Book Chapters

Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Mayo Clinic – Rochester, MN 8/07-Present
 Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
 Consultant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Division of Spine Surgery, Mayo Clinic
 Associate Orthopedic Spine Surgery Fellowship Director 2013-Present
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Pittsburgh, PA 2006-2007
 Fellowship - Orthopaedic Spinal Surgery
Rush University Medical Center – Chicago, IL 2001-2006
 Residency - Orthopaedic Surgery
M.D., University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, PA 1997-2001
 President of Clinical Neuroscience Tract
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Cambridge, MA 1993-1997
 Mechanical Engineering (GPA 4.8/5.0)
 Minor in Psychology
 Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering Honors Society - Social Chair)
 Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honors Society)
 Premedical Students Association (Board Member)
Mayo Clinic—Rochester, MN (August 2007 - Present)
 A Multi-Center Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blinded, Trial of Efficacy and Safety of Riluzole in Acute
Spinal Cord Injury-Mayo PI
 The Effect of Teriparatide on Lumbar Fusion and Spinal Fixation in an Osteoporotic Rabbit Animal Model
 Efficacy of Riluzole in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Undergoing Surgical Treatment: A Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-center Study-Mayo PI
 Novel Use of Individualized Genomics to Screen and Predict Adjacent Level Degeneration after Cervical Spine Fusion
 Vertebral Fracture Prediction Finite Element Model of the Human Osteoporotic Spine Using Novel Computational and
Experimental Validation Approaches.
 Analysis of C5 Palsy rates associated with multilevel cervical decompression procedures.
 Finite Element Analysis of long segment reconstructions in the cervical spine
 Prospective evaluation of radiculitis and heterotopic bone formation after use of bone morphogenetic protein for
interbody fusion.
 Fracture risk assessment in metastatic spinal tumors with Michael Yaszemski, MD, PhD
 Infection rates in irradiated vs. non-irradiated allograft bone used in spinal arthrodesis procedures with Paul Huddleston,
 Video fluoroscopic evaluation of lumbar degenerative disorders with Ralph Gay MD, Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center– Pittsburgh, PA (August 2006 – 2010)
 Retrospective patient review evaluating the incidence of C5 palsy after cervical reconstructive procedures under the
supervision of James Kang, M.D.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Retrospective patient review to investigate the effect of needle localization during anterior cervical surgery on the
incidence of cervical disk degeneration under the supervision of Joon Lee, M.D.
Survey Study evaluating surgeon preferences in the treatment of cervical facet dislocations in the setting of a herniated
disk on MRI under the supervision of Joon Lee, M.D., and Alex R. Vaccaro, M.D.
Retrospective patient review evaluating autograft fibular harvest for anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion under the
supervision of Joon Lee, MD, and James Kang, MD.
Rush University Medical Center– Chicago, IL (Jan 2004 – July 2006)
 Clinical study investigating cervical cobb angle variation in different patient populations under the supervision of
Gunnar B. Andersson, M.D., Ph.D.
 Biomechanical study of thoracic outlet syndrome after expansion thoracoplasty with VEPTR under the supervision of
Steven M. Mardjetko M.D.
 Finite Element Analysis of long segment reconstructions in the cervical spine under the supervision of Kern Singh,
M.D. and Raghu Natarajan, Ph.D.
 Biomechanical study relating intradiscal pressure changes to disc degeneration and vertebral endplate fractures under
the supervision of Howard S. An, M.D. and Nozume Inoue, M.D.
 Clinical project evaluating bone density changes in vertebral levels adjacent to spine fusions over time under the
supervision of Gunnar Andersson, M.D., Ph.D.
 Cadaveric study evaluating bony anatomy of the humerus, ulna and femur under the supervision of Mark Cohen, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania– Philadelphia, PA (October 2000 - May 2001)
Computer model relating biologic and mechanical properties in a rat rotator cuff injury model under the supervision of
Lou Soslowski, Ph.D. (McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory)
New England Medical Center, Tufts University- Boston, MA (January 1997- May 1997)
Development of a three dimensional tensile strength apparatus to measure the individual force contraction of human
thenar motor units under the supervision of the Department of Neurology, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, and the
MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (Jan 1995-May 1997)
Development of adaptable environments for a group of autonomous micro-robots (ANTS) under the supervision of
Rodney Brooks, Ph.D. (Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Inter. Univ. of the Health Sciences, St. Kitts, West Indies (July 2003 – July 2006)
Instructor and mentor for Chicago area students pursuing medical degrees
Raytheon Corporation, Des Plaines, IL (May 1998 - August 1998)
Designed and developed a propane gas detection and safety system used in most Midwestern airport tower generator
facilities under a contract with the Federal Aviation Administration
Reviewed and finalized schematics for the placement of above ground fuel tankers at Chicago O’Hare International
MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Cambridge, MA (January 1995 - May 1997)
 Computer consultant/Graphics coordinator to MIT Industrial Liaison Professionals
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
MIT Project Interphase, Cambridge, MA (Summer 1995 & 1996)
 Taught entry level college physics to entering underrepresented minority students
College Preparatory School of Illinois, Lombard, IL (Dec 1994 – Jan 1995)
Taught high school geometry and physics to grades 9-12
AOA Austria Swiss Germany Traveling Fellow, Spring 2014
AO Spine North America Young Investigator Award Grant 2013-2014, Effect of Human Recombinant Parathyroid
Hormone Treatment on the Osteoporotic Spine. A rabbit Model of Spinal Instrumentation and Fusion
AOA Japanese Orthopedic Association Traveling Fellow, May 2012
CSRS/OREF Clinician Scientist Development Program Recipient, October 2011
Scoliosis Research Society New Investigator Grant 2011-2013, Vertebral Fracture Prediction Finite Element Model of
the Human Osteoporotic Spine Using Novel Computational and Experimental Validation Approaches.
Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation Young Investigator Grant 2011-2012, Vertebral Fracture Prediction
Finite Element Model of the Human Osteoporotic Spine Using Novel Computational and Experimental Validation
Cervical Spine Research Society 21st Century Grant 2010-2012, Novel Use of Individualized Genomics to Screen and
Predict Adjacent Level Degeneration after Cervical Spine Fusion
Mid-America Orthopedic Association, Traveling Fellowship Award 2009
Best Spine Section Poster Award, The incidence of C5 Palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A
review of 750 consecutive cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donalson WF III, Kang, JD.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, February 2009
Best Overall Poster Award, The incidence of C5 Palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of
750 consecutive cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donalson WF III, Kang, JD. American
Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, February 2009
Cervical Spine Research Society, Best Clinical Poster Award 2007. Does Incorrect Level Needle Localization During
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Lead to Accelerated Disc Degeneration? Bashir RS, Nassr A, Rihn J, Lee
JY. San Francisco, CA.
Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine Best Paper Award 2007 – Runner-Up. Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
as a complication of VEPTR. Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Mardjetko SM. Madrid, Spain.
Jorge O. Galante Research Award 2005. Three-Dimensional In Vivo Measurement Of Axial Rotation Under Torsion In
A Patient With Spondylolysis Using Dynamic Computed Tomography. Nassr A, Inoue N, Ochia R, Yang KH, Lorenz
E, An HS
The Spine Journal Outstanding Paper Award 2004 [Clinical Science] – Runner-Up. Congenital Lumbar Spinal Stenosis:
A Controlled, Matched Cohort Radiographic Analyses. Singh K, Samartzis D, Vaccaro AR, Nassr A, Andersson GB,
Yoon ST, Phillips FM, Goldberg E, An HS. SPINE J, Vol 5, 2005.
Honorary Instructor, International University of the Health Sciences
Discover Magazine People’s Choice Award for ANTS microrobots
Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor’s Society
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor’s Society
Peer-Reviewed Grants
Scoliosis Research Society New Investigator Grant 2011-2013, Vertebral Fracture Prediction Finite Element Model of
the Human Osteoporotic Spine Using Novel Computational and Experimental Validation Approaches.
Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation Young Investigator Grant 2011-2012, Vertebral Fracture Prediction
Finite Element Model of the Human Osteoporotic Spine Using Novel Computational and Experimental Validation
Cervical Spine Research Society 21st Century Grant 2010-2012, Novel Use of Individualized Genomics to Screen and
Predict Adjacent Level Degeneration after Cervical Spine Fusion
Mayo Scholarly Opportunity Award 2008-2010, Prospective Evaluation of Radiculitis Following Use of Bone
Morphogenetic Protien-2 for Interbody Arthrodesis in Spinal Surgery
AO Spine North America Grant 2013-2014, Effect of Human Recombinant Parathyroid Hormone Treatment on the
Osteoporotic Spine. A rabbit Model of Spinal Instrumentation and Fusion
Book Chapters
Prevention and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Deformity of the Thoracolumbar Spine. Nassr A, Singh K, Wimberly D,
Vaccaro AR. In Albert TJ, Heary R (eds) Spinal Deformities: The Essentials, Thieme, 2005.
Curbside Consultation of the Spine: 49 Clinical Questions. Infection and Trauma Sections. Nassr A, Lee JY. Singh, K
(ed), SLACK Inc., 2008
Traumatic Dural Tears. Hanna AS, Nassr A, Harrop JS. In Patel V, Burger E, Brown C (eds) Spine Trauma: Surgical
Techniques, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
Management of Cervical Facet Dislocations: Anterior Versus Posterior Approach. Yu E, Nassr A. In Vaccaro AR, Eck
JC (eds) Controversies in Spine Surgery: Evidence-Based Treatment Recommendations, Thieme, 2010
Anterior Decompression, Instrumentation, Fusion Techniques: corpectomy, strut grafting. Nassr A, Ponnappan RK,
Kang JD. In Keith H. Bridwell (ed) The Textbook of Spinal Surgery. 3 rd Edition, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2011. P 236-52.
Anterior Decompression, Instrumentation, Fusion Techniques: Discectomy, Foraminotomy, Disc space carpentry.
Ponnappan RK, Nassr A, Kang JD. In Keith H. Bridwell (ed) The Textbook of Spinal Surgery. 3 rd Edition,
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2011. P 253-67.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Cervical Spine Imaging in Trauma. Syed IY, Ali MH, Nassr A, Lee JY. In The Cervical Spine 5th Edition: The
Cervical Spine Research Society Editorial Committee, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2012. P 1512-19.
Smith Peterson and Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomies. Nassr A, Cui Q, Yaszemski MJ. In Vaccaro A, Eck JC (eds),
Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers New Delhi. 2013;296-304.
Management of Cervical Facet Dislocations. Syed IY, Yu E, Nassr A, Lee JY. In Fehlings M (ed) Essentials of Spinal
Cord Injury, Thieme (Submitted for publication)
Primary Bony Tumors of the Cervical Spine. Eck JC, Nassr A, Currier BL. In Shen FH, Samartzis, D, Fessler RG (eds)
The Cervical Spine, Elsevier (Submitted for Publication
Web Based Education
Spinal Tumors. Eck JC, Nassr A. Interactive Educational Program for Spine. Magnifi Group Inc.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Congenital Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Controlled, Matched Cohort Radiographic Analyses. Singh K, Samartzis D,
Vaccaro AR, Nassr A, Andersson GB, Yoon ST, Phillips FM, Goldberg E, An HS. Spine J. 2005 Nov-Dec;5(6):615-22.
A Prospective Analysis of Vertebral Body Bone Mineral Density Adjacent to a Posterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion: A 9-12
Year Follow-up. Singh K, An HS, Samartzis D, Nassr A, Hickey M, Andersson GB. Spine. 2005 Aug 1; 30(15):17505.
Osseous Anatomy of the Distal Humerus and Proximal Ulna: Implications for Total Elbow Arthroplasty. Goldberg
SH, Omid, R, Nassr AN, Beck R, Cohen MS. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2006 Sept 19.
Epidural Hematoma Causing Paraplegia After A Fluoroscopically Guided Cervical Nerve-Root Injection. A Case
Report. Lee JY, Nassr A, Ponnappan RK. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89:2037-9.
Cervical Spine Injuries Associated with the Incorrect Use of Airbags in Motor Vehicle Collisions. Donaldson WF 3rd,
Hanks SE, Nassr A, Vogt MT, Lee JY. Spine. 2008 Mar 15; 33(6):631-4
Variations in Surgical Treatment of Cervical Facet Dislocations. Nassr A, Lee JY, Dvorak MF, Harrop JS, Dailey AT,
Shaffrey CI, Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud R, Grauer JN, Winegar C, Vaccaro AR. Spine. 2008 Apr
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Secondary to VEPTR Expansion Thoracoplasty: Pathogenesis and Strategies for
Prevention/Treatment. Nassr A, Larson AN, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Sturm PF, Mardjetko SM. J. Pediatr Orhop.
2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):31-4
Does Incorrect Level Needle Localization During Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Lead to Accelerated Disc
Degeneration? Nassr A, Lee JY, Bashir RS, Rihn J, Eck JC, Kang JD, Lim MR. Spine. 2009 Jan 15;34(2):189-92.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Differences between neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons in classifying cervical dislocation injuries and making
assessment and treatment decisions: a multicenter reliability study. Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud YR, Harrop
JS, Dailey AT, Shaffrey CI, Grauer JN, Dvorak MF, Bono CM, Wilsey JT, Lee JY, Nassr A, Vaccaro AR, Spine
Trauma Study Group. American J. of Orthopedics. 2009 Oct:38(10):E156-61.
The Timing and Influence of MRI on the Management of Patients with Cervical Facet Dislocations Remains Highly
Variable: A Survey of the members of The Spine Trauma Study Group. Grauer JN, Vaccaro AR, Lee JY, Nassr A,
Dvorak MF, Harrop JS, Dailey AT, Shaffrey CI, Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud R. Journal of Spinal Disorders
and Techniques. 2009 Apr:22(2):96-9.
Controversies in the Treatment of Cervical Spine Dislocations. Lee JY, Nassr A, Eck JC, Vaccaro AR. Spine Journal.
2009 May;9(5):418-23
Utility of Helical Computed Tomography in Differentiating Unilateral and Bilateral Facet Dislocations. Dailey AT,
Shaffrey CI, Rampersaud R, Lee JY, Brodke, DS, Arnold PM, Nassr A, Harrop JS, Grauer JN, Bono CM, Vaccaro AR.
Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2009;32(1)43-8.
Postoperative Culture Positive Surgical Site Infections after the use of Irradiated Allograft, Nonirradiated Allograft, or
Autograft for Spinal Fusion. Mikhael MM, Huddleston PM, Nassr A. Spine. 2009 Oct 15;34(22):2466-8.
Donor-Site Complications of Autogenous Nonvascularized Fibula Strut Graft Harvest for Anterior Cervical
Corpectomy and Fusion Surgery: Experience with 163 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Khan MH, Ali MH, Espiritu MT,
Hanks SE, Lee JY, Donaldson WF, Kang JD. Spine Journal. 2009 Nov;9(11):893-8.
C5 Palsy Following Cervical Decompression Procedures. Kalisvaart MM, Nassr A, Eck JC. Neurosurgery Quarterly.
2009 Dec;19(4):276-282.
Biomechanical Effects of Anterior, Posterior, and Combined Anterior-posterior Instrumentation Techniques on the
Stability of a Multi-level Cervical Corpectomy Construct: A Finite element Model Analysis. Hussain M, Nassr A,
Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GBJ. Spine J. 2011 Apr; 11(4):324-30.
Treatment of a Thoracic Dural-Pleural Fistula with a Vascularized Omental Flap. A Case Report. Sahota, S; Nassr A,
Khan MH, Marsh WR, Moran SL, Arnold PM, Dekutoski MB. Spine. 2012 Jan 18.
The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. Spine. 2012 Feb 1;37(3):174-8.
Corpectomy versus discectomy for the treatment of multilevel cervical spinal pathology: A finite element model
analysis. Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GBJ. Spine J. 2012 May 12(5):401-8.
Physiologic Imaging of the Spine. Khalil J, Nassr A, Maus TP. Radiol Clin North Am. 2012 Jul; 50(4):599-611.
Longitudinal changes in lumbar bone mineral density distribution may increase the risk of wedge fractures. Giambini
H, Khosla S, Nassr A, Zhao C, An KN. Clin Biomech. 2013 Jan;28(1):10-4.
Anterior and posterior variations in mechanical properties of human vertebrae measured by nanoindentation. Giambini
H, Wang HJ, Zhao C, Chen Q, Nassr A, An KN. J Biomech. 2013 Feb 1;46(3):456-61.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Biomechanics of adjacent segments after a multilevel cervical corpectomy using anterior, posterior, and combined
anterior-posterior instrumentation techniques: A finite element model study. Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan RN, An
HS, Andersson GBJ. Spine J. 2013;13(6):689-96
Thoracolumbosacral Spinal Subdural Abscess: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearance and Limited Surgical
Management. Khalil J, Nassr, A, Diehn FE, Campeau NG Atkinson JL, Sia IG, Hanna A. Spine. 2013 Jun
CORR Insights®: Does Minimally Invasive Surgery Have a Lower Risk of Surgical Site Infections Compared With
Open Spinal Surgery? Nassr A. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Aug 2.
Biomechanical changes at adjacent segments are inversely proportional to number of fused bone grafts in multilevel
cervical fusions: A finite element model investigation. Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GBJ
(Accepted to J Neurosurg Spine)
Sagittal Balance and Spinopelvic Parameters following Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Degenerative Scoliosis: A
Case-Control Study. Baghdadi YM, Larson AN, Dekutoski MB, Sebastian AS, Cui Q, Nassr A. (Submitted to Spine
Aberrant Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery injury with C1 Lateral Mass Screw Placement: A Case Report and Review
of the Literature. Swann RP, Nassr A, Huston, J, Abdelfatah MM, Rose PS, Currier, BL. (Submitted to The Spine
A case report of a novel combined open and percutaneous surgical technique used for the treatment of multiple
noncontiguous spinal fractures in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Sebastian A, Dekutoski MB, Nassr A.
(Submitted to Journal of Neurosurgery Spine)
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Induced Radiculitis following Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Arthrodesis.
Sanfilippo JA, Lee JY, Nassr A, Rihn J, Albert TJ, Hillibrand AS. Spine. (in preparation for submission)
Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures? A review of 459 consecutive cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson WF, Kang
JD (In preparation for submission)
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Aggressive Epithelioid Hemangioma of the Spine: A Case Report. Adair M, Nassr A,
Sebastian A, Morris JM, Arndt C, Sim F (In Preparation for submission)
CT Exposure and Energy Effects on Bone Mineral Density Estimation from Calibration Phantoms. Giambini H, Nassr
A, Huddleston PM III, Dragomir_Daescu D, An KN (In preparation for submission)
Surface Strain Analysis Using Digital Image Correlation and a Novel Technique for Inducing Vertebral Wedge
Fractures. Giambini H, Wang H, Nassr A, An KN, Dragomir-Daescu D (In preparation for submission)
Perioperative Complications in Open versus Percutaneous Treatment of Spinal Fractures in Patients with an Ankylosed
Spine. Moussallem CD, Nassr A, Cui Q, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PM, Pichelman MA, Dekutoski MB (In
preparation for submission)
Optimal Treatment of Isolated Cervical Facet Fractures: A Systematic Review. Spine Trauma Study Group. (In
preparation for submission)
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Clinical Presentation and Natural History. Nassr A, Huddleston PM 3rd. Arab Health
Magazine. 2008, Issue One, pp. 32-34
Cervical Arthroplasty. Kalisvaart MM, Nassr A. Contemporary Spine Surgery. 11(8):1-7, August 2010
Complications of Cervical Arthroplasty. Kalisvaart MM, Nassr A. Contemporary Spine Surgery. 11(9):1-5, September
Can Outpatient Surgery Decrease Complications in Spine Surgery? Nassr A. JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Spine
Surgery, Vol. 2, Issue 7, July 3, 2013
Long Adult Deformity Fusions to L5: The Fate of the L5-S1 Disc. Deol G, DeWald CJ, Nassr A, Hammerberg KW,
DeWald RL.
Bone Densitometry Analysis of Adjacent Level Spinal Motion Segments after Diskectomy or Lumbar Arthrodesis: A 712 Year Study. Nassr A, Singh K, An HS, Andersson GB.
Three-Dimensional In Vivo Measurement of Axial Rotation Under Torsion in a Patient with Spondylolysis Using
Dynamic Computed Tomography. Nassr A, Inoue N, Ochia R, Yang KH, Lorenz E, An HS.
A comparison of cortical thickness, intra-medullary diameter, and bone length of the humerus, ulna, and femur in
cadavers. Goldberg SH, Nassr A, Omid, R, Beck RJ, Cohen MS.
Congenital lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective, controlled, matched cohort radiographic analyses. Singh K, Samartzis
D, Andersson G, Yoon T, Nassr A, Phillips F, Goldberg E, An H.
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a complication of VEPTR. Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Mardjetko
Long-Segment Spinal Reconstruction in the Setting of Multilevel Cervical Corpectomies: A Finite Element Analysis.
Nassr A, Hussain M, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GB, Singh K.
Sagittal Alignment of the Cervical Spine in Patients with Intervertebral Disc Herniation. Nassr A, Makda J, Andersson
Reliability Of Diagnosis And Treatment Decisions For Traumatic Cervical Dislocation. Nassr A, Lee JY, Arnold P,
Brodke D, Dailey A, Schwartz DG, Grauer J, Rampersaud R, Vaccaro A.
10. Biomechanics of Adjacent Segments with Number of Inter-Body Bone Grafts and Spinal Instrumentations for a MultiLevel Fusion Construct Using a Finite Element Model. An HS, Andersson GB, Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan, R.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
11. Reliability among Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons in Classifying Cervical Dislocation Injuries and Making
Assessment and Treatment Decisions: A Multicenter Reliability Study. Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud R, Harrop
JS, Dailey AT, Shaffrey CI, Grauer JN, Dvorak MF, Bono CM, Wilsey J, Lee JY, Nassr A, Vaccaro AR.
12. Does Incorrect Level Needle Localization During Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Lead to Accelerated Disc
Degeneration? Bashir RS, Nassr A, Rihn J, Lee JY.
13. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Induced Radiculitis following Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Arthrodesis.
Sanfilippo, JA, Lee JY, Nassr A, Rihn J, Albert TJ, Hillibrand AS.
14. Donor-Site Complications of Autogenous Nonvascularized Fibula Strut Graft Harvest for Anterior Cervical
Corpectomy and Fusion Surgery: Experience with 163 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Khan MH, Ali MH, Espiritu MT,
Hanks SE, Lee JY, Donaldson WF, Kang JD.
15. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD.
16. Classification of Spinopelvic Resections: Oncologic and Reconstructive Implications. Yaszemski MJ, Rose PS,
Currier B, Dekutoski MB, Huddleston PM, Nassr A, Shives T, Sim F.
17. Cervical Osteophyte: A Rare Cause of Dysphagia. Beyder A, Kashyap P, Regelman LA, Nassr A, Farrugia G.
18. Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures.? A Review of 459 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson III WF,
Kang JD.
19. Lumbar Spinous Process Splitting Laminoplasty: A Novel Technique for Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression.
Nassr A, Moussallem C, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PS, Huddleston PH, Dekutoski MB.
20. Longitudinal Changes in Lumbar Bone Mineral Density Distribution May Increase the Risk of Wedge Fractures.
Giambini H, Khosla S, Nassr A, Zhao C, An KN.
21. Surface Strain Analysis Using Digital Image Correlation and a Novel Technique for Inducing Vertebral Wedge
Fractures. Giambini H, Wang HJ, Nassr A, An KN, Dragomir-Daescu D.
22. Anterior and Posterior Variations in Mechanical Properties of Human Vertebrae Measured by Nanoindentation.
Giambini H, Wang HJ, Zhao C, Chen Q, Nassr A, An KN.
23. Perioperative Complications in Open versus Percutaneous Treatment of Spinal Fractures in Patients with an Ankylosed
Spine. Moussallem CD, Nassr A, Cui Q, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PM, Pichelman MA, Dekutoski MB.
24. Thromboembolic Disease after Cervical Spine Surgery: A Review of 7926 Surgical Procedures. Sebastian AS, Nassr A,
Currier BL, Huddleston PM, Rose P, Yaszemski MJ, Dekutoski MB.
Poster Presentations
Three-Dimensional In Vivo Measurement of Axial Rotation Under Torsion in a Patient with Spondylolysis Using
Dynamic Computed Tomography. Nassr A, Inoue N, Ochia R, Yang KH, Lorenz E, An HS. INTERNATIONAL
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
A prospective cohort analyses of adjacent vertebral body bone mineral density in lumbar surgery patients with or
without instrumented posterolateral fusion: A 9-12 year follow-up. Singh K, An HS, Samartzis D, Nassr A, Provus J,
Congenital lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective, controlled, matched cohort radiographic analyses. Singh K, Samartzis
D, Andersson G, Yoon T, Nassr A, Phillips F, Goldberg E, An H. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LUMBAR
SPINE SURGERY, 2005, New York, NY.
A prospective cohort analyses of adjacent vertebral body bone mineral density in lumbar surgery patients with or
without instrumented posterolateral fusion: A 9-12 year follow-up. Singh K, An HS, Samartzis D, Nassr A, Provus J,
de Janeiro, Brazil.
Congenital lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective, controlled, matched cohort radiographic analyses. Singh K, Samartzis
D, Andersson G, Yoon T, Nassr A, Phillips F, Goldberg E, An H..WORLD SPINE III: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY
CONGRESS ON SPINE CARE, 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a complication of VEPTR. Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Mardjetko
Effect of Corpectomy and Discectomy Fusion Procedures on the Stability of Multi-Level Cervical Construct with
Anterior Rigid Screw-Plate Fixation – A Finite Element Model Study. Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan R, Andersson G,
2007, Keystone, CO.
Biomechanics of Adjacent Segments with Number of Inter-Body Bone Grafts and Spinal Instrumentations for a MultiLevel Fusion Construct Using a Finite Element Model. An HS, Andersson GB, Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan, R.
Does Incorrect Level Needle Localization During Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Lead to Accelerated Disc
Degeneration. Bashir RS, Nassr A, Rihn J, Lee JY. CERVICAL SPINE RESEARCH SOCIETY, 2007, San Francisco,
10. Does Incorrect Level Needle Localization During Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Lead to Accelerated Disc
TECHNIQUES, 2008, Hong Kong.
11. Donor-Site Complications of Autogenous Nonvascularized Fibula Strut Graft Harvest for Anterior Cervical
Corpectomy and Fusion Surgery: Experience with 163 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Khan MH, Ali MH, Espiritu MT,
Hanks SE, Lee JY, Donaldson WF, Kang JD. MINNESOTA ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETY, 2009, Minneapolis, MN.
12. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
13. Cervical Osteophyte: A Rare Cause of Dysphagia. Beyder A, Kashyap P, Regelman LA, Nassr A, Farrugia G.
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
14. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. MID-AMERICA ORTHOPEDIC
ASSOCIATION, 2010, Austin, TX.
15. Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures? A review of 459 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson III WF,
16. Lumbar Spinous Process Splitting Laminoplasty: A Novel Technique for Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression.
Nassr A, Moussallem C, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PS, Huddleston PH, Dekutoski MB. SOCIETY FOR
17. Longitudinal Changes in Lumbar Bone Mineral Density Distribution May Increase the Risk of Wedge Fractures.
Giambini H, Khosla S, Nassr A, Zhao C, An KN. ORTHOPEDIC RESEARCH SOCIETY, Jan 2013, San Antonio, TX
18. Surface Strain Analysis Using Digital Image Correlation and a Novel Technique for Inducing Vertebral Wedge
Fractures. Giambini H, Wang HJ, Nassr A, An KN, Dragomir-Daescu D. ORTHOPEDIC RESEARCH SOCIETY, Jan
2013, San Antonio, TX
Scientific Presentations
Long Adult Deformity Fusions to L5: The Fate of the L5-S1 Disc. Deol G, DeWald CJ, Nassr A, Hammerberg KW,
DeWald RL. SCOLIOSIS RESEARCH SOCIETY, 2003, Quebec, Canada.
A prospective cohort analyses of adjacent vertebral body bone mineral density in lumbar surgery patients with or
without instrumented posterolateral fusion: A 9-12 year follow-up. Singh K, An HS, Samartzis D, Nassr A, Provus J,
Hickey M, Andersson G. NORTH AMERICAN SPINE SOCIETY, 2005, Philadelphia.
A prospective cohort analyses of adjacent vertebral body bone mineral density in lumbar surgery patients with or
without instrumented posterolateral fusion: A 9-12 year follow-up. Singh K, An HS, Samartzis D, Nassr A, Provus J,
Hickey M, Andersson G. SCOLIOSIS RESEARCH SOCIETY, 2005, Miami, FL.
Long-Segment Spinal Reconstruction in the Setting of Multilevel Cervical Corpectomies: A Finite Element Analysis.
Nassr A, Hussain M, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GB, Singh K. MIDWESTERN RESIDENT RESEARCH
COMPETITION, 2006, Chicago, IL.
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a complication of VEPTR Expansion Thoracoplasty: Pathogenesis and
Strategies for Prevention/Treatment. Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Sturm PF, Mardjetko SM. RUSH
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a complication of VEPTR Expansion Thoracoplasty: Pathogenesis and
Strategies for Prevention/Treatment. Mardjetko SM, Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Sturm PF. AMERICAN
Biomechanical Comparison of the Multilevel Cervical Corpectomy Using Rigid Anterior Screw-Plate and/or Rigid
Posterior Screw-Rod System – A Finite Element Model Study. Hussain M, Nassr A, Natarajan RN, Andersson GB, An
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a Complication of VEPTR. Mardjetko SM, Nassr AN, Crane BP, Hammerberg
Reliability Of Diagnosis And Treatment Decisions For Traumatic Cervical Dislocation. Nassr A, Lee JY, Arnold P,
Brodke D, Dailey A, Schwartz DG, Grauer J, Rampersaud R, Vaccaro A. NORTH AMERICAN SPINE SOCIETY,
2007, Austin, TX.
10. Iatrogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as a complication of VEPTR. Nassr A, Crane B, Hammerberg KW, Mardjetko
11. Reliability among Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons in Classifying Cervical Dislocation Injuries and Making
Assessment and Treatment Decisions: A Multicenter Reliability Study. Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud R, Harrop
JS, Dailey AT, Shaffrey CI, Grauer JN, Dvorak MF, Bono CM, Wilsey J, Lee JY, Nassr A, Vaccaro AR. CERVICAL
12. Reliability among Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons in Classifying Cervical Dislocation Injuries and Making
Assessment and Treatment Decisions: A Multicenter Reliability Study. Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Rampersaud R, Harrop
JS, Dailey AT, Shaffrey CI, Grauer JN, Dvorak MF, Bono CM, Wilsey J, Lee JY, Nassr A, Vaccaro AR. AMERICAN
13. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Induced Radiculitis following Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Arthrodesis.
Sanfilippo, JA, Lee JY, Nassr A, Rihn J, Albert TJ, Hillibrand AS. INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON ADVANCED
14. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. CERVICAL SPINE RESEARCH
SOCIETY, 2008, Austin, TX
15. Classification of Spinopelvic Resections: Oncologic and Reconstructive Implications. Yaszemski MJ, Rose PS,
Currier B, Dekutoski MB, Huddleston PM, Nassr A, Shives T, Sim F. MINNESOTA ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETY,
2009, Minneapolis, MN
16. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF
17. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. MINNESOTA ORTHOPEDIC
SOCIETY, 2010, Minneapolis, MN
18. The incidence of C5 palsy after multilevel cervical decompression procedures: A review of 750 consecutive cases.
Nassr A, Eck JC, Ponnappan RK, Zanoun RR, Donaldson III WF, Kang JD. NORTH AMERICAN SPINE SOCIETY,
2010, Orlando, FL
19. Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures? A review of 459 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson III WF,
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
20. Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures? A review of 459 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson III WF,
21. Lumbar Spinous Process Splitting Laminoplasty: A Novel Technique for Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression.
Nassr A, Moussallem C, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PS, Huddleston PH, Dekutoski MB. SPINE STUDY
GROUP, 2012, West Palm Beach, FL
22. Does Resection of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Impact the Incidence of C5 Palsy after Cervical Corpectomy
Procedures.? A Review of 459 Consecutive Cases. Nassr A, Eck JC, Woods BI, Ponnappan RK, Donaldson III WF,
Kang JD. JAPANESE ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATION, 85 th Annual Meeting, May 2012, Kyoto, Japan
23. Perioperative Complications in Open versus Percutaneous Treatment of Spinal Fractures in Patients with an Ankylosed
Spine. Moussallem CD, Nassr A, Cui Q, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PM, Pichelmann MA, Dekutoski MB.
24. Perioperative Complications in Open versus Percutaneous Treatment of Spinal Fractures in Patients with an Ankylosed
Spine. Moussallem CD, Nassr A, Cui Q, Currier BL, Yaszemski MJ, Rose PM, Pichelmann MA, Dekutoski MB.
25. Thromboembolic Disease after Cervical Spine Surgery: A Review of 7926 Surgical Procedures. Sebastian AS, Nassr A,
Currier BL, Huddleston PM, Rose P, Yaszemski MJ, Dekutoski MB. CERVICAL SPINE RESEARCH SOCIETY, Dec
2012, Chicago, IL
26. Anterior and Posterior Variations in Mechanical Properties of Human Vertebrae Measured by Nanoindentation.
Giambini H, Wang HJ, Zhao C, Chen Q, Nassr A, An KN. ORTHOPEDIC RESEARCH SOCIETY, Jan 2013, San
Antonio, TX
Surgery for Back Pain, SPINE PAIN, 10th Annual Mayo Health System Regional Rehabilitation Provider Conference,
September 2007, Rochester, MN.
Cervical Arthroplasty, Grand Rounds, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, May 19, 2008, Rochester, MN.
Cervical Arthroplasty, Grand Rounds, Department of Neurological Surgery, Mayo Clinic, August 18, 2008, Rochester,
Imaging for Spinal Surgery, Radiology Conference, Mayo Clinic, December 9 th, 2008, Rochester, MN
Cervical Arthroplasty, 8th Annual Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, Mayo Clinic, January 22, 2009, Orlando, FL.
Course Faculty, Mayo Clinic, 4th International Spine Symposium, Feb 1-5th, 2009, Maui, HI
Common Cervical Spinal Disorders, The Minnesota State Assembly of Surgical Technologists, March 28 th, 2009,
Rochester, MN
Course Faculty, AO Spine North America Fellows Forum, April 8-11th, 2010 Banff, Alberta, Canada
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Treatment of Degenerative Cervical Spinal Disorders, Minnesota Radiological Society, April 24th, 2010, Rochester, MN
Cervical Myelopathy: Evaluation and Treatment, Mayo Regional Orthopedic Society Spring Symposium, May 8 th,
2010, Rochester, MN
Cervical Arthroplasty, Grand Rounds, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Oct 15 th 2010,
Nashville, TN
Who needs to see the Orthopedic Surgeon for Neck Pain?, 48th Annual Indianhead Symposium, Feb 3rd 2011, Cable,
Who needs to see the Orthopedic Surgeon for Low Back Pain?, 48th Annual Indianhead Symposium, Feb 3rd 2011,
Cable, WI
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery. ICL 450: Avoiding and Managing Complications
in Cervical Spine Surgery. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Feb 18 th 2011, San Diego,
What is the Evidence for MIS? 6th Mayo Clinic Spine Symposium, March 21 st 2011, Key West, FL
Clinical Value of Varying Osteotomies to Treat Kyphosis in the Thoracolumbar Spine. 6th Mayo Clinic Spine
Symposium, March 23rd 2011, Key West, FL
Moderator: Back and Leg Pain Session. 6th Mayo Clinic Spine Symposium, March 23rd 2011, Key West, FL
Course Faculty, AO Spine North America Fellows Forum, March31st –April 4th, 2011 Banff, Alberta, Canada
Minimally Invasive Surgery Applications in Spine Trauma, Contemporary Concepts in Spine Surgery, Jun 4 th, 2011,
Las Vegas, NV
Radiation Exposure in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Contemporary Concepts in Spine Surgery, Jun 4th, 2011, Las
Vegas, NV
Surgical Management of Hardware Associated Spinal Infections, The Stevens Conference on Bacteria-Material
Interactions, June 9th, 2011, Hoboken, NJ
Minimally Invasive Surgery Applications in Spine Trauma, University of Virginia, Department of Orthopedics, Spine
Conference and Visiting Professor, November 17 th, 2011, Charlottesville, VA
Course Faculty, Vertebral Augmentation for VCFs: Review of the Evidence, Cervical Myelopathy (Debate), Central
Large HNP with LBP and Radiculopathy (Case Discussion), Spine IEP Fellows Course, Nov 18-20th, 2011, South
Beach, FL
Course Faculty, Debate on Anterior vs. Posterior Treatment of Cervical Myelopathy. Instructional Course, CSRS 2011
Annual Meeting, December 2011, Scottsdale, AZ
Novel Use of Individualized Genomics to Screen and Predict Adjacent Level Degeneration after Cervical Spine Fusion,
Grant Update, CSRS 2011 Annual Meeting, December 2011, Scottsdale, AZ
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Evidence, Imaging and Radiation Exposure in MIS Spine Surgery. Mayo Clinic Radiology Technicians Inservice
Conference, December 14th, 2011 Rochester MN.
Evidence, Imaging and Radiation Exposure in MIS Spine Surgery. Mayo Clinic Spine Conference, January, 2012,
Rochester MN.
The Evidence for MIS Spine Surgery. Mayo Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, January 14th 2012, Phoenix, AZ
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery. ICL 429: Avoiding and Managing Complications
in Cervical Spine Surgery. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Feb 2012, San Francisco, CA
The Role of Biologics in Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. ICL 350: Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: A Participant
Driven Interactive Program for Evidence Based Decision Making. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual
Meeting, Feb 2012, San Francisco, CA
Cervical Myelopathy: Case Studies; Breakfast Roundtable Discussion. 7th Mayo Clinic Spine Symposium, March 2012,
Naples, Florida
Self Assessment Exam Session, Moderator, 7th Mayo Clinic Spine Symposium, March 2012, Naples, Florida
MIS Applications in Spine Trauma, Hiroshima University, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA Traveling
Fellowship, Hiroshima, Japan, May 8th, 2012
MIS Applications in Spine Trauma, Osaka City University, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA Traveling
Fellowship, Osaka, Japan, May 10th, 2012
Lumbar Spinous Process Splitting Laminoplasty, Nara Medical University, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA
Traveling Fellowship, Nara, Japan, May 12th, 2012
MIS Applications in Spine Trauma, Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA
Traveling Fellowship, Nishinomiya, Japan, May 15th, 2012
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery, Gifu University School of Medicine, Department of
Orthopedic Surgery, JOA Traveling Fellowship, Gifu, Japan, May 22 nd, 2012
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery, Yokohama City University, School of Medicine,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA Traveling Fellowship, Yokohama, Japan, May 24 th, 2012
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery, Keio University, School of Medicine, Department
of Orthopedic Surgery, JOA Traveling Fellowship, Tokyo, Japan, May 25 th, 2012
Lumbar Spinous Process Splitting Laminoplasty, Keio University, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, JOA Traveling Fellowship, Tokyo, Japan, May 25 th, 2012
Osteoporosis Management, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East, Annual Meeting, Lebanon, Beirut,
June 27th, 2012
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Surgical Management of Metastatic Spine Disease, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East, Annual
Meeting, Lebanon, Beirut, June 29th, 2012
Cervical Arthroplasty, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East, Annual Meeting, Lebanon, Beirut, June
29th, 2012
Debate: Lamino-foraminotomy for Cervical Radiculopathy, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East,
Annual Meeting, Lebanon, Beirut, June 30th, 2012
Posterior Approaches for Cervical Myelopathy, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East, Annual Meeting,
Lebanon, Beirut, June 30th, 2012
Moderator: 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2012
Addressing the Kyphotic Degenerative Lumbar Curve, MIS Techniques for Adult Degenerative Deformity, Scoliosis
Research Society, Chicago, IL, September5-8, 2012
Panel: Adult Degenerative Deformity Case Examples, MIS Techniques for Adult Degenerative Deformity, Scoliosis
Research Society, Chicago, IL, September 5-8, 2012
Thoracolumbar Fractures: From the Field to the OR, Emergency Medicine and Trauma Update: Beyond the Golden
Hour, St. Paul, MN, November 15th, 2012
External Fixation Principals and Workshop, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course, Gaziantep,
Turkey, November 2012
Compartment Syndrome, Diagnosis and Management, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course,
Gaziantep, Turkey, November 18-25, 2012
Orthopedics in an Austere Environment, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course, Gaziantep,
Turkey, November 18-25, 2012
Crush Syndrome, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course, Gaziantep, Turkey, November 18-25,
Splinting workshop, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course, Gaziantep, Turkey, November 1825, 2012
Amputations, Syrian American Medical Society Physician Training Course, Gaziantep, Turkey, November 18-25, 2012
Pseudoarthrosis and Implant Failure, Complications Session, 17th Instructional Course, Cervical Spine Research
Society, Chicago, IL, December 5th, 2012
Novel Use of Individualized Genomics to Screen and Predict Adjacent Level Degeneration after Cervical Spine Fusion,
Grant Update, Cervical Spine Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2012
Instrumentation Options for Use in Cervical Deformity, ICL 128: Cervical Deformity, American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 2013
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Neurologic Complications Associated with Cervical Spine Surgery, ICL 169 Avoiding and Managing Complications in
Cervical Spine Surgery, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, March 2013
Upper Cervical Spine Instrumentation Techniques, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East Annual
Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013
Osteoporosis Management, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East Annual Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon,
June 2013
Update on rhBMP-2, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East Annual Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013
Tips and Tricks in Primary Spine Tumor Management, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near East Annual
Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013
Faculty: PLIF/TLIF/Thoraco-lumbar Osteotomies Cadaveric Training, Society for Progress and Innovation in the Near
East Annual Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013
OREF Spine Grant Research Review Committee 2011-Present
Spinal Implant Committee, Mayo Clinic 2011-Present
Orthopedic Regional Coordinating Committee, Mayo Clinic 2010-2012
Cervical Spine Research Society-Member 2009-Present; Program Committee member, 2013-Present
Orthopedic Education Committee, Mayo Clinic Fall 2008-Present
Interdisciplinary Spinal Cord Injury Committee, Mayo Clinic 11/07-Present
North American Spine Society-Member 2008-Present
AO Spine North America-Member 2011-Present
Scoliosis Research Society-Candidate Member 2008-Present, IMAST Program Committee member, 2010-11, SRS
Facebook Administrator 2011-Present, Patient Education Committee 2011-Present
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons- Member 2007-Present, Fellow Class of 2011
Minnesota Orthopedic Society-Member 2008-Present, Program Chair 2009 Meeting, Board of Directors 2009-11,
Minneapolis, MN
Mid-America Orthopedic Association-Member 2008-Present
ASTM International-Member 2008-2011, Orthopedic and Spinal Implant Committees
Association for Collaborative Spine Research, Member 2012-Present, Spine Trauma Focus Group Member
Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Alumni Association-Member 2007-Present
Minnesota Medical Association-Member 2007-Present
Zumbro Valley Medical Association-Member 2007-Present2
South Asian Spine Society-Member 2008-Present
Medical Director, Spine Surgery, Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund 2012-Present
Reviewer for Spine Journal 6/08-Present
Reviewer for Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 1/09-Present
Reviewer for Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1/09-Present
Reviewer for Global Spine Journal 9/11-Present
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Reviewer for Clinical Anatomy 11/11-Present
Reviewer for Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 3/12-Present
Reviewer for The Spine Journal Jan 2013-Present
CORR, Guest Editor, Special Issue, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (In preparation)
JBJS Orthopedic Highlights: Spine Surgery, Associate Editor 2013
Dr. James D. Schwender, Twin Cities Spine, Minneapolis, MN – Minimally Invasive TLIF Techniques, March 10,
Dr. Lawrence G. Lenke, Washington University, St. Louis, MO – Advanced Deformity Techniques May 12-14th, 2008
Dr. K. Daniel Riew, Washington University, St. Louis, MO – Mid America Orthopedic Association Traveling
Fellowship, Advanced Cervical Spine Surgical Techniques, March 16-19th, 2009
Dr. Atiq Durrani, Center for Advanced Spine Technologies, Cincinnati, OH –Minimally Invasive Fusion Techniques
(Trans-Sacral lumbar interbody fusion, Trans-psoas interbody fusion, Percutaneous Spinal Instrumentation), May 28 th,
Dr. Boachie-Adjei, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY- Trans-Sacral Lumbar Interbody Fusion applications
for deformity surgery, February 23rd, 2011
Dr. James D. Schwender, Twin Cities Spine, Minneapolis, MN – Minimally Invasive TLIF Techniques, April 14, 2012
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, Gaza Strip, An Occupied Territories, Adult and Pediatric Spinal Surgery Mission
Trip, September 9-18, 2011.
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, West Bank, Palestinian Occupied Territories, Pediatric Spinal Surgery Mission
Trip, November1-12, 2012.
Syrian American Medical Society, Syria and Border Regions of Turkey, Orthopedic Surgery and Spinal Surgery
Mission Trip, November 18-25 2012.
Jason Eck, DO, Orthopedic Surgeon, Center for Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics, Chattanooga, TN
Anthony Rocissano, DO, Spinal Surgery in Billings, Montana
Marcus Noger, MD
Amgad Hanna, MD, Neurosurgeon, UW Health, Madison, Wisconsin
Hongbo Liu, MD, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, San Antonio, Texas
Hector Pullido Torres, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Monterrey, Mexico
Melissa Erickson, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Tidewater Orthopaedic Associates INC, Hampton, Virginia
Ahmad Nassr, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
200 1st St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507-284-5539 Fax
Charbel Moussallem, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Lebanon Medical University, Beirut
Jad Khalil, MD, Academic Spine Surgeon, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan
Brian Vernon, MD, Spine Surgeon in Utah
Quangi Cui, MD
Yaser Baghdadi, MD
A. Noelle Larson MD, Consultant, Mayo Clinic, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Stephen DeSouza, Mayo Medical School
Michael Kralovec, MD, Mayo Orthopedic Resident
Rick Winder, MD, Mayo Orthopedic Resident
Mentor – Minnesota’s Future Doctor Shadowing Program 2008-Present
Mentor – Mayo Medical School 2008-Present
Mentor – Mayo Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program 2009- Present
Representative - Rush University House Staff Association, 2003-2005
Coordinator - Clinical Neurosciences Tract, Univ. of Penn, 1999-2001
President - College Preparatory School of Illinois Alumni Assoc, 1994
Social Chair - MIT Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honors Society, 1996-1997
Publicity Chair - MIT Premedical Students Association 1992-1993
Teacher - Univ. of Pennsylvania, Pipeline Project, 1997-1998
Participant - Hepatitis Education Project, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1998
Participant - Univ. of Penn., I.M. Softball, 1997-2001
Interviewer - Univ. of Penn. School of Medicine, 1999-2001
Recruiter - University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, 1997-2001
Player - MIT Men’s Rugby 1993-1997
Interpreter- Penn Med Language Link 1997-2001