Physical Examination Spine and Extremities Liaoning Medical University Affiliated First Hospital He Xin 1 一、Spine Diseases of spine often present with pain、 abnormalities of posture or configuration, and limited activity 2 Contents of examination of Spine 1、Curvature of Spine 2、 Activity of spine 3、 Pressing and Percussive Pain 3 1、Curvature of Spine Physiologic curvature Four curvatures including cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrate can be seen in human when observe laterally, characterized as shape “S”. Lateral curvature may not be inspected in normal people 4 Anatomy of spine 5 Pathological deformity Kyphosis or gibbus ---Rachitis ---Tuberculosis ---Rheumatoid spondylitis ---Osseous retrogrde degeneration ---Others: trauma, dysplasia or spondylous steochondritis 6 7 8 Scoliosis ---The posture scoliosis common causes are (a) false posture in maturity of child hood (b) the unilateral lower extremity is much shorter (c) prolapse of intervertebral cartilages (d) poliomyelitic sequelae ---Organic scoliosis The character of this condition is that it can not be corrected by changing posture 9 10 2、 Activity of spine Normal activity The normal active ranges of cervical and lumbar vertebrae are as follows: antexion extension Left and Right Lateral rotation curvature Cervical vertebrae 45° 45° 45°, ana 60° Lumbar vertebrae 45° 35° 30°, ana 45° 11 12 Limited activity The common causes of limited activity of cervical vertebrae --- cervicomuscular strain --- proliferative arthritis --- tuberculosis or cancer --- fracture or trauma of cervical vertebrae 13 Limited activity The common causes of limited activity of lumbar vertebrae --- strain of lumbar muscles --- proliferative arthritis --- tuberculosis or cancer --- fracture or trauma of lumbar vertebrae --- prolapse of intervertebral cartilage. 14 3、 Pressing and Percussive Pain Pressing pain The common causes are tuberculosis of spine, prolapse of intervertebral cartilages, fracture, or trauma 15 3、 Pressing and Percussive Pain Percussive pain The inspecting methods include direct and indirect percussion. Positive of this sign will indicate some diseases of spine as tuberculosis, fracture, or prolapse of intervertebral cartilages. The percussive pain site usually hints the disease site. 16 二、Extremities Examination of the extremities is conducted primarily by inspection and palpation. The two methods will be considered together. Normally any two comparable extremities are nearly symmetric. Asymmetry, when present, may be attributed to atrophy, congenital defects, or traumatic deformities. 17 Contents of examination of Extremities 1、Paramorphia 2、Unusual Movements and Abnormalities 18 1、Paramorphia koilonychia, Acropachy, acromegaly, Genua varus and valgus, Pes varus and pes valgus, Fracture and abarticulation Pes planus or flat foot, Muscle atrophy, Varicose veins of lower extremities, Edema 19 2、Unusual Movements and Abnormalities unusual movements of the upper and lower extremities are in most instances manifest by disturbances of gait, movement tremor, rest tremor, liver flap, and so on 20 三、Articulus Normally all the articuli will remain their special conformation and function well unless they are disease. Any joint deformity should be described with regard to its location, general appearance, range of movement, swelling, redness, warmth, tenderness, and crepitation. 21 1、Paramorphia ---wrist joints tendovaginal synovitis , Ganglion cyst , Tendovaginal fibrolipoma , Others ---phalangeal joints fusiform joints, Claw hand , Others 22 23 2、Articulations genu Asymmetry of the articulations genu with redness, swelling, fever, tenderness, and unusual movements are often due to inflammation by acute rheumatic arthritis. Effusion of cavum articulare can be diagnosed by palpation characteristically as floating patella phenomenon. 24 Floating patella phenomenon 25 3、Others Rigidity, hypertrophia, or deformity of joints, and nodular tophi due to irregular bony erosions caused by hyperuricaemia are present in gout. The most commonly involved joints are the great toe, ankle, tarsus, and knee. In 40% it involves more than one joint. 26 4、Movement Function Movement range and tenderness should be detected during the active and passive movement of each joint. 27 THANK YOU !