2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): for The 46th ANNUAL PAFPC CONFERENCE Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, PA May 3-6, 2015 Presenters are invited to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 2015 Annual Pennsylvania Association of Federal Program Coordinators Conference. The RFP will be available early January at www.pafpc.org. Proposals will be reviewed and selected on a rolling basis upon submission. All proposals must be received by March 6, 2015. Proposals must be submitted in Microsoft Word. Persons submitting proposals must be registered for the conference. The 2015 Annual PAFPC Conference will be held at Seven Springs Resort, Champion, PA. The conference will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday evening May 3, 2015 and will end at noon on Wednesday, May 6, 2015. The theme of this year’s conference is: Onward and Upward: Taking Our Students to the Next Level. This theme reflects the intentions of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Division of Federal Programs (DFP), and the Pennsylvania Association of Federal Program Coordinators (PAFPC). Purpose: The purpose of this conference is to provide the required training and assist PDE, IU’s, district school and business staff, and parents to network and learn from one another about legal federal programs that improve student achievement. Training and technical assistance will include use of the new electronic application and electronic signature, changes in ESEA as a result of the waivers, comparison of current, proposed, and newly implemented policy and regulations from USDE and PDE and the importance of audits and correct fiscal expenditures. A list of the tentative compliance sessions will appear on the Annual Conference Link on our website in January. Sessions’ Content: The content of the four core areas can vary in the extent to which they focus on student achievement. Presenters are asked to identify which of the four core area(s) that is most relevant to the presentation: 1. Technical assistance with correct use of federal and state resources 2. Technical assistance with audit and fiscal compliance 3. Technical assistance with implementation of effective practices 4. Technical assistance with effective instructional programs, materials and technology Presenters must identify which of the four core areas will be addressed within the proposal: 1. Technical Assistance with Correct Use of Federal and State Resources. Sessions should focus on how they use a specific federal or state resource correctly to improve student achievement and remain compliant: Title I: Priority Schools, Focus Schools, Reward Schools, or Designated Schools. Title II: Teacher/Principal Training and Recruitment, Class Size Reduction, Math-Science Partnerships, or Enhancing Education through Technology Title III: Language Instruction for LEP and Immigrant Students Page 1 of 5 Title IV: 21st Century Community Learning Centers 2. Technical Assistance with Audit and Fiscal Compliance. Sessions should provide participants with information and guidance on how to develop, implement and monitor compliance and audit-proof federal programs. 3. Technical Assistance with Implementation of Effective Practices. Sessions should emphasize school improvement efforts that presenters have undertaken as a result of the recently approved waivers that have positively affected student learning and achievement. Presenters should share the lessons learned and what they must and must not do if they are to be successful: The use of data to identify particular strengths and weakness in student performance. The identification of possible explanations/causes of those strengths and weaknesses in student performance and the role data played in that process, and the extent to which explanations/ causes rooted in o specific school programs and related materials o particular instructional practices o the kinds of supplementary interventions and supports provided students o the quality of the environment and climate the school provided for learning. The identification of the strategies that would address the identified explanations/causes. The implementation of those strategies, including providing the quality of professional development that would actually help staff implements those strategies well. The monitoring of the implementation of the strategies The evaluation of the effects on student achievement, and the use the resulting information to help them strengthen their improvement effort. Presenters are encouraged to share the challenges they faced and the ways in which they overcame those challenges, and the lessons they learned about what they must do and what they must not do, if they are to be successful with their improvement efforts. 4. Technical Assistance with Effective Instructional Programs and Materials, and Technology. Sessions should focus on specific programs in reading, math, ELL, early childhood, etc. that have improved student achievement and DISTINGUISH their program or techniques from other schools. Page 2 of 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2015 PAFPC ANNUAL CONFERENCE REQUIRED FORMAT FOR A SESSION DESCRIPTION 1. Applicable Content: Please check the core area that best describes your presentation: Technical Assistance with Correct Use of Federal and State Resources Technical Assistance with Audit and Fiscal Compliance Technical Assistance with Implementation of Effective Practices Technical Assistance with Effective Instructional Programs, Materials and/or Technology 2. Session Title: 3. Session Leader: Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: 4. Session Co-Presenters: Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Page 3 of 5 Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Name: Title: Organization: Phone: Email: 5. Session Description: In 75 words or less provide a description of your proposed session. This description will appear in the program should it be selected. 6. Presentation Times (check all times that you will be available to present) Monday, May 4th—Morning Monday, May 4th—Afternoon Tuesday, May 5th—Morning Tuesday, May 5th—Afternoon Wednesday, May 6th 7. Length of Session: (check one) One hour 8. Two hour Preference with respect to room capacity: (check one) 50 person room 100 person room Page 4 of 5 9. Evaluation Description: In 75 words or less provide a description of how you evaluated the content of your proposed session. 10. Registration and Reservations: Presenters are responsible for the cost of their conference registration and hotel arrangements. Presenters must be registered to submit an RFP. RFPs will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis as they are received. 11. Completed RFPs must be emailed to: JMSheffer@aol.com, jill.manczka@miu4.org, wanda_polaski@iu5.org, and melanie.turner@miu4.org Page 5 of 5