sports injury in 1 patient. These fractures included 5 open fractures that, based on the classification by Gustillo and Anderson, were two type 2, and three type 3A.13,14 Of the closed fractures, 2 presented with compartment syndrome and 1 had hemorrhagic fracture blisters on presentation to our institute 2 days after the injury. The fracture location involved the proximal third in 1 fracture, the middle third of the tibia in 4 fractures, the junction of the middle and distal third in 3 fractures, and the distal third in 2 fractures. The predominant fracture pattern was transverse in 4 fractures. Two fractures were comminuted, 2 fractures were oblique, 1 was spiral, and 1 was segmental. Five patients had significant associated injuries including severe closed head injury in 1 patient, significant skin loss overlying the fracture site in 1 patient, ipsilateral multiple metatarsal shaft fractures in 2 patients, and pulmonary contusion in 1 patient. The indication of surgery in the closed fracture patients was compartment syndrome in 2 patients, failure of closed reduction in the patient who had the hemorrhagic fracture blisters, and 2 patients who presented 6 weeks after the fracture of which 1 failed closed reduction and cast immobilization and the other after failed closed reduction and monolateral fixation done elsewhere. All patients were treated using TSF (Smith and Nephew Richards, Memphis, TN, USA) using the following technique. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE At surgery a flat-top radiolucent table was used (OSI table, Orthopedic Systems, Union City, CA, USA). The injured limb was prepared and draped as usual, and for open fractures, adequate irrigation and debridement was performed first. A rolled up sheet was placed under the thigh and a second one was placed under the heel. This provided an open access to the entire limb needed for application of TSF. Manual traction (by a surgical assistant pulling on the foot) was used to realign the bone ends and restore some length. 3 The "rings-first" operative method was used in all cases. The diameter of the proximal and distal ring was selected in relation to the size of the patient's leg, with appropriate clearance from the skin to allow for additional swelling and local care of the soft tissue envelope. The diameter of the rings can be different to provide for a more contoured fixator. Next, a proximal or distal reference fragment was selected. The reference fragment was designed to be stationary in space with the opposite moving fragment rotating around it. The proximal and distal rings were attached to each bone segment independently. The rings were placed in an orthogonal manner so each is perpendicular to the long axis of its segment. A transverse 1.8-mm smooth transosseous wire or 6-mm half-pin was next inserted in the reference fragment. The wire should be perpendicular to the bone axis or parallel to the adjacent joint. The fixator ring was mounted to this reference wire or screw. At least three 6-mm hydroxyapatitecoated external screws (Orthofix, Richardson, TX, USA) were used in the diaphysis on each side of the fracture. In the metaphyseal segment 3 or 4, 1.8-mm transosseous wires were placed in the frontal plane and 1 or 2 external screws in the sagittal plane. After the rings were fixed to the bone, 6 struts were attached to the nonparallel rings and the strut length was determined by the ring position. Best possible reduction was achieved, dressing was then applied, and patient was kept under general anesthesia until acute strut adjustment described below was made. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs were then taken. The radiographs were analyzed for deformities present. The total residual online program (Smith and Nephew Richards, Memphis, TN, USA) was used in all cases. To use the previously mentioned computer program, the anatomic side involved needs to be entered, and 13 parameters that describe the fixator itself, the deformity between the bone ends, and the position of the fixator to the bone were entered into the computer. The deformity parameters include the 6 planes of deformity. There may be 3 angulations and 3 translations in the frontal, sagittal, and axial planes. These were measured in degrees and millimeters from the anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs. Before the translation of the bone ends can be measured, the surgeon selects a point on the reference fragment (stationary fragment), which was termed the origin [a bone edge (cortex or spike) was marked on the AP and lateral radiographs]. On the moving fragment, a second point was chosen, either on the same cortex or in the depression of the spike. This was termed the corresponding point and, when repositioned to the origin, the bone ends were reduced anatomically. The translation was calculated as the distance between the origin and corresponding point in the 3 planes previously mentioned. The final data that were entered by the operator were the mounting parameters. The distance between the center of the reference fragment ring and the origin was determined on the AP radiograph. This represents the AP frame offset. The distance between the frame center and the origin on the lateral radiograph was the lateral frame offset. The axial frame offset was the longitudinal distance from the reference ring to the origin measured from the AP radiograph. A rotary frame offset was added according to the frame position on the leg, the number of 4 degrees and the direction were entered in the rotary frame offset box, and the computer through the total residual online program generates the length to which each strut is adjusted to gain perfect reduction. These adjustments were easy to make and were done acutely at the time of fixator application, and if anatomic reduction was not present on the postreduction radiographs, fine tuning using the total residual mode again was then used over the next few days to obtain perfect alignment, according to the adjustment schedule, which was generated by the computer program. Patients who had compartment syndrome underwent 4 compartment fasciotomy with delayed skin grafting. Typically, for an isolated tibia fracture, partial weight bearing was initiated in the first postoperative day and gradually advanced to full weight bearing with help of crutches within 2-4 weeks. Fractures were determined to be healed after evidence of tricortical callus and lack of tenderness at the fracture site. TSF was removed in an outpatient surgery unit under sedation and no postoperative immobilization was needed in all cases. Patients were then seen after 1 week for wound check and then every 3 months. Two case examples are shown in Figures 1 and 2. ---------------------------------------------- FIGURE 1. A, Radiographs of tibial and fibular transverse fracture in a 13-year-old boy. B, Radiographs immediately after application of TSF. C, Radiographs after final adjustment. D, Patient in TSF with preoperative fracture blister seen. E, Radiographs 3 months after removal of fixator, fracture healing, and anatomic alignment are documented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGURE 2. A, Radiographs of open midshaft tibial fracture in a 9-year-old boy. B, Radiographs immediately after application of TSF. C, Radiographs after 3 months from frame application. D, Patient in TSF with foot splint for metatarsal fractures. E, Radiographs 12 months after removal of fixator and anatomic alignment is observed. ---------------------------------------------RESULTS 5 The total operative time averaged 122 minutes (range 110-141 minutes), debridement time averaged 31 minutes (range 30-46 minutes), frame application time averaged 78 minutes (range 70-92 minutes), and the postapplication adjustment under general anesthesia took an average of 13 minutes (range 10-21 minutes). Patients were followed for a mean of 3.1 years (range 2-4.1 years). The 10 fractures healed over a mean of 18 weeks (range 12-29 weeks), for closed fractures the healing time was 14.6 weeks (range 12-18 weeks), and for open fractures healing time was 22 weeks (range 18-29 weeks). Patients remained in the external fixator for a mean of 19 weeks (range 12-33 weeks), which varied from healing time because most of the patients were in school and delayed their frame removal until school commitments were over, waited for the nearest time off, and 1 waited on removal until coming back from vacation on fear of developing trouble while abroad. All patients were doing well and involved in sports when last seen, including patients with other significant associated injuries. Eight patients were not experiencing any pain in their last follow-up and 1 patient with significant skin loss had minimal pain requiring occasional use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Patient's gait was examined and all patients had normal gait. No patient was noted to be more than 5 degrees malrotated on clinical examination. No patient had a functional leg length discrepancy. There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperative complications included superficial pin tract infection in 5 patients and all resolved with oral antibiotics; no patient developed osteomyelitis, neurovascular injury, or had a refracture. All patients had normal range of motion of their knees and ankles on clinical examination during their last follow-up visit. All fractures ultimately united, including 1 patient with severely comminuted fracture, who had a preplanned autogenous iliac crest bone grafting 2 months after the initial injury while still in the external fixator and the fracture healed uneventfully. There were no loss of reduction or return to the operating room for remanipulation, and no patient developed a malunion. The mean preoperative malalignment on the anteroposterior radiograph of the tibia was 14.5 degrees (range 4-35 degrees). The mean preoperative displacement on the anteroposterior radiograph of the tibia was 67% (range 45-100%). The mean preoperative malalignment on the lateral radiograph of the tibia was 9 degrees (range 0-9 degrees). The mean preoperative displacement on the lateral radiograph of the tibia was 63% (range 5-100%). The mean final malalignment on the anteroposterior radiograph of the tibia was 1 degree (range 0-3 degrees). The mean final displacement on the anteroposterior radiograph of the tibia was 0%. The mean final malalignment on the lateral radiograph of the tibia was 1 degree (range 0-3 degrees). The mean final displacement on the lateral radiograph of the tibia was 0%. Table 1 summarizes the preoperative malalignment and the postoperative correction achieved. ---------------------------------------------- 6 TABLE 1. Details of Preoperative Radiographic Malalignment and Postoperative Correction Achieved ---------------------------------------------No leg length discrepancy was detected clinically and the postoperative computed tomography scanogram showed a mean of 1.1 mm (range 0-4 mm) leg length difference. DISCUSSION External fixation has a clear role in the management of unstable pediatric tibia fractures, especially for high-energy injuries with extensive soft tissue damage. The use of an external fixator for the unstable tibia fracture is well described in the literature.5-11 The results have been satisfactory but a number of studies reported significant complications such as infection, delayed union, refracture, limb overgrowth, malunion, need for remanipulation, and joint stiffness.5-11 Complications related to pin site problems have been well described.15,16 Gordon et al 15 reported that circular external fixators should be considered in the unstable tibial shaft fracture with comminution or oblique fracture pattern. Ideally, fracture care should be as minimally invasive as possible and avoiding the presence of foreign material such as plates and intramedullary nails should be considered desirable.12 Internal fixation has the best chance at anatomic reduction, but it is also the most invasive form of treatment and carries a higher risk of infection. Titanium intramedullary nails work best in diaphyseal transverse fracture patterns but unstable oblique, spiral, and comminuted fractures present a greater challenge for intramedullary nails.1,17,18 In this series, excellent reduction was obtained without the need for invasive exposures used during internal fixation. The current study discusses a group of high-energy tibial shaft fractures in skeletally immature patients; these fractures were unstable and could not be treated in the usual closed fashion in a cast. This high-energy trauma caused extensive soft tissue damage and made successful cast treatment very unlikely. Here the author used TSF, which is a modern multiplanar external fixator that combines ease of application, plus computer accuracy in the reduction of tibial fractures through inputting 13 parameters into a computer online program that provides the proper adjustments needed to reduce the fracture; indirect reduction of the fracture is achieved by realigning 1 fracture end to the other through a spatial point of rotation.12 This method of treatment allows immediate stabilization of the fracture, facilitates access to soft tissues, and obviates the need for immobilization. Basically, TSF represents the ultimate form of indirect reduction techniques that are well documented through the corrections 7 achieved and shown in Table 1. In this series, no significant postoperative complications occurred, only 5 patients had pin tract infections and all resolved with oral antibiotics. No patient developed osteomyelitis, neurovascular injury, refracture, delayed union, limb overgrowth, malunion, joint stiffness, or need for remanipulation under general anesthesia. Gordon et al 15 reported that patients with tibial shaft fractures who were over 12 years and were treated with a monolateral device were at a statistically significant risk for loss of reduction. In our series, 7 fractures occurred in patients over 12 years and excellent alignment was achieved in all without need for remanipulation under general anesthesia or loss of reduction with the use of TSF. Few series discussed the use of circular external fixators in treating the fractured tibia.5,12,15,19-21 These were even fewer in case of children tibia fracture.5,15 Bartlett et al 5 reported on 23 open tibia fracture treated with the use of circular external fixator, all fractures in this series healed between 8 and 26 weeks and no refractures occurred. Gordon et al 15 reported on the use of circular external fixator in 16 unstable tibial fracture, all fractures healed, no patient with a circular fixator required a return to the operating room because of loss of reduction or malunion, and no refractures were reported. Schwartsman et al 19 reported on the use of circular external fixators in 18 tibial fracture in adults, all healed and no refractures were reported. Tuker et al 21 used the Ilizarov method in 41 consecutive adult tibial diaphyseal fracture that required operative stabilization. All fractures healed from 12 to 47 weeks without bone grafting and no refractures occurred. Shtarker et al 20 reported on 32 open tibial fracture that were stabilized with the Ilizarov device. All fractures healed with good anatomic alignment, except for one with 5 degrees angulation and another with 1-cm shortening, no nonunion or refracture was reported. Shtarker et al 20 concluded that his results show the superiority of the Ilizarov device compared with other uniplanar external fixators in the treatment of open tibial fractures. The above discussion demonstrates that both adult and pediatric series of tibial shaft fractures stabilized with circular external fixators documented excellent results and did not show a high rate of refractures as that reported previously with monolateral fixators. It is well documented in the literature that refractures are avoided by using proper technique of insertion of appropriately sized half-pins, use of a more modular multiplanar external fixator along with gradual dynamization, and appropriate timing of fixator removal with at least 3 visible cortices as well as postremoval protection of the fractured limb by avoiding impact, contact, collision activity, and aggressive physiotherapy.22-25 All points mentioned here to avoid refractures were strictly followed in the author series and no refractures were encountered. Our mean leg length discrepancy was 1.1 mm with a range of 0-4 mm mainly because our patients were older with a mean age of 12 years and 3 months and has nothing to do with the type of fixator used. Hansen et al 26 reported that accelerated growth after tibial fractures occurs in children younger than 10 years and that 8 older children may have mild growth inhibition; Swaan and Oppers 27 also reported that younger children have a greater chance for overgrowth than older children. In our series, excellent reduction was achieved in all cases with full restoration of length at the time of reduction. This could be the second contributing factor for our reported limb length inequality. Song et al 28 studied open fractures of the tibia in children and stated that external fixation with anatomic reduction does not seem to lead to significant limb length inequality in the absence of an associated ipsilateral femur fracture and reported an average leg length discrepancy of 2.5 mm, and Shannak 29 reported on tibial fractures in children documenting an average leg length discrepancy of 4 mm and that fractures with significant shortening have more physeal growth stimulation than fractures without shortening at union. This is the first report in the English literature that describes the results of using TSF in children and adolescent tibia fractures and the author suggests its use for surgical stabilization of the pediatric and adolescent tibia in open fractures, multiple system injuries, or multiple long bone injuries, failed conservative management, associated compartment syndrome, associated severe soft tissue injuries, and unstable fracture configurations. Previous pediatric series were described using the spatial frame for correction of tibia vara 30 and in correcting femoral shortening and deformity.31 In summary, TSF is an external fixator that can be successfully used for definitive tibia fracture care in the pediatric and adolescent patient from fracture reduction to healing. The technique is noninvasive to the fracture site. The fracture site can be manipulated postoperatively over few days into excellent alignment in outpatient bases with no need for remanipulation in the operating room. The fixator is stable enough to allow early functional weight bearing and active motion of adjacent joints as demonstrated in this pediatric and adolescent patient series. REFERENCES 1. O'Brien T, Weisman DS, Ronchetti P, et al. Flexible titanium nailing for the treatment of the unstable pediatric tibial fracture. J Pediatr Orthop. 2004;24:601-609. Ovid Full Text Bibliographic Links 2. Cullen MC, Roy DR, Crawford AH, et al. 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